Пример #1
    def _get_media(self, api, mid):
        media = spawn(api.media, mid)
        likes = spawn(api.media_likes, media_id=mid)
        gevent.joinall([media, likes])
        media, likes = media.get(), likes.get()
        errors = get_errors(media, likes)
        if errors:
            if any([e.error_type == 'APINotAllowedError' for e in errors]):
                return render('profile-noauth.html', ukey=request.ukey)
            app.logger.error([str(e) for e in errors])
            return notfound(u'服务器暂时出问题了')

        ukey = media.user.id
        isfollow = False
        if request.ukey:
                isfollow = is_follow(ukey, api)
            except InstagramAPIError:
                return notfound(u'服务器暂时出问题了')

        isstar = False
        for i in likes:
            if request.ukey and request.ukey == i.id:
                isstar = True

        isme = False
        if request.ukey and ukey == request.ukey:
            isme = True
        return dict(media=media, isme=isme, isfollow=isfollow,
                    likes=likes[:5], isstar=isstar)
Пример #2
    def get(self, ukey):
        next_url = request.args.get('next_url', None)
        if next_url and 'instagram' not in next_url:
            next_url = signer.loads(next_url)
        api = InstagramAPI(access_token=request.access_token)

        user = gevent.spawn(wrap_errors(InstagramAPIError, api.user),
        feeds = gevent.spawn(wrap_errors(InstagramAPIError,
                             user_id=ukey, with_next_url=next_url)
        if request.ukey:
            isfollows = spawn(isfollow, ukey, api)
            isfollows = spawn(lambda x: False, ukey)

        gevent.joinall([user, feeds, isfollows])
        user, feeds, isfollows = user.get(), feeds.get(), isfollows.get()
        errors = [e for e in (user, feeds, isfollows)
                  if isinstance(e, InstagramAPIError)]
        if errors:
            if any([e.error_type == 'APINotAllowedError' for e in errors]):
                return render('profile-noauth.html', ukey=ukey)
            if any([e.error_type == 'APINotFoundError' for e in errors]):
                return notfound(u'用户不存在')
            app.logger.error([str(e) for e in errors])
            return apierror(u'服务器暂时出问题了')

        next_url = feeds[1] if feeds else None
        next_url = signer.dumps(next_url) if next_url else next_url
        feeds = feeds[0] if feeds else []
        isme = False
        if request.ukey and ukey == request.ukey:
            isme = True
        return render(
Пример #3
    def _get_users(self, ukey, user_type='followed'):
        next_url = request.args.get('next_url', None)
        if next_url and 'instagram' not in next_url:
            next_url = signer.loads(next_url)
        api = InstagramAPI(access_token=request.access_token)
        user = spawn(api.user, ukey)
        if user_type == 'following':
            users = spawn(api.user_follows, ukey, with_next_url=next_url)
            users = spawn(api.user_followed_by, ukey, with_next_url=next_url)
        isfollows = False
        if request.ukey:
            isfollows = spawn(isfollow, ukey, api)
            isfollows = spawn(lambda x: False, ukey)

        gevent.joinall([user, users, isfollows])
        user, users, isfollows = user.get(), users.get(), isfollows.get()
        errors = get_errors(user, users, isfollows)
        if errors:
            app.logger.error([str(e) for e in errors])
            return notfound(u'服务器暂时出问题了')

        next_url = users[1]
        next_url = signer.dumps(next_url) if next_url else next_url
        users = users[0]

        isme = False
        if request.ukey and ukey == request.ukey:
            isme = True
        context = {
            'user': user,
            'users': users,
            'next_url': next_url,
            'isfollows': isfollows,
            'isme': isme,
        return context