u = 1

for n in range(2):
    phi = np.pi / 2 + (2 * n + 1) * np.pi / (2 * N)
    v = [
        1, (-2 * r1) * np.cos(phi),
        (r1**2) * ((np.cos(phi))**2) + (r2**2) * ((np.sin(phi))**2)
    p = np.convolve(v, u)
    u = p

#The following was to verify that the roots obtained
#are correct

p1 = epsilon**2 * np.convolve(cheb(N), cheb(N)) + np.hstack((np.zeros(
    (1, 2 * N)).ravel(), 1))

#r = roots(p1)

#Evaluating the gain of the stable lowpass filter
#The gain has to be 1/sqrt(1+epsilon^2) at Omega = 1

G = abs(np.polyval(p, 1j)) / np.sqrt(1 + epsilon**2)

#Plotting the magnitude response of the stable filter
#and comparing with the desired response for the purpose
#of verification

Omega = np.linspace(0, 2, 201)
H_stable = abs(G / np.polyval(p, 1j * Omega))
r1 = (beta**2 - 1) / (2 * beta)
r2 = (beta**2 + 1) / (2 * beta)

#Obtaining the polynomial approximation for the low pass
#Chebyschev filter to obtain a stable filter
u = np.array([1])
for n in range(0, int(N / 2)):  #n = 0:(N/2)-1;
    phi = np.pi / 2 + (2 * n + 1) * np.pi / (2 * N)
    v = [
        1, -2 * r1 * np.cos(phi),
        r1**2 * np.cos(phi)**2 + r2**2 * np.sin(phi)**2
    p = np.convolve(v, u)
    u = p

p1 = epsilon**2 * np.convolve(cheb(N), cheb(N)) + np.concatenate(
    [np.zeros(2 * N), np.array([1])])
G = abs(np.polyval(p, 1j)) / np.sqrt(1 + epsilon**2)
Omega = np.arange(0, 2.01, 0.01)  #0:0.01:2
H_stable = abs(G / np.polyval(p, 1j * Omega))
H_cheb = abs(np.sqrt(1 / np.polyval(p1, 1j * Omega)))
plt.plot(Omega, H_stable, 'o', label='Design')
plt.plot(Omega, H_cheb, label='Specification')
subprocess.run(shlex.split("termux-open ../figs/iir/AnalogLP_cheb.pdf"))
Define inputs
Lambda = 1
Q0 = 1
H = 1
kappa = 1e-4
mu = 1e-2

LambdaTilde = 1e-2 # Lambda*Q0*H**2/(kappa*mu)

Ny = 33
n = Ny+1
k = 2.0*pi*arange(1, 5, 1)
Idn = eye(n)

D, zc = cheb(Ny)
k_sigma = np.zeros((len(k), 2))
convert cheb grid to physical grid
zc = a*z + b
zc = [-1, 1], z= [0, 1]
zc = 2*z - 1

d()/dz = [d()/dzc]*(dzc/dz) ...chain rule

d()/dz = a*D

a = 2
b = -1
#Obtaining the polynomial approximation for the low pass
#Chebyschev filter to obtain a stable filter
u = 1

for n in range(2):
	phi = np.pi/2 + (2*n+1)*np.pi/(2*N)
	v = [1,(-2*r1)*np.cos(phi),(r1**2)*((np.cos(phi))**2) + (r2**2)*((np.sin(phi))**2)]
	p = np.convolve(v,u)
	u = p

#The following was to verify that the roots obtained
#are correct

p1 = epsilon**2*np.convolve(cheb(N),cheb(N)) + np.hstack((np.zeros((1,2*N)).ravel(),1))

#r = roots(p1)

#Evaluating the gain of the stable lowpass filter
#The gain has to be 1/sqrt(1+epsilon^2) at Omega = 1

G = abs(np.polyval(p,1j))/np.sqrt(1+epsilon**2)

#Plotting the magnitude response of the stable filter
#and comparing with the desired response for the purpose
#of verification

Omega = np.linspace(0,2,201)
H_stable = abs(G/np.polyval(p,1j*Omega))
H_cheb = abs(np.sqrt(1/np.polyval(p1,1j*Omega)))
from numpy import pi, cos, sin, eye

from cheb import *
"Define the inputs"
Re = 10000.
Reinv = 1./Re
# N = 10
Ny = 128
kx = 1.
kz = 0.
n = Ny+1

ksq = kx*kx + kz*kz
Idn = eye(n)
D, y = cheb(Ny)
u = (1. - y*y)
U = (1. - y*y)*Idn
DU = (np.matmul(D, u))*Idn
D2 = np.matmul(D, D)
D2U = (np.matmul(D2, u))*Idn
D4 = np.matmul(D2, D2)

