Пример #1
 def confirm_pubsub_msg_delivered(self, sub_key, pub_msg_id):
     """ Sets in SQL delivery status of a given message to True.
     with closing(self.server.odb.session()) as session:
         _confirm_pubsub_msg_delivered(session, self.server.cluster_id,
                                       sub_key, pub_msg_id, utcnow_as_ms())
Пример #2
    def handle(self):

        sub_key = self.request.input.sub_key
        msg_id_list = self.request.input.msg_id_list

        if msg_id_list:
            with closing(self.odb.session()) as session:

                # Call SQL UPDATE ..
                    session, self.server.cluster_id, sub_key, msg_id_list, utcnow_as_ms())

                # .. and confirm the transaction
Пример #3
    def get_sql_messages_by_sub_key(self, sub_key, last_sql_run, session=None):
        """ Returns from SQL all messages queued up for a given sub_key.
        if not session:
            session = self.server.odb.session()
            needs_close = True
            needs_close = False

            return _get_sql_messages_by_sub_key(session,
                                                sub_key, last_sql_run,
            if needs_close:
Пример #4
    def handle(self):
        input = self.request.input
        input.require_any('sub_key', 'sub_key_list')

        # Support both on input but always pass on a list further on
        sub_key_list = [input.sub_key] if input.sub_key else input.sub_key_list

        # Response to return
        response = {}

        with closing(self.odb.session()) as session:
            for item in sub_key_list:
                response[item] = get_queue_depth_by_sub_key(session, self.server.cluster_id, item, utcnow_as_ms())

        self.response.payload.queue_depth = response
Пример #5
    def handle(self, _batch_size=PUBSUB.DEFAULT.GET_BATCH_SIZE):
        input = self.request.input
        batch_size = input.batch_size or _batch_size

        with closing(self.odb.session()) as session:
            msg_list = get_messages(session, self.server.cluster_id, input.sub_key, batch_size, utcnow_as_ms())

            for elem in msg_list:
                ext_pub_time = datetime_from_ms(elem.ext_pub_time) if elem.ext_pub_time else None

                    'msg_id': elem.msg_id,
                    'correl_id': elem.correl_id,
                    'in_reply_to': elem.in_reply_to,
                    'priority': elem.priority,
                    'size': elem.size,
                    'data_format': elem.data_format,
                    'mime_type': elem.mime_type,
                    'data': elem.data,
                    'expiration': elem.expiration,
                    'expiration_time': datetime_from_ms(elem.expiration_time),
                    'ext_client_id': elem.ext_client_id,
                    'ext_pub_time': ext_pub_time,
                    'topic_name': elem.topic_name,
                    'recv_time': datetime_from_ms(elem.recv_time),
                    'delivery_count': elem.delivery_count,

            # We need to commit the session because the underlying query issued SELECT FOR UPDATE
Пример #6
 def _cleanup(self, session):
     number = delete_expired(session, self.server.cluster_id, utcnow_as_ms())
     return number, 'expired'
Пример #7
    def handle(self):

        input = self.request.input
        pubsub = self.server.worker_store.pubsub  # type: PubSub
        endpoint_id = input.endpoint_id

        # Will return publication pattern matched or raise an exception that we don't catch
        endpoint_id, pattern_matched = self.get_pattern_matched(
            endpoint_id, input)

            topic = pubsub.get_topic_by_name(input.topic_name)  # type: Topic
        except KeyError:
            raise NotFound(self.cid,
                           'No such topic `{}`'.format(input.topic_name))

        # We always count time in milliseconds since UNIX epoch
        now = utcnow_as_ms()

        # If input.data is a list, it means that it is a list of messages, each of which has its own
        # metadata. Otherwise, it's a string to publish and other input parameters describe it.
        data_list = input.data_list if input.data_list else None

        # Input messages may contain a mix of GD and non-GD messages, and we need to extract them separately.
        msg_id_list, gd_msg_list, non_gd_msg_list = self._get_messages_from_data(
            topic, data_list, input, now, pattern_matched, endpoint_id)

        len_gd_msg_list = len(gd_msg_list)
        has_gd_msg_list = bool(len_gd_msg_list)

        # Get all subscribers for that topic from local worker store
        subscriptions_by_topic = pubsub.get_subscriptions_by_topic(

        # Just so it is not overlooked, log information that no subscribers are found for this topic
        if not subscriptions_by_topic:
            self.logger.warn('No subscribers found for topic `%s`',

        # Local aliases
        cluster_id = self.server.cluster_id
        has_pubsub_audit_log = self.server.has_pubsub_audit_log

        # This is initially unknown and will be set only for GD messages
        current_depth = 'n/a'

        # We don't always have GD messages on input so there is no point in running an SQL transaction otherwise.
        if has_gd_msg_list:

