Пример #1
def test_scaler():
    N = 10
    u = np.random.rand(N) + 1j * np.random.rand(N)
    s = Scaler(u)
    print('s:', s)
    v = s.predict(u)
    w = s.inverse(v)
    assert close(np.min(np.real(v)), 0.0)
    assert close(np.min(np.imag(v)), 0.0)
    assert close(np.max(np.abs(v)), 1.0)
    assert close_np(u, w)
Пример #2
def test_point():
    x1, x2 = 0.0, 1.0
    y1, y2 = 0.0, 0.5
    x1_, y1_ = x1 + EPS / 2, y1 - EPS / 2
    p1 = Point(x1 + y1 * 1j)
    p1_ = Point(x1_ + y1_ * 1j)
    p2 = Point(x2 + y1 * 1j)
    p3 = Point(x2 + y2 * 1j)
    assert close(p2.x, x2)
    assert close(p2.y, y1)
    assert p1 < p2 and p2 < p3 and p1 < p3
    assert p1 == p1_
Пример #3
def test_sym_contour():
    u = [0. + 5.j, 1. - 1.j, 2. + 5.j, 1. + 6.j]
    sc = SymContour(u, n_max_pixels=1)
    print('sc:', sc)
    ch = sc.Hull_based
    assert len(ch) == len(u) * 2
    ap = sc.Approximate
    assert len(ap) > 0
    sa = sc.Axis_list
    assert len(sa) == 1
    a = sa[0]
    print('a:', a)
    assert close(a.Vec.angle, np.pi / 2, MIN_THETA_DIFF)
    p1, p2 = a.vertexes(u)
    assert close(p1.z, u[1]) and close(p2.z, u[3])
Пример #4
def test_contour():
    u = [0. + 5.j, 1. + 1.j, 3. + 6.j, 2. + 7.j]
    area = 8.5
    per = 3 * 2**0.5 + 17**0.5 + 29**0.5
    mult_coef = 2
    c = Contour(u, mult_coef)
    print('c:', c)
    assert close(c.Area, area)
    assert close(c.Perimeter, per)
    p = c.Pixels
    p_next = np.roll(p, 1)
    assert np.all(np.abs(p - p_next) <= 2**0.5 + EPS)
    ch = c.Convex_hull
    assert close_np(c.origin, ch.origin)
    m = c.Edge_middles
    assert len(m) == len(u)
    assert (u[0] + u[1]) / 2 in m
Пример #5
def test_axis_basic():
    z1 = 0 + 0j
    z2 = 1 + 0j
    z3 = 0 + 1j
    z_vec = Vector(Point(z2 - z1))
    print('z_vec:', z_vec)
    line = Axis(Point(z1), Point(z2))
    print('line:', line)
    line2 = Axis(Point(z1), Point(z3))
    print('line2:', line2)
    u = [z3]
    vec = line.Vec
    print('vec', vec)
    assert close(line.z1, z1)
    assert close(line.z2, z2)
    assert vec.collinear(z_vec)
    assert close(abs(vec.z), 1.0)
    assert line.intersection(line) is None
    assert line.intersection(line2) == Point(z1)
    assert close_np(line.distance(u), [1.0])
    assert line.nearest_ind(u) == 0
Пример #6
 def __eq__(self, other):
     return close(self.z, other.z, 2 * EPS)
Пример #7
 def collinear(self, other):
     if close(abs(self.z), 0.0) or close(abs(other.z), 0.0):
         return True
     theta1 = np.angle(self.z) % np.pi
     theta2 = np.angle(other.z) % np.pi
     return close(theta1, theta2, MIN_THETA_DIFF)