Los = 1j*kx*u*(ksq*Idn - D2) + 1j*kx*D2U + Reinv*(D4 - 2*ksq*D2 + ksq*ksq*Idn)
Lsq = 1j*kx*U + Reinv*(ksq*Idn - D2)
L = np.block([[Los, np.zeros((n, n))],[1j*kz*(DU), Lsq]])

M = np.block([[(ksq*Idn - D2), np.zeros((n, n))], [np.zeros((n, n)), Idn ]])

BC for O-S test
epsilon = 0.4
N = 4

beta = ((np.sqrt(1+epsilon**2)+ 1)/epsilon)**(1/N)
r1 = (beta**2-1)/(2*beta)
r2 = (beta**2+1)/(2*beta)

u = [1]

for n in range(0,int(N/2)):
	phi = np.pi/2 + ((2*n + 1)*np.pi)/(2*N)
	v = [1,-2*r1*np.cos(phi),r1**2*np.cos(phi)**2+r2**2*np.sin(phi)**2]
	p = np.convolve(v,u)
	u = p

p1 = epsilon**2 * np.convolve(cheb(N),cheb(N)) + np.append(np.zeros((2*N,)),[1])

G = (abs(np.polyval(p,1j)))/(np.sqrt(1+epsilon**2))

Omega = np.arange(0,2.01,0.01)
H_stable = abs(np.divide(G,np.polyval(p,1j*Omega)))
H_cheb = abs(np.sqrt(np.divide(1,np.polyval(p1,1j*Omega))))

from cheb import *
from numpy import dot,diag,real,argsort,zeros,linspace,polyval,polyfit,where
from scipy.linalg import eig
from scipy.special import airy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

for N in range(12,60,12):
	print N
	D,x = cheb(N); D2 = dot(D,D); D2 = D2[1:N,1:N]
	Lam,V = eig(D2,diag(x[1:N]))
	Lam = real(Lam); ii = where(Lam>0)[0]
	V = real(V[:,ii]); Lam = Lam[ii]
	ii = argsort(Lam); ii=ii[4]; Lam=Lam[ii]
	v = zeros(N+1); v[1:N] = V[:,ii]; v = v/v[N/2]*airy(0.0)[0]
	xx = linspace(-1.0,1.0,200); vv = polyval(polyfit(x,v,N),xx);
	plt.subplot(2,2,N/12); plt.plot(xx,vv)
	plt.title("N = %d   eig = %15.10f"%(N,Lam));

u = 1
for n in range(N // 2):
    phi = np.pi / 2 + (2 * n + 1) * np.pi / (2 * N)
    v = [
        1, (-2 * r1) * np.cos(phi),
        (r1**2) * ((np.cos(phi))**2) + (r2**2) * ((np.sin(phi))**2)
    p = np.convolve(v, u)
    u = p

#The following was to verify that the roots obtained
#are correct

p1 = epsilon**2 * np.convolve(
    cheb(N), cheb(N)) + np.array([0 for _ in range(2 * N)] + [1])
#r = roots(p1)

#Evaluating the gain of the stable lowpass filter
#The gain has to be 1/sqrt(1+epsilon^2) at Omega = 1
G = abs(np.polyval(p, 1j)) / np.sqrt(1 + epsilon**2)

#Plotting the magnitude response of the stable filter
#and comparing with the desired response for the purpose
#of verification

Omega = np.linspace(0, 2, 201)
H_stable = abs(G / np.polyval(p, 1j * Omega))
H_cheb = abs(np.sqrt(1 / np.polyval(p1, 1j * Omega)))
beta = ((np.sqrt(1+epsilon**2)+ 1)/epsilon)**(1/N)
r1 = (beta**2-1)/(2*beta)
r2 = (beta**2+1)/(2*beta)

'''Obtaining the polynomial approximation for the low pass
Chebyschev filter to obtain a stable filter'''

u = np.array([1])
for n in range(0,int(N/2)): #n = 0:(N/2)-1;
    phi = np.pi/2 + (2*n+1)*np.pi/(2*N)
    v = [1,-2*r1*np.cos(phi),r1**2*np.cos(phi)**2+r2**2*np.sin(phi)**2]
    p = np.convolve(v,u)
    u = p

p1 = epsilon**2*np.convolve(cheb(N),cheb(N)) + np.concatenate([np.zeros(2*N),np.array([1])])

'''Evaluating the gain of the stable lowpass filter
The gain has to be 1/sqrt(1+epsilon^2) at Omega = 1'''

G = abs(np.polyval(p,1j))/np.sqrt(1+epsilon**2)

'''Plotting the magnitude response of the stable filter
and comparing with the desired response for the purpose
of verification'''

Omega = np.arange(0,2.01,0.01) #0:0.01:2
H_stable = abs(G/np.polyval(p,1j*Omega))
H_cheb = abs(np.sqrt(1/np.polyval(p1,1j*Omega)))