Пример #1
class Filter(Term):
    A boolean predicate on a universe of Assets.
    domain = None
    dtype = bool_

    clsdict = locals()
            method_name_for_op(op): binary_operator(op)
            for op in FILTER_BINOPS

    def then(self, other):
        Create a new filter by computing `self`, then computing `other` on the
        data that survived the first filter.

        other : zipline.modelling.filter.Filter
            The Filter to apply next.

        filter : zipline.modelling.filter.SequencedFilter
            A filter which will compute `self` and then `other`.

        See Also
        return SequencedFilter(self, other)
Пример #2
def binary_operator(op):
    Factory function for making binary operator methods on a Filter subclass.

    Returns a function "binary_operator" suitable for implementing functions
    like __and__ or __or__.
    # When combining a Filter with a NumericalExpression, we use this
    # attrgetter instance to defer to the commuted interpretation of the
    # NumericalExpression operator.
    commuted_method_getter = attrgetter(method_name_for_op(op, commute=True))

    def binary_operator(self, other):
        if isinstance(self, NumericalExpression):
            self_expr, other_expr, new_inputs = self.build_binary_op(op, other)
            return NumExprFilter("({left}) {op} ({right})".format(left=self_expr, op=op, right=other_expr), new_inputs)
        elif isinstance(other, NumericalExpression):
            # NumericalExpression overrides numerical ops to correctly handle
            # merging of inputs.  Look up and call the appropriate
            # right-binding operator with ourself as the input.
            return commuted_method_getter(other)(self)
        elif isinstance(other, Filter):
            if self is other:
                return NumExprFilter("x_0 {op} x_0".format(op=op), (self,))
            return NumExprFilter("x_0 {op} x_1".format(op=op), (self, other))
        elif isinstance(other, int):  # Note that this is true for bool as well
            return NumExprFilter("x_0 {op} ({constant})".format(op=op, constant=int(other)), binds=(self,))
        raise BadBinaryOperator(op, self, other)

    return binary_operator
Пример #3
def binary_operator(op):
    Factory function for making binary operator methods on a Factor subclass.

    Returns a function, "binary_operator" suitable for implementing functions
    like __add__.
    # When combining a Factor with a NumericalExpression, we use this
    # attrgetter instance to defer to the commuted implementation of the
    # NumericalExpression operator.
    commuted_method_getter = attrgetter(method_name_for_op(op, commute=True))

    def binary_operator(self, other):
        # This can't be hoisted up a scope because the types returned by
        # binop_return_type aren't defined when the top-level function is
        # invoked in the class body of Factor.
        return_type = binop_return_type(op)
        if isinstance(self, NumExprFactor):
            self_expr, other_expr, new_inputs = self.build_binary_op(
            return return_type(
                "({left}) {op} ({right})".format(
        elif isinstance(other, NumExprFactor):
            # NumericalExpression overrides ops to correctly handle merging of
            # inputs.  Look up and call the appropriate reflected operator with
            # ourself as the input.
            return commuted_method_getter(other)(self)
        elif isinstance(other, Factor):
            if self is other:
                return return_type(
                    "x_0 {op} x_0".format(op=op),
                    (self, ),
            return return_type(
                "x_0 {op} x_1".format(op=op),
                (self, other),
        elif isinstance(other, NUMERIC_TYPES):
            return return_type(
                "x_0 {op} ({constant})".format(op=op, constant=other),
                binds=(self, ),
        raise BadBinaryOperator(op, self, other)

    return binary_operator
Пример #4
def binary_operator(op):
    Factory function for making binary operator methods on a Factor subclass.

    Returns a function, "binary_operator" suitable for implementing functions
    like __add__.
    # When combining a Factor with a NumericalExpression, we use this
    # attrgetter instance to defer to the commuted implementation of the
    # NumericalExpression operator.
    commuted_method_getter = attrgetter(method_name_for_op(op, commute=True))

