def test_adapter_registered(self):
     """ test naaya.i18n's IPreferredCharset adapter is registered """
     req = create_request()
     adapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(req)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(adapter, NyHTTPCharsets))
                      ['utf-8', 'iso-8859-1', '*'])
Пример #2
 def _decode(self, text):
     """Try to decode the text using one of the available charsets."""
     # All text comes from parse_qsl or multipart.parse_form_data, and
     # has already been decoded into Unicode using WSGI's privileged
     # encoding (ISO-8859-1).
     if self.charsets is None:
         envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(self)
         self.charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ['utf-8']
         self.charsets = [c for c in self.charsets if c != '*']
     if not isinstance(text, bytes):
         if self.charsets and self.charsets[0] == 'iso-8859-1':
             # optimization: we are trying to decode something already
             # decoded for us, let's just return it rather than waste
             # time decoding...
             return text
         # undo what parse_qsl/multipart.parse_form_data did and maintain
         # backwards compat
         text = text.encode('latin-1')
     for charset in self.charsets:
             text = text.decode(charset)
         except UnicodeError:
     # XXX so when none of the provided charsets works we just return bytes
     # and let the application crash???
     return text
Пример #3
def processInputs(request, charsets=None):
    """ Override Products.Five.browser.decode.processInputs
    if charsets is None:
        envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(request)
        charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ['utf-8']

    for name, value in request.form.items():
        if not (isCGI_NAME(name) or name.startswith('HTTP_')):
            # XXX => really dirty

            if name=='groups' or name=='users':
                request.form[name] = value

            elif isinstance(value, str):
                request.form[name] = _decode(value, charsets)

            elif isinstance(value, list):
                request.form[name] = [_decode(val, charsets)
                                      for val in value
                                      if isinstance(val, str)]

            elif isinstance(value, tuple):
                request.form[name] = tuple([_decode(val, charsets)
                                            for val in value
                                            if isinstance(val, str)])
Пример #4
 def _decode(self, text):
     """Try to decode the text using one of the available charsets."""
     # All text comes from cgi.FieldStorage.  On Python 2 it's all bytes
     # and we must decode.  On Python 3 it's already been decoded into
     # Unicode, using the charset we specified when instantiating the
     # FieldStorage instance (Latin-1).
     if self.charsets is None:
         envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(self)
         self.charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ['utf-8']
         self.charsets = [c for c in self.charsets if c != '*']
     if not PYTHON2 and not isinstance(text, bytes):
         if self.charsets and self.charsets[0] == 'iso-8859-1':
             # optimization: we are trying to decode something
             # cgi.FieldStorage already decoded for us, let's just return it
             # rather than waste time decoding...
             return text
         # undo what cgi.FieldStorage did and maintain backwards compat
         text = text.encode('latin-1')
     for charset in self.charsets:
             text = text.decode(charset)
         except UnicodeError:
     # XXX so when none of the provided charsets works we just return bytes
     # and let the application crash???
     return text
Пример #5
def processInputs(request, charsets=None):
    """Process the values in request.form to decode strings to unicode, using
    the passed-in list of charsets. If none are passed in, look up the user's
    preferred charsets. The default is to use utf-8.

    if IProcessedRequest.providedBy(request):

    if charsets is None:
        envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(request, None)
        if envadapter is None:
            charsets = ['utf-8']
            charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ['utf-8']

    for name, value in request.form.items():
        if not (isCGI_NAME(name) or name.startswith('HTTP_')):
            if isinstance(value, str):
                request.form[name] = _decode(value, charsets)
            elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple,)):
                newValue = []
                for val in value:
                    if isinstance(val, str):
                        val = _decode(val, charsets)

                if isinstance(value, tuple):
                    newValue = tuple(value)

                request.form[name] = newValue

    interface.alsoProvides(request, IProcessedRequest)
Пример #6
 def _get_charsets(self):
     charsets = self._charsets
     if charsets is None:
         envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(self)
         charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ['utf-8']
         self._charsets = charsets
     return charsets
Пример #7
def processInputs(request, charsets=None):
    """Process the values in request.form to decode strings to unicode, using
    the passed-in list of charsets. If none are passed in, look up the user's
    preferred charsets. The default is to use utf-8.

