def main(self): self.control.reset_state() self.control.publish_data("Now I will run code doing mission gate") # self.mission_gate.step00_checkDeep() # if( not rospy.is_shutdown() ): # self.mission_gate.step01_rotateAndFindGate() # if( not rospy.is_shutdown() ): # self.mission_gate.step01_5_lockYawToGate() # if( not rospy.is_shutdown() ): # self.mission_gate.step02_forwardWithMoveLeftRight() self.mission_gate.start_mission() self.control.publish_data( "Finish to search gate I will move forward with serach path") self.control.publish_data( "I will move forward by parameter of gate with find path") self.control.relative_xy(7, 0) count = 0 # This step will use to movement with rotation yaw self.control.update_target() collect_yaw = self.control.target_pose[5] self.control.publish_data("SPIN PASS GATE") while (not self.control.check_xy(0.1, 0.1)): self.rate.sleep() self.vision_path.call_data() self.vision_path.echo_data() if (self.vision_path.num_point != 0): self.control.get_state() count += 1 else: count = 0 if (count == 2): self.control.publish_data( "I found path 2 round at here reset now") self.control.reset_state() self.control.publish_data("Sleep 2 second wait to reset state") rospy.sleep(2) self.control.publish_data("Wakeup I will waiting yaw") while (not self.control.check_yaw(0.15)): self.rate.sleep() relative_x = self.vision_path.y_point[0] * 0.8 / 100 relative_y = self.vision_path.x_point[0] * -1.2 / 100 self.control.publish_data("Move go to path ( x , y ) : " + repr((relative_x, relative_y))) self.control.relative_xy(relative_x, relative_y) while (not self.control.check_xy(0.15, 0.15)): self.rate.sleep() break if (self.control.check_yaw(0.6)): self.control.publish_data("Adding spin yaw") self.control.relative_yaw(math.pi / 1.5) # End part of movement with rotation yaw self.control.publish_data("Return absolute yaw " + str(collect_yaw)) self.control.absolute_yaw(collect_yaw) while (not self.control.check_yaw(0.15)): self.rate.sleep() if (count == 2): self.control.publish_data("I start path by ever found path") else: self.control.publish_data("I start path by never found path") result = self.mission_path.find_path() if (result): self.control.publish_data("Congratulation we know you pass path") else: self.control.publish_data("It bad you failure mission path") self.control.absolute_yaw( zeabus_math.bound_radian(collect_yaw + (math.pi / 2))) self.control.publish_data( "Waiting yaw before send process to buoy_straight") while (not self.control.check_yaw(0.15)): self.rate.sleep() self.mission_buoy.start_mission() self.control.publish_data( "Finish play buoy next I will play path move up") self.control.absolute_z(-1) while (not self.control.check_z(0.15)): self.rate.sleep() self.control.publish_data("Waiting xy") while (not self.control.check_xy(0.15, 0.15)): self.rate.sleep() self.control.publish_data("Waiting yaw") while (not self.control.check_yaw(0.15)): self.rate.sleep() self.control.publish_data("Move forward and searching 2.5 meter") self.control.relative_xy(2.5, 0) # Start path move forward and searching count = 0 while (not self.control.check_xy(0.1, 0.1)): self.rate.sleep() self.vision_path.call_data() self.vision_path.echo_data() if (self.vision_path.num_point != 0): count += 1 else: count = 0 if (count == 2): self.control.publish_data( "I found path 2 round at here reset now") self.control.reset_state() self.control.publish_data("Sleep 2 second wait to reset state") rospy.sleep(2) break # End part to search if (count == 2): self.control.publish_data("I start path by ever found path") else: self.control.publish_data("I start path by never found path") result = self.mission_path.find_path() if (result): self.control.publish_data("Congratulation we know you pass path") else: self.control.publish_data("It bad you failure mission path") self.control.absolute_yaw( zeabus_math.bound_radian(collect_yaw - (math.pi / 2))) # End part of play all mission self.control.publish_data("Finish all strategy mission") self.control.deactivate(["x", "y", "z", "roll", "pitch", "yaw"])
