Пример #1
class MDNSInterface(object):

    def __init__(self, interfaceIp):
        self.logger = Logger('MDNSInterface')
        self.ip = interfaceIp

    def _establish_interface(self):
            self.zeroconf = Zeroconf([self.ip])
        except socket.error:
            msg = "Could not find interface with IP {}".format(self.ip)
            raise InterfaceNotFoundException(msg)

    def registerService(self, info):

    def unregisterService(self, info):

    def close(self):
Пример #2
class IS0902Test(GenericTest):
    Runs IS-09-02-Test
    def __init__(self, apis, systems, dns_server):
        GenericTest.__init__(self, apis, disable_auto=True)
        self.invalid_system = systems[0]
        self.primary_system = systems[1]
        self.systems = systems[1:]
        self.dns_server = dns_server
        self.system_basics_done = False
        self.system_basics_data = []
        self.system_primary_data = None
        self.system_invalid_data = None
        self.zc = None
        self.zc_listener = None

    def set_up_tests(self):
        self.zc = Zeroconf()
        self.zc_listener = MdnsListener(self.zc)
        if self.dns_server:
            self.dns_server.load_zone(self.apis[SYSTEM_API_KEY]["version"], self.protocol,
                                      "test_data/IS0902/dns_records.zone", CONFIG.PORT_BASE+300)

    def tear_down_tests(self):
        if self.zc:
            self.zc = None
        if self.dns_server:

    def _system_mdns_info(self, port, priority=0, api_ver=None, api_proto=None, ip=None):
        """Get an mDNS ServiceInfo object in order to create an advertisement"""
        if api_ver is None:
            api_ver = self.apis[SYSTEM_API_KEY]["version"]
        if api_proto is None:
            api_proto = self.protocol

        if ip is None:
            ip = get_default_ip()
            hostname = "nmos-mocks.local."
            hostname = ip.replace(".", "-") + ".local."

        # TODO: Add another test which checks support for parsing CSV string in api_ver
        txt = {'api_ver': api_ver, 'api_proto': api_proto, 'pri': str(priority), 'api_auth': 'false'}

        service_type = "_nmos-system._tcp.local."
        info = ServiceInfo(service_type,
                           "NMOSTestSuite{}{}.{}".format(port, api_proto, service_type),
                           socket.inet_aton(ip), port, 0, 0,
                           txt, hostname)
        return info

    def do_system_basics_prereqs(self):
        """Advertise a System API and collect data from any Nodes which discover it"""

        if self.system_basics_done:

        if CONFIG.DNS_SD_MODE == "multicast":
            system_mdns = []
            priority = 0

            # Add advertisement with invalid version
            info = self._system_mdns_info(self.invalid_system.port, priority, "v9.0")
            # Add advertisement with invalid protocol
            info = self._system_mdns_info(self.invalid_system.port, priority, None, "invalid")

            # Add advertisement for primary and failover System APIs
            for system in self.systems[0:-1]:
                info = self._system_mdns_info(system.port, priority)
                priority += 10

            # Add a fake advertisement for a timeout simulating System API
            info = self._system_mdns_info(444, priority, ip="")
            priority += 10

            # Add the final real System API advertisement
            info = self._system_mdns_info(self.systems[-1].port, priority)

        # Reset all System APIs
        for system in self.systems:


        if CONFIG.DNS_SD_MODE == "multicast":
            # Advertise the primary System API and invalid ones at pri 0, and allow the Node to do a basic registration

        # Wait for n seconds after advertising the service for the first interaction
        start_time = time.time()
        while time.time() < start_time + CONFIG.DNS_SD_ADVERT_TIMEOUT:
            if len(self.primary_system.requests) > 0:
            if len(self.invalid_system.requests) > 0:

        # Clean up mDNS advertisements and disable System APIs
        if CONFIG.DNS_SD_MODE == "multicast":
            for info in system_mdns:
        for index, system in enumerate(self.systems):

        self.system_basics_done = True
        for system in self.systems:
        self.system_invalid_data = self.invalid_system

        # If the Node preferred the invalid System API, don't penalise it for other tests which check the general
        # interactions are correct
        self.system_primary_data = self.system_basics_data[0]
        if len(self.system_invalid_data.requests) > 0:

    def test_01(self, test):
        """Node can discover System API via multicast DNS"""

        if not CONFIG.ENABLE_DNS_SD or CONFIG.DNS_SD_MODE != "multicast":
            return test.DISABLED("This test cannot be performed when ENABLE_DNS_SD is False or DNS_SD_MODE is not "


        if self.apis[NODE_API_KEY]["ip"] in self.system_primary_data.requests:
            return test.PASS()

        return test.FAIL("Node did not attempt to contact the advertised System API.")

