def passiveo(web): print(" [!] Module Selected : Passive Reconnaissance\n") passiveban() v = raw_input('' + GR + ' [#] \033[1;4mTID\033[0m' + GR + ' :> ' + color.END) print('\n\n') if v.strip() == '1': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Ping Check') piweb(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '2': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': WhoIS Checkup') whoischeckup(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '3': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': GeoIP Lookup') getgeoip(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '4': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': DNS Lookup') dnschk(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '5': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Subdomain Scan') subdom(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '6': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Reverse DNS Lookup') revdns(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '7': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected : Subnet Enumeration') subnet(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '8': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Reverse IP Lookup') revip(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '9': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': IP History') iphistory(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '10': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Page Links') links(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '11': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Google Search') googleSearch() raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '12': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Google Dorker') googledorker(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '13': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Wayback Machine') webarchive(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '14': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Hacked Email Check') hackedmail() raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '15': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Mail to Domain') mailtodom() raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '16': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Google Groups Enum') googlegroups(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '17': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Check Username') checkuser(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '18': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': PasteBin Posts') pastebin(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '19': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': LinkedIn Gathering') linkedin(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '20': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Google Plus Gathering') googlenum(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '21': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Public Contact Info') getconinfo(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '22': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': CENSYS Gathering') censysdom(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '23': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Threat Intel Gathering') threatintel(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '99': print(C + ' [*] Back!') time.sleep(0.7) os.system('clear') elif v.strip() == 'A': print(C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': All Modules\n') time.sleep(0.5) print(C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Ping Check') piweb(web) print(C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' Piweb\n') time.sleep(1) print(C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' WHOIS ') whoischeckup(web) print(C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' WHOIS\n') time.sleep(1) print(C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' GeoIP Lookup ') getgeoip(web) print(C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' GeoIP\n') time.sleep(1) print(C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' DNS Enumeration ') dnschk(web) print(C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' DNS Enum\n') time.sleep(1) print(C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Subdomain Scan ') subdom(web) print(C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' Subdom\n') time.sleep(1) print(C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Subnet Calc. ') subnet(web) print(C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' Subnet Calculation\n') time.sleep(1) print(C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Reverse DNS Lookup ') revdns(web) print(C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' RevDNS\n') time.sleep(1) print(C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' IP History Lookup ') iphistory(web) print(C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' RevIP\n') time.sleep(1) print(C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Reverse IP Lookup ') revip(web) print(C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' RevIP\n') time.sleep(1) print(C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Web Links ') links(web) print(C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' Web Links\n') time.sleep(1) print(C + ' [!] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Google Search') googleSearch() print(C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' GSearch\n') time.sleep(1) print(C + ' [!] Firing up module -->' + O + ' WayBack Machine') webarchive(web) print(C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' WayBack Machine\n') time.sleep(1) print(C + ' [!] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Hacked Email Checker') hackedmail() print(C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' Hacked Email\n') time.sleep(1) print(C + ' [!] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Mail to Domain') mailtodom() print(C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' Mail to Domain\n') time.sleep(1) print(C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Google Groups Enum') googlegroups(web) print(C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' GGroups\n') time.sleep(1) print(C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Check Username') checkuser(web) print(C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' Username\n') time.sleep(1) print(C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' LinkedIn gathering') linkedin(web) print(C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' LinkedIn\n') time.sleep(1) print(C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Pastebin Posts') pastebin(web) print(C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' Pastebin\n') time.sleep(1) print(C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Google Plus Gathering') googlenum(web) print(C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' Google Plus Gathering\n') time.sleep(1) print(C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Google Dorker') googledorker(web) print(C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' GDorker\n') time.sleep(1) print(C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Public Contact Info') getconinfo(web) print(C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' Public Contact info\n') time.sleep(1) print(C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Gathering via CENSYS') censysdom(web) print(C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' CENSYS Gathering\n') time.sleep(1) print(C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Threat Intelligence') threatintel(web) print(C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' Threat Intelligence\n') time.sleep(1) print(G + ' [+] All modules successfully completed!') time.sleep(3) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') print(GR + ' [*] Going back...') os.system('clear') passiveo(web) else: dope = [ 'You high dude?', 'Shit! Enter a valid option', 'Whoops! Thats not an option', 'Sorry! You just typed shit' ] print(C + '\n [!] ' + dope[randint(0, 3)]) os.system('clear') passiveo(web)