    def binary_operator(self, other):
        # This can't be hoisted up a scope because the types returned by
        # binop_return_type aren't defined when the top-level function is
        # invoked in the class body of Factor.
        return_type = binop_return_type(op)
        if isinstance(self, NumExprFactor):
            self_expr, other_expr, new_inputs = self.build_binary_op(
                op, other,
            return return_type(
                "({left}) {op} ({right})".format(
        elif isinstance(other, NumExprFactor):
            # NumericalExpression overrides ops to correctly handle merging of
            # inputs.  Look up and call the appropriate reflected operator with
            # ourself as the input.
            return commuted_method_getter(other)(self)
        elif isinstance(other, Factor):
            if self is other:
                return return_type(
                    "x_0 {op} x_0".format(op=op),
            return return_type(
                "x_0 {op} x_1".format(op=op),
                (self, other),
        elif isinstance(other, NUMERIC_TYPES):
            return return_type(
                "x_0 {op} ({constant})".format(op=op, constant=other),
        raise BadBinaryOperator(op, self, other)

    return binary_operator
Пример #5
def binary_operator(op):
    Factory function for making binary operator methods on a Filter subclass.

    Returns a function "binary_operator" suitable for implementing functions
    like __and__ or __or__.
    # When combining a Filter with a NumericalExpression, we use this
    # attrgetter instance to defer to the commuted interpretation of the
    # NumericalExpression operator.
    commuted_method_getter = attrgetter(method_name_for_op(op, commute=True))

    def binary_operator(self, other):
        if isinstance(self, NumericalExpression):
            self_expr, other_expr, new_inputs = self.build_binary_op(
            return NumExprFilter(
                "({left}) {op} ({right})".format(
        elif isinstance(other, NumericalExpression):
            # NumericalExpression overrides numerical ops to correctly handle
            # merging of inputs.  Look up and call the appropriate
            # right-binding operator with ourself as the input.
            return commuted_method_getter(other)(self)
        elif isinstance(other, Filter):
            if self is other:
                return NumExprFilter(
                    "x_0 {op} x_0".format(op=op),
                    (self, ),
            return NumExprFilter(
                "x_0 {op} x_1".format(op=op),
                (self, other),
        elif isinstance(other, int):  # Note that this is true for bool as well
            return NumExprFilter(
                "x_0 {op} ({constant})".format(op=op, constant=int(other)),
                binds=(self, ),
        raise BadBinaryOperator(op, self, other)

    return binary_operator
Пример #6
class Factor(Term):
    A transformation yielding a timeseries of scalar values associated with an
    # Dynamically add functions for creating NumExprFactor/NumExprFilter
    # instances.
    clsdict = locals()
        method_name_for_op(op): binary_operator(op)
        # Don't override __eq__ because it breaks comparisons on tuples of
        # Factors.
        for op in MATH_BINOPS.union(COMPARISONS - {'=='})
        method_name_for_op(op, commute=True): reflected_binary_operator(op)
        for op in MATH_BINOPS
    clsdict.update({'__neg__': unary_operator(op) for op in UNARY_OPS})
        funcname: function_application(funcname)
        for funcname in NUMEXPR_MATH_FUNCS

    __truediv__ = clsdict['__div__']
    __rtruediv__ = clsdict['__rdiv__']

    eq = binary_operator('==')

    def rank(self, method='ordinal'):
        Construct a new Factor representing the sorted rank of each column
        within each row.

        ranks : zipline.modelling.factor.Rank
            A new factor that will compute the sorted indices of the data
            produced by `self`.
        method : str, {'ordinal', 'min', 'max', 'dense', 'average'}
            The method used to assign ranks to tied elements. Default is
            'ordinal'.  See `scipy.stats.rankdata` for a full description of
            the semantics for each ranking method.

            The default is 'ordinal'.

        The default value for `method` is different from the default for
        `scipy.stats.rankdata`.  See that function's documentation for a full
        description of the valid inputs to `method`.

        Missing or non-existent data on a given day will cause an asset to be
        given a rank of NaN for that day.

        See Also
        scipy.stats.rankdata : Underlying ranking algorithm.
        zipline.modelling.factor.Rank : Class implementing core functionality.
        return Rank(self, method=method)

    def percentile_between(self, min_percentile, max_percentile):
        Construct a new Filter representing entries from the output of this
        Factor that fall within the percentile range defined by min_percentile
        and max_percentile.

        min_percentile : float [0.0, 100.0]
        max_percentile : float [0.0, 100.0]

        out : zipline.modelling.filter.PercentileFilter
            A new filter that will compute the specified percentile-range mask.

        See Also
        return PercentileFilter(