Пример #1
    def render_index(self, namespace=None):
        '''Render an index page
		@param namespace: the namespace L{Path}
		@returns: html as a list of lines
        page = IndexPage(self.notebook, namespace)
        return self.render_page(page)
Пример #2
	def export_index(self, index_page, pages):
		# TODO remove hack here, and get rid of IndexPage in current shape from Notebook

		if pages.prefix:
			indexpage = Page(pages.prefix + index_page)
			indexpage = Page(Path(index_page))

		# Bit of a HACK here - need better support for these index pages
		_page = IndexPage(pages.notebook, pages.prefix) # TODO make more flexible - use pages iter itself
		indexpage.readonly = False
		indexpage.readonly = True

		self.export_page(pages.notebook, indexpage, pages)
Пример #3
    def export_all(self, dir, callback=None):
        '''Export all pages in the notebook

		Will also copy all attachments and created a folder with icons
		for checkboxes etc. So the resulting folder should contain all
		the notebook information.

		@param dir: a L{Dir} object for the target folder
		@param callback: a callback function that will be called after
		each page being exported with the page object as single argument.
		If the function returns C{False} the export is canceled.

		@returns: C{False} if the action was cancelled, C{True} otherwise
        logger.info('Exporting notebook to %s', dir)
        self.linker.target_dir = dir  # Needed to resolve icons

        # Copy icons
        for name in ('checked-box', 'unchecked-box', 'xchecked-box'):
            icon = data_file('pixmaps/%s.png' % name)
            file = dir.file('_resources/' + name + '.png')

        # Copy template resources (can overwrite icons)
        if self.template and self.template.resources_dir \
        and self.template.resources_dir.exists():
            resources = dir.subdir('_resources')

        # Set special pages
        if self.index_page:
            indexpage = Page(Path(self.index_page))
            indexpage = None

        pages = {
            'index': indexpage,
            'home': self.notebook.get_home_page(),

        # Export the pages
        prev, current, next = None, None, None
        for page in self.notebook.walk():
            if page.hascontent:
                prev, current, next = current, next, page  # shift
                if current:
                    pages['previous'] = prev
                    pages['next'] = next
                    self.export_page(dir, current, pages, use_namespace=True)
                    if callback and not callback(current):
                        logger.warn('Export canceled')
                        return False

        prev, current, next = current, next, None  # shift once more
        if current:
            pages['previous'] = prev
            pages['next'] = next
            self.export_page(dir, current, pages, use_namespace=True)
            if callback and not callback(current):
                logger.warn('Export canceled')
                return False

        # Generate index page
        if indexpage:
            _page = IndexPage(self.notebook, Path(':'))
            # Bit of a HACK here - need better support for these index pages
            indexpage.readonly = False
            indexpage.readonly = True
            self.export_page(dir, indexpage, use_namespace=True)

        self.linker.target_dir = None  # reset
        logger.info('Export done')
        return True