    def test_01_01(self, test):
        """Node does not attempt to contact an unsuitable System API"""

        if not CONFIG.ENABLE_DNS_SD or CONFIG.DNS_SD_MODE != "multicast":
            return test.DISABLED("This test cannot be performed when ENABLE_DNS_SD is False or DNS_SD_MODE is not "


        if self.apis[NODE_API_KEY]["ip"] in self.system_invalid_data.requests:
            return test.FAIL("Node incorrectly contacted a System API advertising an invalid 'api_ver' or 'api_proto'")

        return test.PASS()

    def test_02(self, test):
        """Node can discover System API via unicast DNS"""

        if not CONFIG.ENABLE_DNS_SD or CONFIG.DNS_SD_MODE != "unicast":
            return test.DISABLED("This test cannot be performed when ENABLE_DNS_SD is False or DNS_SD_MODE is not "


        if self.apis[NODE_API_KEY]["ip"] in self.system_primary_data.requests:
            return test.PASS()

        return test.FAIL("Node did not attempt to contact the advertised System API.")

    def test_02_01(self, test):
        """Node does not attempt to contact an unsuitable System API"""

        if not CONFIG.ENABLE_DNS_SD or CONFIG.DNS_SD_MODE != "unicast":
            return test.DISABLED("This test cannot be performed when ENABLE_DNS_SD is False or DNS_SD_MODE is not "


        if self.apis[NODE_API_KEY]["ip"] in self.system_invalid_data.requests:
            return test.FAIL("Node incorrectly contacted a System API advertising an invalid 'api_ver' or 'api_proto'")

        return test.PASS()

    def test_03(self, test):
        """System API interactions use the correct versioned path"""

        if not CONFIG.ENABLE_DNS_SD:
            return test.DISABLED("This test cannot be performed when ENABLE_DNS_SD is False")


        api = self.apis[SYSTEM_API_KEY]

        if not self.apis[NODE_API_KEY]["ip"] in self.system_primary_data.requests:
            return test.FAIL("Node did not attempt to contact the advertised System API.")

        if not self.system_primary_data.requests[self.apis[NODE_API_KEY]["ip"]] == api["version"]:
            return test.FAIL("System API interaction used version '{}' instead of '{}'"
                             .format(self.system_primary_data.version, api["version"]))

        return test.PASS()

    def test_04(self, test):
        """Node correctly selects a System API based on advertised priorities"""

        if not CONFIG.ENABLE_DNS_SD:
            return test.DISABLED("This test cannot be performed when ENABLE_DNS_SD is False")


        if not self.apis[NODE_API_KEY]["ip"] in self.system_primary_data.requests:
            return test.FAIL("Node did not attempt to contact the advertised System API.")

        # All but the first and last System API can be used for priority tests.
        for index, system_data in enumerate(self.system_basics_data[1:-1]):
            if self.apis[NODE_API_KEY]["ip"] in system_data.requests:
                return test.FAIL("Node incorrectly contacted System API {} advertised on port {}"
                                 .format(index + 1, system_data.port))

        return test.PASS()

    def test_05(self, test):
        """System API configuration takes effect in the Node"""

        return test.MANUAL()
Пример #3
class IS0401Test(GenericTest):
    Runs IS-04-01-Test
    def __init__(self, apis, registries, node, dns_server):
        GenericTest.__init__(self, apis)
        self.registries = registries
        self.node = node
        self.dns_server = dns_server
        self.node_url = self.apis[NODE_API_KEY]["url"]
        self.registry_basics_done = False
        self.is04_utils = IS04Utils(self.node_url)
        self.zc = None
        self.zc_listener = None

    def set_up_tests(self):
        self.zc = Zeroconf()
        self.zc_listener = MdnsListener(self.zc)
        if self.dns_server:

    def tear_down_tests(self):
        if self.zc:
            self.zc = None
        if self.dns_server:

    def _registry_mdns_info(self, port, priority=0):
        """Get an mDNS ServiceInfo object in order to create an advertisement"""
        default_gw_interface = netifaces.gateways()['default'][netifaces.AF_INET][1]
        default_ip = netifaces.ifaddresses(default_gw_interface)[netifaces.AF_INET][0]['addr']
        # TODO: Add another test which checks support for parsing CSV string in api_ver
        txt = {'api_ver': self.apis[NODE_API_KEY]["version"], 'api_proto': 'http', 'pri': str(priority)}

        service_type = "_nmos-registration._tcp.local."
        if self.is04_utils.compare_api_version(self.apis[NODE_API_KEY]["version"], "v1.3") >= 0:
            service_type = "_nmos-register._tcp.local."

