def testMetricDataQueryParams(uid):
     This test makes MetricDataHandler GET calls with various params :
   with repository.engineFactory().connect() as conn:
     firstMetricData = conn.execute(
       "SELECT * FROM `metric_data` WHERE `uid`='%s' "
       "and abs(`anomaly_score` - 0) > 1e-5 "
       "ORDER BY `timestamp` ASC LIMIT 1" % uid).fetchall()
     lastMetricData = conn.execute(
       "SELECT * FROM `metric_data` WHERE `uid`='%s' "
       "and abs(`anomaly_score` - 0) > 1e-5 "
       "ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT 1" % uid).fetchall()
   firstTimeStamp = firstMetricData[0].timestamp
   lastTimeStamp = lastMetricData[0].timestamp
   anomalyScore = firstMetricData[0].anomaly_score
   response ="/%s/data?from=%s&to=%s&anomaly=%s"
     % (uid, firstTimeStamp, lastTimeStamp, anomalyScore),
   assertions.assertSuccess(self, response)
   getAllModelsResult = utils.jsonDecode(response.body)
   for metricData in getAllModelsResult['data']:
     self.assertGreaterEqual(metricData[2], anomalyScore)
       '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), firstTimeStamp)
       '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), lastTimeStamp)
  def testGETSpecificInstanceFromRegion(self):
    Test for Get
    response is validated for appropriate headers, body and status
    Test is currently using ec2 box for jenkins-master, this test also
    validates for retriving all supported metrics with dimensions
    supportedMetrics = (
    ec2Metrics = supportedMetrics[ResourceTypeNames.EC2_INSTANCE].keys()

    # Instance used for following test is jenkins-master node
    response ="/us-west-2/AWS/EC2/instances/%s"
        % VALID_EC2_INSTANCE["InstanceId"], headers=self.headers)
    assertions.assertSuccess(self, response)
    result = app_utils.jsonDecode(response.body)
    self.assertIsInstance(result, list)
    self.assertGreater(len(ec2Metrics), 0)
    self.assertGreater(len(result), 0)
    self.assertEqual(len(ec2Metrics), len(result))
    for res in result:
      self.assertEqual(res["region"], "us-west-2")
      self.assertEqual(res["namespace"], "AWS/EC2")
      self.assertEqual(res["datasource"], "cloudwatch")
      self.assertIn(res["metric"], ec2Metrics)
      self.assertIsInstance(res["dimensions"], dict)

    self.assertEqual(ec2Metrics, [])
    def testMetricDataTimeStampQueryParams(uid):
        This test makes MetricDataHandler GET calls with from and to params :
      with repository.engineFactory().connect() as conn:
        firstMetricData = conn.execute(
          .where(schema.metric_data.c.uid == uid)

        lastMetricData = conn.execute(
          .where(schema.metric_data.c.uid == uid)
      firstTimeStamp = firstMetricData[0].timestamp
      lastTimeStamp = lastMetricData[0].timestamp
      response ="/%s/data?from=%s&to=%s"
        % (uid, firstTimeStamp, lastTimeStamp), headers=self.headers)
      assertions.assertSuccess(self, response)
      getAllModelsResult = utils.jsonDecode(response.body)
      for metricData in getAllModelsResult['data']:
          '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), firstTimeStamp)
          '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), lastTimeStamp)
    def testMetricDataForRandomRowID(uid):
        This tests if the metric data returned by the GET call :
        has anomaly_score consistent with what is there in the actual
        database by asserting it against a dao.MetricData.get() call
        It repeats the process for 5 random sample rows for each uid
        in the database.

