def test_std(logp=logp,seed=42): np.random.seed(seed) ndim = np.random.randint(2,5) nwalkers = 2 * ndim nsteps = np.random.randint(3000,5000) sampler = zeus.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers,ndim,logp,verbose=False) start = np.random.rand(nwalkers,ndim) sampler.run_mcmc(start,nsteps) assert np.all(np.abs(np.std(sampler.get_chain(flat=True),axis=0)-1.0) < 0.1)
def __init__( self, fit, nwalkers=50, processes=1, initspread=0.01, moves=None, verbose=True, sampler='emcee', ): = fit self.nwalkers = nwalkers self.numpars = self.initspread = initspread self.verbose = verbose self.sampler_mode = sampler mcmcpars = def likefunc(parvals): mcmcpars.setFree(parvals) like = Likelihood(fit.images, fit.model, mcmcpars) return pool = None if processes <= 1 else _MultiProcessPool( likefunc, processes) # for doing the mcmc sampling if sampler == 'emcee': if emcee is None: raise RuntimeError('emcee module not installed') self.sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, self.numpars, likefunc, pool=pool, moves=moves) elif sampler == 'zeus': if zeus is None: raise RuntimeError('zeus module not installed') self.sampler = zeus.EnsembleSampler( nwalkers, self.numpars, likefunc, pool=pool, ) else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown sampler') # starting point self.pos0 = None # header items to write to output file self.header = { 'burn': 0, }
def __init__(self, name, nwalkers, ndim, logprob, pool): = name self.nwalkers = nwalkers self.ndim = ndim if name == 'zeus': import zeus self.sampler = zeus.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, logprob, pool=pool, verbose=False) elif name == 'light': import zeus self.sampler = zeus.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, logprob, pool=pool, verbose=False, light_mode=True) elif name == 'emcee': import emcee #self.state = emcee.State self.sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, logprob, pool=pool) elif name == 'demc': import emcee self.sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler( nwalkers, ndim, logprob, moves=[(emcee.moves.DEMove(), 0.9), (emcee.moves.DESnookerMove(), 0.1)], pool=pool)
def test_ncall(seed=42): np.random.seed(seed) def loglike(theta): assert len(theta) == 5 a = theta[:-1] b = theta[1:] loglike.ncalls += 1 return -2 * (100 * (b - a**2)**2 + (1 - a)**2).sum() loglike.ncalls = 0 ndim = 5 nsteps = 100 nwalkers = 2 * ndim sampler = zeus.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers,ndim,loglike,verbose=False) start = np.random.rand(nwalkers,ndim) sampler.run_mcmc(start,nsteps) assert loglike.ncalls == sampler.ncall + nwalkers
def fit(self, log_posterior, start, num_dim, prior_transform, save_dims=None, uid=None): import zeus filename = self.get_filename(uid) if os.path.exists(filename):"Not sampling, returning result from file.") return self.load_file(filename) if self.num_walkers is None: self.num_walkers = num_dim * 4 self.logger.debug("Fitting framework with %d dimensions" % num_dim) if save_dims is None: save_dims = num_dim self.logger.debug("Fitting framework with %d dimensions" % num_dim)"Using Zeus Sampler") callbacks = [] if self.autoconverge: # Default convergence criteria from Zeus docos. Seem reasonable. cb0 = zeus.callbacks.AutocorrelationCallback(ncheck=50, dact=0.01, nact=50, discard=0.5) cb1 = zeus.callbacks.SplitRCallback(ncheck=50, epsilon=0.01, nsplits=2, discard=0.5) cb2 = zeus.callbacks.MinIterCallback(nmin=50) callbacks = [cb0, cb1, cb2] pos = start(num_walkers=self.num_walkers)"Sampling posterior now") sampler = zeus.EnsembleSampler(self.num_walkers, num_dim, log_posterior) sampler.run_mcmc(pos, self.num_steps, callbacks=callbacks) self.logger.debug("Fit finished") tau = zeus.AutoCorrTime(sampler.get_chain(discard=0.5)) burnin = int(2 * np.max(tau)) samples = sampler.get_chain(discard=burnin, flat=True).T likelihood = sampler.get_log_prob(discard=burnin, flat=True) self._save(samples, likelihood, filename, save_dims) return {"chain": samples, "weights": np.ones(len(likelihood)), "posterior": likelihood}
