Пример #1
    def __init__(self,
                 clientId: str,
                 nodeReg: Dict[str, HA]=None,
                 ha: Union[HA, Tuple[str, int]]=None,
                 lastReqId: int = 0,
                 signer: Signer=None,
                 basedirpath: str=None):
        Creates a new client.

        :param clientId: unique identifier for the client
        :param nodeReg: names and host addresses of all nodes in the pool
        :param lastReqId: Request Id of the last request sent by client
        :param stack: node stack or dictionary of node constructor kwargs
        :param signer: Helper for signer (defines sign method)
        self.clientId = clientId
        self.lastReqId = lastReqId
        self._clientStack = None

        cha = ha if isinstance(ha, HA) else HA(*ha)
        stackargs = dict(name=clientId,
                         main=False,  # stops incoming vacuous joins
        if basedirpath:
            stackargs['basedirpath'] = basedirpath

        self.created = time.perf_counter()
        logger.info("Client initialized with the following node registry:")
        lengths = [max(x) for x in zip(*[
            (len(name), len(host), len(str(port)))
            for name, (host, port) in nodeReg.items()])]
        fmt = "    {{:<{}}} listens at {{:<{}}} on port {{:>{}}}".format(
        for name, (host, port) in nodeReg.items():
            logger.info(fmt.format(name, host, port))


        self.inBox = deque()

        self.signer = signer if signer else SimpleSigner(self.clientId)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self,
                 name: str,
                 nodeRegistry: Dict[str, HA],
                 clientAuthNr: ClientAuthNr=None,
                 ha: HA=None,
                 cliname: str=None,
                 cliha: HA=None,
                 basedirpath: str=None,
                 primaryDecider: PrimaryDecider = None):
        Create a new node.

        :param nodeRegistry: names and host addresses of all nodes in the pool
        :param clientAuthNr: client authenticator implementation to be used
        :param basedirpath: path to the base directory used by `nstack` and
        :param primaryDecider: the mechanism to be used to decide the primary
        of a protocol instance
        self.primaryDecider = primaryDecider
        me = nodeRegistry[name]

        self.allNodeNames = list(nodeRegistry.keys())
        if isinstance(me, NodeDetail):
            sha = me.ha
            scliname = me.cliname
            scliha = me.cliha
            nodeReg = {k: v.ha for k, v in nodeRegistry.items()}
            sha = me if isinstance(me, HA) else HA(*me)
            scliname = None
            scliha = None
            nodeReg = {k: HA(*v) for k, v in nodeRegistry.items()}
        if not ha:  # pull it from the registry
            ha = sha
        if not cliname:  # default to the name plus the suffix
            cliname = scliname if scliname else name + CLIENT_STACK_SUFFIX
        if not cliha:  # default to same ip, port + 1
            cliha = scliha if scliha else HA(ha[0], ha[1]+1)

        nstack = dict(name=name,

        cstack = dict(name=cliname,

        if basedirpath:
            nstack['basedirpath'] = basedirpath
            cstack['basedirpath'] = basedirpath

        self.clientAuthNr = clientAuthNr or SimpleAuthNr()

        self.nodeInBox = deque()
        self.clientInBox = deque()
        self.created = time.perf_counter()

        NodeStacked.__init__(self, nstack, nodeReg)
        ClientStacked.__init__(self, cstack)

        self.totalNodes = len(nodeRegistry)
        self.f = getMaxFailures(self.totalNodes)
        self.requiredNumberOfInstances = self.f + 1  # per RBFT
        self.minimumNodes = (2 * self.f) + 1  # minimum for a functional pool

        self.txnStore = TransactionStore()

        # Stores which protocol instance is master
        self._masterInst = None  # type: Optional[int]

        self.replicas = []  # type: List[replica.Replica]

        self.instanceChanges = InstanceChanges()

        self.viewNo = 0                             # type: int

        self.rank = self.getRank(self.name, nodeRegistry)

        self.elector = None  # type: PrimaryDecider

        self.forwardedRequests = set()  # type: Set[Tuple[(str, int)]]

        self.monitor = Monitor(.9, 60, 5)

        # Requests that are to be given to the replicas by the node. Each
        # element of the list is a deque for the replica with number equal to
        # its index in the list and each element of the deque is a named tuple
        self.msgsToReplicas = []  # type: List[deque]

        # Requests that are to be given to the elector by the node
        self.msgsToElector = deque()

        nodeRoutes = [(Propagate, self.processPropagate),
                      (InstanceChange, self.processInstanceChange)]

        nodeRoutes.extend((msgTyp, self.sendToElector) for msgTyp in
                          [Nomination, Primary, Reelection])

        nodeRoutes.extend((msgTyp, self.sendToReplica) for msgTyp in
                          [PrePrepare, Prepare, Commit])

        self.nodeMsgRouter = Router(*nodeRoutes)

        self.clientMsgRouter = Router((Request,

        self.perfCheckFreq = 10

        self._schedule(self.checkPerformance, self.perfCheckFreq)

        self.clientBlacklister = SimpleBlacklister(
            self.name + CLIENT_BLACKLISTER_SUFFIX)  # type: Blacklister

        self.nodeBlacklister = SimpleBlacklister(
            self.name + NODE_BLACKLISTER_SUFFIX)  # type: Blacklister

        # This controls which message types are excluded from signature
        # verification. These are still subject to RAET's signature verification
        # but client signatures will not be checked on these. Expressly
        # prohibited from being in this is ClientRequest and Propagation,
        # which both require client signature verification
        self.authnWhitelist = (Nomination, Primary, Reelection,
                               PrePrepare, Prepare,
                               Commit, InstanceChange)