def get_joint_forces(self, ptAtual, ptFinal, oriAtual, dist_EOF_to_Goal, err_ori):

        # Get UR5 Jacobian of each link
        Jacobian = get_geometric_jacobian(self.ur5_param, self.actual_position)

        # Getting attractive forces
        forces_p = np.zeros((3, 1))
        forces_w = np.zeros((3, 1))

        for i in range(3):
            if abs(ptAtual[i] - ptFinal[i]) <= self.dist_att:
                f_att_l = -self.zeta*(ptAtual[i] - ptFinal[i])
                f_att_l = -self.dist_att*self.zeta*(ptAtual[i] - ptFinal[i])/dist_EOF_to_Goal[i]

            if abs(oriAtual[i] - self.Displacement[i]) <= self.dist_att_config:
                f_att_w = -self.zeta*(oriAtual[i] - self.Displacement[i])
                f_att_w = -self.dist_att_config*self.zeta*(oriAtual[i] - self.Displacement[i])/dist_EOF_to_Goal[i]

            forces_p[i, 0] = f_att_l
            forces_w[i, 0] = f_att_w

        forces_p = np.asarray(forces_p)
        JacobianAtt_p = np.asarray(Jacobian[5])
        joint_att_force_p =
        joint_att_force_p = np.multiply(joint_att_force_p, [[0.5], [0.1], [1.5], [1], [1], [1]])

        forces_w = np.asarray(forces_w)
        JacobianAtt_w = np.asarray(Jacobian[6])
        joint_att_force_w =
        joint_att_force_w = np.multiply(joint_att_force_w, [[0], [0.1], [0.1], [0.4], [0.4], [0.4]])

        return np.transpose(joint_att_force_p), np.transpose(joint_att_force_w)
def main():
    ur5_robot = MoveGroupPythonIntefaceTutorial()

    ### UR5 Initial position
    raw_input("' =========== Aperte enter para posicionar o UR5 \n")
    ur5_robot.joint_states.position = [
        0, -1.5707, 0, -1.5707, 0, 0
    ]  # Posicao configurada no fake_controller_joint_states

        "' =========== Aperte enter para carregar o obstaculo e objetivo \n")
    ### Final and obstacle points
    obs_pos = [0.45, 0.4, 0.4]
    diam_obs = 0.4
    ur5_robot.add_sphere(obs_pos, 11, diam_obs, ColorRGBA(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5))

    ptFinal = [0.45, 0.3, 0.5]
    oriFinal = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01]
    diam_goal = 0.04
    ur5_robot.add_sphere(ptFinal, 13, diam_goal, ColorRGBA(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.8))

    ### CPA Parameters
    err = diam_goal / 2
    max_iter = 5000
    zeta = [0.5 for i in range(7)]
    eta = [0.005 for i in range(6)]
    rho_0 = diam_obs
    dist_att = 0.05
    dist_att_config = 0.15
    alfa = 0.5
    alfa_rot = 0.2
    diam_rep_ur5 = 0.15

    raw_input("' =========== Pressione enter para posicionar o UR5 \n")
    ur5_robot.joint_states.position = [
        0, -1.5707, 0, -1.5707, 0, 0
    ]  # Posicao configurada no fake_controller_joint_states

    ### GET repulsive control point's position through LOOKUPTRANSFORM
    CP_pos, CP_dist = ur5_robot.get_repulsive_cp(
        obs_pos, ur5_robot.joint_states.position, diam_rep_ur5)

    ### Parameters
    CPAA_state = False
    Orientation_state = True

    hz = get_param("rate", 50)  # 10hz
    r = rospy.Rate(hz)

    ptAtual, oriAtual ="base_link",

    dist_EOF_to_Goal = np.linalg.norm(ptAtual - np.asarray(ptFinal))
    n = 0

    raw_input("' =========== Aperte enter para iniciar o algoritmo dos CPAs")
    while dist_EOF_to_Goal > err and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        Jacobian = get_geometric_jacobian(ur5_robot.ur5_param,
        CP_pos, CP_dist = ur5_robot.get_repulsive_cp(
            obs_pos, ur5_robot.joint_states.position, diam_rep_ur5)

        joint_att_force_p, joint_att_force_w, joint_rep_force = CPA_classico.get_joint_forces(
            ptAtual, ptFinal, oriAtual, oriFinal, dist_EOF_to_Goal, Jacobian,
            ur5_robot.joint_states.position, ur5_robot.ur5_param, zeta, eta,
            rho_0, dist_att, dist_att_config, CP_dist, CP_pos, obs_pos,
            CPAA_state, diam_rep_ur5)