    if IProcessedRequest.providedBy(request):

    if charsets is None:
        envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(request, None)
        if envadapter is None:
            charsets = ['utf-8']
            charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ['utf-8']

    for name, value in request.form.items():
        if not (isCGI_NAME(name) or name.startswith('HTTP_')):
            if isinstance(value, str):
                request.form[name] = _decode(value, charsets)
            elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple,)):
                newValue = []
                for val in value:
                    if isinstance(val, str):
                        val = _decode(val, charsets)

                if isinstance(value, tuple):
                    newValue = tuple(value)

                request.form[name] = newValue

    interface.alsoProvides(request, IProcessedRequest)
Пример #8
 def test_adapter_registered(self):
     """ test naaya.i18n's IPreferredCharset adapter is registered """
     req = create_request()
     adapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(req)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(adapter, NyHTTPCharsets))
                      ['utf-8', 'iso-8859-1', '*'])
Пример #9
 def _setPageEncoding(self):
     """Set the encoding of the form page via the Content-Type header.
     ZPublisher uses the value of this header to determine how to
     encode unicode data for the browser."""
     envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(self.request)
     charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ['utf-8']
         'Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=%s' % charsets[0])
Пример #10
 def _setPageEncoding(self):
     """Set the encoding of the form page via the Content-Type header.
     ZPublisher uses the value of this header to determine how to
     encode unicode data for the browser."""
     envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(self.request)
     charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ['utf-8']
                                     'text/html; charset=%s' % charsets[0])
Пример #11
def processInputs(request, charsets=None):
    if charsets is None:
        envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(request)
        charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ['utf-8']
    for name, value in request.form.items():
        if (not (isCGI_NAME(name) or name.startswith('HTTP_'))
            and isinstance(value, str)):
            request.form[name] = _decode(value, charsets)
 def __call__(self):
     # XXX dirty hack to make the values coming out of here
     # encoded properly, by default please fix me.
     envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(self.request)
     charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ['utf-8']
     value = self.template()
     if not isinstance(value, unicode):
         value = decode._decode(self.template(), charsets)
     return value
Пример #13
 def _decode(self, text):
     """Try to decode the text using one of the available charsets."""
     if self.charsets is None:
         envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(self.request)
         self.charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ['utf-8']
     for charset in self.charsets:
             text = unicode(text, charset)
         except UnicodeError:
     return text
Пример #14
 def _decode(self, text):
     """Try to decode the text using one of the available charsets."""
     if self.charsets is None:
         envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(self.request)
         self.charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ['utf-8']
     for charset in self.charsets:
             text = unicode(text, charset)
         except UnicodeError:
     return text
Пример #15
def setPageEncoding(request):
    """Set the encoding of the form page via the Content-Type header.
    ZPublisher uses the value of this header to determine how to
    encode unicode data for the browser.
    warn(u'setPageEncoding() is deprecated and will be removed in Zope 2.16. '
         u'It is recommended to let the ZPublisher use the default_encoding. '
         u'Please consider setting default-zpublisher-encoding to utf-8.',
         DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
    envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(request)
    charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ['utf-8']
        'Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=%s' % charsets[0])
Пример #16
def setPageEncoding(request):
    """Set the encoding of the form page via the Content-Type header.
    ZPublisher uses the value of this header to determine how to
    encode unicode data for the browser.
    warn(u'setPageEncoding() is deprecated and will be removed in Zope 5.0. '
         u'It is recommended to let the ZPublisher use the default_encoding. '
         u'Please consider setting default-zpublisher-encoding to utf-8.',
         DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
    envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(request)
    charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ['utf-8']
        'Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=%s' % charsets[0])
Пример #17
def getCharsetUsingRequest(request):
    'See IHTTPResponse'
    envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(request, None)
    if envadapter is None:

        charset = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets()[0]
    except IndexError:
        # Exception caused by empty list! This is okay though, since the
        # browser just could have sent a '*', which means we can choose
        # the encoding, which we do here now.
        charset = 'utf-8'
    return charset
Пример #18
def getCharsetUsingRequest(request):
    'See IHTTPResponse'
    envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(request, None)
    if envadapter is None:

        charset = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets()[0]
    except IndexError:
        # Exception caused by empty list! This is okay though, since the
        # browser just could have sent a '*', which means we can choose
        # the encoding, which we do here now.
        charset = 'utf-8'
    return charset
Пример #19
def processInputs(request, charsets=None):
    """Process the values in request.form to decode strings to unicode, using
    the passed-in list of charsets. If none are passed in, look up the user's
    preferred charsets. The default is to use utf-8.
    if charsets is None:
        envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(request, None)
        if envadapter is None:
            charsets = ['utf-8']
            charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ['utf-8']
    for name, value in request.form.items():
        if not (name in isCGI_NAMEs or name.startswith('HTTP_')):
            request.form[name] = processInputValue(value, charsets)
Пример #20
def processInputs(request, charsets=None):
    if charsets is None:
        envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(request)
        charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ['utf-8']

    for name, value in request.form.items():
        if not (isCGI_NAME(name) or name.startswith('HTTP_')):
            if isinstance(value, str):
                request.form[name] = _decode(value, charsets)
            elif isinstance(value, list):
                request.form[name] = [ _decode(val, charsets)
                                       for val in value
                                       if isinstance(val, str) ]
            elif isinstance(value, tuple):
                request.form[name] = tuple([ _decode(val, charsets)
                                             for val in value
                                             if isinstance(val, str) ])
Пример #21
 def to_unicode(text):
     if not charsets:
         envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(request, None)
         if envadapter:
             pref = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets()
             if pref:
         if not charsets:
     for charset in charsets:
             return unicode(text, charset)
         except UnicodeError:
     raise UnicodeError(
         "Unable to decode %s using any of the character sets: %s" %
         (repr(text), repr(charsets)))
Пример #22
def processInputs(request, charsets=None):
    if charsets is None:
        envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(request)
        charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ['utf-8']

    for name, value in request.form.items():
        if not (isCGI_NAME(name) or name.startswith('HTTP_')):
            if isinstance(value, str):
                request.form[name] = _decode(value, charsets)
            elif isinstance(value, list):
                request.form[name] = [ _decode(val, charsets)
                                       for val in value
                                       if isinstance(val, str) ]
            elif isinstance(value, tuple):
                request.form[name] = tuple([ _decode(val, charsets)
                                             for val in value
                                             if isinstance(val, str) ])
Пример #23
 def _decode(self, text):
     """Try to decode the text using one of the available charsets."""
     # According to PEP-3333, in python-3, QUERY_STRING is a string,
     # representing 'latin-1' encoded byte array. So, if we are in python-3
     # context, encode text as 'latin-1' first, to try to decode
     # resulting byte array using user-supplied charset.
     if not isinstance(text, bytes):
         text = text.encode('latin-1')
     if self.charsets is None:
         envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(self)
         self.charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ['utf-8']
         self.charsets = [c for c in self.charsets if c != '*']
     for charset in self.charsets:
             text = _u(text, charset)
         except UnicodeError:
     return text
Пример #24
def processInputs(request, charsets=None):
    """Process the values in request.form to decode strings to unicode, using
    the passed-in list of charsets. If none are passed in, look up the user's
    preferred charsets. The default is to use utf-8.
    warn(u'processInputs() is deprecated and will be removed in Zope 2.16. If '
         u'your view implements IBrowserPage, similar processing is now '
         u'executed automatically.',
         DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)

    if charsets is None:
        envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(request, None)
        if envadapter is None:
            charsets = ['utf-8']
            charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ['utf-8']

    for name, value in request.form.items():
        if not (name in isCGI_NAMEs or name.startswith('HTTP_')):
            request.form[name] = processInputValue(value, charsets)
Пример #25
def processInputs(request, charsets=None):
    """Process the values in request.form to decode binary_type to text_type,
    using the passed-in list of charsets. If none are passed in, look up the
    user's preferred charsets. The default is to use utf-8.
    warn(u'processInputs() is deprecated and will be removed in Zope 5.0. If '
         u'your view implements IBrowserPage, similar processing is now '
         u'executed automatically.',
         DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)

    if charsets is None:
        envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(request, None)
        if envadapter is None:
            charsets = ['utf-8']
            charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ['utf-8']

    for name, value in list(request.form.items()):
        if not (name in isCGI_NAMEs or name.startswith('HTTP_')):
            request.form[name] = processInputValue(value, charsets)
Пример #26
    def resolve(self, context, text, expression):

        request = context.REQUEST

        charsets = getattr(request, '__zpt_available_charsets', None)
        if charsets is None:
            charsets = IUserPreferredCharsets(request).getPreferredCharsets()