def _fit(self, model: AbstractPriorModel, analysis, log_likelihood_cap=None): """ Fit a model using Zeus and the Analysis class which contains the data and returns the log likelihood from instances of the model, which the `NonLinearSearch` seeks to maximize. Parameters ---------- model : ModelMapper The model which generates instances for different points in parameter space. analysis : Analysis Contains the data and the log likelihood function which fits an instance of the model to the data, returning the log likelihood the `NonLinearSearch` maximizes. Returns ------- A result object comprising the Samples object that inclues the maximum log likelihood instance and full chains used by the fit. """ pool = self.make_pool() fitness_function = self.fitness_function_from_model_and_analysis( model=model, analysis=analysis) if self.paths.is_object("zeus"): zeus_sampler = self.zeus_pickled zeus_state = zeus_sampler.get_last_sample() initial_log_posterior_list = zeus_sampler.get_last_log_prob() samples = self.samples_from(model=model) total_iterations = zeus_sampler.iteration if samples.converged: iterations_remaining = 0 else: iterations_remaining = self.config_dict_run[ "nsteps"] - total_iterations "Existing Zeus samples found, resuming non-linear search.") else: zeus_sampler = zeus.EnsembleSampler( nwalkers=self.config_dict_search["nwalkers"], ndim=model.prior_count, logprob_fn=fitness_function.__call__, pool=pool, ) zeus_sampler.ncall_total = 0 initial_unit_parameter_lists, initial_parameter_lists, initial_log_posterior_list = self.initializer.initial_samples_from_model( total_points=zeus_sampler.nwalkers, model=model, fitness_function=fitness_function, ) zeus_state = np.zeros(shape=(zeus_sampler.nwalkers, model.prior_count)) "No Zeus samples found, beginning new non-linear search.") for index, parameters in enumerate(initial_parameter_lists): zeus_state[index, :] = np.asarray(parameters) total_iterations = 0 iterations_remaining = self.config_dict_run["nsteps"] while iterations_remaining > 0: if self.iterations_per_update > iterations_remaining: iterations = iterations_remaining else: iterations = self.iterations_per_update for sample in zeus_sampler.sample( start=zeus_state, log_prob0=initial_log_posterior_list, iterations=iterations, progress=True, ): pass zeus_sampler.ncall_total += zeus_sampler.ncall self.paths.save_object("zeus", zeus_sampler) zeus_state = zeus_sampler.get_last_sample() initial_log_posterior_list = zeus_sampler.get_last_log_prob() total_iterations += iterations iterations_remaining = self.config_dict_run[ "nsteps"] - total_iterations samples = self.perform_update(model=model, analysis=analysis, during_analysis=True) if self.auto_correlations_settings.check_for_convergence: if zeus_sampler.iteration > self.auto_correlations_settings.check_size: if samples.converged: iterations_remaining = 0 auto_correlation_time = zeus.AutoCorrTime( samples=zeus_sampler.get_chain()) discard = int(3.0 * np.max(auto_correlation_time)) thin = int(np.max(auto_correlation_time) / 2.0) chain = zeus_sampler.get_chain(discard=discard, thin=thin, flat=True) if "maxcall" in self.kwargs: if zeus_sampler.ncall_total > self.kwargs["maxcall"]: iterations_remaining = 0"Zeus sampling complete.")