        # Joint angles UPDATE
        ur5_robot.joint_states.position = ur5_robot.joint_states.position + alfa * joint_att_force_p[
        if Orientation_state:
            ur5_robot.joint_states.position = ur5_robot.joint_states.position + alfa_rot * joint_att_force_w[

        list = np.transpose(joint_rep_force[0]).tolist()
        for j in range(6):
            for i in range(6):
                    i] = ur5_robot.joint_states.position[i] + alfa * list[j][i]
        ptAtual, oriAtual =
            "base_link", "grasping_link", rospy.Time())
        oriAtual += quaternion_from_euler(1.5707, 0, 0)

        if n % 10 == 0:
            print("Distance to the goal: " + str(dist_EOF_to_Goal))
        dist_EOF_to_Goal = np.linalg.norm(ptAtual - np.asarray(ptFinal))

        except rospy.exceptions.ROSTimeMovedBackwardsException:

        n += 1
def main(args):
    ur5_robot = MoveGroupPythonIntefaceTutorial(args)
    way_points = []

    # UR5 Initial position
    raw_input("' =========== Aperte enter para posicionar o UR5 \n")
    # Posicao configurada no fake_controller_joint_states
    ur5_robot.joint_states.position = [0, -1.5707, 0, -1.5707, 1.5707, 0]
    ur5_robot.move(way_points, "gazebo")

    # raw_input("' =========== Aperte enter para carregar os param. dos CPAs \n")

    # Obstacle positions
    oc = [-0.9, 0, 0.375]  # Obstacle reference point - 3D printer
    d1 = -0.080
    s = 1
    obs_pos = [
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, 0.0925, 0.255 + d1]),
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, 0.185, 0.255 + d1]),
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, 0, 0.255 + d1]),
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, -0.0925, 0.255 + d1]),
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, -0.185, 0.255 + d1]),
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, -0.185, 0.16 + d1]),
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, 0.185, 0.16 + d1]),
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, 0.0925, 0.05 + d1]),
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, 0.185, 0.05 + d1]),
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, 0, 0.05 + d1]),
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, -0.0925, 0.05 + d1]),
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, -0.185, 0.05 + d1])
    diam_obs = [0.18] * len(obs_pos)  # Main obstacle repulsive field
    diam_obs[0] = 0.3
    ur5_robot.add_sphere(obs_pos, diam_obs, ColorRGBA(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5))

    # add_obstacles(name, height, radius, pose, orientation, r, g, b):
    # ur5_robot.add_obstacles("up", 0.54, 0.09, [-0.76, 0, 0.345], [1.5707, 1.5707, 0], 1, 0, 0)
    # ur5_robot.add_obstacles("bottom", 0.54, 0.09, [-0.76, 0, 0.55], [1.5707, 1.5707, 0], 1, 0, 0)
    # ur5_robot.add_obstacles("right", 0.35, 0.09, [-0.76, 0.185, 0.455], [0, 0, 0], 1, 0, 0)
    # ur5_robot.add_obstacles("left", 0.35, 0.09, [-0.76, -0.185, 0.455], [0, 0, 0], 1, 0, 0)

    # apply obstacle colors to moveit

    # Final position
    ptFinal = [[-0.9, 0, 0.45]]
    oriFinal = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01]
    diam_goal = [0.05]
    ur5_robot.add_sphere(ptFinal, diam_goal, ColorRGBA(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.8))

