def main(maskname, output, k):
    This loops through input subjects, constructs individual cortical cluster
    maps, and then generates a single map at the group level.

    # keep track of the time
    T0 = time()

    # perform random clustering
    localcon = os.path.dirname(maskname) + "/rm_ones_connectivity.npy"

    if os.path.isfile(localcon) == False:
        # calculates local connectivity from binary mask
        make_local_connectivity_ones(maskname, localcon)

    if os.path.isfile(output + str(k[0]) + ".npy") == False:
        # segments into k clusters using local connectivity
        binfile_parcellate(localcon, output, k)

    if os.path.isfile(output + str(k[0]) + ".nii.gz") == False:
        # write out a nifti
        make_image_from_bin_renum(output + str(k[0]) + ".nii.gz", output + str(k[0]) + ".npy", maskname)

    T1 = time()
    print "**** Done in " + str(T1 - T0)
def main(maskname, output, k):
    This loops through input subjects, constructs individual cortical cluster
    maps, and then generates a single map at the group level.

    # keep track of the time
    T0 = time()

    # perform random clustering
    localcon = os.path.dirname(maskname) + '/rm_ones_connectivity.npy'

    if os.path.isfile(localcon) == False:
        # calculates local connectivity from binary mask
        make_local_connectivity_ones(maskname, localcon)

    if os.path.isfile(output + str(k[0]) + '.npy') == False:
        # segments into k clusters using local connectivity
        binfile_parcellate(localcon, output, k)

    if os.path.isfile(output + str(k[0]) + '.nii.gz') == False:
        # write out a nifti
        make_image_from_bin_renum(output + str(k[0]) + '.nii.gz',
                                  output + str(k[0]) + '.npy', maskname)

    T1 = time()
    print '**** Done in ' + str(T1 - T0)

print "3. Clustering"

from binfile_parcellation import *

ks = [25,50,100,200,400,800,1600,3200]

# For random custering, this is all we need to do, there is no need for group
# level clustering, remember that the output filename is a prefix, and 
infile = outfile
outbase = path.join(obase, "random_ones_cluster")
binfile_parcellate(infile, outbase, ks)

# 4. Save

print "4. Save"

from make_image_from_bin_renum import *

for k in ks:
    print "\tk #%i" % k
    binfile = path.join(obase, "random_ones_cluster_%i.npy" % k)
    imgfile = path.join(roidir, "rois_random_k%04i.nii.gz" % k)
    make_image_from_bin_renum(imgfile, binfile, maskfile)

# 3. Group-Mean Clustering

# Done in 05*

# 4. Convert binary output .npy files to nifti

ks = [5,10,20,25,40,50,80,100,150,160,200,250,300,320,350,400,450,500,

network_names = ["visual", "somatomotor", "dorsal_attention", 
                 "ventral_attention", "limbic", "frontoparietal", 

for network in network_names:
    print "Network: %s" % network
    for k in ks:
        print "\tk #%i" % k
        binfile = path.join(obase, 
                    "group_mean_scorr_cluster_%s_%i.npy" % (network, k))
        imgfile = path.join(obase, 
                    "group_mean_scorr_cluster_%s_%i.nii.gz" % (network, k))
        roifile = path.join(rbase, 
                    "yeo_%s_3mm.nii.gz" % network)
        make_image_from_bin_renum(imgfile, binfile, roifile)

# 3. 'Clustering'

print "3. Clustering"

from binfile_parcellation import *

ks = [25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200]

# For random custering, this is all we need to do, there is no need for group
# level clustering, remember that the output filename is a prefix, and
infile = outfile
outbase = path.join(obase, "random_ones_cluster")
binfile_parcellate(infile, outbase, ks)

# 4. Save

print "4. Save"

from make_image_from_bin_renum import *

for k in ks:
    print "\tk #%i" % k
    binfile = path.join(obase, "random_ones_cluster_%i.npy" % k)
    imgfile = path.join(roidir, "rois_random_k%04i.nii.gz" % k)
    make_image_from_bin_renum(imgfile, binfile, maskfile)
# 3. Group-Mean Clustering

# Done in 05*

# 4. Convert binary output .npy files to nifti

ks = [
    5, 10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 80, 100, 150, 160, 200, 250, 300, 320, 350, 400,
    450, 500, 550, 600, 640

network_names = [
    "visual", "somatomotor", "dorsal_attention", "ventral_attention", "limbic",
    "frontoparietal", "default"

for network in network_names:
    print "Network: %s" % network
    for k in ks:
        print "\tk #%i" % k
        binfile = path.join(
            obase, "group_mean_scorr_cluster_%s_%i.npy" % (network, k))
        imgfile = path.join(
            obase, "group_mean_scorr_cluster_%s_%i.nii.gz" % (network, k))
        roifile = path.join(rbase, "yeo_%s_3mm.nii.gz" % network)
        make_image_from_bin_renum(imgfile, binfile, roifile)