        info = ServiceInfo(service_type,
                           "NMOSTestSuite{}.{}".format(port, service_type),
                           socket.inet_aton(default_ip), port, 0, 0,
                           txt, "nmos-test.local.")
        return info

    def do_registry_basics_prereqs(self):
        """Advertise a registry and collect data from any Nodes which discover it"""

        if self.registry_basics_done or not ENABLE_DNS_SD:

        if DNS_SD_MODE == "multicast":
            registry_mdns = []
            priority = 0
            for registry in self.registries:
                info = self._registry_mdns_info(registry.get_port(), priority)
                priority += 10

        # Reset all registries to clear previous heartbeats, etc.
        for registry in self.registries:

        registry = self.registries[0]

        if DNS_SD_MODE == "multicast":
            # Advertise a registry at pri 0 and allow the Node to do a basic registration

        # Wait for n seconds after advertising the service for the first POST from a Node

        # Wait until we're sure the Node has registered everything it intends to, and we've had at least one heartbeat
        while (time.time() - self.registries[0].last_time) < HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL + 1:

        # Ensure we have two heartbeats from the Node, assuming any are arriving (for test_05)
        if len(self.registries[0].get_heartbeats()) > 0:
            # It is heartbeating, but we don't have enough of them yet
            while len(self.registries[0].get_heartbeats()) < 2:

            # Once registered, advertise all other registries at different (ascending) priorities
            for index, registry in enumerate(self.registries[1:]):
                if DNS_SD_MODE == "multicast":
                    self.zc.register_service(registry_mdns[index + 1])

            # Kill registries one by one to collect data around failover
            for index, registry in enumerate(self.registries):

                # Prevent access to an out of bounds index below
                if (index + 1) >= len(self.registries):

                heartbeat_countdown = HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL + 1
                while len(self.registries[index + 1].get_heartbeats()) < 1 and heartbeat_countdown > 0:
                    # Wait until the heartbeat interval has elapsed or a heartbeat has been received
                    heartbeat_countdown -= 1

                if len(self.registries[index + 1].get_heartbeats()) < 1:
                    # Testing has failed at this point, so we might as well abort

        # Clean up mDNS advertisements and disable registries
        for index, registry in enumerate(self.registries):
            if DNS_SD_MODE == "multicast":

        self.registry_basics_done = True

    def test_01(self):
        """Node can discover network registration service via multicast DNS"""

        test = Test("Node can discover network registration service via multicast DNS")

        if not ENABLE_DNS_SD or DNS_SD_MODE != "multicast":
            return test.DISABLED("This test cannot be performed when ENABLE_DNS_SD is False or DNS_SD_MODE is not "


        registry = self.registries[0]
        if len(registry.get_data()) > 0:
            return test.PASS()

        return test.FAIL("Node did not attempt to register with the advertised registry.")

    def test_02(self):
        """Node can discover network registration service via unicast DNS"""

        test = Test("Node can discover network registration service via unicast DNS")

        if not ENABLE_DNS_SD or DNS_SD_MODE != "unicast":
            return test.DISABLED("This test cannot be performed when ENABLE_DNS_SD is False or DNS_SD_MODE is not "


        registry = self.registries[0]
        if len(registry.get_data()) > 0:
            return test.PASS()

        return test.FAIL("Node did not attempt to register with the advertised registry.")

    def test_03(self):
        """Registration API interactions use the correct Content-Type"""

        test = Test("Registration API interactions use the correct Content-Type")

        if not ENABLE_DNS_SD:
            return test.DISABLED("This test cannot be performed when ENABLE_DNS_SD is False")


        registry = self.registries[0]
        if len(registry.get_data()) == 0:
            return test.FAIL("No registrations found")

        for resource in registry.get_data():
            if "Content-Type" not in resource[1]["headers"]:
                return test.FAIL("Node failed to signal its Content-Type correctly when registering.")
            elif resource[1]["headers"]["Content-Type"] != "application/json":
                return test.FAIL("Node signalled a Content-Type other than application/json.")