    # CPA Parameters
    err = diam_goal[0] / 4  # Max error allowed
    max_iter = 2500  # Max iterations
    zeta = [0.5 for i in range(7)]  # Attractive force gain of each obstacle
    eta = [0.00006 for i in range(6)]  # Repulsive gain of each obstacle
    rho_0 = [i / 2 for i in diam_obs]  # Influence distance of each obstacle
    dist_att = 0.05  # Influence distance in workspace
    dist_att_config = 0.15  # Influence distance in configuration space
    alfa = 0.5  # Learning rate of positioning
    alfa_rot = 0.4  # Learning rate of orientation
    CP_ur5_rep = 0.15  # Repulsive fields on UR5

    # Joint positions initialization
    if arg.CSV:
        ur5_joint_positions_vec = ur5_robot.joint_states.position

    # Get current orientation and position of tool0 link
    q = quaternion_from_matrix(ur5_robot.joint_states.position)
    oriAtual = q[1], q[2], q[3], q[0]
    ptAtual = get_ur5_position(ur5_robot.ur5_param,
                               ur5_robot.joint_states.position, "tool0")

    hz = get_param("rate", 60)
    r = rospy.Rate(hz)

    dist_EOF_to_Goal = np.linalg.norm(ptAtual - np.asarray(ptFinal[0]))
    n = 0

    # Choose to display the path
    ur5_robot.pose.header.frame_id = "path"

    raw_input("' =========== Aperte enter para iniciar o algoritmo dos CPAs")
    while dist_EOF_to_Goal > err and not rospy.is_shutdown() and n < max_iter:
        # Get UR5 Jacobian of each link
        Jacobian = get_geometric_jacobian(ur5_robot.ur5_param,

        # Get position and distance from each link to each obstacle
        CP_pos, CP_dist = ur5_robot.get_repulsive_cp(
            obs_pos, ur5_robot.joint_states.position, CP_ur5_rep)

        # Get attractive linear and angular forces and repulsive forces
        joint_att_force_p, joint_att_force_w, joint_rep_force = CPA.get_joint_forces(
            ptAtual, ptFinal, oriAtual, oriFinal, dist_EOF_to_Goal, Jacobian,
            ur5_robot.joint_states.position, ur5_robot.ur5_param, zeta, eta,
            rho_0, dist_att, dist_att_config, CP_dist, CP_pos, obs_pos,
            arg.APF, CP_ur5_rep)

        # Joint angles UPDATE - Attractive force
        ur5_robot.joint_states.position = ur5_robot.joint_states.position + \
            alfa * joint_att_force_p[0]
        if arg.OC_Off:
            ur5_robot.joint_states.position = ur5_robot.joint_states.position + \
                alfa_rot * joint_att_force_w[0]

        # Joint angles UPDATE - Repulsive force
        list = np.transpose(joint_rep_force[0]).tolist()
        for j in range(6):
            for i in range(6):
                ur5_robot.joint_states.position[i] = ur5_robot.joint_states.position[i] + \
                    alfa * list[j][i]

        # Get current orientation of tool0 link
        q = quaternion_from_matrix(ur5_robot.joint_states.position)
        oriAtual = q[1], q[2], q[3], q[0]

        # Get current position of tool0 link
        ptAtual = get_ur5_position(ur5_robot.ur5_param,
                                   ur5_robot.joint_states.position, "tool0")

        # Angle offset between tool0 and base_link (base?)
        oriAtual += quaternion_from_euler(1.5707, 1.5707, 0)

        # Get distance from EOF to goal
        dist_EOF_to_Goal = np.linalg.norm(ptAtual - np.asarray(ptFinal))

        # If true, publish topics to transform into csv later on
        if arg.CSV:
            # ur5_joint_positions_vec.append(np.concatenate(([n+1], ur5_robot.joint_states.position), 0))
            ur5_joint_positions_vec = np.vstack(
                (ur5_joint_positions_vec, ur5_robot.joint_states.position))

