Пример #1
    def test_cinder_ceph_restrict_pool_setup(self):
        """Make sure cinder-ceph restrict pool was created successfully."""
        logging.info('Wait for idle/ready status...')

        pools = zaza_ceph.get_ceph_pools('ceph-mon/0')
        if 'cinder-ceph' not in pools:
            msg = 'cinder-ceph pool was not found upon querying ceph-mon/0'
            raise zaza_exceptions.CephPoolNotFound(msg)

        # Checking for cinder-ceph specific permissions makes
        # the test more rugged when we add additional relations
        # to ceph for other applications (such as glance and nova).
        expected_permissions = [
            "allow rwx pool=cinder-ceph",
            "allow class-read object_prefix rbd_children",
        cmd = "sudo ceph auth get client.cinder-ceph"
        result = zaza_model.run_on_unit('ceph-mon/0', cmd)
        output = result.get('Stdout').strip()

        for expected in expected_permissions:
            if expected not in output:
                msg = ('cinder-ceph pool restriction ({}) was not'
                       ' configured correctly.'
                       ' Found: {}'.format(expected, output))
                raise zaza_exceptions.CephPoolNotConfigured(msg)
Пример #2
    def test_cinder_ceph_restrict_pool_setup(self):
        """Make sure cinder-ceph restrict pool was created successfully."""
        logging.info('Wait for idle/ready status...')

        pools = zaza_ceph.get_ceph_pools('ceph-mon/0')
        if 'cinder-ceph' not in pools:
            msg = 'cinder-ceph pool was not found upon querying ceph-mon/0'
            raise zaza_exceptions.CephPoolNotFound(msg)

        expected = "pool=cinder-ceph, allow class-read " \
                   "object_prefix rbd_children"
        cmd = "sudo ceph auth get client.cinder-ceph"
        result = zaza_model.run_on_unit('ceph-mon/0', cmd)
        output = result.get('Stdout').strip()

        if expected not in output:
            msg = ('cinder-ceph pool restriction was not configured correctly.'
                   ' Found: {}'.format(output))
            raise zaza_exceptions.CephPoolNotConfigured(msg)