Пример #1
    def __init__(self, filename=None):
        NetworkInventory.__init__(self, filename)

        # A dictionary listing host filtering criteria
        self.search_dict = {}
        self.filtered_hosts = []
        search_keywords = dict()
        search_keywords["target"] = "target"
        search_keywords["t"] = "target"
        search_keywords["inroute"] = "in_route"
        search_keywords["ir"] = "in_route"
        search_keywords["hostname"] = "hostname"
        search_keywords["service"] = "service"
        search_keywords["s"] = "service"
        search_keywords["os"] = "os"
        search_keywords["open"] = "open"
        search_keywords["op"] = "open"
        search_keywords["closed"] = "closed"
        search_keywords["cp"] = "closed"
        search_keywords["filtered"] = "filtered"
        search_keywords["fp"] = "filtered"
        search_keywords["unfiltered"] = "unfiltered"
        search_keywords["ufp"] = "unfiltered"
        search_keywords["open|filtered"] = "open_filtered"
        search_keywords["ofp"] = "open_filtered"
        search_keywords["closed|filtered"] = "closed_filtered"
        search_keywords["cfp"] = "closed_filtered"
        self.search_parser = SearchParser(self, search_keywords)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, filename = None):
        NetworkInventory.__init__(self, filename)

        # A dictionary listing host filtering criteria
        self.search_dict = {}
        self.filtered_hosts = []
        search_keywords = dict()
        search_keywords["target"] = "target"
        search_keywords["t"] = "target"
        search_keywords["inroute"] = "in_route"
        search_keywords["ir"] = "in_route"
        search_keywords["hostname"] = "hostname"
        search_keywords["service"] = "service"
        search_keywords["s"] = "service"
        search_keywords["os"] = "os"
        search_keywords["open"] = "open"
        search_keywords["op"] = "open"
        search_keywords["closed"] = "closed"
        search_keywords["cp"] = "closed"
        search_keywords["filtered"] = "filtered"
        search_keywords["fp"] = "filtered"
        search_keywords["unfiltered"] = "unfiltered"
        search_keywords["ufp"] = "unfiltered"
        search_keywords["open|filtered"] = "open_filtered"
        search_keywords["ofp"] = "open_filtered"
        search_keywords["closed|filtered"] = "closed_filtered"
        search_keywords["cfp"] = "closed_filtered"
        self.search_parser = SearchParser(self, search_keywords)
Пример #3
class FilteredNetworkInventory(NetworkInventory):
    def __init__(self, filename = None):
        NetworkInventory.__init__(self, filename)

        # A dictionary listing host filtering criteria
        self.search_dict = {}
        self.filtered_hosts = []
        search_keywords = dict()
        search_keywords["target"] = "target"
        search_keywords["t"] = "target"
        search_keywords["inroute"] = "in_route"
        search_keywords["ir"] = "in_route"
        search_keywords["hostname"] = "hostname"
        search_keywords["service"] = "service"
        search_keywords["s"] = "service"
        search_keywords["os"] = "os"
        search_keywords["open"] = "open"
        search_keywords["op"] = "open"
        search_keywords["closed"] = "closed"
        search_keywords["cp"] = "closed"
        search_keywords["filtered"] = "filtered"
        search_keywords["fp"] = "filtered"
        search_keywords["unfiltered"] = "unfiltered"
        search_keywords["ufp"] = "unfiltered"
        search_keywords["open|filtered"] = "open_filtered"
        search_keywords["ofp"] = "open_filtered"
        search_keywords["closed|filtered"] = "closed_filtered"
        search_keywords["cfp"] = "closed_filtered"
        self.search_parser = SearchParser(self, search_keywords)

    # FIXME: This method doesn't do anything.  We just need to support
    # the type of interface that SearchParser expects in order to use it.
    # Perhaps, we will eventually refactor the SearchParser a little bit
    # more?
    def init_search_dirs(self, junk):

    def get_hosts(self):
        if len(self.search_dict) > 0:
            return self.filtered_hosts
            return NetworkInventory.get_hosts(self)
    def get_hosts_up(self):
        if len(self.search_dict) > 0:
            return filter(lambda h: h.get_state() == 'up', self.filtered_hosts)
            return NetworkInventory.get_hosts_up(self)
    def get_hosts_down(self):
        if len(self.search_dict) > 0:
            return filter(lambda h: h.get_state() == 'down', self.filtered_hosts)
            return NetworkInventory.get_hosts_down(self)
    def get_total_host_count(self):
        return len(self.hosts)
    def _match_all_args(self, host, operator, args):
        """A helper function that calls the matching function for the given
        operator and each of its arguments."""
        for arg in args:
            positive = True
            if arg != "" and arg[0] == "!":
                arg = arg[1:]
                positive = False
            if positive != self.__getattribute__("match_%s" % operator)(host, arg):
                # No match for this operator
                return False
            # if the operator is not supported, pretend its true
            # All arguments for this operator produced a match
            return True
    def get_host_count(self):
        return len(self.network_inventory.hosts)
    def match_keyword(self, host, keyword):
        return self.match_os(host, keyword) or\
               self.match_target(host, keyword) or\
               self.match_service(host, keyword)
    def match_target(self, host, name):
        return HostSearch.match_target(host, name)
    def match_in_route(self, host, hop):
        hops = host.get_trace().get('hops', [])
        return hop in hops
    def match_hostname(self, host, hostname):
        return HostSearch.match_hostname(host, hostname)
    def match_service(self, host, service):
        return HostSearch.match_service(host, service)
    def match_os(self, host, os):
        return HostSearch.match_os(host, os)
    def match_open(self, host, portno):
        host_ports = host.get_ports()
        return HostSearch.match_port(host_ports, portno, "open")
    def match_closed(self, host, portno):
        host_ports = host.get_ports()
        return HostSearch.match_port(host_ports, portno, "closed")
    def match_filtered(self, host, portno):
        host_ports = host.get_ports()
        return HostSearch.match_port(host_ports, portno, "filtered")
    def match_unfiltered(self, host, portno):
        host_ports = host.get_ports()
        return HostSearch.match_port(host_ports, portno, "unfiltered")
    def match_open_filtered(self, host, portno):
        host_ports = host.get_ports()
        return HostSearch.match_port(host_ports, portno, "open|filtered")
    def match_closed_filtered(self, host, portno):
        host_ports = host.get_ports()
        return HostSearch.match_port(host_ports, portno, "closed|filtered")
    def apply_filter(self, filter_text):
        self.filter_text = filter_text.lower()
        self.filtered_hosts = []
        for hostname, host in self.hosts.iteritems():
            # For each host in this scan
            # Test each given operator against the current host
            for operator, args in self.search_dict.iteritems():
                if not self._match_all_args(host, operator, args):
                    # No match => we discard this scan_result
                # All operator-matching functions have returned True, so this
                # host satisfies all conditions
Пример #4
class FilteredNetworkInventory(NetworkInventory):
    def __init__(self, filename=None):
        NetworkInventory.__init__(self, filename)

