Пример #1
def test_broken_zencode():
    with pytest.raises(ZenroomException) as e:
        contract = """Scenario coconut: 'coconut'
When I"""
        conf = "color:0\ndebug:1"
        result = zenroom.zencode_exec(contract)
        assert result.stderr
        assert "{}" == result.stdout
Пример #2
def create_keypair():
    contract = """
        rule check version 1.0.0
        Scenario 'ecdh': create a keypair
        Given nothing
        When I create the keypair
        Then print 'keypair'

        result = zenroom.zencode_exec(contract)
    except Exception as e:
        print(f'Exception in zenroom call: {e}')

    # breakpoint()
    keypair = json.loads(result.output)['keypair']
    print(f'challenge: {keypair}')
    return keypair
Пример #3
def verify_signed_vc():
    data = '{"my-vc": {"@context":["https://www.w3.org/2018/credentials/v1","http://genecoop.waag.org/credentials/v1#",{"gc_cred":"http://genecoop.waag.org/credentials/v1#","gc_docs":"https://genecoop.waag.org/docs/","gc_ids":"https://genecoop.waag.org/ids/","gc_schema":"http://genecoop.waag.org/schema/v1#"}],"credentialSubject":{"gc_cred:consents_to":[{"id":"gc_schema:exp_000","name":"Array SNP request + Analysis and interpretation"},{"id":"gc_schema:exp_001","name":"Copy Number Variation"},{"id":"gc_schema:exp_003","name":"Population study. DNA data available for secondary use"}],"gc_cred:prohibits":[{"id":"gc_schema:exp_002","name":"SNP Variant detection (Biomarker or Pathogenic)"}],"id":"https://genecoop.waag.org/ids/superduper"},"given_to":{"id":"https://genecoop.waag.org/ids/researcherA"},"id":"gc_docs:3e424387d2","issuanceDate":"2021-06-07T14:09:17.162Z","issuer":{"id":"gc_ids:GeneCoop","name":"GeneCoop Consent Service"},"name":"Consent for Eye Melanoma research","proof":{"jws":"eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksiLCJiNjQiOnRydWUsImNyaXQiOiJiNjQifQ..LeL430a4rG39VUECHePk1RjejevSGZtn97iqeoT3glmSTX2qZr0X1O07h-Gg7X1DgYW-pR17idDVTGsXsaVG1Q","proofPurpose":"authenticate","type":"Zenroom","verificationMethod":"https://genecoop.waag.org/ids/superduper"},"termsOfUse":[{"gc_cred:obligation":[{"gc_cred:action":[{"id":"gc_cred:FetchLatestConsent"}],"gc_cred:assignee":{"id":"gc_cred:AllVerifiers"},"gc_cred:assigner":{"id":"gc_ids:GeneCoop"},"gc_cred:target":{"id":"gc_docs:3e424387d2"}}],"type":"gc_cred:IssuerPolicy"}],"type":["VerifiableCredential","VerifiableConsent"]}}'

    keys = '{"Issuer": {"public_key": "BCPyi2O0McdRkkfB6+DbXfz7Wiv7UmX9+rYiQCUBov6ZVu/kE0PZMThgAowU/E0F8xsRnAE/QeBGR4/yEtnlj/8=" } }'

    contract = """
        Rule check version 1.0.0
        Scenario 'w3c' : verify w3c vc signature
        Scenario 'ecdh' : verify
        Given I have a 'public key' from 'Issuer'
        Given I have a 'verifiable credential' named 'my-vc'
        When I verify the verifiable credential named 'my-vc'
        Then print the string 'verification passed'

        # result = zenroom.zencode_exec(contract, keys=json.dumps(keys), data=json.dumps(data))
        # breakpoint()
        result = zenroom.zencode_exec(contract,
    except Exception as e:
        print(f'Exception in zenroom call: {e}')
        # print(f'Exception in zenroom call: {e}')
        return False