        # If true, publish topics to in order to see the path in RVIZ
        if arg.plot:
            if n % 100 == 0:
                # ur5_robot.visualize_path_planned(ptAtual)
                ur5_robot.pose.pose.position.x = ptAtual[0]
                ur5_robot.pose.pose.position.y = ptAtual[1]
                ur5_robot.pose.pose.position.z = ptAtual[2]

        except rospy.exceptions.ROSTimeMovedBackwardsException:

        n += 1

    print("Iterations: " + str(n))
    print("Distance to goal: " + str(dist_EOF_to_Goal))

    if arg.CSV:
        with open(
                mode='w') as employee_file:
            employee_writer = csv.writer(employee_file,
                                         delimiter=' ',
                'Index', 'Joint1', 'Joint2', 'Joint3', 'Joint4', 'Joint5',
            pos = ur5_joint_positions_vec
            n = 0
            for position in pos:
                    n, position[0], position[1], position[2], position[3],
                    position[4], position[5]
                n += 1

    if arg.plot:
        # choose the trajectory to display in RVIZ
        ur5_robot.pose.header.frame_id = "trajectory"

    raw_input("' =========== Press enter to send the trajectory to Gazebo \n")
    ur5_robot.move(way_points, "gazebo")

        "' =========== Aperte enter para posicionar o UR5 na posicao inicial\n"
    ur5_robot.move(([0, -1.5707, 0, -1.5707, 1.5707, 0], ), "gazebo")

    if arg.plot:
        # Stop plotting trajectory
        ur5_robot.pose.header.frame_id = "end"

    if args.realUR5:
            "' =========== Aperte enter para posicionar o UR5 real na posicao UP\n"
        ur5_robot.move(([0, -1.5707, 0, -1.5707, 0, 0], ), "real")

            "' =========== Aperte enter para enviar a trajetoria para o UR5 !!!REAL!!! \n"
        ur5_robot.move(way_points, "real")
def main():
    ur5_robot = MoveGroupPythonIntefaceTutorial()
    way_points = []

    # UR5 Initial position
    raw_input("' =========== Aperte enter para posicionar o UR5 \n")
    # Posicao configurada no fake_controller_joint_states
    ur5_robot.joint_states.position = [0, -1.5707, 0, -1.5707, 1.5707, 0]
    ur5_robot.move(way_points, "gazebo")

    raw_input("' =========== Aperte enter para carregar os param. dos CPAs \n")

    # Obstacle positions
    oc = [-0.9, 0, 0.375]  # Obstacle reference point - 3D printer
    d1 = -0.080
    s = 1
    obs_pos = [
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, 0.0925, 0.255 + d1]),
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, 0.185, 0.255 + d1]),
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, 0, 0.255 + d1]),
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, -0.0925, 0.255 + d1]),
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, -0.185, 0.255 + d1]),
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, -0.185, 0.16 + d1]),
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, 0.185, 0.16 + d1]),
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, 0.0925, 0.05 + d1]),
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, 0.185, 0.05 + d1]),
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, 0, 0.05 + d1]),
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, -0.0925, 0.05 + d1]),
        np.add(oc, [s * 0.14, -0.185, 0.05 + d1])
    diam_obs = [0.18] * len(obs_pos)  # Main obstacle repulsive field
    diam_obs[0] = 0.3
    ur5_robot.add_sphere(obs_pos, diam_obs, ColorRGBA(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5))

    # Final position
    ptFinal = [[-0.9, 0, 0.45]]
    oriFinal = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01]
    diam_goal = [0.05]
    ur5_robot.add_sphere(ptFinal, diam_goal, ColorRGBA(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.8))

    # CPA Parameters
    err = diam_goal[0] / 4  # Max error allowed
    max_iter = 2500  # Max iterations
    zeta = [0.5 for i in range(7)]  # Attractive force gain of each obstacle
    eta = [0.00006 for i in range(6)]  # Repulsive gain of each obstacle
    rho_0 = [i / 2 for i in diam_obs]  # Influence distance of each obstacle
    dist_att = 0.05  # Influence distance in workspace
    dist_att_config = 0.15  # Influence distance in configuration space
    alfa = 0.5  # Learning rate of positioning
    alfa_rot = 0.4  # Learning rate of orientation
    CP_ur5_rep = 0.15  # Repulsive fields on UR5

    # Parameters
    CPAA_state = True  # If True, it enables CPAA only on end effector
    Orientation_state = True  # If True, UR5 will keep end effector orientation

