Пример #1
def test_open_array_n5(zarr_version):

    store = 'data/array.zarr'
    kwargs = _init_creation_kwargs(zarr_version)

    # for N5 store
    store = 'data/array.n5'
    z = open_array(store, mode='w', shape=100, chunks=10, **kwargs)
    z[:] = 42
    assert isinstance(z, Array)
    assert isinstance(z.store, N5Store)
    assert (100, ) == z.shape
    assert (10, ) == z.chunks
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), z[:])

    store = 'data/group.n5'
    group_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
    # if zarr_version == 3:
    #     group_kwargs['path'] = 'group'
    z = open_group(store, mode='w', **group_kwargs)
    i = z.create_group('inner')
    a = i.zeros("array", shape=100, chunks=10)
    a[:] = 42

    # Edit inner/attributes.json to not include "n5"
    with open('data/group.n5/inner/attributes.json', 'w') as o:

    # Re-open
    a = open_group(store, **group_kwargs)["inner"]["array"]
    assert isinstance(a, Array)
    assert isinstance(z.store, N5Store)
    assert (100, ) == a.shape
    assert (10, ) == a.chunks
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), a[:])
Пример #2
    def test_round_trip_nd(self):
        data = np.arange(1000).reshape(10, 10, 10)
        name = 'raw'

        store, _ = self.create_store()
        f = open_group(store, mode='w')
        f.create_dataset(name, data=data, chunks=(5, 5, 5), compressor=None)
        h = open_group(store, mode='r')
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(h[name][:], data)
Пример #3
    def test_inconsistent_dimension_separator(self):
        data = np.arange(1000).reshape(10, 10, 10)
        name = 'raw'

        store, _ = self.create_store()
        f = open_group(store, mode='w')

        # cannot specify dimension_separator that conflicts with the store
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            f.create_dataset(name, data=data, chunks=(5, 5, 5),
                             compressor=None, dimension_separator='.')
Пример #4
def image_to_zarr(image: omero.gateway.ImageWrapper,
                  args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
    target_dir = args.output
    cache_dir = target_dir if args.cache_numpy else None

    name = os.path.join(target_dir, "%s.zarr" % image.id)
    print(f"Exporting to {name} ({VERSION})")
    store = open_store(name)
    root = open_group(store)
    n_levels, axes = add_image(image, root, cache_dir=cache_dir)
    add_multiscales_metadata(root, axes, n_levels)
    add_omero_metadata(root, image)
Пример #5
def test_open_group():
    # test the open_group() convenience function

    store = 'example'

    # mode == 'w'
    g = open_group(store, mode='w')
    assert_is_instance(g, Group)
    assert_is_instance(g.store, DirectoryStore)
    eq(0, len(g))
    g.create_groups('foo', 'bar')
    eq(2, len(g))

    # mode in 'r', 'r+'
    open_array('example_array', shape=100, chunks=10, mode='w')
    for mode in 'r', 'r+':
        with assert_raises(KeyError):
            open_group('doesnotexist', mode=mode)
        with assert_raises(KeyError):
            open_group('example_array', mode=mode)
    g = open_group(store, mode='r')
    assert_is_instance(g, Group)
    eq(2, len(g))
    with assert_raises(PermissionError):
    g = open_group(store, mode='r+')
    assert_is_instance(g, Group)
    eq(2, len(g))
    g.create_groups('baz', 'quux')
    eq(4, len(g))

    # mode == 'a'
    g = open_group(store, mode='a')
    assert_is_instance(g, Group)
    assert_is_instance(g.store, DirectoryStore)
    eq(0, len(g))
    g.create_groups('foo', 'bar')
    eq(2, len(g))
    with assert_raises(KeyError):
        open_group('example_array', mode='a')

    # mode in 'w-', 'x'
    for mode in 'w-', 'x':
        g = open_group(store, mode=mode)
        assert_is_instance(g, Group)
        assert_is_instance(g.store, DirectoryStore)
        eq(0, len(g))
        g.create_groups('foo', 'bar')
        eq(2, len(g))
        with assert_raises(KeyError):
            open_group(store, mode=mode)
        with assert_raises(KeyError):
            open_group('example_array', mode=mode)

