Пример #1
    def _attach(self, fcp, assigner_id, target_wwpns, target_lun,
                multipath, os_version, mount_point, path_count,
                is_root_volume, need_restart):
        """Attach a volume

        First, we need translate fcp into local wwpn, then
        dedicate fcp to the user if it's needed, after that
        call smt layer to call linux command
        LOG.info('Start to attach device to %s' % assigner_id)
        # TODO: init_fcp should be called in contructor function
        # but no assigner_id in contructor
        new = self.fcp_mgr.add_fcp_for_assigner(fcp, assigner_id)
        if is_root_volume:
            LOG.info('Attaching device to %s is done.' % assigner_id)
            return new
            if new:
                self._dedicate_fcp(fcp, assigner_id)

            self._add_disk(fcp, assigner_id, target_wwpns, target_lun,
                           multipath, os_version, mount_point, new,
        except exception.SDKBaseException as err:
            errmsg = 'Attach failed with error:' + err.format_message()
            self._rollback_dedicated_fcp([fcp], assigner_id)
            raise exception.SDKBaseException(msg=errmsg)
        # TODO: other exceptions?

        LOG.info('Attaching device to %s is done.' % assigner_id)
        return new
Пример #2
    def _attach(self, fcp, assigner_id, target_wwpns, target_lun, multipath,
                os_version, mount_point, path_count, is_root_volume):
        """Attach a volume

        First, we need translate fcp into local wwpn, then
        dedicate fcp to the user if it's needed, after that
        call smt layer to call linux command
        LOG.info('Start to attach device to %s' % assigner_id)
        # TODO: init_fcp should be called in contructor function
        # but no assinger_id in contructor
        new = self.fcp_mgr.add_fcp_for_assigner(path_count, fcp, assigner_id)
        if is_root_volume:
            LOG.info('Attaching device to %s is done.' % assigner_id)
            if new:
                self._dedicate_fcp(fcp, assigner_id)

            self._add_disk(fcp, assigner_id, target_wwpns, target_lun,
                           multipath, os_version, mount_point, new)
        except exception.SDKBaseException as err:
            errmsg = 'rollback attach because error:' + err.format_message()
            connections = self.fcp_mgr.decrease_fcp_usage(fcp, assigner_id)
            # if connections less than 1, undedicate the device
            if not connections:
                with zvmutils.ignore_errors():
                    self._undedicate_fcp(fcp, assigner_id)
            raise exception.SDKBaseException(msg=errmsg)
        # TODO: other exceptions?

        LOG.info('Attaching device to %s is done.' % assigner_id)
Пример #3
    def _detach(self, fcp, assigner_id, target_wwpns, target_lun,
                multipath, os_version, mount_point, is_root_volume):
        """Detach a volume from a guest"""
        LOG.info('Start to detach device from %s' % assigner_id)
        connections = self.fcp_mgr.decrease_fcp_usage(fcp, assigner_id)
        if is_root_volume:
            LOG.info('Detaching device from %s is done.' % assigner_id)

            self._remove_disk(fcp, assigner_id, target_wwpns, target_lun,
                              multipath, os_version, mount_point, connections)
            if not connections:
                self._undedicate_fcp(fcp, assigner_id)
        except (exception.SDKBaseException,
                exception.SDKSMTRequestFailed) as err:
            errmsg = 'detach failed with error:' + err.format_message()
            self.fcp_mgr.increase_fcp_usage(fcp, assigner_id)
            with zvmutils.ignore_errors():
                new = (connections == 0)
                self._add_disk(fcp, assigner_id, target_wwpns, target_lun,
                               multipath, os_version, mount_point, new)
            raise exception.SDKBaseException(msg=errmsg)

        # Unreserved fcp device after undedicate all FCP devices
        if not connections:
            LOG.info("Unreserve fcp device %s from detach", fcp)
        LOG.info('Detaching device from %s is done.' % assigner_id)
Пример #4
    def _detach(self, fcp, assigner_id, target_wwpn, target_lun, multipath,
                os_version, mount_point):
        """Detach a volume from a guest"""
        LOG.info('Start to detach device from %s' % assigner_id)
        connections = self.fcp_mgr.decrease_fcp_usage(fcp, assigner_id)

            self._remove_disk(fcp, assigner_id, target_wwpn, target_lun,
                              multipath, os_version, mount_point)
            if not connections:
                self._undedicate_fcp(fcp, assigner_id)
        except (exception.SDKBaseException,
                exception.SDKSMTRequestFailed) as err:
            errmsg = 'rollback detach because error:' + err.format_message()
            self.fcp_mgr.increase_fcp_usage(fcp, assigner_id)
            with zvmutils.ignore_errors():
                self._add_disk(fcp, assigner_id, target_wwpn, target_lun,
                               multipath, os_version, mount_point)
            raise exception.SDKBaseException(msg=errmsg)


