def check_config(config): if 'local_port' in config: config['local_port'] = int(config['local_port']) if 'server_port' in config and type(config['server_port']) != list: config['server_port'] = int(config['server_port']) if config.get('local_address', '') in [b'']: logging.warn('warning: local set to listen on, it\'s not safe') if config.get('server_address', '') in ['', 'localhost']: logging.warn('warning: server address set to listen on %s:%s, are you sure?' % (to_str(config['server_address']), config['server_port'])) if config.get('identity', None) is None: logging.error('identity can\'t default to none') sys.exit(1) if config.get('dbagent', None) is None: logging.error('dbagent can\'t default to none') sys.exit(1)
def get_config(): global verbose, config logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(levelname)-s: %(message)s') shortopts = 'hc:vqs:p:l:a:bd:k:i:g:n:e:m:t:' longopts = ['help', 'version', 'log-file'] try: config_path = find_config() optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortopts, longopts) for key, value in optlist: if key == '-c': config_path = value if config_path:'loading config from %s' % config_path) with open(config_path, 'rb') as f: try: config = json.loads('utf8')) except ValueError as e: logging.error('found an error in config.json: %s', e.message) sys.exit(1) else: config = {} v_count = 0 for key, value in optlist: if key == '-s': config['server_address'] = to_str(value) elif key == '-p': config['server_port'] = int(value) elif key == '-l': config['local_port'] = int(value) elif key == '-a': config['local_address'] = to_str(value) elif key == '-b': config['barrier'] = True elif key == '-d': config['identity'] = to_str(value) elif key == '-v': v_count += 1 # '-vv' turns on more verbose mode config['verbose'] = v_count elif key in ('-h', '--help'): print_help() sys.exit(0) elif key == '--version': print(get_version()) sys.exit(0) elif key == '--log-file': config['log-file'] = to_str(value) elif key == '-k': config['des3-key'] = to_str(value) elif key == '-i': config['des3-iv'] = to_str(value) elif key == '-g': config['dbagent'] = to_str(value) elif key == '-n': config['nodeid'] = int(value) elif key == '-e': config['encrypt'] = int(value) elif key == '-m': config['mobile'] = to_str(value) elif key == '-t': config['timeout_hb'] = int(value) elif key == '-q': v_count -= 1 config['verbose'] = v_count except getopt.GetoptError as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) print_help() sys.exit(2) if not config: logging.error('config not specified') print_help() sys.exit(2) config['log-file'] = config.get('log-file', '/var/log/zproxy.log') config['verbose'] = config.get('verbose', 0) config['local_address'] = to_str(config.get('local_address', '')) config['local_port'] = config.get('local_port', 7070) config['server_address'] = to_str(config.get('server_address', '')) config['server_port'] = config.get('server_port', 2181) config['des3-key'] = to_str(config.get('des3-key', 'D^=^vGfAdUTixobQP$HhsTsa')) config['des3-iv'] = to_str(config.get('des3-iv', 'aVtsvC#S')) config['barrier'] = config.get('barrier', False) config['nodeid'] = config.get('nodeid', 0) config['encrypt'] = config.get('encrypt', 1) config['mobile'] = to_str(config.get('mobile', "")) config['timeout_hb'] = config.get('timeout_hb', 60) check_config(config) logging.getLogger('').handlers = [] logging.addLevelName(VERBOSE_LEVEL, 'VERBOSE') if config['verbose'] >= 2: level = VERBOSE_LEVEL elif config['verbose'] == 1: level = logging.DEBUG elif config['verbose'] == -1: level = logging.WARN elif config['verbose'] <= -2: level = logging.ERROR else: level = logging.INFO logging.basicConfig(level=level, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(filename)s %(funcName)s %(lineno)s %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', #filename=config['log-file'], filemode='w' ), verbose = config['verbose'] return config