Пример #1
def validate_zds_username(value, check_username_available=True):
    Check if username is used by another user

    :param value: value to validate (str or None)
    msg = None
    user_count = User.objects.filter(username=value).count()
    skeleton_user_count = Profile.objects.filter(
    if ',' in value:
        msg = _('Le nom d\'utilisateur ne peut contenir de virgules')
    elif contains_utf8mb4(value):
        msg = _(
            'Le nom d\'utilisateur ne peut pas contenir des caractères utf8mb4'
    elif check_username_available and user_count > 0:
        msg = _('Ce nom d\'utilisateur est déjà utilisé')
    elif check_username_available and skeleton_user_count > 0:
        msg = _(
            'Un nom d\'utilisateur visuellement proche du votre existe déjà')
    elif not check_username_available and user_count == 0:
        msg = _('Ce nom d\'utilisateur n\'existe pas')
    if msg is not None:
        raise ValidationError(msg)
Пример #2
    def __call__(self, value, check_username_available=True):
        value = force_text(value)

        if not value or '@' not in value:
            raise ValidationError(self.message, code=self.code)

        user_part, domain_part = value.rsplit('@', 1)

        if not self.user_regex.match(user_part) or contains_utf8mb4(user_part):
            raise ValidationError(self.message, code=self.code)

        # check if provider is blacklisted
        blacklist = BannedEmailProvider.objects.values_list('provider', flat=True)
        for provider in blacklist:
            if '@{}'.format(provider) in value.lower():
                raise ValidationError(_('Ce fournisseur ne peut pas être utilisé.'), code=self.code)

        # check if email is used by another user
        user_count = User.objects.filter(email=value).count()
        if check_username_available and user_count > 0:
            raise ValidationError(_('Cette adresse courriel est déjà utilisée'), code=self.code)
        # check if email exists in database
        elif not check_username_available and user_count == 0:
            raise ValidationError(_('Cette adresse courriel n\'existe pas'), code=self.code)

        if domain_part and not self.validate_domain_part(domain_part):
            # Try for possible IDN domain-part
                domain_part = domain_part.encode('idna').decode('ascii')
                if self.validate_domain_part(domain_part):
            except UnicodeError:
            raise ValidationError(self.message, code=self.code)
Пример #3
 def clean_hat(self):
     data = self.cleaned_data['hat']
     user = get_current_user()
     if contains_utf8mb4(data):
         raise forms.ValidationError(
             _('Les caractères utf8mb4 ne sont pas autorisés dans les casquettes.'
     if data.lower() in [
             hat.name.lower() for hat in user.profile.get_hats()
         raise forms.ValidationError(
             _('Vous possédez déjà cette casquette.'))
     if data.lower() in [
             for hat in user.requested_hats.values_list('hat', flat=True)
         raise forms.ValidationError(
             _('Vous avez déjà demandé cette casquette.'))
         hat = Hat.objects.get(name__iexact=data)
         if hat.group:
             raise forms.ValidationError(
                 _('Cette casquette n\'est accordée qu\'aux membres '
                   'd\'un groupe particulier. Vous ne pouvez pas '
                   'la demander.'))
     except Hat.DoesNotExist:
     return data
Пример #4
def add_hat(request, user_pk):
    Add a hat to a user.
    Creates the hat if it doesn't exist.

    user = get_object_or_404(User, pk=user_pk)

    hat_name = request.POST.get('hat', '').strip()
    if not hat_name:
        messages.error(request, _('Aucune casquette saisie.'))
    if contains_utf8mb4(hat_name):
        messages.error(request, _('Les caractères utf8mb4 ne sont pas autorisés dans les casquettes.'))
    elif len(hat_name) > 40:
        messages.error(request, _('Une casquette ne peut dépasser 40 caractères.'))
        hat, created = Hat.objects.get_or_create(name__iexact=hat_name, defaults={'name': hat_name})
        if created:
            messages.success(request, _('La casquette « {} » a été créée.').format(hat_name))
        if hat.group:
            messages.error(request, _('Cette casquette est accordée aux membres d\'un groupe particulier. '
                                      'Elle ne peut pas être ajoutée individuellement.'))
            messages.success(request, _('La casquette a bien été ajoutée.'))