        LOG.info('Detaching device to %s is done.' % assigner_id)
Пример #5
    def _attach(self, fcp, assigner_id, target_wwpn, target_lun, multipath,
                os_version, mount_point):
        """Attach a volume

        First, we need translate fcp into local wwpn, then
        dedicate fcp to the user if it's needed, after that
        call smut layer to call linux command
        LOG.info('Start to attach device to %s' % assigner_id)
        new = self.fcp_mgr.increase_fcp_usage(fcp, assigner_id)
            if new:
                self._dedicate_fcp(fcp, assigner_id)

            self._add_disk(fcp, assigner_id, target_wwpn, target_lun,
                           multipath, os_version, mount_point)
        except exception.SDKBaseException as err:
            errmsg = 'rollback attach because error:' + err.format_message()
            connections = self.fcp_mgr.decrease_fcp_usage(fcp, assigner_id)
            # if connections less than 1, undedicate the device
            if not connections:
                with zvmutils.ignore_errors():
                    self._undedicate_fcp(fcp, assigner_id)
            raise exception.SDKBaseException(msg=errmsg)

        LOG.info('Attaching device to %s is done.' % assigner_id)
Пример #6
    def _attach(self, fcp_list, assigner_id, target_wwpns, target_lun,
                multipath, os_version, mount_point, path_count,
        """Attach a volume

        First, we need translate fcp into local wwpn, then
        dedicate fcp to the user if it's needed, after that
        call smt layer to call linux command
        LOG.info("Start to attach volume to FCP devices "
                 "%s on machine %s." % (fcp_list, assigner_id))

        # TODO: init_fcp should be called in contructor function
        # but no assigner_id in contructor
        # fcp_status is like { '1a10': 'True', '1b10', 'False' }
        # True or False means it is first attached or not
        # We use this bool value to determine dedicate or not
        fcp_status = {}
        for fcp in fcp_list:
            fcp_status[fcp] = self.fcp_mgr.add_fcp_for_assigner(
                fcp, assigner_id)
        if is_root_volume:
            LOG.info("Is root volume, adding FCP records %s to %s is "
                     "done." % (fcp_list, assigner_id))
            # FCP devices for root volume will be defined in user directory
            return []

        LOG.debug("The status of fcp devices before "
                  "dedicating them to %s is: %s." % (assigner_id, fcp_status))

            # dedicate the new FCP devices to the userid
            for fcp in fcp_list:
                if fcp_status[fcp]:
                    # only dedicate the ones first attached
                    LOG.info("Start to dedicate FCP %s to "
                             "%s." % (fcp, assigner_id))
                    self._dedicate_fcp(fcp, assigner_id)
                    LOG.info("FCP %s dedicated to %s is "
                             "done." % (fcp, assigner_id))
                    LOG.info("This is not the first volume for FCP %s, "
                             "skip dedicating FCP device." % fcp)
            # online and configure volumes in target userid
            self._add_disks(fcp_list, assigner_id, target_wwpns, target_lun,
                            multipath, os_version, mount_point)
        except exception.SDKBaseException as err:
            errmsg = ("Dedicate FCP devices failed with "
                      "error:" + err.format_message())
            raise exception.SDKBaseException(msg=errmsg)
        LOG.info("Attaching volume to FCP devices %s on machine %s is "
                 "done." % (fcp_list, assigner_id))
Пример #7
 def _call(self, func_name, *args, **kwargs):
     results = self.client.send_request(func_name, *args, **kwargs)
     if results['overallRC'] == 0:
         return results['output']
         msg = ("SDK request %(api)s failed with parameters: %(args)s "
                "%(kwargs)s . Error messages: %(errmsg)s" % {
                    'api': func_name,
                    'args': str(args),
                    'kwargs': str(kwargs),
                    'errmsg': results['errmsg']
         raise exception.SDKBaseException(msg, results)
Пример #8
    def _detach(self, fcp, assigner_id, target_wwpns, target_lun,
                multipath, os_version, mount_point, is_root_volume,
        """Detach a volume from a guest"""
        LOG.info('Start to detach device %s from %s' % (fcp, assigner_id))
            connections = self.fcp_mgr.decrease_fcp_usage(fcp, assigner_id)
        except exception.SDKObjectNotExistError:
            connections = 0
            LOG.warning("The connections of FCP device %s is 0.", fcp)