lg = Posterior(modelw) for fNL in [-999, -500, -100, -10, 0, 10, 100, 500, 999]: print(fNL, lg.logpost(fNL, y, invcov, x)) np.random.seed(42) ndim = 1 # Number of parameters/dimensions (e.g. m and c) nwalkers = 10 # Number of walkers to use. It should be at least twice the number of dimensions. nsteps = 1000 # Number of steps/iterations. start = 10. * np.random.randn(nwalkers, ndim) # Initial positions of the walkers. print(f'initial guess: {start}') sampler = zeus.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, lg.logpost, args=[y, invcov, x], maxiter=10000) sampler.run_mcmc(start, nsteps) # Run sampling sampler.summary # Print summary diagnostics # flatten the chains, thin them by a factor of 15, # and remove the burn-in (first half of the chain) chain = sampler.get_chain(flat=True, discard=20, thin=5)'chains_{kind}_{case}.npy', chain) #
def multiprocessing_zeus(): ''' ''' # fsps_emulator = Models.DESIspeculator() # set prior priors = Infer.load_priors([ Infer.UniformPrior(10., 10.5, label='sed'), Infer.FlatDirichletPrior(4, label='sed'), Infer.UniformPrior(np.array([6.9e-5, 6.9e-5, 0., 0., -2.2]), np.array([7.3e-3, 7.3e-3, 3., 4., 0.4]), label='sed') ]) random_theta = priors.sample() wave, flux = fsps_emulator.sed(priors.transform(random_theta), 0.1) desi_mcmc = Infer.desiMCMC(prior=priors) t0 = time.time() mcmc = wave_obs=wave[0], flux_obs=flux[0], flux_ivar_obs=np.ones(flux.shape[1]), zred=0.1, sampler='zeus', nwalkers=20, burnin=10, opt_maxiter=1000, niter=100, pool=None, debug=True) print() print('running on series takes %.f' % (time.time() - t0)) print() import zeus import multiprocessing ncpu = multiprocessing.cpu_count() print('%i cpus' % ncpu) t0 = time.time() lnpost_args, lnpost_kwargs = desi_mcmc._lnPost_args_kwargs( wave_obs=wave[0], flux_obs=flux[0], flux_ivar_obs=np.ones(flux.shape[1]), zred=0.1) start = desi_mcmc._initialize_walkers(lnpost_args, lnpost_kwargs, priors, nwalkers=20, opt_maxiter=1000, debug=True) print('--- burn-in ---') pewl = Pool(processes=ncpu) with pewl as pool: zeus_sampler = zeus.EnsembleSampler( desi_mcmc.nwalkers, desi_mcmc.prior.ndim, desi_mcmc.lnPost, pool=pool, args=lnpost_args, kwargs=lnpost_kwargs) zeus_sampler.run_mcmc(start, 10) burnin = zeus_sampler.get_chain() print('--- running main MCMC ---') pewl = Pool(processes=ncpu) with pewl as pool: zeus_sampler = zeus.EnsembleSampler( desi_mcmc.nwalkers, desi_mcmc.prior.ndim, desi_mcmc.lnPost, pool=pool, args=lnpost_args, kwargs=lnpost_kwargs) zeus_sampler.run_mcmc(burnin[-1], 100) _chain = zeus_sampler.get_chain() print() print('running on parallel takes %.f' % (time.time() - t0)) print() return None
def fit(self, data, s, nsteps=100, outbase="output/test_", seed=42, resume=True): self.nsteps = nsteps if self.backend == 'zeus': param_init = [] for i in range(self.nparams): if self.prior_types[i] == 'flat': min, max = self.prior_params[i] param_init.append((max - min) * np.random.random(self.nwalkers) + min) elif self.prior_types[i] == 'gauss': mu, sigma = self.prior_params[i] param_init.append( np.random.normal(loc=mu, scale=sigma, size=self.nwalkers)) else: raise NotImplementedError start = np.array(param_init).T if not os.path.isfile(outbase + "zeus_chains.txt") or ~resume: np.random.seed(seed) with Pool() as pool: sampler = zeus.EnsembleSampler( self.nwalkers, self.nparams, self.logpost, args=[data, s], vectorize=False) # Initialise the sampler sampler.run_mcmc(start, nsteps) # Run sampling sampler.summary # Print summary diagnostics return sampler else: print(f"==> Chain file found, skipping the fit.") elif self.backend == 'multinest': print( f"==> Using PyMultinest. Assuming params passed are flat priors." ) def prior_pmn(cube, ndim, nparams): for i in range(self.nparams): min, max = self.prior_params[i] cube[i] = cube[i] * (max - min) + min def loglike_pmn(cube, ndim, nparams): alpha, B, Snl = cube[0], cube[1], cube[2] return self.loglike((alpha, B, Snl), data, s), prior_pmn, self.nparams, outputfiles_basename=outbase, resume=resume, \ verbose=True, n_live_points=self.live_points, evidence_tolerance=self.tolerance) else: raise NotImplementedError