    # open with path
    g = open_group(store, path='foo/bar')
    assert_is_instance(g, Group)
    eq('foo/bar', g.path)
Пример #6
def plate_to_zarr(plate: omero.gateway._PlateWrapper,
                  args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
       Exports a plate to a zarr file using the hierarchy discussed here ('Option 3'):
    gs = plate.getGridSize()
    n_rows = gs["rows"]
    n_cols = gs["columns"]
    n_fields = plate.getNumberOfFields()
    total = n_rows * n_cols * (n_fields[1] - n_fields[0] + 1)

    target_dir = args.output
    cache_dir = target_dir if args.cache_numpy else None
    name = os.path.join(target_dir, "%s.zarr" % plate.id)
    print(f"Exporting to {name}")
    root = open_group(name, mode="w")

    count = 0
    max_fields = 0
    t0 = time.time()

    row_names = set()
    col_names = set()
    well_paths = set()

    col_names = plate.getColumnLabels()
    row_names = plate.getRowLabels()
    plate_acqs = list(plate.listPlateAcquisitions())
    ac_names = [pa.name for pa in plate_acqs] if plate_acqs else ["0"]

    plate_metadata = {
        "name": plate.name,
        "rows": [{
            "name": str(name)
        } for name in row_names],
        "columns": [{
            "name": str(name)
        } for name in col_names],
        "acquisitions": [{
            "path": x
        } for x in ac_names],
    root.attrs["plate"] = plate_metadata

    for well in plate.listChildren():
        row = plate.getRowLabels()[well.row]
        col = plate.getColumnLabels()[well.column]
        field_paths = []
        for field in range(n_fields[0], n_fields[1] + 1):
            ws = well.getWellSample(field)
            field_name = "%d" % field
            count += 1
            if ws and ws.getImage():
                img = ws.getImage()
                ac = ws.getPlateAcquisition()
                ac_name = ac.getName() if ac else "0"
                ac_group = root.require_group(ac_name)
                row_group = ac_group.require_group(row)
                col_group = row_group.require_group(col)
                field_group = col_group.require_group(field_name)
                n_levels = add_image(img, field_group, cache_dir=cache_dir)
                add_group_metadata(field_group, img, n_levels)
                # Update Well metadata after each image
                col_group.attrs["well"] = {
                    "images": [{
                        "path": x
                    } for x in field_paths]
                max_fields = max(max_fields, field + 1)
            print_status(int(t0), int(time.time()), count, total)

        # Update plate_metadata after each Well
        plate_metadata["wells"] = [{"path": x} for x in well_paths]
        plate_metadata["field_count"] = max_fields
        root.attrs["plate"] = plate_metadata

Пример #7
def test_open_array():

    store = 'data/array.zarr'

    # mode == 'w'
    z = open_array(store, mode='w', shape=100, chunks=10)
    z[:] = 42
    assert_is_instance(z, Array)
    assert_is_instance(z.store, DirectoryStore)
    eq((100,), z.shape)
    eq((10,), z.chunks)
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), z[:])

    # mode in 'r', 'r+'
    open_group('data/group.zarr', mode='w')
    for mode in 'r', 'r+':
        with assert_raises(ValueError):
            open_array('doesnotexist', mode=mode)
        with assert_raises(ValueError):
            open_array('data/group.zarr', mode=mode)
    z = open_array(store, mode='r')
    assert_is_instance(z, Array)
    assert_is_instance(z.store, DirectoryStore)
    eq((100,), z.shape)
    eq((10,), z.chunks)
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), z[:])
    with assert_raises(PermissionError):
        z[:] = 43
    z = open_array(store, mode='r+')
    assert_is_instance(z, Array)
    assert_is_instance(z.store, DirectoryStore)
    eq((100,), z.shape)
    eq((10,), z.chunks)
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), z[:])
    z[:] = 43
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=43), z[:])

    # mode == 'a'
    z = open_array(store, mode='a', shape=100, chunks=10)
    z[:] = 42
    assert_is_instance(z, Array)
    assert_is_instance(z.store, DirectoryStore)
    eq((100,), z.shape)
    eq((10,), z.chunks)
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), z[:])
    with assert_raises(ValueError):
        open_array('data/group.zarr', mode='a')

    # mode in 'w-', 'x'
    for mode in 'w-', 'x':
        z = open_array(store, mode=mode, shape=100, chunks=10)
        z[:] = 42
        assert_is_instance(z, Array)
        assert_is_instance(z.store, DirectoryStore)
        eq((100,), z.shape)
        eq((10,), z.chunks)
        assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), z[:])
        with assert_raises(ValueError):
            open_array(store, mode=mode)
        with assert_raises(ValueError):
            open_array('data/group.zarr', mode=mode)

