 def test_basic_init(self):
     sim_element = find_sim_element(self.root,'basicTest')
     gridJob = pyGRID(sim_element, self.parent_map)
     self.assertEqual(gridJob.sim.args.N, 'basicTest')
     self.assertEqual(gridJob.sim.args.S, '/bin/bash')
     self.assertEqual(gridJob.sim.args.command, 'echo')
     self.assertEqual(gridJob.sim.args.j, 'y')
 def test_parameters(self):
     sim_element = find_sim_element(self.root,'parSpaceTest')
     gridJob = pyGRID(sim_element, self.parent_map)
     self.assertTrue('Amp' in gridJob.parameters.keys())
     self.assertTrue('omega' in gridJob.parameters.keys())
     amp_values = gridJob.parameters['Amp']
     self.assertEqual(amp_values, [2.0, 5.0, 6.0])
     omega_values = gridJob.parameters['omega']
     self.assertEqual(omega_values, [1.0, 5.5, 10.0])
 def test_inheritance(self):
     sim_element = find_sim_element(self.root,'inheritanceTest')
     gridJob = pyGRID(sim_element, self.parent_map)
     # test that we inherited correctly the property of the parent job
     self.assertEqual(gridJob.sim.args.S, '/bin/bash')
     self.assertEqual(gridJob.sim.args.command, 'echo')
     self.assertEqual(gridJob.sim.args.j, 'y')
     # the array and the name are the only properties we changed in the child job
     self.assertEqual(gridJob.sim.args.N, 'inheritanceTest')
 def test_basic_submission(self,fake_popen):
     fake_popen().stdout.read.side_effect = self.job_id_side_effect
     sim_element = find_sim_element(self.root,'basicTest')
     gridJob = pyGRID(sim_element, self.parent_map)
     with mock.patch('__builtin__.open', mock.mock_open(), create=True) as fake_file:
         assert fake_popen.called
         assert fake_popen.call_args[0][0] == 'qsub -terse basicTest.sh'
         assert fake_popen.call_args[1]['shell'] == True
         assert fake_popen.call_args[1]['stdout'] == subprocess.PIPE
         assert fake_popen.call_args[1]['stderr'] == subprocess.STDOUT
         fake_file.assert_any_call('basicTest.sh', 'w')
         fake_file.assert_any_call('basicTest.grid', 'w')
         handle = fake_file()
         write_calls = handle.write.call_args_list
         assert len(write_calls) == 3
         bash_code = write_calls[0][0][0]
         assert error_handling_bash_code in bash_code
         assert '#!/usr/bin/env qsub' in bash_code
         assert '#$ -e $JOB_NAME.e$JOB_ID.$TASK_ID' in bash_code
         assert '#$ -m es' in bash_code
         assert '#$ -j y' in bash_code
         assert '#$ -M [email protected]' in bash_code
         assert '#$ -o $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.$TASK_ID' in bash_code
         assert '#$ -N basicTest' in bash_code
         assert '#$ -S /bin/bash' in bash_code
         assert '#$ -cwd' in bash_code
         assert 'echo "Basic Test"' in bash_code
         bash_code = write_calls[2][0][0]
         assert error_handling_bash_code in bash_code
         assert '#!/usr/bin/env qsub' in bash_code
         assert '#$ -e $JOB_NAME.o$JOB_ID.$TASK_ID' not in bash_code
         assert '#$ -m es' in bash_code
         assert '#$ -j y' in bash_code
         assert '#$ -M [email protected]' in bash_code
         assert '#$ -o $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.$TASK_ID' not in bash_code
         assert '#$ -N basicTest' in bash_code
         assert '#$ -S /bin/bash' in bash_code
         assert '#$ -cwd' in bash_code
         assert 'echo "Basic Test"' in bash_code
         aux_code = write_calls[1][0][0]
         assert '<?xml version="1.0" ?>' in aux_code
         assert '<jobs>' in aux_code
         assert '</jobs>' in aux_code
         # make sure the job element appears only once in the right form            
         job_list = re.finditer('<job JOB_ID="1" JOB_NAME="basicTest"/>', aux_code)
         assert sum(1 for s in job_list) == 1
 def test_parSpace_submission(self,fake_popen):
     fake_popen().stdout.read.side_effect = self.job_id_side_effect
     sim_element = find_sim_element(self.root,'parSpaceTest')
     gridJob = pyGRID(sim_element, self.parent_map)
     with mock.patch('__builtin__.open', mock.mock_open(), create=True) as fake_file:
         popen_calls = fake_popen.call_args_list
         # we have 2 parameters of 3 values each so there are 9 combinations to be run
         # there is also an empty popen call to initialise the thing
         assert len(popen_calls) == 10
         # let's extract the strings of the qsub calls and for file write calls
         qsub_calls = [popen_calls[i][0][0] for i in range(1,len(popen_calls))]
         handle = fake_file()
         bash_code = [handle.write.call_args_list[i][0][0] for i in range(0,len(handle.write.call_args_list))]
         aux_code = bash_code.pop(9)
         par_names = ('Amp','omega')
         par_values = [(2.0,1.0), (2.0,5.5), (2.0,10.0), (5.0,1.0), (5.0,5.5), 
                       (5.0,10.0), (6.0,1.0), (6.0,5.5), (6.0,10.0)]
         # check that qsub get's called for every combination of the parameters with
         # the right environment switch
         for c in par_values:
             current_comb = zip(par_names, c)
             var_strings = []
             for pair in current_comb:
                 var_strings.append('='.join(str(x) for x in pair))
             var_string = '-v ' + ','.join(var_strings)
             assert any(var_string in s for s in qsub_calls)
             output_string = '$JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.$PAR_omega.$PAR_Amp'