        # A dictionary listing host filtering criteria
        self.search_dict = {}
        self.filtered_hosts = []
        search_keywords = dict()
        search_keywords["target"] = "target"
        search_keywords["t"] = "target"
        search_keywords["inroute"] = "in_route"
        search_keywords["ir"] = "in_route"
        search_keywords["hostname"] = "hostname"
        search_keywords["service"] = "service"
        search_keywords["s"] = "service"
        search_keywords["os"] = "os"
        search_keywords["open"] = "open"
        search_keywords["op"] = "open"
        search_keywords["closed"] = "closed"
        search_keywords["cp"] = "closed"
        search_keywords["filtered"] = "filtered"
        search_keywords["fp"] = "filtered"
        search_keywords["unfiltered"] = "unfiltered"
        search_keywords["ufp"] = "unfiltered"
        search_keywords["open|filtered"] = "open_filtered"
        search_keywords["ofp"] = "open_filtered"
        search_keywords["closed|filtered"] = "closed_filtered"
        search_keywords["cfp"] = "closed_filtered"
        self.search_parser = SearchParser(self, search_keywords)

    # FIXME: This method doesn't do anything.  We just need to support
    # the type of interface that SearchParser expects in order to use it.
    # Perhaps, we will eventually refactor the SearchParser a little bit
    # more?
    def init_search_dirs(self, junk):

    def get_hosts(self):
        if len(self.search_dict) > 0:
            return self.filtered_hosts
            return NetworkInventory.get_hosts(self)

    def get_hosts_up(self):
        if len(self.search_dict) > 0:
            return filter(lambda h: h.get_state() == 'up', self.filtered_hosts)
            return NetworkInventory.get_hosts_up(self)

    def get_hosts_down(self):
        if len(self.search_dict) > 0:
            return filter(lambda h: h.get_state() == 'down',
            return NetworkInventory.get_hosts_down(self)

    def get_total_host_count(self):
        return len(self.hosts)

    def _match_all_args(self, host, operator, args):
        """A helper function that calls the matching function for the given
        operator and each of its arguments."""
        for arg in args:
            positive = True
            if arg != "" and arg[0] == "!":
                arg = arg[1:]
                positive = False
            if positive != self.__getattribute__("match_%s" % operator)(host,
                # No match for this operator
                return False
            # if the operator is not supported, pretend its true
            # All arguments for this operator produced a match
            return True

    def get_host_count(self):
        return len(self.network_inventory.hosts)

    def match_keyword(self, host, keyword):
        return (self.match_os(host, keyword)
                or self.match_target(host, keyword)
                or self.match_service(host, keyword))

    def match_target(self, host, name):
        return HostSearch.match_target(host, name)

    def match_in_route(self, host, hop):
        hops = host.get_trace().get('hops', [])
        return hop in hops

    def match_hostname(self, host, hostname):
        return HostSearch.match_hostname(host, hostname)

    def match_service(self, host, service):
        return HostSearch.match_service(host, service)

    def match_os(self, host, os):
        return HostSearch.match_os(host, os)

    def match_open(self, host, portno):
        host_ports = host.get_ports()
        return HostSearch.match_port(host_ports, portno, "open")

    def match_closed(self, host, portno):
        host_ports = host.get_ports()
        return HostSearch.match_port(host_ports, portno, "closed")

    def match_filtered(self, host, portno):
        host_ports = host.get_ports()
        return HostSearch.match_port(host_ports, portno, "filtered")

    def match_unfiltered(self, host, portno):
        host_ports = host.get_ports()
        return HostSearch.match_port(host_ports, portno, "unfiltered")

    def match_open_filtered(self, host, portno):
        host_ports = host.get_ports()
        return HostSearch.match_port(host_ports, portno, "open|filtered")

    def match_closed_filtered(self, host, portno):
        host_ports = host.get_ports()
        return HostSearch.match_port(host_ports, portno, "closed|filtered")

    def apply_filter(self, filter_text):
        self.filter_text = filter_text.lower()
        self.filtered_hosts = []
        for hostname, host in self.hosts.iteritems():
            # For each host in this scan
            # Test each given operator against the current host
            for operator, args in self.search_dict.iteritems():
                if not self._match_all_args(host, operator, args):
                    # No match => we discard this scan_result
                # All operator-matching functions have returned True, so this
                # host satisfies all conditions