        Algorithm :
        - Query the MetricDataHandler GET call for a certain uid
        - Check if response is OK
        - Find the last row id for the uid
        - Select a random row between 1 and last row id
        - Find the anomaly score for that row id
        - Assert on the anomaly score
      response ="/%s/data" %uid, headers=self.headers)
      assertions.assertSuccess(self, response)
      getAllModelsResult = utils.jsonDecode(response.body)
      with repository.engineFactory().connect() as conn:
        lastRowID = repository.getMetric(conn, uid).last_rowid
      for _ in range(5):
        randomRowID = randrange(1, lastRowID)
        with repository.engineFactory().connect() as conn:
          singleMetricData = repository.getMetricData(
        metricData = getMetricDataWithRowID(getAllModelsResult['data'],
        self.assertEqual(metricData[2], singleMetricData.anomaly_score)
          '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), singleMetricData.timestamp)
 def testGETListRegions(self):
   Test for Get '/_metrics/cloudwatch/regions'
   response is validated for appropriate headers, body and status
   response is validated against json for supported regions
   response ="/regions", headers=self.headers)
   assertions.assertSuccess(self, response)
   result = app_utils.jsonDecode(response.body)
   self.assertIsInstance(result, dict)
   self.assertEqual(json.loads(response.body), self.regions)
 def testGETListInstancesForRegion(self):
   Test for
   Get '/_metrics/cloudwatch/<region-name>/AWS/<namespace>/instances'
   response is validated for appropriate headers, body and status
   response is validated against response
   response ="/us-west-2/AWS/EC2",
   assertions.assertSuccess(self, response)
   result = app_utils.jsonDecode(response.body)
   self.assertIsInstance(result, list)
 def testGETSpecificNamespace(self):
   Test for Get '/_metrics/cloudwatch/AWS/<namespace>'
   response is validated for appropriate headers, body and status
   response is validated against available metrics for each
   namespaces supported
   for namespace in self._supportedAWSNamespaces():
     response ="/%s" % namespace, headers=self.headers)
     assertions.assertSuccess(self, response)
     result = app_utils.jsonDecode(response.body)
     self.assertIsInstance(result, dict)
  def testGETNamespaces(self):
    Test for Get '/_metrics/cloudwatch/namespaces'
    response is validated for appropriate headers, body and status
    response is validated against known namespaces
    response ="/namespaces", headers=self.headers)
    assertions.assertSuccess(self, response)
    result = app_utils.jsonDecode(response.body)
    self.assertIsInstance(result, dict)

    supportedNamespaces = self._supportedAWSNamespaces() | set(["Autostacks"])

    self.assertEqual(supportedNamespaces, set(result.keys()))
 def testMetricDataAnomalyAsQueryParams(uid):
     This test makes MetricDataHandler GET calls with anomaly param :
   queryString = ("SELECT * FROM metric_data WHERE uid='%s' "
                  "   and abs(anomaly_score - 0) > 1e-5 LIMIT 1") % uid
   with repository.engineFactory().connect() as conn:
     sampleMetricData = conn.execute(queryString).first()
   anomalyScore = sampleMetricData.anomaly_score
   response ="/%s/data?anomaly=%s"
     % (uid, anomalyScore), headers=self.headers)
   assertions.assertSuccess(self, response)
   getAllModelsResult = utils.jsonDecode(response.body)
   for metricData in getAllModelsResult['data']:
     self.assertGreaterEqual(metricData[2], anomalyScore)
  def testGETInstanceForInvalidInstance(self):
    Test for Get
    with invalid InstancceId
    response is validated for appropriate headers, body and status

    Expect a 200 OK even when attempting to GET from an invalid instance,
    this saves the overhead of asking AWS if we're dealing with a valid
    instance every GET.

    We expect the CLI user to know what instance ID he/she is looking for.
    response ="/us-west-2/AWS/EC2/instances/abcd1234",
      status="*", headers=self.headers)
    assertions.assertSuccess(self, response)
  def testGETSpecificRegion(self):
    Test for Get '/_metrics/cloudwatch/regions/<region-name>'
    response is validated for appropriate headers, body and status
    response is validated against expected information in response
    response ="/regions/us-west-2", headers=self.headers)
    assertions.assertSuccess(self, response)
    result = app_utils.jsonDecode(response.body)
    self.assertIsInstance(result, list)
    attributes = ["name", "region", "namespace", "datasource", "identifier", \
     "metric", "dimensions"]

    for res in result:
      self.assertEqual(res["region"], "us-west-2")
      self.assertEqual(res["datasource"], "cloudwatch")
      self.assertItemsEqual(res.keys(), attributes)
  def _testGETCloudWatchImpl(self, url):
    response =, headers=self.headers)
    assertions.assertSuccess(self, response)
    result = app_utils.jsonDecode(response.body)
    self.assertIsInstance(result, dict)

    supportedMetrics = createCloudwatchDatasourceAdapter().describeSupportedMetrics()