        # if hat was asked, remove request
        HatRequest.objects.filter(user=user, hat__iexact=hat_name).delete()

    return redirect(user.profile.get_absolute_url())
Пример #5
def get_hat_to_add(hat_name, user):
    Return a hat that will be added to a user.
    This function creates the hat if it does not exist,
    so be sure you will need it!

    hat_name = hat_name.strip()
    if not hat_name:
        raise ValueError(_('Veuillez saisir une casquette.'))
    if contains_utf8mb4(hat_name):
        raise ValueError(
            _('La casquette saisie contient des caractères utf8mb4, '
              'ceux-ci ne peuvent pas être utilisés.'))
    if len(hat_name) > 40:
        raise ValueError(
            _('La longueur des casquettes est limitée à 40 caractères.'))
    hat, created = Hat.objects.get_or_create(name__iexact=hat_name,
                                             defaults={'name': hat_name})
    if created:
        logger.info('Hat #{0} "{1}" has been created.'.format(
            hat.pk, hat.name))
    if hat in user.profile.get_hats():
        raise ValueError(
            _('{0} possède déjà la casquette « {1} ».'.format(
                user.username, hat.name)))
    if hat.group:
        raise ValueError(
            _('La casquette « {} » est accordée automatiquement aux membres d\'un groupe particulier '
              'et ne peut donc pas être ajoutée à un membre externe à ce groupe.'
    return hat
Пример #6
 def clean_hat(self):
     data = self.cleaned_data['hat']
     user = get_current_user()
     if contains_utf8mb4(data):
         raise forms.ValidationError(
             _('Les caractères utf8mb4 ne sont pas autorisés dans les casquettes.'
     if HatRequest.objects.filter(user=user,
         raise forms.ValidationError(
             _('Vous avez déjà une demande en cours pour cette casquette.'))
         hat = Hat.objects.get(name__iexact=data)
         if hat in user.profile.get_hats():
             raise forms.ValidationError(
                 _('Vous possédez déjà cette casquette.'))
         if hat.group:
             raise forms.ValidationError(
                 _('Cette casquette n\'est accordée qu\'aux membres '
                   'd\'un groupe particulier. Vous ne pouvez pas '
                   'la demander.'))
     except Hat.DoesNotExist:
     return data
Пример #7
def validate_zds_username(value, check_username_available=True):
    Check if username is used by another user

    :param value: value to validate (str or None)
    msg = None
    user_count = User.objects.filter(username=value).count()
    if ',' in value:
        msg = _(u'Le nom d\'utilisateur ne peut contenir de virgules')
    elif value != value.strip():
        msg = _(
            u'Le nom d\'utilisateur ne peut commencer ou finir par des espaces'
    elif contains_utf8mb4(value):
        msg = _(
            u'Le nom d\'utilisateur ne peut pas contenir des caractères utf8mb4'
    elif check_username_available and user_count > 0:
        msg = _(u'Ce nom d\'utilisateur est déjà utilisé')
    elif not check_username_available and user_count == 0:
        msg = _(u'Ce nom d\'utilisateur n\'existe pas')
    if msg is not None:
        raise ValidationError(msg)
Пример #8
def validate_zds_password(value):

    :param value:
    if contains_utf8mb4(value):
        raise ValidationError(_('Le mot de passe ne peut pas contenir des caractères utf8mb4'))
Пример #9
def validate_zds_password(value):

    :param value:
    if contains_utf8mb4(value):
        raise ValidationError(
            _('Le mot de passe ne peut pas contenir des caractères utf8mb4'))
Пример #10
    def validate_utf8mb4(self, tag):
        Checks the tag does not contain utf8mb4 chars.