    # with synchronizer
    z = open_array(store, synchronizer=ThreadSynchronizer())
    assert_is_instance(z, Array)

    # with path
    z = open_array(store, shape=100, path='foo/bar', mode='w')
    assert_is_instance(z, Array)
    eq('foo/bar', z.path)
Пример #8
def test_open_array():

    store = 'data/array.zarr'

    # mode == 'w'
    z = open_array(store, mode='w', shape=100, chunks=10)
    z[:] = 42
    assert isinstance(z, Array)
    assert isinstance(z.store, DirectoryStore)
    assert (100, ) == z.shape
    assert (10, ) == z.chunks
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), z[:])

    # mode in 'r', 'r+'
    open_group('data/group.zarr', mode='w')
    for mode in 'r', 'r+':
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            open_array('doesnotexist', mode=mode)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            open_array('data/group.zarr', mode=mode)
    z = open_array(store, mode='r')
    assert isinstance(z, Array)
    assert isinstance(z.store, DirectoryStore)
    assert (100, ) == z.shape
    assert (10, ) == z.chunks
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), z[:])
    with pytest.raises(PermissionError):
        z[:] = 43
    z = open_array(store, mode='r+')
    assert isinstance(z, Array)
    assert isinstance(z.store, DirectoryStore)
    assert (100, ) == z.shape
    assert (10, ) == z.chunks
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), z[:])
    z[:] = 43
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=43), z[:])

    # mode == 'a'
    z = open_array(store, mode='a', shape=100, chunks=10)
    z[:] = 42
    assert isinstance(z, Array)
    assert isinstance(z.store, DirectoryStore)
    assert (100, ) == z.shape
    assert (10, ) == z.chunks
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), z[:])
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        open_array('data/group.zarr', mode='a')

    # mode in 'w-', 'x'
    for mode in 'w-', 'x':
        z = open_array(store, mode=mode, shape=100, chunks=10)
        z[:] = 42
        assert isinstance(z, Array)
        assert isinstance(z.store, DirectoryStore)
        assert (100, ) == z.shape
        assert (10, ) == z.chunks
        assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), z[:])
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            open_array(store, mode=mode)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            open_array('data/group.zarr', mode=mode)

    # with synchronizer
    z = open_array(store, synchronizer=ThreadSynchronizer())
    assert isinstance(z, Array)

    # with path
    z = open_array(store, shape=100, path='foo/bar', mode='w')
    assert isinstance(z, Array)
    assert 'foo/bar' == z.path

    # with chunk store
    meta_store = 'data/meta.zarr'
    chunk_store = 'data/chunks.zarr'
    z = open_array(store=meta_store,
    z[:] = 42
    assert os.path.abspath(meta_store) == z.store.path
    assert os.path.abspath(chunk_store) == z.chunk_store.path

    # for N5 store
    store = 'data/array.n5'
    z = open_array(store, mode='w', shape=100, chunks=10)
    z[:] = 42
    assert isinstance(z, Array)
    assert isinstance(z.store, N5Store)
    assert (100, ) == z.shape
    assert (10, ) == z.chunks
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), z[:])

    store = 'data/group.n5'
    z = open_group(store, mode='w')
    i = z.create_group('inner')
    a = i.zeros("array", shape=100, chunks=10)
    a[:] = 42

    # Edit inner/attributes.json to not include "n5"
    with open('data/group.n5/inner/attributes.json', 'w') as o:

    # Re-open
    a = open_group(store)["inner"]["array"]
    assert isinstance(a, Array)
    assert isinstance(z.store, N5Store)
    assert (100, ) == a.shape
    assert (10, ) == a.chunks
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), a[:])
Пример #9
def open(store: StoreLike = None, mode: str = "a", **kwargs):
    """Convenience function to open a group or array using file-mode-like semantics.

    store : Store or string, optional
        Store or path to directory in file system or name of zip file.
    mode : {'r', 'r+', 'a', 'w', 'w-'}, optional
        Persistence mode: 'r' means read only (must exist); 'r+' means
        read/write (must exist); 'a' means read/write (create if doesn't
        exist); 'w' means create (overwrite if exists); 'w-' means create
        (fail if exists).
        Additional parameters are passed through to :func:`zarr.creation.open_array` or

    z : :class:`zarr.core.Array` or :class:`zarr.hierarchy.Group`
        Array or group, depending on what exists in the given store.