    for metrics in supportedMetrics.values():
      for metric, keys in metrics.items():
                      "Expected namespace (%s) not found in response." % (
                      "Expected metric (%s, %s) not found in response." % (
                        keys["namespace"], metric))
 def testGETMetrics(self):
   Test for
   Get '/_metrics/cloudwatch/<region-name>/AWS/<namespace>/metricName'
   response is validated for appropriate headers, body and status
   and response is validated with supported namespace and metric details
   response ="/us-west-2/AWS/EC2/CPUUtilization",
   assertions.assertSuccess(self, response)
   result = app_utils.jsonDecode(response.body)
   self.assertIsInstance(result, list)
   attributes = ["region", "namespace", "datasource", "metric", "dimensions"]
   for res in result:
     self.assertEqual(res["region"], "us-west-2")
     self.assertEqual(res["datasource"], "cloudwatch")
     self.assertEqual(res["metric"], "CPUUtilization")
     self.assertItemsEqual(res.keys(), attributes)
     self.assertIsInstance(res["dimensions"], dict)
  def testModelInferencesLifeCycle(self):
    startTime = time()
    for model in sorted(
      #create a model; post is forwarded to put
      print "Creating metric for %s : " % model
      response ="/", json.dumps(model),
      assertions.assertSuccess(self, response, code=201)

    response ="/", headers=self.headers)
    assertions.assertSuccess(self, response)
    getAllModelsResult = utils.jsonDecode(response.body)
    totalMetricCount = len(getAllModelsResult)
    self.assertEqual(totalMetricCount, len(

    #Get the uids of all the metrics created.
    uids = [metric['uid'] for metric in getAllModelsResult]

    while True:
      with repository.engineFactory().connect() as conn:
        initialModelCount = conn.execute(
[sql.func.count()], from_obj=schema.metric_data)
          .where(schema.metric_data.c.rowid == 1)).scalar()
      if initialModelCount == totalMetricCount:
        print "Done creating all the initial models."

      # Exit the test with some non-zero status if the test has run for more
      # than 20 minutes to just create the initial models.
      # Should not take more than that.

      currentElapsedTime = (time() - startTime) / 60
      print "Current elapsed time %s" % currentElapsedTime
      if currentElapsedTime > 20:
        print "More than 20 minutes has elapsed. Timing out."
      print "%s initial models created." % initialModelCount
      print "Creating initial models for rest of the %s metrics" \
        "..." % (totalMetricCount - initialModelCount)

    #Sleep for a long time.
    minutes = 15
    print "Sleeping for %s minutes to let things settled down." % minutes
    while minutes > 0:
      print "Resume in %s minutes." % minutes
      minutes -= 1

    modelCreationDuration = (time() - startTime) / 60

    with repository.engineFactory().connect() as conn:
      lastRowIds = {uid: repository.getMetric(conn, uid).last_rowid
                    for uid in uids}
    modelInferenceWithNonNullAnomalyScore = []
    modelIds = lastRowIds.keys()
    while True:
      print set(modelInferenceWithNonNullAnomalyScore)
      if len(modelIds) == len(set(modelInferenceWithNonNullAnomalyScore)):
        print "Model inferences created for last_rowids for all the models."
      for uid in modelIds:
        with repository.engineFactory().connect() as conn:
          anomalyNullCount = conn.execute(
  [sql.func.count()], from_obj=schema.metric_data)
            .where(schema.metric_data.c.rowid == lastRowIds[uid])
            .where(schema.metric_data.c.uid == uid)
            .where(schema.metric_data.c.anomaly_score == None)).scalar()
        print "Model (%s) - Last Row ID (%s) : %s" \
          % (uid, lastRowIds[uid], anomalyNullCount)
        if anomalyNullCount == 0:

      # Exit the test with some non-zero status if the test has run for more
      # than 2 hours

      currentElapsedTime = (time() - startTime) / 60
      print "Current elapsed time %s" % currentElapsedTime
      if currentElapsedTime > 120:
        print "More than 2 hours has elapsed. Timing out."
      print "Going back to sleep for 60s..."

    self.assertEqual(anomalyNullCount, 0)
    timeToCalculateAllInferences = time()

    def getMetricDataWithRowID(metricDataList, rowid):
        Helper method to get the metric data of the nth row for a certain uid
      for metricData in metricDataList:
        if metricData[3] == rowid:
          return metricData

    def testMetricDataForRandomRowID(uid):
        This tests if the metric data returned by the GET call :
        has anomaly_score consistent with what is there in the actual
        database by asserting it against a dao.MetricData.get() call
        It repeats the process for 5 random sample rows for each uid
        in the database.

