Пример #1
    def test_deny_dublincore_view(self):
        """Tests the denial of dublincore view permissions to anonymous.

        Users who can view a folder contents page but cannot view dublin core
        should still be able to see the folder items' names, but not their
        title, modified, and created info.
        # add an item that can be viewed from the root folder
        obj = OrderedContainer()
        alsoProvides(obj, IAttributeAnnotatable)

        self.getRootFolder()['obj'] = obj
        IZopeDublinCore(obj).title = u'My object'

        # deny zope.app.dublincore.view to zope.Anonymous
        prm = IRolePermissionManager(self.getRootFolder())
        prm.denyPermissionToRole('zope.dublincore.view', 'zope.Anonymous')
        # Try both spellings just in case we are used with an older zope.dc
        prm.denyPermissionToRole('zope.app.dublincore.view', 'zope.Anonymous')

        response = self.publish('/')
        self.assertEquals(response.getStatus(), 200)
        body = response.getBody()

        # confirm we can see the file name
        self.assert_(body.find('<a href="obj">obj</a>') != -1)

        # confirm we *cannot* see the metadata title
        self.assert_(body.find('My object') == -1)
Пример #2
    def test_deny_dublincore_view(self):
        """Tests the denial of dublincore view permissions to anonymous.

        Users who can view a folder contents page but cannot view dublin core
        should still be able to see the folder items' names, but not their
        title, modified, and created info.
        # add an item that can be viewed from the root folder
        obj = OrderedContainer()
        alsoProvides(obj, IAttributeAnnotatable)

        self.getRootFolder()['obj'] = obj
        IZopeDublinCore(obj).title = u'My object'

        # deny zope.app.dublincore.view to zope.Anonymous
        prm = IRolePermissionManager(self.getRootFolder())
        prm.denyPermissionToRole('zope.dublincore.view', 'zope.Anonymous')
        # Try both spellings just in case we are used with an older zope.dc
        prm.denyPermissionToRole('zope.app.dublincore.view', 'zope.Anonymous')

        response = self.publish('/')
        self.assertEquals(response.getStatus(), 200)
        body = response.getBody()

        # confirm we can see the file name
        self.assert_(body.find('<a href="obj">obj</a>') != -1)

        # confirm we *cannot* see the metadata title
        self.assert_(body.find('My object') == -1)
Пример #3
 def joining(self, value):
     roles = IRolePermissionManager(self.__parent__)
     for rid in value:
         role = queryUtility(IRole, rid)
         if IPublicRole.providedBy(role):
             roles.grantPermissionToRole('zojax.JoinGroup', rid)
             roles.denyPermissionToRole('zojax.JoinGroup', rid)
Пример #4
    def test_deny_view(self):
        """Tests the denial of view permissions to anonymous.

        This test uses the ZMI interface to deny anonymous zope.View permission
        to the root folder.
        # deny zope.View to zope.Anonymous
        prm = IRolePermissionManager(self.getRootFolder())
        prm.denyPermissionToRole('zope.View', 'zope.Anonymous')

        # confirm Unauthorized when viewing root folder
        self.assertRaises(Unauthorized, self.publish, '/')
Пример #5
    def test_deny_view(self):
        """Tests the denial of view permissions to anonymous.

        This test uses the ZMI interface to deny anonymous zope.View permission
        to the root folder.
        # deny zope.View to zope.Anonymous
        prm = IRolePermissionManager(self.getRootFolder())
        prm.denyPermissionToRole('zope.View', 'zope.Anonymous')

        # confirm Unauthorized when viewing root folder
        self.assertRaises(Unauthorized, self.publish, '/')
Пример #6
def change_permissions(event):
    if event.destination == Workflow.states.PUBLISHED:
            principal = uvcsite.utils.shorties.getPrincipal()
        except zope.security.interfaces.NoInteraction:
            if not uvcsite.auth.interfaces.ICOUser.providedBy(principal):

        prinper = IPrincipalPermissionManager(event.object)
        roleper = IRolePermissionManager(event.object)
Пример #7
    def status(self, value):
        context = removeAllProxies(self.context)

        roleper = IRolePermissionManager(context)
        if value == 4:
            roleper.grantPermissionToRole('zojax.AddComment', 'zope.Anonymous')
            roleper.denyPermissionToRole('zojax.AddComment', 'zope.Anonymous')

        if value == 3:
            if IContentDiscussionAware.providedBy(context):
                interface.noLongerProvides(context, IContentDiscussionAware)
            if not IContentDiscussionAware.providedBy(context):
                interface.alsoProvides(context, IContentDiscussionAware)
                discussibleAdded(context, None)

        self.data.status = value
def init_application(event):
    application = event.object
    if not IDatashackle.providedBy(application):
        # no datashackle grok application