    See Also
    zarr.creation.open_array, zarr.hierarchy.open_group


    Storing data in a directory 'data/example.zarr' on the local file system::

        >>> import zarr
        >>> store = 'data/example.zarr'
        >>> zw = zarr.open(store, mode='w', shape=100, dtype='i4')  # open new array
        >>> zw
        <zarr.core.Array (100,) int32>
        >>> za = zarr.open(store, mode='a')  # open existing array for reading and writing
        >>> za
        <zarr.core.Array (100,) int32>
        >>> zr = zarr.open(store, mode='r')  # open existing array read-only
        >>> zr
        <zarr.core.Array (100,) int32 read-only>
        >>> gw = zarr.open(store, mode='w')  # open new group, overwriting previous data
        >>> gw
        <zarr.hierarchy.Group '/'>
        >>> ga = zarr.open(store, mode='a')  # open existing group for reading and writing
        >>> ga
        <zarr.hierarchy.Group '/'>
        >>> gr = zarr.open(store, mode='r')  # open existing group read-only
        >>> gr
        <zarr.hierarchy.Group '/' read-only>


    path = kwargs.get('path', None)
    # handle polymorphic store arg
    clobber = mode == 'w'
    # we pass storage options explicitly, since normalize_store_arg might construct
    # a store if the input is a fsspec-compatible URL
    _store: BaseStore = normalize_store_arg(store,
                                                "storage_options", {}))
    path = normalize_storage_path(path)

    if mode in {'w', 'w-', 'x'}:
        if 'shape' in kwargs:
            return open_array(_store, mode=mode, **kwargs)
            return open_group(_store, mode=mode, **kwargs)

    elif mode == "a":
        if "shape" in kwargs or contains_array(_store, path):
            return open_array(_store, mode=mode, **kwargs)
            return open_group(_store, mode=mode, **kwargs)

        if contains_array(_store, path):
            return open_array(_store, mode=mode, **kwargs)
        elif contains_group(_store, path):
            return open_group(_store, mode=mode, **kwargs)
            raise PathNotFoundError(path)
Пример #10
def open(store, mode='a', **kwargs):
    """Convenience function to open a group or array using file-mode-like semantics.

    store : MutableMapping or string
        Store or path to directory in file system or name of zip file.
    mode : {'r', 'r+', 'a', 'w', 'w-'}, optional
        Persistence mode: 'r' means read only (must exist); 'r+' means
        read/write (must exist); 'a' means read/write (create if doesn't
        exist); 'w' means create (overwrite if exists); 'w-' means create
        (fail if exists).
        Additional parameters are passed through to :func:`zarr.open_array` or

    See Also
    zarr.open_array, zarr.open_group


    Storing data in a directory 'data/example.zarr' on the local file system::

        >>> import zarr
        >>> store = 'data/example.zarr'
        >>> zw = zarr.open(store, mode='w', shape=100, dtype='i4')  # open new array
        >>> zw
        <zarr.core.Array (100,) int32>
        >>> za = zarr.open(store, mode='a')  # open existing array for reading and writing
        >>> za
        <zarr.core.Array (100,) int32>
        >>> zr = zarr.open(store, mode='r')  # open existing array read-only
        >>> zr
        <zarr.core.Array (100,) int32 read-only>
        >>> gw = zarr.open(store, mode='w')  # open new group, overwriting previous data
        >>> gw
        <zarr.hierarchy.Group '/'>
        >>> ga = zarr.open(store, mode='a')  # open existing group for reading and writing
        >>> ga
        <zarr.hierarchy.Group '/'>
        >>> gr = zarr.open(store, mode='r')  # open existing group read-only
        >>> gr
        <zarr.hierarchy.Group '/' read-only>


    path = kwargs.get('path', None)
    # handle polymorphic store arg
    store = normalize_store_arg(store, clobber=(mode == 'w'))
    path = normalize_storage_path(path)

    if mode in {'w', 'w-', 'x'}:
        if 'shape' in kwargs:
            return open_array(store, mode=mode, **kwargs)
            return open_group(store, mode=mode, **kwargs)

    elif mode == 'a':
        if contains_array(store, path):
            return open_array(store, mode=mode, **kwargs)
        elif contains_group(store, path):
            return open_group(store, mode=mode, **kwargs)
        elif 'shape' in kwargs:
            return open_array(store, mode=mode, **kwargs)
            return open_group(store, mode=mode, **kwargs)

        if contains_array(store, path):
            return open_array(store, mode=mode, **kwargs)
        elif contains_group(store, path):
            return open_group(store, mode=mode, **kwargs)
Пример #11
def test_open_array():

    store = 'example'