        if is_root_volume:
            LOG.info('Detaching device from %s is done.' % assigner_id)

            self._remove_disk(fcp, assigner_id, target_wwpns, target_lun,
                              multipath, os_version, mount_point, connections,
            if not connections:
                self._undedicate_fcp(fcp, assigner_id)
        except (exception.SDKBaseException,
                exception.SDKSMTRequestFailed) as err:
            rc = err.results['rc']
            rs = err.results['rs']
            if rc == 404 or rc == 204 and rs == 8:
                # We ignore the already undedicate FCP device exception.
                LOG.warning("The FCP device %s has already undedicdated", fcp)
                errmsg = 'detach failed with error:' + err.format_message()
                self.fcp_mgr.increase_fcp_usage(fcp, assigner_id)
                with zvmutils.ignore_errors():
                    new = (connections == 0)
                    self._add_disk(fcp, assigner_id, target_wwpns, target_lun,
                                   multipath, os_version, mount_point, new)
                raise exception.SDKBaseException(msg=errmsg)

        # Unreserved fcp device after undedicate all FCP devices
        if not connections:
            LOG.info("Unreserve fcp device %s from detach", fcp)
        LOG.info('Detaching device from %s is done.' % assigner_id)
Пример #9
    def _detach(self, fcp_list, assigner_id, target_wwpns, target_lun,
                multipath, os_version, mount_point, is_root_volume):
        """Detach a volume from a guest"""
        LOG.info("Start to detach volume on machine %s from "
                 "FCP devices %s" % (assigner_id, fcp_list))
        # fcp_connections is like {'1a10': 0, '1b10': 3}
        # the values are the connections colume value in database
        fcp_connections = {}
            for fcp in fcp_list:
                connections = self.fcp_mgr.decrease_fcp_usage(fcp, assigner_id)
                fcp_connections[fcp] = connections
        except exception.SDKObjectNotExistError:
            connections = 0
            LOG.warning("The connections of FCP device %s is 0.", fcp)

        if is_root_volume:
            LOG.info("Is root volume, deleting FCP records %s from %s is "
                     "done." % (fcp_list, assigner_id))

        # when detaching volumes, if userid not exist, no need to
        # raise exception. we stop here after the database operations done.
        if not zvmutils.check_userid_exist(assigner_id):
                "Found %s not exist when trying to detach volumes "
                "from it.", assigner_id)

            self._remove_disks(fcp_list, assigner_id, target_wwpns, target_lun,
                               multipath, os_version, mount_point, connections)
            for fcp in fcp_list:
                if not fcp_connections.get(fcp, 0):
                    LOG.info("Start to undedicate FCP %s from "
                             "%s." % (fcp, assigner_id))
                    self._undedicate_fcp(fcp, assigner_id)
                    LOG.info("FCP %s undedicated from %s is "
                             "done." % (fcp, assigner_id))
                    LOG.info("Found still have volumes on FCP %s, "
                             "skip undedicating FCP device." % fcp)
        except (exception.SDKBaseException,
                exception.SDKSMTRequestFailed) as err:
            rc = err.results['rc']
            rs = err.results['rs']
            if rc == 404 or rc == 204 and rs == 8:
                # We ignore the already undedicate FCP device exception.
                LOG.warning("The FCP device %s has already undedicdated", fcp)
                errmsg = "detach failed with error:" + err.format_message()
                for fcp in fcp_list:
                    # rollback the connections data before remove disks
                    self.fcp_mgr.increase_fcp_usage(fcp, assigner_id)
                with zvmutils.ignore_errors():
                    self._add_disks(fcp_list, assigner_id, target_wwpns,
                                    target_lun, multipath, os_version,
                raise exception.SDKBaseException(msg=errmsg)
        LOG.info("Detaching volume on machine %s from FCP devices %s is "
                 "done." % (assigner_id, fcp_list))