        return test.PASS()

    def check_mdns_pri(self):
        # Set priority to 100
        # Ensure nothing registers

    def check_mdns_proto(self):
        # Set proto to https
        # Ensure https used, otherwise fail

    def check_mdns_ver(self):
        # Set ver to something else comma separated?

    def get_registry_resource(self, res_type, res_id):
        found_resource = None
        if ENABLE_DNS_SD:
            # Look up data in local mock registry
            registry = self.registries[0]
            for resource in registry.get_data():
                if resource[1]["payload"]["type"] == res_type and resource[1]["payload"]["data"]["id"] == res_id:
                    found_resource = resource[1]["payload"]["data"]
            # Look up data from a configured Query API
            url = "http://" + QUERY_API_HOST + ":" + str(QUERY_API_PORT) + "/x-nmos/query/" + \
                  self.apis[NODE_API_KEY]["version"] + "/" + res_type + "s/" + res_id
                valid, r = self.do_request("GET", url)
                if valid and r.status_code == 200:
                    found_resource = r.json()
                    raise Exception
            except Exception:
                print(" * ERROR: Unable to load resource from the configured Query API ({}:{})".format(QUERY_API_HOST,
        return found_resource

    def get_node_resources(self, resp_json):
        resources = {}
        if isinstance(resp_json, dict):
            resources[resp_json["id"]] = resp_json
            for resource in resp_json:
                resources[resource["id"]] = resource
        return resources

    def check_matching_resource(self, test, res_type):
        if res_type == "node":
            url = "{}self".format(self.node_url)
            url = "{}{}s".format(self.node_url, res_type)
        # Get data from node itself
        valid, r = self.do_request("GET", url)
        if valid and r.status_code == 200:
                node_resources = self.get_node_resources(r.json())

                if len(node_resources) == 0:
                    return test.UNCLEAR("No {} resources were found on the Node.".format(res_type.title()))

                for res_id in node_resources:
                    reg_resource = self.get_registry_resource(res_type, res_id)
                    if not reg_resource:
                        return test.FAIL("{} {} was not found in the registry.".format(res_type.title(), res_id))
                    elif reg_resource != node_resources[res_id]:
                        return test.FAIL("Node API JSON does not match data in registry for "
                                         "{} {}.".format(res_type.title(), res_id))

                return test.PASS()
            except ValueError:
                return test.FAIL("Invalid JSON received!")
            return test.FAIL("Could not reach Node!")

    def test_04(self):
        """Node can register a valid Node resource with the network registration service,
        matching its Node API self resource"""

        test = Test("Node can register a valid Node resource with the network registration service, "
                    "matching its Node API self resource")


        return self.check_matching_resource(test, "node")

    def test_05(self):
        """Node maintains itself in the registry via periodic calls to the health resource"""

        test = Test("Node maintains itself in the registry via periodic calls to the health resource")

        if not ENABLE_DNS_SD:
            return test.DISABLED("This test cannot be performed when ENABLE_DNS_SD is False")


        registry = self.registries[0]
        if len(registry.get_heartbeats()) < 2:
            return test.FAIL("Not enough heartbeats were made in the time period.")

        initial_node = registry.get_data()[0]

        last_hb = None
        for heartbeat in registry.get_heartbeats():
            # Ensure the Node ID for heartbeats matches the registrations
            if heartbeat[1]["node_id"] != initial_node[1]["payload"]["data"]["id"]:
                return test.FAIL("Heartbeats matched a different Node ID to the initial registration.")

            if last_hb:
                # Check frequency of heartbeats matches the defaults
                time_diff = heartbeat[0] - last_hb[0]
                if time_diff > HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL  + 0.5:
                    return test.FAIL("Heartbeats are not frequent enough.")
                elif time_diff < HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL - 0.5:
                    return test.FAIL("Heartbeats are too frequent.")
                # For first heartbeat, check against Node registration
                if (heartbeat[0] - initial_node[0]) > HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL + 0.5:
                    return test.FAIL("First heartbeat occurred too long after initial Node registration.")