        :param tag:
        :return: ``True`` if no utf8mb4 string is found
        if contains_utf8mb4(tag):
            self.errors.append(_('Le tag {} contient des caractères utf8mb4').format(tag))
            self.logger.warn('%s contains utf8mb4 char', tag)
            return False
        return True
Пример #11
    def validate_utf8mb4(self, tag):
        Checks the tag does not contain utf8mb4 chars.

        :param tag:
        :return: ``True`` if no utf8mb4 string is found
        if contains_utf8mb4(tag):
            self.errors.append(_(u'Le tag {} contient des caractères utf8mb4').format(tag))
            self.logger.warn('%s contains utf8mb4 char', tag)
            return False
        return True
Пример #12
    def validate_utf8mb4(self, tag):
        Checks the tag does not contain utf8mb4 chars.

        :param tag:
        :return: ``True`` if no utf8mb4 string is found
        if contains_utf8mb4(tag):
            self.logger.warning("%s contains utf8mb4 char", tag)
            return False
        return True
Пример #13
 def test_utf8mb4(self):
Пример #14
 def test_utf8mb4(self):
Пример #15
 def test_utf8mb4(self):
Пример #16
def get_tag_by_title(title):
    Extract tags from title.
    In a title, tags can be set this way:
    > [Tag 1][Tag 2] There is the real title
    Rules to detect tags:
    - Tags are enclosed in square brackets. This allows multi-word tags instead of hashtags.
    - Tags can embed square brackets: [Tag] is a valid tag and must be written [[Tag]] in the raw title
    - All tags must be declared at the beginning of the title. Example: _"Title [tag]"_ will not create a tag.
    - Tags and title correctness (example: empty tag/title detection) is **not** checked here
    :param title: The raw title
    :return: A tuple: (the tag list, the title without the tags).
    nb_bracket = 0
    current_tag = u''
    current_title = u''
    tags = []
    continue_parsing_tags = True
    original_title = title

    for char in title:
        if char == u'[' and nb_bracket == 0 and continue_parsing_tags:
            nb_bracket += 1
        elif nb_bracket > 0 and char != u']' and continue_parsing_tags:
            current_tag = current_tag + char
            if char == u'[':
                nb_bracket += 1
        elif char == u']' and nb_bracket > 0 and continue_parsing_tags:
            nb_bracket -= 1
            if nb_bracket == 0 and current_tag.strip() != u'':
                current_tag = u''
            elif current_tag.strip() != u'' and nb_bracket > 0:
                current_tag = current_tag + char

        elif (char != u'['
              and char.strip() != '') or not continue_parsing_tags:
            continue_parsing_tags = False
            current_title = current_title + char

    title = current_title
    # if we did not succed in parsing the tags
    if nb_bracket != 0:
        return [], original_title

    tags = filter(lambda tag: not contains_utf8mb4(tag), tags)

    return tags, title.strip()
Пример #17
def get_tag_by_title(title):
    Extract tags from title.
    In a title, tags can be set this way:
    > [Tag 1][Tag 2] There is the real title
    Rules to detect tags:
    - Tags are enclosed in square brackets. This allows multi-word tags instead of hashtags.
    - Tags can embed square brackets: [Tag] is a valid tag and must be written [[Tag]] in the raw title
    - All tags must be declared at the beginning of the title. Example: _"Title [tag]"_ will not create a tag.
    - Tags and title correctness (example: empty tag/title detection) is **not** checked here
    :param title: The raw title
    :return: A tuple: (the tag list, the title without the tags).
    nb_bracket = 0
    current_tag = ''
    current_title = ''
    tags = []
    continue_parsing_tags = True
    original_title = title

    for char in title:
        if char == '[' and nb_bracket == 0 and continue_parsing_tags:
            nb_bracket += 1
        elif nb_bracket > 0 and char != ']' and continue_parsing_tags:
            current_tag = current_tag + char
            if char == '[':
                nb_bracket += 1
        elif char == ']' and nb_bracket > 0 and continue_parsing_tags:
            nb_bracket -= 1
            if nb_bracket == 0 and current_tag.strip() != '':
                current_tag = ''
            elif current_tag.strip() != '' and nb_bracket > 0:
                current_tag = current_tag + char