    # result = zenroom.zencode_exec(contract, data=json.dumps(data))

    print(f'result: {result}')

    if not result.output == '':
        res_json = json.loads(result.output)
        if type(res_json['output']) == list:
            parsed_res = res_json['output'][0]
            parsed_res = res_json['output']
        if parsed_res == 'verification_passed':
            print(f'Verification passed')
            return True

    print(f'Verification NOT passed')
    return False
Пример #4
def verify_signature():

    contract = """
    rule check version 1.0.0
    Scenario 'ecdh': verify the signature of a request
    Given I have a 'public key' from 'Signer'
    and I have a 'string' named 'message'
    and I have a 'signature' named 'message.signature'
    When I verify the 'message' has a signature in 'message.signature' by 'Signer'
    Then print 'verification passed' as 'string'

    data = '{"message": "9yDO2VAkbs2Dqb8NcAU/deaL9TBzM7K+/jHdGAz/Wqpw/+evNsVlBLsoShFe/k4ZbaPk/K6b8r0ZhkyNTUI6wQ==", "message.signature": {"r":"lvzeTbEUpgcT3lfjqvp7XcWKNX0rLxlPGMGDkYWs52w=","s":"7uAqNP6shbT50k4k56TepoiO/oges6L3koFqg0LQUmI="} }'

    keys = '{"Signer": {"public_key": "BGRO8HAnOMeESESnhekVyrsr0q9tHNtI3X7eYaNoVfr9wzThRuL6E9WVltW1jT6z1IVHXSdophZJkBEuYjfa4qg=" } }'

        # result = zenroom.zencode_exec(contract, keys=json.dumps(keys), data=json.dumps(data))
        # breakpoint()
        result = zenroom.zencode_exec(contract,
    except Exception as e:
        print(f'Exception in zenroom call: {e}')
        return False

    if not result.output == '':
        res_json = json.loads(result.output)

        res_json = json.loads(result.output)
        if type(res_json['output']) == list:
            parsed_res = res_json['output'][0]
            parsed_res = res_json['output']

        if parsed_res == 'verification_passed':
            print(f'Verification passed')
            return True

    print(f'Verification NOT passed')
    return False
Пример #5
def create_challenge():
        Call zenroom to create a random challenge

    contract = """
        rule check version 1.0.0
        Given nothing
        When I create the random object of '512' bits
        and I rename the 'random_object' to 'challenge'
        Then print 'challenge'

        result = zenroom.zencode_exec(contract)
    except Exception as e:
        print(f'Exception in zenroom call: {e}')

    challenge = json.loads(result.output)['challenge']
    print(f'challenge: {challenge}')
    return challenge
Пример #6
def sign_challenge(public_key, private_key, challenge):
        Sign a challenge with the Signer's credentials
    contract = """
    rule check version 1.0.0
    Scenario 'ecdh': create the signature of a challenge
    Given I have a 'string' named 'challenge'
    and I am 'Signer'
    and I have my 'keypair'
    When I create the signature of 'challenge'
    and I rename the 'signature' to 'challenge.signature'
    Then print the 'challenge.signature'
    data = {
        "challenge": challenge

    keys = {
        "Signer": {
            "keypair": {
                    "private_key": private_key,
                    "public_key": public_key

        result = zenroom.zencode_exec(
        contract, keys=json.dumps(keys), data=json.dumps(data))
    except Exception as e:
        print(f'Exception in zenroom call: {e}')
    signature = json.loads(result.output)['challenge.signature']
    print(f'signature: {signature}')

    return signature
Пример #7
def verify_challenge(public_key, challenge, signature):
        Call zenroom to verify the signature of a challenge

    contract = """
    rule check version 1.0.0
    Scenario 'ecdh': verify the signature of a request
    Given I have a 'public key' from 'Signer'
    and I have a 'string' named 'challenge'
    and I have a 'signature' named 'signature'
    When I verify the 'challenge' has a signature in 'signature' by 'Signer'
    Then print 'verification passed' as 'string'
    data = {
        "challenge": challenge,
        "signature": signature

    keys = {
        "Signer": {
            "public_key": public_key


        result = zenroom.zencode_exec(
        contract, keys=json.dumps(keys), data=json.dumps(data))
    except Exception as e:
        print(f'Exception in zenroom call: {e}')
    verification = json.loads(result.output)['output']

    print(f'verification: {verification}')

    return verification