    # Site needs to be setted manually at this point.
    # Otherwise the framework does not notify the catalog to index the newly
    # created propertyform
    configfolder = Folder()
    configfolder.title = _(u'Configuration')
    application['configuration'] = configfolder
    # Deny view, edit permission to role dolmen.Owner (which is the default role for our restricted users).
    role_permission = IRolePermissionManager(configfolder)
    role_permission.denyPermissionToRole('dolmen.content.View', 'dolmen.Owner')
    #role_permission.grantPermissionToRole('dolmen.content.View', 'zope.Manager')
    role_permission.denyPermissionToRole('dolmen.content.Edit', 'dolmen.Owner')
    #role_permission.grantPermissionToRole('dolmen.content.Edit', 'zope.Manager')

    metaconfig = Folder()
    metaconfig.title = _(u'Meta configuration')
    configfolder['meta'] = metaconfig
    ignore_enumeration(metaconfig, 'zope.Everybody') 
    #users = Users()
    #users.title = _(u'Users')
    #configfolder['users'] = users

    set_ = GenericSet()
    set_.title = u'p2_model'
    set_.plan_identifier = 'p2_model'
    set_.table_identifier = 'p2_model'
    set_.table_key_field = 'plan_identifier'
    metaconfig['p2_model'] = set_

    set_ = GenericSet()
    set_.title = u'p2_form'
    set_.plan_identifier = 'p2_form'
    set_.table_identifier = 'p2_form'
    set_.table_key_field = 'form_identifier'
    metaconfig['p2_form'] = set_
    archetypes = GenericSet()
    archetypes.title = _(u'p2_archetype')
    archetypes.plan_identifier = 'p2_archetype'
    archetypes.table_identifier = 'p2_archetype'
    archetypes.table_key_field = 'id'
    metaconfig['p2_archetypes'] = archetypes
    linkageforms = GenericSet()
    linkageforms.title = u'p2_linkage'
    linkageforms.plan_identifier = 'p2_linkage'
    linkageforms.table_identifier = 'p2_linkage'
    linkageforms.table_key_field = 'id'
    metaconfig['p2_linkage'] = linkageforms
    set_ = GenericSet()
    set_.title = u'p2_relation'
    set_.plan_identifier = 'p2_relation'
    set_.table_identifier = 'p2_relation'
    set_.table_key_field = 'id'
    metaconfig['p2_relation'] = set_

    widget = GenericSet()
    widget.title = u'p2_widget'
    widget.plan_identifier = 'p2_widget'
    widget.table_identifier = 'p2_widget'
    widget.table_key_field = 'widget_identifier'
    metaconfig['p2_widget'] = widget
    set_ = GenericSet()
    set_.title = u'p2_span'
    set_.plan_identifier = 'p2_span'
    set_.table_identifier = 'p2_span'
    set_.table_key_field = 'span_identifier'
    metaconfig['p2_span'] = set_
    set_ = GenericSet()
    set_.title = u'p2_span_embeddedform'
    set_.plan_identifier = 'p2_span_embeddedform'
    set_.table_identifier = 'p2_span_embeddedform'
    set_.table_key_field = 'span_identifier'
    metaconfig['p2_span_embeddedform'] = set_
    set_ = GenericSet()
    set_.title = u'p2_span_fileupload'
    set_.plan_identifier = 'p2_span_fileupload'
    set_.table_identifier = 'p2_span_fileupload'
    set_.table_key_field = 'span_identifier'
    metaconfig['p2_span_fileupload'] = set_
    set_ = GenericSet()
    set_.title = u'p2_span_alphanumeric'
    set_.plan_identifier = 'p2_span_alphanumeric'
    set_.table_identifier = 'p2_span_alphanumeric'
    set_.table_key_field = 'span_identifier'
    metaconfig['p2_span_alphanumeric'] = set_
    set_ = GenericSet()
    set_.title = u'p2_span_checkbox'
    set_.plan_identifier = 'p2_span_checkbox'
    set_.table_identifier = 'p2_span_checkbox'
    set_.table_key_field = 'span_identifier'
    metaconfig['p2_span_checkbox'] = set_
    set_ = GenericSet()
    set_.title = u'p2_span_dropdown'
    set_.plan_identifier = 'p2_span_dropdown'
    set_.table_identifier = 'p2_span_dropdown'
    set_.table_key_field = 'span_identifier'
    metaconfig['p2_span_dropdown'] = set_
    set_ = GenericSet()
    set_.title = u'p2_countries'
    set_.plan_identifier = 'p2_countries'
    set_.table_identifier = 'p2_country'
    set_.table_key_field = 'id'
    metaconfig['p2_span_countries'] = set_