    # mode == 'w'
    z = open_array(store, mode='w', shape=100, chunks=10)
    z[:] = 42
    assert_is_instance(z, Array)
    assert_is_instance(z.store, DirectoryStore)
    eq((100, ), z.shape)
    eq((10, ), z.chunks)
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), z[:])

    # mode in 'r', 'r+'
    open_group('example_group', mode='w')
    for mode in 'r', 'r+':
        with assert_raises(KeyError):
            open_array('doesnotexist', mode=mode)
        with assert_raises(KeyError):
            open_array('example_group', mode=mode)
    z = open_array(store, mode='r')
    assert_is_instance(z, Array)
    assert_is_instance(z.store, DirectoryStore)
    eq((100, ), z.shape)
    eq((10, ), z.chunks)
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), z[:])
    with assert_raises(PermissionError):
        z[:] = 43
    z = open_array(store, mode='r+')
    assert_is_instance(z, Array)
    assert_is_instance(z.store, DirectoryStore)
    eq((100, ), z.shape)
    eq((10, ), z.chunks)
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), z[:])
    z[:] = 43
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=43), z[:])

    # mode == 'a'
    z = open_array(store, mode='a', shape=100, chunks=10)
    z[:] = 42
    assert_is_instance(z, Array)
    assert_is_instance(z.store, DirectoryStore)
    eq((100, ), z.shape)
    eq((10, ), z.chunks)
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), z[:])
    with assert_raises(KeyError):
        open_array('example_group', mode='a')

    # mode in 'w-', 'x'
    for mode in 'w-', 'x':
        z = open_array(store, mode=mode, shape=100, chunks=10)
        z[:] = 42
        assert_is_instance(z, Array)
        assert_is_instance(z.store, DirectoryStore)
        eq((100, ), z.shape)
        eq((10, ), z.chunks)
        assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), z[:])
        with assert_raises(KeyError):
            open_array(store, mode=mode)
        with assert_raises(KeyError):
            open_array('example_group', mode=mode)

    # with synchronizer
    z = open_array(store, synchronizer=ThreadSynchronizer())
    assert_is_instance(z, Array)

    # with path
    z = open_array(store, shape=100, path='foo/bar', mode='w')
    assert_is_instance(z, Array)
    eq('foo/bar', z.path)
Пример #12
def plate_to_zarr(plate: omero.gateway._PlateWrapper,
                  args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
    Exports a plate to a zarr file using the hierarchy discussed here ('Option 3'):
    gs = plate.getGridSize()
    n_rows = gs["rows"]
    n_cols = gs["columns"]
    n_fields = plate.getNumberOfFields()
    total = n_rows * n_cols * (n_fields[1] - n_fields[0] + 1)

    target_dir = args.output
    cache_dir = target_dir if args.cache_numpy else None
    name = os.path.join(target_dir, "%s.zarr" % plate.id)
    store = open_store(name)
    print(f"Exporting to {name} ({VERSION})")
    root = open_group(store)

    count = 0
    max_fields = 0
    t0 = time.time()

    well_paths = set()

    col_names = plate.getColumnLabels()
    row_names = plate.getRowLabels()

    plate_metadata = {
        "name": plate.name,
        "rows": [{
            "name": str(name)
        } for name in row_names],
        "columns": [{
            "name": str(name)
        } for name in col_names],
        "version": VERSION,
    # Add acquisitions key if at least one plate acquisition exists
    acquisitions = list(plate.listPlateAcquisitions())
    if acquisitions:
        plate_metadata["acquisitions"] = [
            marshal_acquisition(x) for x in acquisitions
    root.attrs["plate"] = plate_metadata