        Algorithm :
        - Query the MetricDataHandler GET call for a certain uid
        - Check if response is OK
        - Find the last row id for the uid
        - Select a random row between 1 and last row id
        - Find the anomaly score for that row id
        - Assert on the anomaly score
      response ="/%s/data" %uid, headers=self.headers)
      assertions.assertSuccess(self, response)
      getAllModelsResult = utils.jsonDecode(response.body)
      with repository.engineFactory().connect() as conn:
        lastRowID = repository.getMetric(conn, uid).last_rowid
      for _ in range(5):
        randomRowID = randrange(1, lastRowID)
        with repository.engineFactory().connect() as conn:
          singleMetricData = repository.getMetricData(
        metricData = getMetricDataWithRowID(getAllModelsResult['data'],
        self.assertEqual(metricData[2], singleMetricData.anomaly_score)
          '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), singleMetricData.timestamp)

    map(testMetricDataForRandomRowID, uids)

    def testMetricDataAnomalyAsQueryParams(uid):
        This test makes MetricDataHandler GET calls with anomaly param :
      queryString = ("SELECT * FROM metric_data WHERE uid='%s' "
                     "   and abs(anomaly_score - 0) > 1e-5 LIMIT 1") % uid
      with repository.engineFactory().connect() as conn:
        sampleMetricData = conn.execute(queryString).first()
      anomalyScore = sampleMetricData.anomaly_score
      response ="/%s/data?anomaly=%s"
        % (uid, anomalyScore), headers=self.headers)
      assertions.assertSuccess(self, response)
      getAllModelsResult = utils.jsonDecode(response.body)
      for metricData in getAllModelsResult['data']:
        self.assertGreaterEqual(metricData[2], anomalyScore)

    map(testMetricDataAnomalyAsQueryParams, uids)

    def testMetricDataTimeStampQueryParams(uid):
        This test makes MetricDataHandler GET calls with from and to params :
      with repository.engineFactory().connect() as conn:
        firstMetricData = conn.execute(
          .where(schema.metric_data.c.uid == uid)

        lastMetricData = conn.execute(
          .where(schema.metric_data.c.uid == uid)
      firstTimeStamp = firstMetricData[0].timestamp
      lastTimeStamp = lastMetricData[0].timestamp
      response ="/%s/data?from=%s&to=%s"
        % (uid, firstTimeStamp, lastTimeStamp), headers=self.headers)
      assertions.assertSuccess(self, response)
      getAllModelsResult = utils.jsonDecode(response.body)
      for metricData in getAllModelsResult['data']:
          '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), firstTimeStamp)
          '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), lastTimeStamp)

    map(testMetricDataTimeStampQueryParams, uids)

    def testMetricDataQueryParams(uid):
        This test makes MetricDataHandler GET calls with various params :
      with repository.engineFactory().connect() as conn:
        firstMetricData = conn.execute(
          "SELECT * FROM `metric_data` WHERE `uid`='%s' "
          "and abs(`anomaly_score` - 0) > 1e-5 "
          "ORDER BY `timestamp` ASC LIMIT 1" % uid).fetchall()
        lastMetricData = conn.execute(
          "SELECT * FROM `metric_data` WHERE `uid`='%s' "
          "and abs(`anomaly_score` - 0) > 1e-5 "
          "ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT 1" % uid).fetchall()
      firstTimeStamp = firstMetricData[0].timestamp
      lastTimeStamp = lastMetricData[0].timestamp
      anomalyScore = firstMetricData[0].anomaly_score
      response ="/%s/data?from=%s&to=%s&anomaly=%s"
        % (uid, firstTimeStamp, lastTimeStamp, anomalyScore),
      assertions.assertSuccess(self, response)
      getAllModelsResult = utils.jsonDecode(response.body)
      for metricData in getAllModelsResult['data']:
        self.assertGreaterEqual(metricData[2], anomalyScore)
          '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), firstTimeStamp)
          '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), lastTimeStamp)

    map(testMetricDataQueryParams, uids)

    endTime = (time() - startTime) / 60

    print "Test started at        : %s" % \
          strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime(startTime))
    print "Test finished at       : %s" % \
          strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime(endTime))
    print "Total metric count     : %s" % totalMetricCount
    print "Initial models created : %s" % initialModelCount
    print "Approximate time taken to create inital models : %s minutes" \
      % modelCreationDuration
    print "Approximate time taken to calculate all inferences : %s minutes" \
      % ((timeToCalculateAllInferences - startTime) / 60)
    print "Approximate time taken for all the tests to finish : %s minutes" \
      % ((time() - startTime) / 60)