        elif (char != '[' and char.strip() != '') or not continue_parsing_tags:
            continue_parsing_tags = False
            current_title = current_title + char

    title = current_title
    # if we did not succed in parsing the tags
    if nb_bracket != 0:
        return [], original_title

    tags = [tag for tag in tags if not contains_utf8mb4(tag)]

    return tags, title.strip()
Пример #18
def validate_zds_username(value, check_username_available=True):
    Check if username is used by another user

    :param value: value to validate (str or None)
    msg = None
    user_count = User.objects.filter(username=value).count()
    if ',' in value:
        msg = _('Le nom d\'utilisateur ne peut contenir de virgules')
    elif value != value.strip():
        msg = _('Le nom d\'utilisateur ne peut commencer ou finir par des espaces')
    elif contains_utf8mb4(value):
        msg = _('Le nom d\'utilisateur ne peut pas contenir des caractères utf8mb4')
    elif check_username_available and user_count > 0:
        msg = _('Ce nom d\'utilisateur est déjà utilisé')
    elif not check_username_available and user_count == 0:
        msg = _('Ce nom d\'utilisateur n\'existe pas')
    if msg is not None:
        raise ValidationError(msg)
Пример #19
    def __call__(self, value, check_username_available=True):
        value = force_text(value)

        if not value or '@' not in value:
            raise ValidationError(self.message, code=self.code)

        user_part, domain_part = value.rsplit('@', 1)

        if not self.user_regex.match(user_part) or contains_utf8mb4(user_part):
            raise ValidationError(self.message, code=self.code)

        # check if provider is blacklisted
        blacklist = BannedEmailProvider.objects.values_list('provider',
        for provider in blacklist:
            if '@{}'.format(provider) in value.lower():
                raise ValidationError(
                    _('Ce fournisseur ne peut pas être utilisé.'),

        # check if email is used by another user
        user_count = User.objects.filter(email=value).count()
        if check_username_available and user_count > 0:
            raise ValidationError(
                _('Cette adresse courriel est déjà utilisée'), code=self.code)
        # check if email exists in database
        elif not check_username_available and user_count == 0:
            raise ValidationError(_('Cette adresse courriel n\'existe pas'),

        if domain_part and not self.validate_domain_part(domain_part):
            # Try for possible IDN domain-part
                domain_part = domain_part.encode('idna').decode('ascii')
                if self.validate_domain_part(domain_part):
            except UnicodeError:
            raise ValidationError(self.message, code=self.code)
Пример #20
    def __call__(self, value, check_username_available=True):
        value = force_text(value)

        if not value or '@' not in value:
            raise ValidationError(self.message, code=self.code)

        user_part, domain_part = value.rsplit('@', 1)

        if not self.user_regex.match(user_part) or contains_utf8mb4(user_part):
            raise ValidationError(self.message, code=self.code)

        # check if provider is blacklisted
        with open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'forbidden_email_providers.txt'),
                  'r') as black_list:
            for provider in black_list:
                if provider.strip() in value:
                    raise ValidationError(_(
                        u'Utilisez un autre fournisseur d\'adresses courriel'),

        # check if email is used by another user
        user_count = User.objects.filter(email=value).count()
        if check_username_available and user_count > 0:
            raise ValidationError(
                _(u'Cette adresse courriel est déjà utilisée'), code=self.code)
        # check if email exists in database
        elif not check_username_available and user_count == 0:
            raise ValidationError(_(u'Cette adresse courriel n\'existe pas'),

        if domain_part and not self.validate_domain_part(domain_part):
            # Try for possible IDN domain-part
                domain_part = domain_part.encode('idna').decode('ascii')
                if self.validate_domain_part(domain_part):
            except UnicodeError:
            raise ValidationError(self.message, code=self.code)