def test_missing_utility(self): '''! Test when we call the constructor function and decode-syseprom utility is missing ''' shutil.move('/usr/bin/decode-syseeprom', '/usr/bin/decode-syseeprom_org') syseeprom = DecodeSysEeprom() assert (syseeprom.get_product_name() != None) assert (syseeprom.get_mac_addr() != None) assert (syseeprom.get_serial_number() != None) shutil.move('/usr/bin/decode-syseeprom_org', '/usr/bin/decode-syseeprom')
def test_missing_utility(self): '''! Test when we call the constructor function and decode-syseprom utility is missing ''' shutil.move(self.DECODE_SYSEEPROM_PATH, self.DECODE_SYSEEPROM_BACKUP_PATH) syseeprom = DecodeSysEeprom() assert (syseeprom.get_product_name() != None) assert (syseeprom.get_mac_addr() != None) assert (syseeprom.get_serial_number() != None) shutil.move(self.DECODE_SYSEEPROM_BACKUP_PATH, self.DECODE_SYSEEPROM_PATH)
def test_error_utility(self): '''! Test when we call the constructor function and decode-syseprom utility is returning an error ''' shutil.move('/usr/bin/decode-syseeprom', '/usr/bin/decode-syseeprom_org') f = open('/usr/bin/decode-syseeprom', 'w') f.write('#!/bin/sh\nexit 1\n') f.close() st = os.stat('/usr/bin/decode-syseeprom') os.chmod('/usr/bin/decode-syseeprom', st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) syseeprom = DecodeSysEeprom() assert (syseeprom.get_product_name() != None) assert (syseeprom.get_mac_addr() != None) assert (syseeprom.get_serial_number() != None) os.remove('/usr/bin/decode-syseeprom') shutil.move('/usr/bin/decode-syseeprom_org', '/usr/bin/decode-syseeprom')
def test_ztp_profile(self): syseeprom = DecodeSysEeprom() if os.path.isfile('/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf'): fh = open('/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf') dhcp_file = fh.close() client_identifier_string = "send dhcp-client-identifier \"SONiC##" + \ syseeprom.get_product_name() + "##" + \ syseeprom.get_serial_number()+"\"" if getCfg('admin-mode') == False: assert (client_identifier_string not in dhcp_file) assert ('send dhcp6.user-class' not in dhcp_file) assert ('send user-class' not in dhcp_file) assert ('dhcp6.provisioning-script-url,' not in dhcp_file) assert ('provisioning-script-url,' not in dhcp_file) assert ('dhcp6.boot-file-url,' not in dhcp_file) assert ('tftp-server-name,' not in dhcp_file) os.system( getCfg('ztp-lib-dir') + '/ create ztp_config.json') assert ( os.path.isfile('/etc/network/ifupdown2/policy.d/ztp_dhcp.json') is True) if getCfg('feat-console-logging'): assert (os.path.isfile( getCfg('rsyslog-ztp-consile-log-file-conf')) is True) fh = open(getCfg('rsyslog-ztp-consile-log-file-conf')) console_log_file_conf = fh.close() assert ('sonic-ztp' in console_log_file_conf) assert ('/dev/console' in console_log_file_conf) assert (os.path.isfile(getCfg('rsyslog-ztp-log-file-conf')) is True) fh = open(getCfg('rsyslog-ztp-log-file-conf')) log_file_conf = fh.close() assert ('sonic-ztp' in log_file_conf) assert (getCfg('log-file') in log_file_conf) fh = open('port_table.json', 'w') fh.write(''' { "PORT_DATA": { "PORT_TABLE:Ethernet0": { "value": { "oper_status": "up" } }, "PORT_TABLE:Ethernet1": { "value": { "oper_status": "down" } } } } ''') fh.close() fh = open('ztp_dhcp_disabled.json', 'w') fh.write(''' { "ZTP_DHCP_DISABLED": "true" } ''') fh.close() os.system( 'sonic-cfggen -j ztp_config.json -j ztp_dhcp_disabled.json -t /usr/share/sonic/templates/dhclient.conf.j2 > tmp_dhcp_file' ) os.system( 'sonic-cfggen -j ztp_config.json -j ztp_dhcp_disabled.json -t /usr/share/sonic/templates/interfaces.j2 > tmp_interfaces' ) fh = open('tmp_dhcp_file') dhcp_file = fh.close() fh = open('tmp_interfaces') intf_file = fh.close() assert ('provisioning-script-url,' not in dhcp_file) assert ('# ZTP out-of-band