             output_string = output_string.replace('$PAR_Amp',str(c[0]))
             output_string = output_string.replace('$PAR_omega',str(c[1]))
             output_string = '#$ -o ' + output_string
             assert any(output_string in s for s in bash_code)
         assert all('echo "Parameter space test"' in s for s in bash_code)
         assert all('echo $omega' in s for s in bash_code)
         assert all('echo $Amp' in s for s in bash_code)
         # check that we have recorded 9 submitted jobs
         job_list = re.finditer('JOB_NAME="parSpaceTest"', aux_code)
         assert sum(1 for s in job_list) == 9
         # check that each parameter value has been called exactly three times
         # this is because we have 3 values of each parameters hence the 3x3 calls
         assert sum(1 for s in re.finditer('PAR_Amp="2.0"', aux_code)) == 3
         assert sum(1 for s in re.finditer('PAR_Amp="5.0"', aux_code)) == 3
         assert sum(1 for s in re.finditer('PAR_Amp="6.0"', aux_code)) == 3
         assert sum(1 for s in re.finditer('PAR_omega="1.0"', aux_code)) == 3
         assert sum(1 for s in re.finditer('PAR_omega="5.5"', aux_code)) == 3
         assert sum(1 for s in re.finditer('PAR_omega="10.0"', aux_code)) == 3
 def test_crash_detection(self):    
     sim_element = find_sim_element(self.root,'crashTest')
     gridJob = pyGRID(sim_element, self.parent_map)        
     with mock.patch('__builtin__.open', mock.mock_open(read_data=self.crashFile), 
                                                            create=True) as fake_file:
         fake_file.return_value.__enter__.return_value.read.side_effect = self.file_read_side_effect 
         open_calls = fake_file.call_args_list
         assert len(open_calls) == 92
         handle = fake_file()
         aux_code = handle.write.call_args_list[0][0][0]
         root = ET.fromstring(aux_code)
         first_job = root[0]
         job_children = list(first_job)
         assert len(job_children) == 1
         assert job_children[0].tag == aux_file_kw['crashes']
         assert all(str(i) in job_children[0].text for i in range(1,5))
    def test_post_processing(self,fake_popen):
        fake_popen().stdout.read.side_effect = self.job_id_side_effect
        sim_element = find_sim_element(self.root,'postProcTest')
        gridJob = pyGRID(sim_element, self.parent_map)
        assert hasattr(gridJob,'post_proc')
        with mock.patch('__builtin__.open', mock.mock_open(), create=True) as fake_file:
            post_proc_call = fake_popen.call_args_list[-1]
            assert post_proc_call[0][0] == 'qsub -terse postProcJob.sh'
            assert post_proc_call[1]['shell'] == True
            assert post_proc_call[1]['stdout'] == subprocess.PIPE
            assert post_proc_call[1]['stderr'] == subprocess.STDOUT            

            handle = fake_file()
            bash_code = handle.write.call_args_list[-3][0][0]
            assert '#$ -hold_jid 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9' in bash_code
 def test_inheritance_submission(self,fake_popen):
     fake_popen().stdout.read.side_effect = self.job_id_side_effect
     sim_element = find_sim_element(self.root,'inheritanceTest')
     gridJob = pyGRID(sim_element, self.parent_map)
     with mock.patch('__builtin__.open', mock.mock_open(), create=True) as fake_file:
         assert fake_popen.called
         assert fake_popen.call_args[0][0] == 'qsub -terse -t 1-10 inheritanceTest.sh'
         assert fake_popen.call_args[1]['shell'] == True
         assert fake_popen.call_args[1]['stdout'] == subprocess.PIPE
         assert fake_popen.call_args[1]['stderr'] == subprocess.STDOUT
         handle = fake_file()
         write_calls = handle.write.call_args_list
         assert len(write_calls) == 3
         bash_code = write_calls[0][0][0]
         assert '#$ -N inheritanceTest' in bash_code
         aux_code = write_calls[1][0][0]
         assert 'JOB_NAME="inheritanceTest"' in aux_code
         assert 'array="1-10"' in aux_code
 def test_crash_resubmission(self, fake_popen):
     fake_popen().stdout.read.side_effect = self.job_id_side_effect
     sim_element = find_sim_element(self.root,'crashTest')
     gridJob = pyGRID(sim_element, self.parent_map)
     aux_code = None        
     with mock.patch('__builtin__.open', mock.mock_open(read_data=self.crashFile), 
                                                            create=True) as fake_file:
         fake_file.return_value.__enter__.return_value.read.side_effect = self.file_read_side_effect 
         handle = fake_file()
         aux_code = handle.write.call_args_list[0][0][0]
     with mock.patch('__builtin__.open', mock.mock_open(read_data=aux_code), 
                                                            create=True) as fake_file:
         gridJob.resubmit_crashed(scan_first = False)
         popen_calls = fake_popen.call_args_list            
         # let's extract the strings of the qsub calls and for file write calls
         qsub_calls = [popen_calls[i][0][0] for i in range(1,len(popen_calls))]
         assert len(qsub_calls) == 5
         assert all('-v PAR_Amp=2.0,PAR_omega=1.0' in s for s in qsub_calls)
         for i in range(1,6):
             assert any('-t {0}'.format(str(i)) in s for s in qsub_calls)
 def test_code_option(self):
     sim_element = find_sim_element(self.root,'basicTest')
     gridJob = pyGRID(sim_element, self.parent_map)
     self.assertTrue(error_handling_bash_code in gridJob.sim.args.code)