            # Ensure the heartbeat request body is empty
            if heartbeat[1]["payload"] is not None:
                return test.FAIL("Heartbeat POST contained a payload body.")

            last_hb = heartbeat

        return test.PASS()

    def test_07(self):
        """Node can register a valid Device resource with the network registration service, matching its
        Node API Device resource"""

        test = Test("Node can register a valid Device resource with the network registration service, "
                    "matching its Node API Device resource")


        return self.check_matching_resource(test, "device")

    def test_08(self):
        """Node can register a valid Source resource with the network
        registration service, matching its Node API Source resource"""

        test = Test("Node can register a valid Source resource with the network registration service, "
                    "matching its Node API Source resource")


        return self.check_matching_resource(test, "source")

    def test_09(self):
        """Node can register a valid Flow resource with the network
        registration service, matching its Node API Flow resource"""

        test = Test("Node can register a valid Flow resource with the network registration service, "
                    "matching its Node API Flow resource")


        return self.check_matching_resource(test, "flow")

    def test_10(self):
        """Node can register a valid Sender resource with the network
        registration service, matching its Node API Sender resource"""

        test = Test("Node can register a valid Sender resource with the network registration service, "
                    "matching its Node API Sender resource")


        return self.check_matching_resource(test, "sender")

    def test_11(self):
        """Node can register a valid Receiver resource with the network
        registration service, matching its Node API Receiver resource"""

        test = Test("Node can register a valid Receiver resource with the network registration service, "
                    "matching its Node API Receiver resource")


        return self.check_matching_resource(test, "receiver")

    def test_12(self):
        """Node advertises a Node type mDNS announcement with no ver_* TXT records
        in the presence of a Registration API"""
        test = Test("Node advertises a Node type mDNS announcement with no ver_* TXT records in the presence "
                    "of a Registration API")
        browser = ServiceBrowser(self.zc, "_nmos-node._tcp.local.", self.zc_listener)
        node_list = self.zc_listener.get_service_list()
        for node in node_list:
            address = socket.inet_ntoa(node.address)
            port = node.port
            if "/{}:{}/".format(address, port) in self.node_url:
                properties = self.convert_bytes(node.properties)
                for prop in properties:
                    if "ver_" in prop:
                        return test.FAIL("Found 'ver_' TXT record while Node is registered.")

                api = self.apis[NODE_API_KEY]
                if self.is04_utils.compare_api_version(api["version"], "v1.1") >= 0:
                    if "api_ver" not in properties:
                        return test.FAIL("No 'api_ver' TXT record found in Node API advertisement.")
                    elif api["version"] not in properties["api_ver"].split(","):
                        return test.FAIL("Node does not claim to support version under test.")

                    if "api_proto" not in properties:
                        return test.FAIL("No 'api_proto' TXT record found in Node API advertisement.")
                    elif properties["api_proto"] == "https":
                        return test.MANUAL("API protocol is not advertised as 'http'. "
                                           "This test suite does not currently support 'https'.")
                    elif properties["api_proto"] != "http":
                        return test.FAIL("API protocol ('api_proto') TXT record is not 'http' or 'https'.")

                return test.PASS()

        return test.WARNING("No matching mDNS announcement found for Node. This will not affect operation in registered"
                            " mode but may indicate a lack of support for peer to peer operation.",

    def test_13(self):
        """PUTing to a Receiver target resource with a Sender resource payload is accepted
        and connects the Receiver to a stream"""

        test = Test("PUTing to a Receiver target resource with a Sender resource payload " \
                    "is accepted and connects the Receiver to a stream")

        valid, receivers = self.do_request("GET", self.node_url + "receivers")
        if not valid:
            return test.FAIL("Unexpected response from the Node API: {}".format(receivers))

            formats_tested = []
            for receiver in receivers.json():
                    stream_type = receiver["format"].split(":")[-1]
                except TypeError:
                    return test.FAIL("Unexpected Receiver format: {}".format(receiver))

                # Test each available receiver format once
                if stream_type in formats_tested:

                if stream_type not in ["video", "audio", "data", "mux"]:
                    return test.FAIL("Unexpected Receiver format: {}".format(receiver["format"]))

                request_data = self.node.get_sender(stream_type)
                self.do_receiver_put(test, receiver["id"], request_data)