    for well in plate.listChildren():
        row = plate.getRowLabels()[well.row]
        col = plate.getColumnLabels()[well.column]
        fields = []
        for field in range(n_fields[0], n_fields[1] + 1):
            ws = well.getWellSample(field)
            if ws and ws.getImage():
                ac = ws.getPlateAcquisition()
                field_name = "%d" % field
                count += 1
                img = ws.getImage()
                field_info = {"path": f"{field_name}"}
                if ac:
                    field_info["acquisition"] = ac.id
                row_group = root.require_group(row)
                col_group = row_group.require_group(col)
                field_group = col_group.require_group(field_name)
                n_levels, axes = add_image(img,
                add_multiscales_metadata(field_group, axes, n_levels)
                add_omero_metadata(field_group, img)
                # Update Well metadata after each image
                col_group.attrs["well"] = {
                    "images": fields,
                    "version": VERSION
                max_fields = max(max_fields, field + 1)
            print_status(int(t0), int(time.time()), count, total)

        # Update plate_metadata after each Well
        plate_metadata["wells"] = [{"path": x} for x in well_paths]
        plate_metadata["field_count"] = max_fields
        root.attrs["plate"] = plate_metadata

Пример #13
def open(store, mode='a', **kwargs):
    """Convenience function to open a group or array using file-mode-like semantics.

    store : MutableMapping or string
        Store or path to directory in file system or name of zip file.
    mode : {'r', 'r+', 'a', 'w', 'w-'}, optional
        Persistence mode: 'r' means read only (must exist); 'r+' means
        read/write (must exist); 'a' means read/write (create if doesn't
        exist); 'w' means create (overwrite if exists); 'w-' means create
        (fail if exists).
        Additional parameters are passed through to :func:`zarr.open_array` or

    See Also
    zarr.open_array, zarr.open_group


    Storing data in a directory 'data/example.zarr' on the local file system::

        >>> import zarr
        >>> store = 'data/example.zarr'
        >>> zw = zarr.open(store, mode='w', shape=100, dtype='i4')  # open new array
        >>> zw
        <zarr.core.Array (100,) int32>
        >>> za = zarr.open(store, mode='a')  # open existing array for reading and writing
        >>> za
        <zarr.core.Array (100,) int32>
        >>> zr = zarr.open(store, mode='r')  # open existing array read-only
        >>> zr
        <zarr.core.Array (100,) int32 read-only>
        >>> gw = zarr.open(store, mode='w')  # open new group, overwriting previous data
        >>> gw
        <zarr.hierarchy.Group '/'>
        >>> ga = zarr.open(store, mode='a')  # open existing group for reading and writing
        >>> ga
        <zarr.hierarchy.Group '/'>
        >>> gr = zarr.open(store, mode='r')  # open existing group read-only
        >>> gr
        <zarr.hierarchy.Group '/' read-only>


    path = kwargs.get('path', None)
    # handle polymorphic store arg
    store = normalize_store_arg(store, clobber=(mode == 'w'))
    path = normalize_storage_path(path)

    if mode in {'w', 'w-', 'x'}:
        if 'shape' in kwargs:
            return open_array(store, mode=mode, **kwargs)
            return open_group(store, mode=mode, **kwargs)

    elif mode == 'a':
        if contains_array(store, path):
            return open_array(store, mode=mode, **kwargs)
        elif contains_group(store, path):
            return open_group(store, mode=mode, **kwargs)
        elif 'shape' in kwargs:
            return open_array(store, mode=mode, **kwargs)
            return open_group(store, mode=mode, **kwargs)

        if contains_array(store, path):
            return open_array(store, mode=mode, **kwargs)
        elif contains_group(store, path):
            return open_group(store, mode=mode, **kwargs)
Пример #14
def test_open_group():
    # test the open_group() convenience function

    store = 'data/group.zarr'

    # mode == 'w'
    g = open_group(store, mode='w')
    assert isinstance(g, Group)
    assert isinstance(g.store, DirectoryStore)
    assert 0 == len(g)
    g.create_groups('foo', 'bar')
    assert 2 == len(g)

    # mode in 'r', 'r+'
    open_array('data/array.zarr', shape=100, chunks=10, mode='w')
    for mode in 'r', 'r+':
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            open_group('doesnotexist', mode=mode)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            open_group('data/array.zarr', mode=mode)
    g = open_group(store, mode='r')
    assert isinstance(g, Group)
    assert 2 == len(g)
    with pytest.raises(PermissionError):
    g = open_group(store, mode='r+')
    assert isinstance(g, Group)
    assert 2 == len(g)
    g.create_groups('baz', 'quux')
    assert 4 == len(g)

