def RenderFlareTexture(self, tex_ID, r, g, b, a, p, scale):
        # bleair: Duplicate functions all the same except for the texture to bind to.

        q = []
        # Basically we are just going to make a 2D box
        # from four points we don't need a z coord because
        # we are rotating the camera by the inverse so the
        # texture mapped quads will always face us.

        # Set the x coordinate -scale units from the center point.
        q[0].x = (p.x - scale)
        # Set the y coordinate -scale units from the center point.
        q[0].y = (p.y - scale)

        # Set the x coordinate -scale units from the center point.
        q[1].x = (p.x - scale)
        # Set the y coordinate scale units from the center point.
        q[1].y = (p.y + scale)

        # Set the x coordinate scale units from the center point.
        q[2].x = (p.x + scale)
        # Set the y coordinate -scale units from the center point.
        q[2].y = (p.y - scale)

        # Set the x coordinate scale units from the center point.
        q[3].x = (p.x + scale)
        # Set the y coordinate scale units from the center point.
        q[3].y = (p.y + scale)

        # Save the model view matrix
        # Translate to our point
        glTranslatef(p.x, p.y, p.z)
        glRotatef(-self.m_HeadingDegrees, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
        glRotatef(-self.m_PitchDegrees, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        # Bind to the Big Glow texture
        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex_ID)
        # Set the color since the texture is a gray scale
        glColor4f(r, g, b, a)

        # Draw the Big Glow on a Triangle Strip
        glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0)
        glVertex2f(q[0].x, q[0].y)
        glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0)
        glVertex2f(q[1].x, q[1].y)
        glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0)
        glVertex2f(q[2].x, q[2].y)
        glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0)
        glVertex2f(q[3].x, q[3].y)
        # Restore the model view matrix
	def RenderFlareTexture (self, tex_ID, r, g, b, a, p, scale):
		# bleair: Duplicate functions all the same except for the texture to bind to.

		q = []
		q.append (glPoint ())
		q.append (glPoint ())
		q.append (glPoint ())
		q.append (glPoint ())
		# // Basically we are just going to make a 2D box
		# // from four points we don't need a z coord because
		# // we are rotating the camera by the inverse so the 
		# // texture mapped quads will always face us.

		q[0].x = (p.x - scale);											# // Set the x coordinate -scale units from the center point.
		q[0].y = (p.y - scale);											# // Set the y coordinate -scale units from the center point.
		q[1].x = (p.x - scale);											# // Set the x coordinate -scale units from the center point.
		q[1].y = (p.y + scale);											# // Set the y coordinate scale units from the center point.
		q[2].x = (p.x + scale);											# // Set the x coordinate scale units from the center point.
		q[2].y = (p.y - scale);											# // Set the y coordinate -scale units from the center point.
		q[3].x = (p.x + scale);											# // Set the x coordinate scale units from the center point.
		q[3].y = (p.y + scale);											# // Set the y coordinate scale units from the center point.
		glPushMatrix();													# // Save the model view matrix
		glTranslatef(p.x, p.y, p.z);									# // Translate to our point
		glRotatef(-self.m_HeadingDegrees, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
		glRotatef(-self.m_PitchDegrees, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
		glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex_ID);							# // Bind to the Big Glow texture
		glColor4f(r, g, b, a);											# // Set the color since the texture is a gray scale
		glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);										# // Draw the Big Glow on a Triangle Strip
		glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0);					
		glVertex2f(q[0].x, q[0].y);
		glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0);
		glVertex2f(q[1].x, q[1].y);
		glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0);
		glVertex2f(q[2].x, q[2].y);
		glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0);
		glVertex2f(q[3].x, q[3].y);
		glPopMatrix();													# // Restore the model view matrix
    def __init__(self):
        # Initalize all our member varibles.
        self.m_MaxPitchRate = 0.0
        self.m_MaxHeadingRate = 0.0
        self.m_HeadingDegrees = 0.0
        self.m_PitchDegrees = 0.0
        self.m_MaxForwardVelocity = 0.0
        self.m_ForwardVelocity = 0.0
        self.m_GlowTexture = None
        # bleair: NOTE that glCamera.cpp has a bug. m_BigGlowTexture isn't initialized.
        # Very minor bug because only in the case where we fail to get an earlier
        # texture will the class potentially read from the uninited memory. Most of
        # the time the field is assigned to straight away in InitGL ().
        self.m_BigGlowTexture = None
        self.m_HaloTexture = None
        self.m_StreakTexture = None
        self.m_MaxPointSize = 0.0
        self.m_Frustum = zeros((6, 4), 'f')