def passiveo(web): print " [!] Module Selected : Passive Reconnaissance\n" passiveban() v = raw_input('' + GR + ' [#] \033[1;4mTID\033[0m' + GR + ' :> ' + color.END) print '\n\n' if v.strip() == '1': print C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Ping Check' piweb(web) os.system('clear') time.sleep(2) passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '2': print C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': WhoIS Checkup' whoischeckup(web) os.system('clear') time.sleep(2) passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '3': print C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': GeoIP Lookup' geoip(web) os.system('clear') time.sleep(2) passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '4': print C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': DNS Lookup' dnschk(web) os.system('clear') time.sleep(2) passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '5': print C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Subdomain Scan' subdom(web) os.system('clear') time.sleep(2) passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '6': print C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Reverse DNS Lookup' revdns(web) os.system('clear') time.sleep(2) passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '7': print C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Reverse IP Lookup' revip(web) os.system('clear') time.sleep(2) passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '8': print C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Page Links' links(web) os.system('clear') time.sleep(2) passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '9': print C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Google Search' googleSearch() os.system('clear') time.sleep(2) passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '10': print C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Google Dorker' googledorker(web) os.system('clear') time.sleep(2) passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '11': print C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Wayback Machine' webarchive(web) os.system('clear') time.sleep(2) passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '12': print C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Hacked Email Check' hackedmail() os.system('clear') time.sleep(2) passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '13': print C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Mail to Domain' mailtodom() os.system('clear') time.sleep(2) passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '14': print C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Google Groups Enum' googlegroups(web) os.system('clear') time.sleep(2) passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '15': print C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': Check Username' checkuser(web) os.system('clear') time.sleep(2) passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '16': print C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': PasteBin Posts' pastebin(web) os.system('clear') time.sleep(2) passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '17': print C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': LinkedIn Gathering' linkedin(web) os.system('clear') time.sleep(2) passiveo(web) elif v.strip() == '99': print C + ' [*] Back!' os.system('clear') footprintban1() footprint_dup(web) elif v.strip() == 'A': print C + ' [!] Type Selected ' + B + ': All Modules\n' time.sleep(0.5) print C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Ping Check' piweb(web) print C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' Piweb\n' time.sleep(1) print C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' WHOIS ' whoischeckup(web) print C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' WHOIS\n' time.sleep(1) print C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' GeoIP Lookup ' geoIP(web) print C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' GeoIP\n' time.sleep(1) print C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' DNS Enumeration ' dnschk(web) print C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' DNS Enum\n' time.sleep(1) print C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Subdomain Scan ' subdom(web) print C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' Subdom\n' time.sleep(1) print C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Reverse DNS Lookup ' revdns(web) print C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' RevDNS\n' time.sleep(1) print C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Reverse IP Lookup ' revip(web) print C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' RevIP\n' time.sleep(1) print C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Web Links ' links(web) print C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' Web Links\n' time.sleep(1) print C + ' [!] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Google Search' googleSearch() print C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' GSearch\n' time.sleep(1) print C + ' [!] Firing up module -->' + O + ' WayBack Machine' webarchive(web) print C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' WayBack Machine\n' time.sleep(1) print C + ' [!] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Hacked Email Checker' hackedmail() print C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' Hacked Email\n' time.sleep(1) print C + ' [!] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Mail to Domain' mailtodom() print C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' Mail to Domain\n' time.sleep(1) print C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Google Dorker' googledorker(web) print C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' GDorker\n' time.sleep(1) print C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Google Groups Enum' googlegroups(web) print C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' GGroups\n' time.sleep(1) print C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Check Username' checkuser(web) print C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' Username\n' time.sleep(1) print C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' LinkedIn gathering' linkedin(web) print C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' LinkedIn\n' time.sleep(1) print C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + O + ' Pastebin Posts' pastebin(web) print C + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + O + ' Pastebin\n' time.sleep(1) print G + ' [+] All modules successfully completed!' time.sleep(3) print GR + ' [*] Going back...' os.system('clear') footprintban1() footprint_dup(web) else: dope = [ 'You high dude?', 'Shit! Enter a valid option', 'Whoops! Thats not an option', 'Sorry! You just typed shit' ] print C + '\n [!] ' + dope[randint(0, 3)] os.system('clear') passiveo(web)