cmax = 10. # upper range of prior cini = np.random.uniform(cmin, cmax, Nens) # initial c points inisamples = np.array([mini, cini]).T # initial samples ndims = inisamples.shape[1] # number of parameters/dimensions Nburnin = 500 # number of burn-in samples Nsamples = 500 # number of final posterior samples # set additional args for the posterior (the data, the noise std. dev., and the abscissa) argslist = (data, sigma, x) # set up the sampler sampler = zeus.EnsembleSampler(Nens, ndims, logposterior, args=argslist) # pass the initial samples and total number of samples required sampler.run_mcmc(inisamples, Nsamples + Nburnin) # extract the samples (removing the burn-in) postsamples = sampler.get_chain(flat=True, discrd=Nburnin) # plot posterior samples (if is installed) try: import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use("Agg") # force Matplotlib backend to Agg import corner # import except ImportError: sys.exit(1)
'''The natural logarithm of the likelihood.''' # unpack the model parameters fnl = theta # evaluate the model md = model(x, fnl=fnl, has_fnl=True, has_rsd=True) # return the log likelihood return -0.5 * (y - md).dot( - md)) def logpost(theta, y, invcov, x): '''The natural logarithm of the posterior.''' return logprior(theta) + loglike(theta, y, invcov, x) ndim = 1 # Number of parameters/dimensions (e.g. m and c) nwalkers = 10 # Number of walkers to use. It should be at least twice the number of dimensions. nsteps = 1000 # Number of steps/iterations. start = 0.01 * np.random.randn(nwalkers, ndim) # Initial positions of the walkers. print(f'initial guess: {start}') sampler = zeus.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, logpost, args=[y, invcov, x]) # Initialise the sampler sampler.run_mcmc(start, nsteps) # Run sampling #sampler.summary # Print summary diagnostics # flatten the chains, thin them by a factor of 10, and remove the burn-in (first half of the chain) chain = sampler.get_chain(flat=True, discard=100, thin=10)'chains.npy', chain)
def mcmc_zeus(self, n_walkers, n_run, n_burn, mean_start, sigma_start, mpi=False, threadCount=1, progress=False, initpos=None, backend_filename=None, moves=None, tune=True, tolerance=0.05, patience=5, maxsteps=10000, mu=1.0, maxiter=10000, pool=None, vectorize=False, blobs_dtype=None, verbose=True, check_walkers=True, shuffle_ensemble=True, light_mode=False): """ Lightning fast MCMC with zeus: For the full list of arguments for the EnsembleSampler, see see `the zeus docs <>`_. If you use the zeus sampler, you should cite the following papers: 2105.03468, 2002.06212. :param n_walkers: number of walkers per parameter :type n_walkers: integer :param n_run: number of sampling steps :type n_run: integer :param n_burn: number of burn-in steps :type n_burn: integer :param mean_start: mean of the parameter position of the initialising sample :type mean_start: numpy array of length the number of parameters :param sigma_start: spread of the parameter values (uncorrelated in each dimension) of the initialising sample :type sigma_start: numpy array of length the number of parameters :param progress: :type progress: bool :param initpos: initial walker position to start sampling (optional) :type initpos: numpy array of size num param x num walkser :param backup_filename: name of the HDF5 file where sampling state is saved (through zeus callback function) :type backup_filename: string :return: samples, ln likelihood value of samples :rtype: numpy 2d array, numpy 1d array """ import zeus print('Using zeus to perform the MCMC.') num_param, _ = self.chain.param.num_param() if initpos is None: initpos = sampling_util.sample_ball_truncated(mean_start, sigma_start, self.lower_limit, self.upper_limit, size=n_walkers) if backend_filename is not None: backend = zeus.callbacks.SaveProgressCallback( filename=backend_filename, ncheck=1) n_run_eff = n_burn + n_run else: backend = None n_run_eff = n_burn + n_run pool = choose_pool(mpi=mpi, processes=threadCount, use_dill=True) sampler = zeus.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers=n_walkers, ndim=num_param, logprob_fn=self.chain.logL, moves=moves, tune=tune, tolerance=tolerance, patience=patience, maxsteps=maxsteps, mu=mu, maxiter=maxiter, pool=pool, vectorize=vectorize, blobs_dtype=blobs_dtype, verbose=verbose, check_walkers=check_walkers, shuffle_ensemble=shuffle_ensemble, light_mode=light_mode) sampler.run_mcmc(initpos, n_run_eff, progress=progress, callbacks=backend) flat_samples = sampler.get_chain(flat=True, thin=1, discard=n_burn) dist = sampler.get_log_prob(flat=True, thin=1, discard=n_burn) return flat_samples, dist