    # Get current orientation and position of tool0 link
    q = quaternion_from_matrix(ur5_robot.joint_states.position)
    oriAtual = q[1], q[2], q[3], q[0]
    ptAtual = get_ur5_position(ur5_robot.ur5_param,
                               ur5_robot.joint_states.position, "tool0")

    hz = get_param("rate", 60)
    r = rospy.Rate(hz)

    dist_EOF_to_Goal = np.linalg.norm(ptAtual - np.asarray(ptFinal[0]))
    n = 0

    raw_input("' =========== Aperte enter para iniciar o algoritmo dos CPAs")
    while dist_EOF_to_Goal > err and not rospy.is_shutdown() and n < max_iter:
        # Get UR5 Jacobian of each link
        Jacobian = get_geometric_jacobian(ur5_robot.ur5_param,

        # Get position and distance from each link to each obstacle
        CP_pos, CP_dist = ur5_robot.get_repulsive_cp(
            obs_pos, ur5_robot.joint_states.position, CP_ur5_rep)

        # Get attractive linear and angular forces and repulsive forces
        joint_att_force_p, joint_att_force_w, joint_rep_force = CPA.get_joint_forces(
            ptAtual, ptFinal, oriAtual, oriFinal, dist_EOF_to_Goal, Jacobian,
            ur5_robot.joint_states.position, ur5_robot.ur5_param, zeta, eta,
            rho_0, dist_att, dist_att_config, CP_dist, CP_pos, obs_pos,
            CPAA_state, CP_ur5_rep)

        # Joint angles UPDATE - Attractive force
        ur5_robot.joint_states.position = ur5_robot.joint_states.position + \
            alfa * joint_att_force_p[0]
        if Orientation_state:
            ur5_robot.joint_states.position = ur5_robot.joint_states.position + \
                alfa_rot * joint_att_force_w[0]

        # Joint angles UPDATE - Repulsive force
        list = np.transpose(joint_rep_force[0]).tolist()
        for j in range(6):
            for i in range(6):
                ur5_robot.joint_states.position[i] = ur5_robot.joint_states.position[i] + \
                    alfa * list[j][i]

        # Get current orientation of tool0 link
        q = quaternion_from_matrix(ur5_robot.joint_states.position)
        oriAtual = q[1], q[2], q[3], q[0]

        # Get current position of tool0 link
        ptAtual = get_ur5_position(ur5_robot.ur5_param,
                                   ur5_robot.joint_states.position, "tool0")

        # Angle offset between tool0 and base_link (base?)
        oriAtual += quaternion_from_euler(1.5707, 1.5707, 0)

        # Get distance from EOF to goal
        dist_EOF_to_Goal = np.linalg.norm(ptAtual - np.asarray(ptFinal))

        if n % 10 == 0:
            # ur5_robot.add_sphere2(ptAtual, ur5_robot.id2, 0.04, ColorRGBA(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.8)) # plot path as spheres

        except rospy.exceptions.ROSTimeMovedBackwardsException:

        n += 1

    print("Iterations: " + str(n))
    print("Distance to goal: " + str(dist_EOF_to_Goal))

    raw_input("' =========== Press enter to send the trajectory to Gazebo \n")
    ur5_robot.move(way_points, "gazebo")

    # UR5 Initial position
        "' =========== Aperte enter para posicionar o UR5 na posicao UP\n")
    ur5_robot.move(([0, -1.5707, 0, -1.5707, 1.5707, 0], ), "gazebo")
    def CPA_vel_control(self):

        # At the end, the disciplacement will take place as a final orientation
        Displacement = [0.04, 0.04, 0.04]

        # CPA Parameters
        zeta = [0.5 for i in range(7)]  # Attractive force gain of the goal
        dist_att = 0.1  # Influence distance in workspace
        dist_att_config = 0.2  # Influence distance in configuration space
        alfa_geral = 1.5  # multiply each alfa (position and rotation) equally
        alfa = 4 * alfa_geral  # Grad step of positioning - Default: 0.5
        alfa_rot = 4 * alfa_geral  # Grad step of orientation - Default: 0.4

        # Return the end effector location relative to the base_link
        ptAtual, _ ="base_link", "grasping_link",

        # Get ptFinal published by ar_marker_0 frame and the orientation from grasping_link to ar_marker_0
        ptFinal, oriAtual, oriFinal = self.get_tf_param()
        print "oriFinal (ar_marker_0 from base_link): ", oriFinal
        print "oriAtual (grasping_link from ar_marker_0): ", oriAtual, " \n"