def setup_point( self ): # status_mission = 2 self.control.publish_data( "Now I move first point to picutre" ) while( ( not rospy.is_shutdown() ) ): self.rate.sleep() self.control.publish_data( "I waiting xy") while( not self.control.check_xy( 0.1, 0.1 ) ): self.rate.sleep() self.control.publish_data( "I waiting yaw") while( not self.control.check_yaw( 0.10 ) ): self.rate.sleep() relative_x = 0 relative_y = 0 ok_x = False ok_y = False if( == 0 ): relative_y = 0 elif([0] > 20 ): relative_y = -0.15 elif([0] < -20 ): relative_y = +0.15 else: ok_y = True if( == 0): relative_x = 0.25 elif([0] > 20 ): relative_x = 0.15 elif([0] < -20 ): relative_x = -0.15 else: ok_x = True if( ok_x and ok_y ): self.control.publish_data( "xy is ok next I will collect point" ) break else: self.control.publish_data("T will move x : y " + str( relative_x ) + " : " + str( relative_y ) ) self.control.relative_xy( relative_x , relative_y ) count = 0 temp_yaw = [] while( not rospy.is_shutdown() and count < 1): self.rate.sleep() self.control.publish_data( "Waiting yaw for calculate" ) while( not self.control.check_yaw( 0.1 ) ): self.rate.sleep() self.control.publish_data( "Calculate yaw" ) temp_yaw.append( self.control.current_pose[5] - ( ( math.pi / 2 ) -[0] ) ) count += 1 self.control.publish_data("temp_yaw " + repr( temp_yaw ) ) self.status_mission = 3 self.first_yaw = zeabus_math.bound_radian( sum( temp_yaw ) / 1 ) self.control.publish_data( "Now I will absolute yaw is " + str( self.first_yaw ) ) self.control.absolute_yaw( self.first_yaw ) self.moving_on_path()
def not_use_dvl( self ): self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY not use DVL start mission by target at exposed") self.control.update_target() collective_target_yaw = zeabus_math.bound_radian([5] + STRATEGY_ROTATION_STAKE ) self.control.absolute_z( STRATEGY_EXPOSED_FIND ) self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY command depth to " + str( STRATEGY_EXPOSED_FIND ) ) self.control.sleep() self.control.relative_yaw( STRATEGY_ROTATION_EXPOSED ) self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY rotation for find target coffin to exposed " + str( STRATEGY_ROTATION_EXPOSED ) ) self.control.sleep() while not self.control.check_yaw( 0.12 ): self.rate.sleep() while not self.control.check_z( 0.12 ): self.rate.sleep() self.control.deactivate( ('x', 'y') ) start_time = rospy.get_rostime() diff_time = ( rospy.get_rostime() - start_time ).to_sec() while not rospy.is_shutdown() and diff_time < STRATEGY_TIME_SURVEY: self.rate.sleep() self.control.force_xy( 0 , STRATEGY_FORCE_SURVEY ) diff_time = ( rospy.get_rostime() - start_time ).to_sec() self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY Survey for expose on time " + str( diff_time ) ) self.control.force_xy( 0 , 0 ) self.control.activate( ('x' , 'y' ) ) self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY Waiting yaw before forward") while not self.control.check_yaw( 0.12 ) : self.rate.sleep() self.control.deactivate( ('x' , 'y') ) self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY forward to find exposed" ) count_found = 0 start_time = rospy.get_rostime() diff_time = ( rospy.get_rostime() - start_time ).to_sec() while (not rospy.is_shutdown()) and diff_time < STRATEGY_TIME_FORWARD and count_found < 5 : self.rate.sleep() self.vision_coffin.call_data() self.vision_coffin.echo_data() if['num_object'] > 0 : count_found += 1 force_x = 0 force_y = 0 ok_x = False ok_y = False self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY found target command force " + repr( (force_x , force_y ) ) ) if self.vision_coffin.result['center_x'] < -20 : force_y = SURVER_LEFT elif self.vision_coffin.result['center_x'] > 20 : force_y = SURVEY_RIGHT else: ok_y = True if( self.vision_coffin.result['center_y'] < -20 ): force_x = SURVEY_BACKWARD elif self.vision_coffin.result['center_y'] > 20: force_x = SURVEY_FORWARD else: ok_x = True if( ok_x and ok_y ): count_found = 5 self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY now center point of coffin") else: self.control.force_xy( force_x , force_y ) self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY Have picture command force " + repr( ( force_x , force_y ) ) ) else: count_found = 0 self.control.force_xy( SURVEY_FORWARD , 0 ) self.control.publish_data("STRATEGY Don't found target command survey forward") diff_time = (rospy.get_rostime() - start_time).to_sec() self.control.activate( [ 'x' , 'y' ] ) result = False if( count_found == 5 ): self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY finish and found object let operator") self.mission_exposed.operator() result = True else: self.mission_exposed.publish_data( "STRATEGY finish forward search let find object") result = self.mission_exposed.find() if result : self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY success mission I will try to continue stake" ) self.control.absolute_yaw( collective_target_yaw ) self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY command absolute yaw " + str( collective_target_yaw ) ) self.control.sleep() while not self.control.check_yaw( 0.12 ): self.rate.sleep() self.control.absolute_z( STRATEGY_STAKE_DEPTH ) self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY command absolute depth is " + str( STRATEGY_STAKE_DEPTH ) ) self.control.deactivate( ('x' , 'y' ) ) start_time = rospy.get_rostime() diff_time = ( rospy.get_rostime() - start_time ).to_sec() self.control.publish_data("STRATEGY forward before survey to stake mission") while ( not rospy.is_shutdown() ) and diff_time < STRATEGY_STAKE_TIME_FORWARD : self.rate.sleep() self.control.force_xy( STRATEGY_STAKE_FORCE_FORWARD , 0 ) diff_time = ( rospy.get_rostime() - start_time ).to_sec() self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY backward to stake on time " + str(diff_time) ) self.control.activate( ('x' , 'y') ) self.control.force_false() self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY waiting yaw") while not self.control.check_yaw( 0.15 ): self.rate.sleep() self.control.deactivate( ( 'x' , 'y' ) ) stat_time = rospy.get_rostime() diff_time = 0 count_found = 0 while ( not rospy.is_shutdown() ) and diff_time < STRATEGY_STAKE_TIME_SURVEY : self.rate.sleep() self.control.force_xy( 0.0 , STRATEGY_STAKE_FORCE_SURVEY ) diff_time = ( rospy.get_rostime() - start_time ).to_sec() self.vision_stake.call_data() self.vision_stake.echo_data() if self.vision_stake.result['found']: count_found += 1 if count_found == 3 : self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY find stake I will target on that") count_unfound = 0 self.control.force_xy( 0 , 0 ) while not rospy.is_shutdown() and count_unfound < 3 : self.rate.sleep() self.vision_stake.call_data( STAKE_FIND_TARGET ) self.vision_stake.echo_data() force_x = 0 force_y = 0 ok_x = False ok_y = False if self.vision_stake.result['found'] : count_unfound = 0 if self.vision_stake.result['center'][0] > 20 : force_y = TARGET_RIGHT elif self.vision_stake.result['center'][1] < -20 : force_y = TARGET_LEFT else: ok_y = True if['area'] < STRATEGY_STAKE_AREA_FOCUS : force_x = TARGET_FORWARD else: ok_x = True if ok_x and ok_y : self.control.force_xy( 0 , 0 ) self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY get process to stake") self.mission_stake.operator() break else: self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY focuse target " + repr( ( force_x , force_y ) ) ) else: count_unfound += 1 self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY Don't found target " + str( count_unfound ) ) self.control.force_xy( 0 , 0 ) if count_unfound == 3: self.control.publish_data( "Strategy Continue until time out") count_found = 0 else: self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY Finish play break by after play") break else: count_found = 0 self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY count found " + str( count_found ) ) else: self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY faliure mission exposed don't play stake" ) self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY finish function play not_use_dvl")