        self.m_LightSourcePos = glPoint()
        self.m_Position = glPoint()
        self.m_DirectionVector = glVector()
        self.m_ptIntersect = glPoint()
	def __init__ (self):
		# // Initalize all our member varibles.
		self.m_MaxPitchRate			= 0.0;
		self.m_MaxHeadingRate		= 0.0;
		self.m_HeadingDegrees		= 0.0;
		self.m_PitchDegrees			= 0.0;
		self.m_MaxForwardVelocity	= 0.0;
		self.m_ForwardVelocity		= 0.0;
		self.m_GlowTexture          = None;
		# bleair: NOTE that glCamera.cpp has a bug. m_BigGlowTexture isn't initialized.
		# Very minor bug because only in the case where we fail to get an earlier
		# texture will the class potentially read from the uninited memory. Most of
		# the time the field is assigned to straight away in InitGL ().
		self.m_BigGlowTexture       = None;
		self.m_HaloTexture			= None;
		self.m_StreakTexture		= None;
		self.m_MaxPointSize			= 0.0;
		self.m_Frustum = Numeric.zeros ( (6,4), 'f')

		self.m_LightSourcePos 		= glPoint ()
		self.m_Position = glPoint ()
		self.m_DirectionVector = glVector ()
		self.m_ptIntersect = glPoint ()
    def RenderLensFlare(self):
        # Draw the flare only If the light source is in our line of sight (inside the Frustum)
        if (self.SphereInFrustum(self.m_LightSourcePos, 1.0) == True):

            # Vector pointing from the light's position toward the camera's position (the camera might
            # be pointing elsewhere, this vector is pointing from the light to the camera)
            # Lets compute the vector that points to the camera from
            self.vLightSourceToCamera = self.m_Position - self.m_LightSourcePos
            # the light source.

            # Save the length we will need it in a minute
            Length = self.vLightSourceToCamera.Magnitude()

            # Move down our look-toward direction vector. Move down the look-toward the same dist. as the
            # distance between camera and the light.
            intersect = self.m_DirectionVector * Length
            self.m_ptIntersect = glPoint(intersect.i, intersect.j, intersect.k)
            # Now lets find an point along the cameras direction
            # vector that we can use as an intersection point.
            # Lets translate down this vector the same distance
            # that the camera is away from the light source.
            ptIntersect = self.m_ptIntersect
            # Did the motion in the correct direction above, now translate the intersection position
            # relative to our camera location.
            ptIntersect += self.m_Position

            # Lets compute the vector that points to the Intersect
            self.vLightSourceToIntersect = ptIntersect - self.m_LightSourcePos
            # point from the light source

            # Save the length we will need it later.
            Length = self.vLightSourceToIntersect.Magnitude()
            # Normalize the vector so its unit length
            vLightSourceToIntersect = self.vLightSourceToIntersect

            # You should already know what this does
            # You should already know what this does
            glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE)
            # You should already know what this does
            # You should already know what this does

