Пример #1
def query_iterator(query, parent, permission=None):
    """Generator of the items in a query.
    If a permission is specified, then checkPermission() is called.
    Note that -- in some cases -- NOT calling checkPermission() on an item
    has resulted in SQLAlchemy-related data errors downstream.
    for item in query:
        item.__parent__ = parent
        if (permission is None
                or checkPermission(permission, proxy.ProxyFactory(item))):
            yield item
Пример #2
def apply_security(ti):
    domain_model, descriptor_model = ti.domain_model, ti.descriptor_model
    type_key = naming.polymorphic_identity(domain_model)
    log.debug("APPLY SECURITY: %s %s", type_key, domain_model)
    # first, "inherit" security settings of super classes i.e. equivalent of 
    # something like <require like_class=".domain.Doc" />
    for c in domain_model.__bases__:
        if c is object:
        log.debug("    LIKE_CLASS: %s", c)
        protectLikeUnto(domain_model, c)
    # !+DECL permissions here--for CUSTOM types only, and SINCE r9946--override
    # what is defined in domain.zcml, as opposed to vice-versa (probably 
    # because CUSTOM types are setup at a later stage). 
    # So (for CUSTOM types only?) we use the parametrized 
    # bungeni.{type_key}.{Mode} as the view/edit permission:
    pv_type = "zope.Public" # view permission, for type
    pe_type = "zope.Public" # edit permission, for type
    if descriptor_model.scope == "custom":
        pv_type = "bungeni.%s.View" % (type_key)
        pe_type = "bungeni.%s.Edit" % (type_key)
    # !+SCHEMA_FIELDS(mr, oct-2012) all this seems superfluous anyway, as is 
    # (always?) overwritten further down? Switch to base loop on superset of 
    # names (dir(cls)?) and then decide ONCE on various criteria how to
    # protect the name.
    _view_protected = set() # remember names protected for view
    _edit_protected = set() # remember names protected for edit
    # sorted (for clearer logging) list of attr names that are BOTH defined
    # by the db mapped-table schema AND have a dedicated UI Field.
    dts_attrs = [ n for n in ti.derived_table_schema.names(all=True) ]
    df_attrs = [ f.get("name") for f in descriptor_model.fields ]
    attrs = sorted(set(dts_attrs).union(set(df_attrs)))
    log.debug("    DTS+Fields: %s, %s", 
        ti.derived_table_schema.__name__, descriptor_model.__name__)
    for n in attrs:
        # !+DECL special cases, do not override domain.zcml...
        if n in ("response_text",):
        _view_protected.add(n); _edit_protected.add(n)
        pv = pv_type
        pe = pe_type
        model_field = descriptor_model.get(n)
        if model_field:
            if descriptor_model.scope != "custom":
                # !+DECL proceed as before for now
                pv = model_field.view_permission # always "zope.Public"
                pe = model_field.edit_permission # always "zope.ManageContent"
        # !+DECL parametrize all permissions by type AND mode, ensure to grant
        # to appropriate roles. What about non-workflows or non-catalyzed types?
        protectName(domain_model, n, pv)
        protectSetAttribute(domain_model, n, pe)
        DTS = n in dts_attrs and "dts" or "   "
        DF = n in df_attrs and "df" or "  "
        log.debug("         %s %s [%s]  view:%s  edit:%s  %x",
                DTS, DF, n, pv, pe, id(model_field))
        if n not in domain_model.__dict__:
            log.debug("           ---- [%s] !+SCHEMA_FIELDS not in %s.__dict__",
                    n, domain_model)
    # container attributes (never a UI Field for these)
    log.debug("      __dict__: %s" % (domain_model))
    for k in sorted(domain_model.__dict__.keys()):
        # !+ if IManagedContainer.providedBy(v): ?
        v = domain_model.__dict__[k]
        if isinstance(v, ManagedContainerDescriptor):
            if k in _view_protected:
                log.debug("           ---- %s RESETTING...", k)
            log.debug("        managed %s view:%s" % (k, "zope.Public"))
        elif isinstance(v, orm.attributes.InstrumentedAttribute):     
            if k in _view_protected:
                log.debug("           ---- %s RESETTING...", k)
            log.debug("   instrumented [%s]  view:%s", k, "zope.Public")
            log.debug("           ---- [%s] !+SCHEMA_FIELD IN __dict__ but NOT "
                "instrumented OR managed", k)
        if k not in attrs:
            log.debug("           ---- [%s] !+SCHEMA_FIELDS not in attrs", k)
        protectName(domain_model, k, "zope.Public") #!+pv_type
    # Dump permission_id required to getattr/setattr for "custom" types.
    # We only dump the security settings for "custom" types as it only these 
    # are processed AFTER that domain.zcml has been executed (for other types,
    # loaded earlier during app startup, it is the settings in domain.zcml 
    # (executed later during app startup) that ends up applying.
    if descriptor_model.scope == "custom":
        from zope.security import proxy, checker
        dmc = checker.getChecker(proxy.ProxyFactory(domain_model()))
        log.debug("       checker: %s", dmc)
        for n in sorted(_view_protected.union(["response_text"])):
            g = dmc.get_permissions.get(n)
            s = dmc.set_permissions.get(n) #dmc.setattr_permission_id(n)
            log.debug("                [%s]  get:%s  set:%s",
                    n, getattr(g, "__name__", g), s)