    # mode == 'a'
    g = open_group(store, mode='a')
    assert isinstance(g, Group)
    assert isinstance(g.store, DirectoryStore)
    assert 0 == len(g)
    g.create_groups('foo', 'bar')
    assert 2 == len(g)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        open_group('data/array.zarr', mode='a')

    # mode in 'w-', 'x'
    for mode in 'w-', 'x':
        g = open_group(store, mode=mode)
        assert isinstance(g, Group)
        assert isinstance(g.store, DirectoryStore)
        assert 0 == len(g)
        g.create_groups('foo', 'bar')
        assert 2 == len(g)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            open_group(store, mode=mode)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            open_group('data/array.zarr', mode=mode)

    # open with path
    g = open_group(store, path='foo/bar')
    assert isinstance(g, Group)
    assert 'foo/bar' == g.path
Пример #15
    def save(self, masks: List[omero.model.Shape], name: str) -> None:
        Save the masks/labels. In case of plate, make sure to set_image first.
        :param masks: The masks
        :param name: The name
        :return: None

        # Figure out whether we can flatten some dimensions
        unique_dims: Dict[str, Set[int]] = {
            "T": {unwrap(mask.theT)
                  for shapes in masks for mask in shapes},
            "C": {unwrap(mask.theC)
                  for shapes in masks for mask in shapes},
            "Z": {unwrap(mask.theZ)
                  for shapes in masks for mask in shapes},
        ignored_dimensions: Set[str] = set()
        print(f"Unique dimensions: {unique_dims}")

        for d in "TCZ":
            if unique_dims[d] == {None}:

        if self.plate:
            filename = f"{self.plate.id}.zarr"
            filename = f"{self.image.id}.zarr"

        # Verify that we are linking this mask to a real ome-zarr
        source_image = self.source_image
        source_image_link = self.source_image
        if source_image is None:
            # Assume that we're using the output directory
            source_image = filename
            source_image_link = "../.."  # Drop "labels/0"

        if self.plate:
            assert self.plate_path, "Need image path within the plate"
            source_image = f"{source_image}/{self.plate_path}"
            current_path = f"{self.plate_path}/{self.path}"
            current_path = self.path

        print(f"source_image {source_image}")
        src = parse_url(source_image)
        assert src, "Source image does not exist"
        input_pyramid = Node(src, [])
        assert input_pyramid.load(Multiscales), "No multiscales metadata found"
        input_pyramid_levels = len(input_pyramid.data)

        store = open_store(filename)
        root = open_group(store)

        if current_path in root.group_keys():
            out_labels = getattr(root, current_path)
            out_labels = root.require_group(current_path)

        _mask_shape: List[int] = list(self.image_shape)
        for d in ignored_dimensions:
            _mask_shape[DIMENSION_ORDER[d]] = 1
            mask_shape: Tuple[int, ...] = tuple(_mask_shape)
        del _mask_shape
        print(f"Ignoring dimensions {ignored_dimensions}")

        if self.style not in ("labeled", "split"):
            assert False, "6d has been removed"

        # Create and store binary data
        labels, fill_colors, properties = self.masks_to_labels(
        # For v0.3 ngff we want to reduce the number of dimensions to
        # match the dims of the Image.
        dims_to_squeeze = []
        axes = []
        for dim, size in enumerate(self.image_shape):
            if size == 1:
        labels = np.squeeze(labels, axis=tuple(dims_to_squeeze))

        scaler = Scaler(max_layer=input_pyramid_levels)
        label_pyramid = scaler.nearest(labels)
        pyramid_grp = out_labels.require_group(name)

        write_multiscale(label_pyramid, pyramid_grp,
                         axes=axes)  # TODO: dtype, chunks, overwite

        # Specify and store metadata
        image_label_colors: List[JSONDict] = []
        label_properties: List[JSONDict] = []
        image_label = {
            "version": "0.3",
            "colors": image_label_colors,
            "properties": label_properties,
            "source": {
                "image": source_image_link
        if properties:
            for label_value, props_dict in sorted(properties.items()):
                new_dict: Dict = {"label-value": label_value, **props_dict}
        if fill_colors:
            for label_value, rgba_int in sorted(fill_colors.items()):
                    "label-value": label_value,
                    "rgba": int_to_rgba_255(rgba_int)
        # TODO: move to write method
        pyramid_grp.attrs["image-label"] = image_label