                # TODO: Define the sleep time globally for all connection tests

                valid, response = self.do_request("GET", self.node_url + "receivers/" + receiver["id"])
                if not valid:
                    return test.FAIL("Unexpected response from the Node API: {}".format(receiver))

                receiver = response.json()
                if receiver["subscription"]["sender_id"] != request_data["id"]:
                    return test.FAIL("Node API Receiver {} subscription does not reflect the subscribed " \
                                     "Sender ID".format(receiver["id"]))

                api = self.apis[NODE_API_KEY]
                if self.is04_utils.compare_api_version(api["version"], "v1.2") >= 0:
                    if not receiver["subscription"]["active"]:
                        return test.FAIL("Node API Receiver {} subscription does not indicate an active " \


            if len(formats_tested) > 0:
                return test.PASS()
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
            return test.FAIL("Non-JSON response returned from Node API")

        return test.UNCLEAR("Node API does not expose any Receivers")

    def test_14(self):
        """PUTing to a Receiver target resource with an empty JSON object payload is accepted and
        disconnects the Receiver from a stream"""

        test = Test("PUTing to a Receiver target resource with an empty JSON object payload "
                    "is accepted and disconnects the Receiver from a stream")

        valid, receivers = self.do_request("GET", self.node_url + "receivers")
        if not valid:
            return test.FAIL("Unexpected response from the Node API: {}".format(receivers))

            if len(receivers.json()) > 0:
                receiver = receivers.json()[0]
                self.do_receiver_put(test, receiver["id"], {})

                # TODO: Define the sleep time globally for all connection tests

                valid, response = self.do_request("GET", self.node_url + "receivers/" + receiver["id"])
                if not valid:
                    return test.FAIL("Unexpected response from the Node API: {}".format(receiver))

                receiver = response.json()
                if receiver["subscription"]["sender_id"] is not None:
                    return test.FAIL("Node API Receiver {} subscription does not reflect the subscribed " \
                                     "Sender ID".format(receiver["id"]))

                api = self.apis[NODE_API_KEY]
                if self.is04_utils.compare_api_version(api["version"], "v1.2") >= 0:
                    if receiver["subscription"]["active"]:
                        return test.FAIL("Node API Receiver {} subscription does not indicate an inactive " \

                return test.PASS()
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
            return test.FAIL("Non-JSON response returned from Node API")

        return test.UNCLEAR("Node API does not expose any Receivers")

    def test_15(self):
        """Node correctly selects a Registration API based on advertised priorities"""

        test = Test("Node correctly selects a Registration API based on advertised priorities")

        if not ENABLE_DNS_SD:
            return test.DISABLED("This test cannot be performed when ENABLE_DNS_SD is False")


        last_hb = None
        last_registry = None
        for registry in self.registries:
            if len(registry.get_heartbeats()) < 1:
                return test.FAIL("Node never made contact with registry advertised on port {}"

            first_hb_to_registry = registry.get_heartbeats()[0]
            if last_hb:
                if first_hb_to_registry < last_hb:
                    return test.FAIL("Node sent a heartbeat to the registry on port {} before the registry on port {}, "
                                     "despite their priorities requiring the opposite behaviour"
                                     .format(registry.get_port(), last_registry.get_port()))

            last_hb = first_hb_to_registry
            last_registry = registry

        return test.PASS()

    def test_16(self):
        """Node correctly fails over between advertised Registration APIs when one fails"""

        test = Test("Node correctly fails over between advertised Registration APIs when one fails")

        if not ENABLE_DNS_SD:
            return test.DISABLED("This test cannot be performed when ENABLE_DNS_SD is False")


        for index, registry in enumerate(self.registries):
            if len(registry.get_heartbeats()) < 1:
                return test.FAIL("Node never made contact with registry advertised on port {}"

            if index > 0 and len(registry.get_data()) > 0:
                return test.FAIL("Node re-registered its resources when it failed over to a new registry, when it "
                                 "should only have issued a heartbeat")

        return test.PASS()

    def test_17(self):
        """All Node resources use different UUIDs"""

        test = Test("All Node resources use different UUIDs")

        uuids = set()
        valid, response = self.do_request("GET", self.node_url + "self")
        if not valid:
            return test.FAIL("Unexpected response from the Node API: {}".format(response))
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
            return test.FAIL("Non-JSON response returned from Node API")

        for resource_type in ["devices", "sources", "flows", "senders", "receivers"]:
            valid, response = self.do_request("GET", self.node_url + resource_type)
            if not valid:
                return test.FAIL("Unexpected response from the Node API: {}".format(response))
                for resource in response.json():
                    if resource["id"] in uuids:
                        return test.FAIL("Duplicate ID '{}' found in Node API '{}' resource".format(resource["id"],
            except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
                return test.FAIL("Non-JSON response returned from Node API")