        # Calculate the correction of the orientation relative to the actual orientation
        R, P, Y = -1 * oriAtual[0], -1 * oriAtual[1], 0.0
        corr = [R, P, Y]
        print "Correction angle (from quat multiply): ", corr

        # Calculate the distance between end effector and goal
        dist_EOF_to_Goal = np.linalg.norm(ptAtual - np.asarray(ptFinal))

        # Frequency of the velocity controller pubisher
        # Max frequency: 125 Hz
        rate = rospy.Rate(125)

        raw_input("\n==== Press enter to start APF")
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():

            # Get UR5 Jacobian of each link
            Jacobian = get_geometric_jacobian(self.ur5_param,

            # Get absolute orientation error
            err_ori = np.sum(oriAtual)

            # In order to keep orientation constant, we need to correct the orientation
            # of the end effector in respect to the ar_marker_0
            oriAtual = [oriAtual[i] + corr[i] for i in range(len(corr))]

            print "Angle error (RPY): ", oriAtual

            # Get attractive linear and angular forces and repulsive forces
            joint_att_force_p, joint_att_force_w = \
                self.get_joint_forces(ptAtual, ptFinal, oriAtual, Displacement,
                                     dist_EOF_to_Goal, Jacobian, zeta,
                                     dist_att, dist_att_config, err_ori)

            # Publishes joint valocities related to position only
   = np.array(alfa * joint_att_force_p[0])
            # If orientation control is turned on, sum actual position forces to orientation forces
            if self.args.OriON:
       = + \
                    alfa_rot * joint_att_force_w[0]


            # Return the end effector location relative to the base_link
            ptAtual, _ ="base_link", "grasping_link",

            # Check wrist_1_link position just for safety
            wristPt, _ ="base_link", "wrist_1_link",

            # Function to ensure safety. It does not allow End Effector to move below 20 cm above the desk
            self.safety_stop(ptAtual, wristPt)

            # Get ptFinal published by ar_marker_0 frame and the orientation from grasping_link to ar_marker_0
            # The oriFinal needs to be tracked online because the object will be dynamic
            ptFinal, oriAtual, oriFinal = self.get_tf_param()

            print "oriFinal: ", oriFinal
            print "oriAtual: ", oriAtual, " \n"

            # Calculate the distance between end effector and goal
            dist_EOF_to_Goal = np.linalg.norm(ptAtual - np.asarray(ptFinal))

    def CPA_loop(self,

        '# add_obstacles(name, height, radius, pose, orientation, r, g, b):'
        # self.add_obstacles("up", 0.54, 0.09, [-0.76, 0, 0.345], [1.5707, 1.5707, 0], 1, 0, 0)
        # self.add_obstacles("bottom", 0.54, 0.09, [-0.76, 0, 0.55], [1.5707, 1.5707, 0], 1, 0, 0)
        # self.add_obstacles("right", 0.35, 0.09, [-0.76, 0.185, 0.455], [0, 0, 0], 1, 0, 0)
        # self.add_obstacles("left", 0.35, 0.09, [-0.76, -0.185, 0.455], [0, 0, 0], 1, 0, 0)

        self.add_sphere(self.ptFinal, self.diam_goal,
                        ColorRGBA(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0))

        # apply obstacle colors to moveit

        # Final position
        Displacement = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01]

        # CPA Parameters
        err = self.diam_goal[0] / 2  # Max error allowed
        max_iter = 1500  # Max iterations
        zeta = [0.5
                for i in range(7)]  # Attractive force gain of each obstacle
        rho_0 = [i / 2
                 for i in self.diam_obs]  # Influence distance of each obstacle
        dist_att = 0.05  # Influence distance in workspace
        dist_att_config = 0.2  # Influence distance in configuration space
        alfa = 0.5  # Grad step of positioning - Default: 0.5
        alfa_rot = 0.05  # Grad step of orientation - Default: 0.4
        CP_ur5_rep = [0.15] * 6  # Repulsive fields on UR5
        CP_ur5_rep[-2] = 0.15
        if args.AAPF and not args.OriON or (AAPF_COMP and not ORI_COMP):
            self.eta = [0.0006 for i in range(6)]

        ptAtual = get_ur5_position(self.ur5_param, self.joint_states.position,

        hz = get_param("rate", 120)
        r = rospy.Rate(hz)

        dist_EOF_to_Goal = np.linalg.norm(ptAtual -
        dist_EOF_to_Goal_vec = dist_EOF_to_Goal

        n = 0
        err_ori = 1
        corr = [R, P, Y]