            # /////////// Differenet Color Glows & Streaks /////////////////////
            # //RenderBigGlow(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, m_LightSourcePos, 1.0f);
            # //RenderStreaks(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f, 1.0f, m_LightSourcePos, 0.7f);
            # //
            # //RenderBigGlow(1.0f, 0.9f, 1.0f, 1.0f, m_LightSourcePos, 1.0f);
            # //RenderStreaks(1.0f, 0.9f, 1.0f, 1.0f, m_LightSourcePos, 0.7f);
            # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

            # //########################## NEW STUFF ##################################

            # //Check if the center of the flare is occluded
            if (not self.IsOccluded(self.m_LightSourcePos)):
                # Render the large hazy glow
                self.RenderBigGlow(0.60, 0.60, 0.8, 1.0,
                                   self.m_LightSourcePos, 16.0)
                # Render the streaks
                self.RenderStreaks(0.60, 0.60, 0.8, 1.0,
                                   self.m_LightSourcePos, 16.0)
                # Render the small Glow
                self.RenderGlow(0.8, 0.8, 1.0, 0.5, self.m_LightSourcePos, 3.5)

                pt = glPoint(vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.1)
                             )    # Lets compute a point that is 20%
                # away from the light source in the
                pt += self.m_LightSourcePos
                # direction of the intersection point.

                # Render the small Glow
                self.RenderGlow(0.9, 0.6, 0.4, 0.5, pt, 0.6)

                pt = glPoint(vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.15)
                             )    # Lets compute a point that is 30%
                # away from the light source in the
                pt += self.m_LightSourcePos
                # direction of the intersection point.

                # Render the a Halo
                self.RenderHalo(0.8, 0.5, 0.6, 0.5, pt, 1.7)

                # Lets compute a point that is 35%
                pt = glPoint(vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.175))
                # away from the light source in the
                pt += self.m_LightSourcePos
                # direction of the intersection point.

                # Render the a Halo
                self.RenderHalo(0.9, 0.2, 0.1, 0.5, pt, 0.83)

                # Lets compute a point that is 57%
                pt = glPoint(vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.285))
                # away from the light source in the
                pt += self.m_LightSourcePos
                # direction of the intersection point.

                # Render the a Halo
                self.RenderHalo(0.7, 0.7, 0.4, 0.5, pt, 1.6)

                # Lets compute a point that is 55.1%
                pt = glPoint(vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.2755))
                # away from the light source in the
                pt += self.m_LightSourcePos
                # direction of the intersection point.

                # Render the small Glow
                self.RenderGlow(0.9, 0.9, 0.2, 0.5, pt, 0.8)

                # Lets compute a point that is 95.5%
                pt = glPoint(vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.4775))
                # away from the light source in the
                pt += self.m_LightSourcePos
                # direction of the intersection point.

                # Render the small Glow
                self.RenderGlow(0.93, 0.82, 0.73, 0.5, pt, 1.0)

                # Lets compute a point that is 98%
                pt = glPoint(vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.49))
                # away from the light source in the
                pt += self.m_LightSourcePos
                # direction of the intersection point.

                # Render the a Halo
                self.RenderHalo(0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.5, pt, 1.4)

                # Lets compute a point that is 130%
                pt = glPoint(vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.65))
                # away from the light source in the
                pt += self.m_LightSourcePos
                # direction of the intersection point.

                # Render the small Glow
                self.RenderGlow(0.7, 0.8, 0.3, 0.5, pt, 1.8)

                # Lets compute a point that is 126%
                pt = glPoint(vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.63))
                # away from the light source in the
                pt += self.m_LightSourcePos
                # direction of the intersection point.

                # Render the small Glow
                self.RenderGlow(0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.5, pt, 1.4)

                # Lets compute a point that is 160%
                pt = glPoint(vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.8))
                # away from the light source in the
                pt += self.m_LightSourcePos
                # direction of the intersection point.

                # Render the a Halo
                self.RenderHalo(0.7, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, pt, 1.4)

                # Lets compute a point that is 156.5%
                pt = glPoint(vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.7825))
                # away from the light source in the
                pt += self.m_LightSourcePos
                # direction of the intersection point.