            # Operate under a global lock for that topic to rule out any interference from other publishers
            with self.lock('zato.pubsub.publish.%s' % input.topic_name):

                with closing(self.odb.session()) as session:

                    # Abort if max depth is already reached but check first if we should check the depth in this iteration.

                    if topic.needs_gd_depth_check():

                        # Get current depth of this topic
                        current_depth = get_topic_depth(
                            session, cluster_id, topic.id)

                        if current_depth + len_gd_msg_list > topic.max_depth_gd:
                            raise ServiceUnavailable(
                                'Publication rejected - would have exceeded max depth for `{}`'

                            # This only updates the local variable
                            current_depth = current_depth + len_gd_msg_list

                    # This updates data in SQL
                    incr_topic_depth(session, cluster_id, topic.id, now,

                    # Publish messages - INSERT rows, each representing an individual message
                    insert_topic_messages(session, self.cid, gd_msg_list)

                    # Move messages to each subscriber's queue
                    if subscriptions_by_topic:
                        insert_queue_messages(session, cluster_id,
                                              gd_msg_list, topic.id, now)

                    # Run an SQL commit for all queries above

                    # Update metadata in background
                    spawn(self._update_pub_metadata, cluster_id, topic.id,
                          endpoint_id, now, gd_msg_list, pattern_matched)

        # Either commit succeeded or there were no GD messages on input but in both cases we can now,
        # optionally, store data in pub/sub audit log.
        if has_pubsub_audit_log:

            msg = 'PUB. CID:`%s`, topic:`%s`, from:`%s`, ext_client_id:`%s`, pattern:`%s`, new_depth:`%s`' \
                  ', GD data:`%s`, non-GD data:`%s`'

            logger_audit.info(msg, self.cid, topic.name,
                              input.get('ext_client_id') or 'n/a',
                              pattern_matched, current_depth, gd_msg_list,

        # Also in background, notify pub/sub task runners that there are new messages for them
        if subscriptions_by_topic:

            # Do not notify anything if there are no messages available - this is possible because,
            # for instance, we had a list of messages on input but a hook service filtered them out.
            if non_gd_msg_list or has_gd_msg_list:
                self._notify_pubsub_tasks(topic.id, topic.name,
                                          non_gd_msg_list, has_gd_msg_list)

        # Return either a single msg_id if there was only one message published or a list of message IDs,
        # one for each message published.
        len_msg_list = len_gd_msg_list + len(non_gd_msg_list)

        if len_msg_list == 1:
            self.response.payload.msg_id = msg_id_list[0]
            self.response.payload.msg_id_list = msg_id_list
Пример #8
    def _subscribe_impl(self, ctx):
        """ Invoked by subclasses to subscribe callers using input pub/sub config context.
        with self.lock('zato.pubsub.subscribe.%s.%s' %
                       (ctx.topic_name, ctx.endpoint_id)):

            with closing(self.odb.session()) as session:

                # Non-WebSocket clients cannot subscribe to the same topic multiple times
                if not ctx.ws_channel_id:
                    if has_subscription(session, ctx.cluster_id, ctx.topic.id,
                        raise PubSubSubscriptionExists(
                            'Subscription to topic `{}` already exists'.format(

                ctx.creation_time = now = utcnow_as_ms()
                ctx.sub_key = new_sub_key()

                # If we subscribe a WSX client, we need to create its accompanying SQL models
                if ctx.ws_channel_id:

                    # This object persists across multiple WSX connections
                    add_wsx_subscription(session, ctx.cluster_id,
                                         ctx.is_internal, ctx.sub_key,
                                         ctx.ext_client_id, ctx.ws_channel_id)

                    # This object will be transient - dropped each time a WSX disconnects
                        session, ctx.sql_ws_client_id, ctx.sub_key,
                        ctx.ws_channel_name, ctx.ws_pub_client_id)

                    # Let the WebSocket connection object know that it should handle this particular sub_key

                # Create a new subscription object
                ps_sub = add_subscription(session, ctx.cluster_id, ctx)

                # Flush the session because we need the subscription's ID below in INSERT from SELECT

                # Move all available messages to that subscriber's queue
                total_moved = move_messages_to_sub_queue(
                    session, ctx.cluster_id, ctx.topic.id, ctx.endpoint_id,
                    ps_sub.id, now)

                # Commit all changes

                # Produce response
                self.response.payload.sub_key = ctx.sub_key
                self.response.payload.queue_depth = total_moved

                # Notify workers of a new subscription
                broker_input = Bunch()
                broker_input.topic_name = ctx.topic.name
                broker_input.endpoint_type = self.endpoint_type

                for name in sub_broker_attrs:
                    broker_input[name] = getattr(ps_sub, name, None)

                broker_input.action = BROKER_MSG_PUBSUB.SUBSCRIPTION_CREATE.value