        # Get current orientation and position of grasping_link
        ur5_joint_positions_vec = self.joint_states.position

        joint_attractive_forces = np.zeros(6)
        joint_rep_forces = np.zeros(6)
        ori_atual_vec = np.zeros(3)

        while (dist_EOF_to_Goal > err or abs(err_ori) > 0.02
               ) and not rospy.is_shutdown() and n < max_iter:

            # Get UR5 Jacobian of each link
            Jacobian = get_geometric_jacobian(self.ur5_param,

            # Get position and distance from each link to each obstacle
            CP_pos, CP_dist = self.get_repulsive_cp(self.obs_pos,

            oriAtual = euler_from_matrix(self.matrix_from_joint_angles())
            oriAtual = [oriAtual[i] + corr[i] for i in range(len(corr))]

            # Get attractive linear and angular forces and repulsive forces
            joint_att_force_p, joint_att_force_w, joint_rep_force = \
                CPA.get_joint_forces(args, ptAtual, self.ptFinal, oriAtual, Displacement,
                                     dist_EOF_to_Goal, Jacobian, self.joint_states.position, self.ur5_param, zeta,
                                     self.eta, rho_0, dist_att, dist_att_config, CP_dist, CP_pos, self.obs_pos, CP_ur5_rep, AAPF_COMP)

            joint_rep_force = np.clip(joint_rep_force, -0.1, 0.1)

            # Joint angles UPDATE - Attractive force
            self.joint_states.position = self.joint_states.position + \
                alfa * joint_att_force_p[0]
            if args.OriON or ORI_COMP:
                self.joint_states.position = self.joint_states.position + \
                    alfa_rot * joint_att_force_w[0]

            # Joint angles UPDATE - Repulsive force
            list = np.transpose(joint_rep_force[0]).tolist()

            for j in range(6):
                for i in range(6):
                    self.joint_states.position[i] = self.joint_states.position[i] + \
                        alfa * list[j][i]

            matrix = self.matrix_from_joint_angles()

            # Get current position of grasping_link
            ptAtual = get_ur5_position(self.ur5_param,

            if args.plotPath:
                # Visualize path planned in RVIZ

            # Get absolute orientation error
            err_ori = np.sum(oriAtual)

            # Get distance from EOF to goal
            dist_EOF_to_Goal = np.linalg.norm(ptAtual -

            # If true, publish topics to transform into csv later on
            if args.CSV:
                ur5_joint_positions_vec = np.vstack(
                    (ur5_joint_positions_vec, self.joint_states.position))
                dist_EOF_to_Goal_vec = np.vstack(
                    (dist_EOF_to_Goal_vec, dist_EOF_to_Goal))
                joint_attractive_forces = np.vstack(
                    (joint_attractive_forces, joint_att_force_p))
                joint_rep_forces = np.vstack(
                    (joint_rep_forces, list[-1]
                     ))  # list[-1] corresponds to rep forces on the last joint
                ori_atual_vec = np.vstack((ori_atual_vec, oriAtual))

            # If true, publish topics to in order to see the path in RVIZ
            # if n % 10 is used to reduced the total number of waypoints generated by APF or AAPF
            if args.plot:
                if n % 1 == 0:
                    self.pose.pose.position.x = ptAtual[0]
                    self.pose.pose.position.y = ptAtual[1]
                    self.pose.pose.position.z = ptAtual[2]
                    # Save way points in order to send it to gazebo


            except rospy.exceptions.ROSTimeMovedBackwardsException:

            n += 1

        return way_points, n, dist_EOF_to_Goal, ur5_joint_positions_vec, dist_EOF_to_Goal_vec, joint_attractive_forces, joint_rep_forces, ori_atual_vec