                # Render the small Glow
                self.RenderGlow(0.8, 0.5, 0.1, 0.5, pt, 0.6)

                # Lets compute a point that is 200%
                pt = glPoint(vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 1.0))
                # away from the light source in the
                pt += self.m_LightSourcePos
                # direction of the intersection point.

                # Render the a Halo
                self.RenderHalo(0.5, 0.5, 0.7, 0.5, pt, 1.7)

                # Lets compute a point that is 195%
                pt = glPoint(vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.975))
                # away from the light source in the
                pt += self.m_LightSourcePos
                # direction of the intersection point.

                # Render the small Glow
                self.RenderGlow(0.4, 0.1, 0.9, 0.5, pt, 2.0)

            # You should already know what this does
            # You should already know what this does
            # You should already know what this does
	def RenderLensFlare(self):
		# // Draw the flare only If the light source is in our line of sight (inside the Frustum)
		if (self.SphereInFrustum(self.m_LightSourcePos, 1.0) == True):

			# Vector pointing from the light's position toward the camera's position (the camera might
			# be pointing elsewhere, this vector is pointing from the light to the camera)
			self.vLightSourceToCamera = self.m_Position - self.m_LightSourcePos;		# // Lets compute the vector that points to the camera from
																						# // the light source.

			Length = self.vLightSourceToCamera.Magnitude () 						# // Save the length we will need it in a minute

			# Move down our look-toward direction vector. Move down the look-toward the same dist. as the
			# distance between camera and the light.
			intersect = self.m_DirectionVector * Length
			self.m_ptIntersect = glPoint (intersect.i, intersect.j, intersect.k)
																		# // Now lets find an point along the cameras direction
																		# // vector that we can use as an intersection point. 
																		# // Lets translate down this vector the same distance
																		# // that the camera is away from the light source.
			ptIntersect = self.m_ptIntersect
			# Did the motion in the correct direction above, now translate the intersection position 
			# relative to our camera location.
			ptIntersect += self.m_Position;

			self.vLightSourceToIntersect = ptIntersect - self.m_LightSourcePos;		# // Lets compute the vector that points to the Intersect
																	# // point from the light source
			Length = self.vLightSourceToIntersect.Magnitude();		# // Save the length we will need it later.
			self.vLightSourceToIntersect.Normalize();				# // Normalize the vector so its unit length
			vLightSourceToIntersect = self.vLightSourceToIntersect
			glEnable(GL_BLEND);										# // You should already know what this does
			glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);						# // You should already know what this does
			glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);								# // You should already know what this does
			glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);								# // You should already know what this does
			# /////////// Differenet Color Glows & Streaks /////////////////////
			# //RenderBigGlow(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, m_LightSourcePos, 1.0f);
			# //RenderStreaks(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f, 1.0f, m_LightSourcePos, 0.7f);
			# //
			# //RenderBigGlow(1.0f, 0.9f, 1.0f, 1.0f, m_LightSourcePos, 1.0f);
			# //RenderStreaks(1.0f, 0.9f, 1.0f, 1.0f, m_LightSourcePos, 0.7f);
			# //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

			# //########################## NEW STUFF ##################################

			if (not self.IsOccluded(self.m_LightSourcePos)):		#	//Check if the center of the flare is occluded
				# // Render the large hazy glow
				self.RenderBigGlow(0.60, 0.60, 0.8, 1.0, self.m_LightSourcePos, 16.0);
				# // Render the streaks
				self.RenderStreaks(0.60, 0.60, 0.8, 1.0, self.m_LightSourcePos, 16.0);
				# // Render the small Glow
				self.RenderGlow(0.8, 0.8, 1.0, 0.5, self.m_LightSourcePos, 3.5);