def use_dvl( self ): self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY use DVL start mission by target at exposed") self.control.update_target() collective_target_yaw = zeabus_math.bound_radian([ 5 ] + STRATEGY_ROTATION_STAKE ) self.control.absolute_z( STRATEGY_EXPOSED_FIND ) self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY command depth to " + str( STRATEGY_EXPOSED_FIND ) ) self.control.sleep() self.control.relative_yaw( STRATEGY_ROTATION_EXPOSED ) self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY rotation for find target coffin to exposed " + str( STRATEGY_ROTATION_EXPOSED ) ) self.control.sleep() while not self.control.check_yaw( 0.15 ): self.rate.sleep() self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY distance survey is " + str( STRATEGY_DISTANCE_SURVEY ) ) self.control.relative_xy( 0 , STRATEGY_DISTANCE_SURVEY ) self.control.sleep() while not self.control.check_xy( 0.15 , 0.15 ): self.rate.sleep() self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY distance forward is " + str(STRATEGY_DISTANCE_FORWARD) ) self.control.relative_xy( STRATEGY_DISTANCE_FORWARD , 0 ) self.control.update_target() collective_point = ( self.control.target_pose[0] , self.control.target_pose[1] ) play_mission = False count_found = 0 while not self.control.check_xy( 0.15 , 0.15 ) : self.rate.sleep() self.vision_coffin.call_data() self.vision_coffin.echo_data() if self.vision_coffin.result['num_object'] > 0 : count_found += 1 if count_found == 3: self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY Find coffind stop survey and make center") self.control.deactivate( ('x' , 'y' ) ) count_unfound = 0 while ( not rospy.is_shutdown() ) and count_unfound < 3 : self.rate.sleep() self.vision_coffin.call_data() self.vision_coffin.echo_data() if self.vision_coffin.result['num_object'] > 0 : count_unfound = 0 force_x = 0 force_y = 0 ok_x = False ok_y = False if self.vision_coffin.result['center_x'] < -20 : force_y = SURVEY_LEFT elif self.vision_coffin.result['center_x' ] > 20 : force_y = SURVEY_RIGHT else: ok_y = True if self.vision_coffin.result['center_y'] < -20 : force_x = SURVEY_BACKWARD elif self.vision_coffin.result['center_y'] > 20 : force_x = SURVEY_FORWARD else: ok_x = True if ok_x and ok_y : count_found = 3 self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY now center point of coffin") self.control.force_xy( 0 , 0 ) break else: self.control.force_xy( force_x , force_y ) self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY command force " + repr( (force_x , force_y ) ) ) else: count_unfound += 1 count_found = 0 self.control.activate( ('x' , 'y' ) ) if count_unfound == 3 : self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY think target it is noise continue") self.control.absolute_xy( collective_point[0] , collective_point[1] ) self.control.sleep() else: break else: self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY found coffin object is " + str( count_found )) else: count_found = 0 result = False if count_found == 3 : self.mission_exposed.operator() result = True else: result = self.mission_exposed.find() if result: self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY finish play exposed consider try to play stake") self.control.absolute_yaw( collective_target_yaw ) self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY command target yaw is " + str( collective_target_yaw ) ) self.control.absolute_z( STRATEGY_STAKE_DEPTH ) self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY command depth to " + str( STRATEGY_STAKE_DEPTH ) ) self.control.sleep() while not self.control.check_yaw( 0.15 ): self.rate.sleep() self.control.relative_xy( 0 , STRATEGY_STAKE_DISTANCE_SURVEY ) self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY command survey is " + str( STRATEGY_STAKE_DISTANCE_SURVEY ) ) self.control.sleep() while not self.control.check_xy( 0.15 ): self.rate.sleep() self.control.relative_xy( STRATEGY_STAKE_DISTANCE_FORWARD , 0 ) self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY command forward is " + str( STRATEGY_STAKE_DISTANCE_FORWARD ) ) self.control.sleep() self.control.update_target() collective_point = ( self.control.target_pose[0] , self.control.target_pose[1] ) count_found = 0 while ( not self.control.check_xy( 0.15 ) ) and count_found < 3 : self.rate.sleep() self.vision_stake.call_data( STAKE_FIND_TARGET ) self.vision_stake.echo_data() if self.vision_stake.result['found'] : count_found += 1 if count_found == 3 : self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY Now found target stop and focus") count_unfound = 0 self.control.deactivate( ('x' , 'y' ) ) while ( not rospy.is_shutdown() ) and count_unfound < 3 : self.rate.sleep() self.vision_stake.call_data( STAKE_FIND_TARGET ) self.vision_stake.echo_data() if['found'] : count_unfound = 0 force_x = 0 force_y = 0 ok_x = False ok_z = False if['center'][0] > 10 : force_y = TARGET_LEFT elif['center'][0] < -10 : force_y = TARGET_RIGHT else: ok_x = True if['area'] < STRATEGY_STAKE_AREA_FOCUS / 1.5: force_x = TARGET_FORWARD else: ok_z = True if ok_x and ok_z : count_found = 3 self.control.force_xy( 0 , 0 ) self.mission_stake.operator() break else: self.control.force_xy( force_x , force_y ) self.control.publish_data("STRATEGY command force is " + repr( force_x , force_y ) ) else: count_unfound += 1 self.control.activate( ('x' , 'y' ) ) if count_unfound == 3: self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY target disapper" ) self.control.absolute_xy( collective_point[0] , collective_point[1] ) self.control.sleep() else: self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY Give process to stake") else: self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY found target " + str( count_found ) ) else: count_found = 0 else: self.control.publish_data( "STRATEGY don't continue to play because exposed false")
def moving_on_path(self): # status_mission = 3 # Move to center of path self.control.publish_data( "MOVING_ON_PATH move to center of first point") while ((not rospy.is_shutdown())): self.rate.sleep() force_x = 0 force_y = 0 target_point = 0 if ([0] < -15): force_y = TARGET_LEFT elif ([0] > 15): force_y = TARGET_RIGHT elif ([0] < -15): force_x = TARGET_BACKWARD elif ([0] > 15): force_x = TARGET_FORWARD elif (not self.control.check_yaw(0.12)): self.control.publish_data( "MOVING_ON_PATH POINT 1 now center Waiting yaw") else: self.control.publish_data( "MOVING_ON_PATH POINT 1 now center move direct") start_time = rospy.get_rostime() while ((not rospy.is_shutdown()) and != 3): self.rate.sleep() self.control.force_xy(1, 0) self.control.publish_data( "MOVING_ON_PATH POINT 1 move forward") self.control.force_xy(1, 0) break self.control.publish_data("MOVING_ON_PATH POINT 1 command " + repr((force_x, force_y))) self.control.force_xy(force_x, force_y) if PATH_MODE: self.control.publish_data( "MOVING_ON_PATH SECTION try move to center of point 2") start_time = rospy.get_rostime() diff_time = (rospy.get_rostime() - start_time).to_sec() while ((not rospy.is_shutdown) and diff_time < 7): self.rate.sleep() self.control.publish_data( "MOVING_ON_PATH try to find 3 point " + str(diff_time)) self.control.force_xy(TARGET_FORWARD, 0) diff_time = (rospy.get_rostime() - start_time).to_sec() self.control.force_xy(0, 0) self.control.publish_data( "MOVING_ON_PATH Finish little mode to center") count_unfound = 0 while ((not rospy.is_shutdown())): self.rate.sleep() force_x = 0 force_y = 0 if PATH_MODE: target_point = - 1 if target_point < 0: self.control.publish_data( "MOVING_ON_PATH Think more forward make num 0") self.control.force_xy(TARGET_BACKWARD, 0) continue else: target_point = 1 if ([1] < -10): force_y = TARGET_LEFT elif ([1] > 10): force_y = TARGET_RIGHT elif ([1] < -20): force_x = TARGET_BACKWARD elif ([1] > 00): force_x = TARGET_FORWARD else: self.control.publish_data( "MOVING_ON_PATH POINT 2 now center of point 2") break self.control.publish_data("MOVING_ON_PATH POINT 2 command " + repr((force_x, force_y))) self.control.force_xy(force_x, force_y) self.control.publish_data( "MOVING_ON_PATH I will deactivate yaw for rotation") self.control.deactivate(['x', 'y', 