        return test.PASS()

    def test_18(self):
        """All Node clocks are unique, and relate to any visible Sources' clocks"""

        test = Test("All Node clocks are unique, and relate to any visible Sources' clocks")

        api = self.apis[NODE_API_KEY]
        if self.is04_utils.compare_api_version(api["version"], "v1.1") < 0:
            return test.NA("Clocks are not available until IS-04 v1.1")

        clocks = set()
        valid, response = self.do_request("GET", self.node_url + "self")
        if not valid:
            return test.FAIL("Unexpected response from the Node API: {}".format(response))
            for clock in response.json()["clocks"]:
                clock_name = clock["name"]
                if clock_name in clocks:
                    return test.FAIL("Duplicate clock name '{}' found in Node API self resource".format(clock_name))
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
            return test.FAIL("Non-JSON response returned from Node API")

        valid, response = self.do_request("GET", self.node_url + "sources")
        if not valid:
            return test.FAIL("Unexpected response from the Node API: {}".format(response))
            for source in response.json():
                clock_name = source["clock_name"]
                if clock_name not in clocks and clock_name is not None:
                    return test.FAIL("Source '{}' uses a non-existent clock name '{}'".format(source["id"], clock_name))
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
            return test.FAIL("Non-JSON response returned from Node API")

        return test.PASS()

    def test_19(self):
        """All Node interfaces are unique, and relate to any visible Senders and Receivers' interface_bindings"""

        test = Test("All Node interfaces are unique, and relate to any visible Senders and Receivers' interface_bindings")

        api = self.apis[NODE_API_KEY]
        if self.is04_utils.compare_api_version(api["version"], "v1.2") < 0:
            return test.NA("Interfaces are not available until IS-04 v1.2")

        interfaces = set()
        valid, response = self.do_request("GET", self.node_url + "self")
        if not valid:
            return test.FAIL("Unexpected response from the Node API: {}".format(response))
            for interface in response.json()["interfaces"]:
                interface_name = interface["name"]
                if interface_name in interfaces:
                    return test.FAIL("Duplicate interface name '{}' found in Node API self resource"
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
            return test.FAIL("Non-JSON response returned from Node API")

        valid, response = self.do_request("GET", self.node_url + "senders")
        if not valid:
            return test.FAIL("Unexpected response from the Node API: {}".format(response))
            for sender in response.json():
                interface_bindings = sender["interface_bindings"]
                for interface_name in interface_bindings:
                    if interface_name not in interfaces:
                        return test.FAIL("Sender '{}' uses a non-existent interface name '{}'"
                                         .format(sender["id"], interface_name))
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
            return test.FAIL("Non-JSON response returned from Node API")

        valid, response = self.do_request("GET", self.node_url + "receivers")
        if not valid:
            return test.FAIL("Unexpected response from the Node API: {}".format(response))
            for receiver in response.json():
                interface_bindings = receiver["interface_bindings"]
                for interface_name in interface_bindings:
                    if interface_name not in interfaces:
                        return test.FAIL("Receiver '{}' uses a non-existent interface name '{}'"
                                         .format(receiver["id"], interface_name))
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
            return test.FAIL("Non-JSON response returned from Node API")

        return test.PASS()

    def do_receiver_put(self, test, receiver_id, data):
        """Perform a PUT to the Receiver 'target' resource with the specified data"""

        valid, put_response = self.do_request("PUT", self.node_url + "receivers/" + receiver_id + "/target", data)
        if not valid:
            raise NMOSTestException(test.FAIL("Unexpected response from the Node API: {}".format(put_response)))

        if put_response.status_code == 501:
            api = self.apis[NODE_API_KEY]
            if self.is04_utils.compare_api_version(api["version"], "v1.3") >= 0:
                raise NMOSTestException(test.OPTIONAL("Node indicated that basic connection management is not "
                                                      "supported", "https://github.com/AMWA-TV/nmos/wiki/IS-04#nodes-"
                raise NMOSTestException(test.WARNING("501 'Not Implemented' status code is not supported below API "
                                                     "version v1.3", "https://github.com/AMWA-TV/nmos/wiki/IS-04#nodes-"
        elif put_response.status_code != 202:
            raise NMOSTestException(test.FAIL("Receiver target PATCH did not produce a 202 response code: "