				pt = glPoint (vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.1));	# // Lets compute a point that is 20%
				pt += self.m_LightSourcePos;								# // away from the light source in the
																			# // direction of the intersection point.
				self.RenderGlow(0.9, 0.6, 0.4, 0.5, pt, 0.6);					# // Render the small Glow

				pt = glPoint (vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.15));	# // Lets compute a point that is 30%
				pt += self.m_LightSourcePos;								# // away from the light source in the
																			# // direction of the intersection point.		
				self.RenderHalo(0.8, 0.5, 0.6, 0.5, pt, 1.7);					# // Render the a Halo
				pt = glPoint (vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.175));			# // Lets compute a point that is 35%
				pt += self.m_LightSourcePos;								# // away from the light source in the
																			# // direction of the intersection point.		
				self.RenderHalo(0.9, 0.2, 0.1, 0.5, pt, 0.83);					# // Render the a Halo

				pt = glPoint (vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.285));			# // Lets compute a point that is 57%
				pt += self.m_LightSourcePos;								# // away from the light source in the
																			# // direction of the intersection point.		
				self.RenderHalo(0.7, 0.7, 0.4, 0.5, pt, 1.6);					# // Render the a Halo
				pt = glPoint (vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.2755));			# // Lets compute a point that is 55.1%
				pt += self.m_LightSourcePos;								# // away from the light source in the
																			# // direction of the intersection point.		
				self.RenderGlow(0.9, 0.9, 0.2, 0.5, pt, 0.8);					# // Render the small Glow

				pt = glPoint (vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.4775));			# // Lets compute a point that is 95.5%
				pt += self.m_LightSourcePos;								# // away from the light source in the
																			# // direction of the intersection point.		
				self.RenderGlow(0.93, 0.82, 0.73, 0.5, pt, 1.0);					# // Render the small Glow
				pt = glPoint (vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.49));				# // Lets compute a point that is 98%
				pt += self.m_LightSourcePos;								# // away from the light source in the
																			# // direction of the intersection point.		
				self.RenderHalo(0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.5, pt, 1.4);					# // Render the a Halo

				pt = glPoint (vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.65));				# // Lets compute a point that is 130%
				pt += self.m_LightSourcePos;								# // away from the light source in the
																			# // direction of the intersection point.		
				self.RenderGlow(0.7, 0.8, 0.3, 0.5, pt, 1.8);					# // Render the small Glow
				pt = glPoint (vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.63));				# // Lets compute a point that is 126%
				pt += self.m_LightSourcePos;								# // away from the light source in the
																			# // direction of the intersection point.		
				self.RenderGlow(0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.5, pt, 1.4);					# // Render the small Glow

				pt = glPoint (vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.8));				# // Lets compute a point that is 160%
				pt += self.m_LightSourcePos;								# // away from the light source in the
																			# // direction of the intersection point.		
				self.RenderHalo(0.7, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, pt, 1.4);					# // Render the a Halo
				pt = glPoint (vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.7825));			# // Lets compute a point that is 156.5%
				pt += self.m_LightSourcePos;								# // away from the light source in the
																			# // direction of the intersection point.

				self.RenderGlow(0.8, 0.5, 0.1, 0.5, pt, 0.6);					# // Render the small Glow

				pt = glPoint (vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 1.0));				# // Lets compute a point that is 200%
				pt += self.m_LightSourcePos;								# // away from the light source in the
																			# // direction of the intersection point.		
				self.RenderHalo(0.5, 0.5, 0.7, 0.5, pt, 1.7);					# // Render the a Halo
				pt = glPoint (vLightSourceToIntersect * (Length * 0.975));			# // Lets compute a point that is 195%
				pt += self.m_LightSourcePos;								# // away from the light source in the
																			# // direction of the intersection point.		
				self.RenderGlow(0.4, 0.1, 0.9, 0.5, pt, 2.0);					# // Render the small Glow

			glDisable(GL_BLEND );											# // You should already know what this does
			glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);										# // You should already know what this does
			glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);										# // You should already know what this does