'yaw']) now_tune = False while (not rospy.is_shutdown()): self.rate.sleep() diff = zeabus_math.bound_radian([ - 2] - (math.pi / 2)) if ((abs([1]) > 80 or abs([1]) > 80) or now_tune): force_x = 0 force_y = 0 ok_x = False ok_y = False if (not now_tune): self.control.deactivate(['x', 'y']) if[1] > 20: force_y = TARGET_RIGHT elif[1] < -20: force_y = TARGET_LEFT else: ok_x = True if[1] > 20: force_x = TARGET_FORWARD elif[1] < -20: force_x = TARGET_BACKWARD else: ok_y = True self.control.publish_data( "MOVING_ON_PATH mode rotation force " + repr((force_x, force_y))) self.control.force_xy(force_x, force_y) if ok_x and ok_y: now_tune = False self.control.force_xy(0, 0) self.control.deactivate(['x', 'y', 'yaw']) continue self.control.publish_data("MOVING_ON_PATH diff yaw is " + str(diff)) if (abs(diff) < PATH_OK_DIFF_YAW): self.control.force_false() self.control.publish_data("Now rotation are ok") self.control.sleep() self.control.activate(['x', 'y', 'yaw']) self.control.relative_yaw(0, False) self.control.sleep() break elif (diff > 0): self.control.publish_data("MOVING_ON_PATH rotation left") self.control.force_xy_yaw(0, 0, PATH_FORCE_YAW) else: self.control.publish_data("MOVING_ON_PATH rotation right") self.control.force_xy_yaw(0, 0, -1.0 * PATH_FORCE_YAW) self.control.publish_data( "MOVING_ON_PATH Now rotation finish next is moving on path") self.control.deactivate(['x', 'y']) self.control.absolute_z(PATH_END_DEPTH) start_time = rospy.get_rostime() diff_time = (rospy.get_rostime() - start_time).to_sec() while (not rospy.is_shutdown() and diff_time < PATH_LAST_TIME): self.rate.sleep() self.control.force_xy(SURVEY_FORWARD, 0) diff_time = (rospy.get_rostime() - start_time).to_sec() self.control.publish_data("MOVING_ON_PATH diff , limit " + repr((diff_time, PATH_LAST_TIME))) self.control.activate(['x', 'y']) self.control.relative_xy(0, 0)
def setup_point(self): # status_mission = 2 self.control.publish_data("SETUP Move to first point") self.control.deactivate(['x', 'y']) while ((not rospy.is_shutdown())): self.rate.sleep() relative_x = 0 relative_y = 0 ok_x = False ok_y = False if ( == 0): relative_y = 0 elif ([0] > 10): relative_y = TARGET_RIGHT elif ([0] < -10): relative_y = TARGET_LEFT else: ok_y = True if ( == 0): relative_x = 0 elif ([0] > 0): relative_x = TARGET_FORWARD elif ([0] < -20): relative_x = TARGET_BACKWARD else: ok_x = True if (ok_x and ok_y): self.control.publish_data("SETUP xy are ok") self.control.force_xy(0, 0) break else: self.control.publish_data("SETUP command force x : y === " + str(relative_x) + " : " + str(relative_y)) self.control.force_xy(relative_x, relative_y) self.control.publish_data("SETUP I will deactivate yaw for rotation") self.control.deactivate(['x', 'y', 'yaw']) now_tune = False while (not rospy.is_shutdown()): self.rate.sleep() if ((abs([0]) > 80 or abs([0]) > 80) or now_tune): force_x = 0 force_y = 0 ok_x = False ok_y = False if not now_tune: self.control.deactivate(['x', 'y']) now_tune = True if[0] > 10: force_y = TARGET_RIGHT elif[0] < -10: force_y = TARGET_LEFT else: ok_x = True if[0] > 10: force_x = TARGET_FORWARD elif[0] < -10: force_x = TARGET_BACKWARD else: ok_y = True self.control.publish_data("SETUP mode rotation force " + repr((force_x, force_y))) self.control.force_xy(force_x, force_y) if ok_x and ok_y: self.control.force_xy(0, 0) self.control.deactivate(['x', 'y', 'yaw']) now_tune = False continue diff = zeabus_math.bound_radian([0] - (math.pi / 2)) self.control.publish_data("SETUP diff yaw is " + str(diff)) if (abs(diff) < PATH_OK_DIFF_YAW): self.control.force_false() self.control.publish_data("Now rotation are ok") self.control.sleep() self.control.activate(['x', 'y', 'yaw']) break elif (diff > 0): self.control.publish_data("SETUP rotation left") self.control.force_xy_yaw(0, 0.0, PATH_FORCE_YAW) else: self.control.publish_data("SETUP rotation right") self.control.force_xy_yaw(0, 0.0, -1.0 * PATH_FORCE_YAW) self.control.publish_data( "SETUP Now rotation finish next is moving on path") self.control.deactivate(['x', 'y']) self.moving_on_path()