        # Register with labels metadata
        print(f"Created {filename}/{current_path}/{name}")
        attrs = out_labels.attrs.asdict()
        # TODO: could temporarily support "masks" here as well
        if "labels" in attrs:
            if name not in attrs["labels"]:
            attrs["labels"] = [name]
Пример #16
def test_open_array(zarr_version, dimension_separator):

    store = 'data/array.zarr'
    kwargs = _init_creation_kwargs(zarr_version)

    # mode == 'w'
    z = open_array(store,
    z[:] = 42
    assert isinstance(z, Array)
    if z._store._store_version == 2:
        assert isinstance(z.store, DirectoryStore)
        assert isinstance(z.store, DirectoryStoreV3)
    assert (100, ) == z.shape
    assert (10, ) == z.chunks
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), z[:])

    if dimension_separator is None:
        assert z._dimension_separator == '/' if zarr_version == 3 else '.'
        assert z._dimension_separator == dimension_separator

    # mode in 'r', 'r+'
    group_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
    if zarr_version == 3:
        group_kwargs['path'] = 'group'
    open_group('data/group.zarr', mode='w', **group_kwargs)
    for mode in 'r', 'r+':
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            open_array('doesnotexist', mode=mode)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            open_array('data/group.zarr', mode=mode)
    z = open_array(store, mode='r', **kwargs)
    assert isinstance(z, Array)
    if z._store._store_version == 2:
        assert isinstance(z.store, DirectoryStore)
        assert isinstance(z.store, DirectoryStoreV3)
    assert (100, ) == z.shape
    assert (10, ) == z.chunks
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), z[:])
    with pytest.raises(PermissionError):
        z[:] = 43
    z = open_array(store, mode='r+', **kwargs)
    assert isinstance(z, Array)
    if z._store._store_version == 2:
        assert isinstance(z.store, DirectoryStore)
        assert isinstance(z.store, DirectoryStoreV3)
    assert (100, ) == z.shape
    assert (10, ) == z.chunks
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), z[:])
    z[:] = 43
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=43), z[:])

    # mode == 'a'
    z = open_array(store, mode='a', shape=100, chunks=10, **kwargs)
    z[:] = 42
    assert isinstance(z, Array)
    if z._store._store_version == 2:
        assert isinstance(z.store, DirectoryStore)
        assert isinstance(z.store, DirectoryStoreV3)
    assert (100, ) == z.shape
    assert (10, ) == z.chunks
    assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), z[:])

    expected_error = TypeError if zarr_version == 3 else ValueError
    # v3 path does not conflict, but will raise TypeError without shape kwarg
    with pytest.raises(expected_error):
        # array would end up at data/group.zarr/meta/root/array.array.json
        open_array('data/group.zarr', mode='a', **kwargs)

    # mode in 'w-', 'x'
    for mode in 'w-', 'x':
        z = open_array(store, mode=mode, shape=100, chunks=10, **kwargs)
        z[:] = 42
        assert isinstance(z, Array)
        if z._store._store_version == 2:
            assert isinstance(z.store, DirectoryStore)
            assert isinstance(z.store, DirectoryStoreV3)
        assert (100, ) == z.shape
        assert (10, ) == z.chunks
        assert_array_equal(np.full(100, fill_value=42), z[:])
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            open_array(store, mode=mode, **kwargs)
        expected_error = TypeError if zarr_version == 3 else ValueError
        # v3 path does not conflict, but will raise TypeError without shape kwarg
        with pytest.raises(expected_error):
            open_array('data/group.zarr', mode=mode, **kwargs)

    # with synchronizer
    z = open_array(store, synchronizer=ThreadSynchronizer(), **kwargs)
    assert isinstance(z, Array)

    # with path
    kwargs_no_path = kwargs.copy()
    kwargs_no_path.pop('path', None)
    z = open_array(store,
    assert isinstance(z, Array)
    assert 'foo/bar' == z.path

    # with chunk store
    meta_store = 'data/meta.zarr'
    chunk_store = 'data/chunks.zarr'
    z = open_array(store=meta_store,
    z[:] = 42
    assert os.path.abspath(meta_store) == z.store.path
    assert os.path.abspath(chunk_store) == z.chunk_store.path