            # add management_page_charset as one fallback
            management_charset = getattr(context, 'management_page_charset',
            if management_charset:

            # add Python's default encoding as last fallback

            # cache list of charsets
            request.__zpt_available_charsets = charsets

        for enc in charsets:
            if enc == '*': continue

                return unicode(text, enc)
            except (LookupError, UnicodeDecodeError):

        return text
Пример #27
def processInputs(request, charsets=None):
    """Process the values in request.form to decode strings to unicode, using
    the passed-in list of charsets. If none are passed in, look up the user's
    preferred charsets. The default is to use utf-8.
        u"processInputs() is deprecated and will be removed in Zope 2.16. If "
        u"your view implements IBrowserPage, similar processing is now "
        u"executed automatically.",

    if charsets is None:
        envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(request, None)
        if envadapter is None:
            charsets = ["utf-8"]
            charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ["utf-8"]

    for name, value in request.form.items():
        if not (name in isCGI_NAMEs or name.startswith("HTTP_")):
            request.form[name] = processInputValue(value, charsets)
Пример #28
    def resolve(self, context, text, expression):
        if isinstance(text, text_type):
            return text

        request = aq_get(context, 'REQUEST', None)

        # Deal with the fact that a REQUEST is not always available.
        # In this case fall back to the encoding of the ZMI and the
        # Python default encoding.

        if request is None:
            charsets = [
                ZPublisher.HTTPRequest.default_encoding, default_encoding
            # charsets might by cached within the request
            charsets = getattr(request, '__zpt_available_charsets', None)

        # No uncached charsets found: investigate the HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET
        # header. This code is only called if 'context' has a request
        # object. The condition is true because otherwise 'charsets' contains
        # at least the default encoding of Python.
        if charsets is None:

            charsets = list()

            # add Python's default encoding as last fallback

            # include the charsets based on the HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET
            # header
            charsets = IUserPreferredCharsets(
                request).getPreferredCharsets() + charsets

            # cache list of charsets
            request.__zpt_available_charsets = charsets

        for enc in charsets:
            if enc == '*':

                return text.decode(enc)
            except (LookupError, UnicodeDecodeError):

        # FIXME: Shouldn't this raise an Exception or signal an error somehow?
        return text
Пример #29
    def resolve(self, context, text, expression):

        request = aq_get(context, 'REQUEST', None)

        # Deal with the fact that a REQUEST is not always available.
        # In this case fall back to the encoding of the ZMI and the
        # Python default encoding.

        if request is None:
            charsets = [default_encoding]
            management_charset = getattr(context, 'management_page_charset',
            if management_charset:
                charsets.insert(0, management_charset)
            # charsets might by cached within the request
            charsets = getattr(request, '__zpt_available_charsets', None)

        # No uncached charsets found: investigate the HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET
        # header. This code is only called if 'context' has a request
        # object. The condition is true because otherwise 'charsets' contains
        # at least the default encoding of Python.
        if charsets is None:

            charsets = list()

            # add Python's default encoding as last fallback

            # include the charsets based on the HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET
            # header
            charsets = IUserPreferredCharsets(request).getPreferredCharsets() +\

            # cache list of charsets
            request.__zpt_available_charsets = charsets

        for enc in charsets:
            if enc == '*':

                return unicode(text, enc)
            except (LookupError, UnicodeDecodeError):

        return text
Пример #30
def getBrowserCharset(request):
    """ Get charset preferred by the browser.
    envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(request)
    charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ['utf-8']
    return charsets[0]
Пример #31
def getBrowserCharset(request):
    """ Get charset preferred by the browser.
    envadapter = IUserPreferredCharsets(request)
    charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ['utf-8']
    return charsets[0]