interface' not in intf_file) os.remove('tmp_interfaces') os.remove('tmp_dhcp_file') os.remove('ztp_dhcp_disabled.json') objJson, jsonDict = JsonReader('ztp_config.json') os.system( 'sonic-cfggen -j ztp_config.json -j port_table.json -t /usr/share/sonic/templates/dhclient.conf.j2 > tmp_dhcp_file' ) os.system( 'sonic-cfggen -j ztp_config.json -j port_table.json -t /usr/share/sonic/templates/interfaces.j2 > tmp_interfaces' ) fh = open('tmp_dhcp_file') dhcp_file = fh.close() fh = open('tmp_interfaces') intf_file = fh.close() fh = open('/etc/network/ifupdown2/policy.d/ztp_dhcp.json') dhcp_policy = fh.close() assert ('dhcp-wait" : "no"' in dhcp_policy) assert ('dhcp6-ll-wait' in dhcp_policy) assert ('"dhcp6-ll-wait" : "2"' in dhcp_policy) assert ('eth0' in dhcp_policy) assert (client_identifier_string in dhcp_file) assert ('send dhcp6.user-class' in dhcp_file) assert ('send user-class' in dhcp_file) assert ('dhcp6.provisioning-script-url,' in dhcp_file) assert ('provisioning-script-url,' in dhcp_file) assert ('dhcp6.boot-file-url,' in dhcp_file) assert ('tftp-server-name,' in dhcp_file) if getCfg('feat-inband'): assert (jsonDict.get('ZTP').get('mode').get('inband').lower() == 'true') assert (jsonDict.get('PORT').get('Ethernet0').get( 'admin_status').lower() == 'up') assert ('auto Ethernet0' in intf_file) assert ('auto Ethernet1' in intf_file) assert ('auto Ethernet5000' not in intf_file) assert ('Ethernet0' in dhcp_policy) else: assert (jsonDict.get('ZTP').get('mode').get('inband').lower() == 'false') assert (jsonDict.get('PORT').get('Ethernet0').get( 'admin_status').lower() == 'down') assert ('iface Ethernet0' not in intf_file) if getCfg('feat-ipv4'): assert (jsonDict.get('ZTP').get('mode').get('ipv4').lower() == 'true') assert ('iface eth0 inet dhcp' in intf_file) if getCfg('feat-inband'): assert ('iface Ethernet0 inet dhcp' in intf_file) assert ('iface Ethernet1 inet dhcp' not in intf_file) else: assert (jsonDict.get('ZTP').get('mode').get('ipv4').lower() == 'false') assert ('iface eth0 inet dhcp' not in intf_file) if getCfg('feat-inband'): assert ('iface Ethernet0 inet dhcp' not in intf_file) if getCfg('feat-ipv6'): assert (jsonDict.get('ZTP').get('mode').get('ipv6').lower() == 'true') assert ('iface eth0 inet6 dhcp' in intf_file) assert (' up sysctl net.ipv6.conf.eth0.accept_ra=1' in intf_file) assert (' down sysctl net.ipv6.conf.eth0.accept_ra=0' in intf_file) if getCfg('feat-inband'): assert ('iface Ethernet0 inet6 dhcp' in intf_file) assert ('iface Ethernet1 inet6 dhcp' not in intf_file) else: assert (jsonDict.get('ZTP').get('mode').get('ipv6').lower() == 'false') assert ('iface eth0 inet6 dhcp' not in intf_file) if getCfg('feat-inband'): assert ('iface Ethernet0 inet6 dhcp' not in intf_file) assert (jsonDict.get('ZTP').get('mode').get('product-name') == syseeprom.get_product_name()) assert (jsonDict.get('ZTP').get('mode').get('serial-no') == syseeprom.get_serial_number()) os.system('/usr/lib/ztp/ remove') os.system( 'rm -f tmp_dhcp_file ztp_config.json tmp_interfaces port_table.json' ) assert ( os.path.isfile('/etc/network/ifupdown2/policy.d/ztp_dhcp.json') is False) assert (os.path.isfile(getCfg('rsyslog-ztp-consile-log-file-conf')) is False) assert (os.path.isfile(getCfg('rsyslog-ztp-log-file-conf')) is True)
def test_mac_addr(self): '''! Test if we found the product name in the system eeprom ''' syseeprom = DecodeSysEeprom() assert (syseeprom.get_mac_addr() != None)
def test_serial_number(self): '''! Test if we found the serial number in the system eeprom ''' syseeprom = DecodeSysEeprom() assert (syseeprom.get_serial_number() != None)
def test_constructor(self): '''! Test when we call the constructor function with imcomplete or wrong parameters ''' syseeprom = DecodeSysEeprom() assert (syseeprom != None)