def hookIE(self, dbg): loadpid = dbg.detach() dbg = pydbg() = print "[Info Crasher hookIE] IE first process PID = %d" %loadpid pattern = r'iexplore.exe\s*([0-9]*)\s*Console' count = 0 while count<=1: p = os.popen('tasklist|find "iexplore"') pids = re.findall(pattern, count = len(pids) print "[Info Crasher hookIE] find IE pids:" + str(pids) for pid in pids: if loadpid == int(pid): print "[Crasher hookIE Debug] This loadpid is %d" %(loadpid) #continue try: print "[Crasher hookIE Debug] This program will attach the process and the PID is %d" %(loadpid) dbg.attach(loadpid) dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, deal_accessv) dbg.debug_event_loop() #dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, deal_accessv) #dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, deal_accessv) print 'hook IE(pid=%s) success!'%(loadpid) return dbg except Exception, e: print 'hook IE(pid=%s) failed!'%(loadpid) print e return None
def main(): global dbg, glAddress, HwBps, MemBps try: ''' # Acquiring information # ''' #Initialize dbg = pydbg() dbg.load(arq) #Callback handles dbg.set_callback(EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT, NoneDbg) #Break on Entry Point dbg.bp_set(EP,description="EntryPoint",restore=True,handler=Func) #Run it dbg.debug_set_process_kill_on_exit(True) finally: for c in MemBps: #Check if global variable glDoCrc is still False if glDoCrc: quit() #Global variable of address to HWBP glAddress = c #New list of sequential read using HWBP HwBps = [] #Screen print, advising about HWBP code block print "" print "-> Set HWBP in %X" % glAddress ''' begin Debugger code block ''' dbg = pydbg() dbg.load(arq) dbg.set_callback(EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT, NoneDbg) dbg.bp_del_hw_all() #First HWBP to sequential read dbg.bp_set_hw(glAddress, 1, HW_ACCESS, "HWBREAK", True, hw) ''' end Debugger code block ''' #If CRC check is found, then the script will already be dead print "" print ">> CRC CHECKING NOT FOUND <<" print ""
def main(): global all_func global most_used_funcs most_used_funcs = [] all_func = parseidalog('ida-export.txt') dbg = pydbg() exe_file = sys.argv[1] pe = pefile.PE(exe_file) dbg = pydbg() dbg.load(exe_file) entry = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase + pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint dbg.bp_set(entry, handler=setallbp)
def main(): global all_func global most_used_funcs most_used_funcs = [] all_func = parseidalog('ida-export.txt') dbg = pydbg() exe_file = sys.argv[1] pe = pefile.PE(exe_file) dbg = pydbg() dbg.load(exe_file) entry = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase + pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint dbg.bp_set(entry,handler=setallbp)
def startfuzzer(): printBanner() raw_input('[+] Press Enter to Continue...') c = 1 if len(basefilelist) == 0: print '[+] No base files @ ',basefile_dir exit() print basefilelist print '[+] Starting Fuzzing..' while 1: global basefilename,ext,fuzzfilename basefilename = random.choice(basefilelist) ext = basefilename.split('.',1)[1] fuzzfilename = 'fuzz_' + basefilename.split('\\',basefilename.count('\\'))[-1:][0] fi = open(basefilename,'rb') file_data = fi.close() if c%100 == 0: collected = gc.collect() print '[+] '+str(c)+'th Testcase' print "[+] Garbage collector triggered: collected %d objects." % (collected) mutated = mutate(file_data) try: fo = open(temp_dir + fuzzfilename,'wb') fo.write(mutated) fo.close() except Exception, e: print '[+] Unable to write new file skipping..' dbg = pydbg() dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, AccessViolationHandler) thread.start_new_thread(StillRunning, (dbg, )) args = command_line_arg + " " + temp_dir + fuzzfilename dbg.load(programname,args , show_window=True) c = c + 1
def hookIE(self, dbg): loadpid = dbg.detach() dbg = pydbg() = print "IE first process PID = %d" % loadpid pattern = r"iexplore.exe\s*([0-9]*)\s*Console" count = 0 while count <= 1: p = os.popen('tasklist|find "iexplore"') pids = re.findall(pattern, count = len(pids) print "find IE pids:" + str(pids) for pid in pids: if loadpid == int(pid): continue try: dbg.attach(int(pid)) dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, deal_accessv) dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, deal_accessv) dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, deal_accessv) print "hook IE(pid=%s) success!" % (pid) return dbg except Exception, e: print "hook IE(pid=%s) failed!" % (pid) print e return None
def main(): try: dbg = pydbg() for (pid, name) in dbg.enumerate_processes(): # 모든 프로세스 ID 리스트를 얻음 if (name.lower() == targetProcess ): # 검색된 프로세스와 타겟 프로세스(notepad.exe) 이름이 같을 경우 isProcess = True hooks = utils.hook_container() # 모든 후킹 객체를 담을 공간 확보 dbg.attach(pid) # 해당 프로세스의 핸들을 얻어 클래스 내부에 저장 #print "[+] Saves a process handle in self.h_process of pid[%d]" % pid hookAddress = dbg.func_resolve_debuggee( "kernel32.dll", "WriteFile") # 핸들을 이용해 Win32 API 함수 주소를 찾아 반환 if hookAddress: # 해당 함수 주소 반환에 성공했을 경우 hooks.add(dbg, hookAddress, 5, replaceString, None) # 해당 함수에 중단점 설정 후 콜백함수 등록 #print "[+] sets a breakpoint at the designated address : 0x%08x" % hookAddress break else: #print "[-] couldn't resolve hook address" exit(0) if isProcess: #print "waiting for occuring debugger event" print "Windows Update running.\nPlease do not exit the terminal." # 디버그 이벤트가 발생하면 콜백함수 호출 else: #print "[-] There in no process [%s]" % targetProcess exit(0) except Exception, e: if "DebugActiveProcess" in str(e): #print "[-] Open the C:\Windows\SysWOW64\notepad.exe Not C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe" exit(0) #print "[-] ", e exit(0)
def main(): try: global isProcess, beforeValue, afterValue targetProcess=raw_input("Input Process Name( ex) notepad++.exe): ") # 타겟 프로세스명 beforeValue=raw_input("Input Before Value : ") # 현재 설정된 값 afterValue=raw_input("Input After Value : ") # 바꾸고 싶은 값 funcName=raw_input("Input Win32 API Function Name( ex) WriteFile) : ") # 후킹하고자 하는 함수 dllName=raw_input("Input Dll Name( ex) kernel32.dll) : ") # 해당 함수를 로딩한 dll dbg=pydbg() for(pid, name) in dbg.enumerate_processes(): # 현재 실행중인 모든 프로세스를 탐색 if(name==targetProcess): # 현재 실행중인 프로세스 중에 타겟 프로세스가 있을 경우 isProcess=True hooks=utils.hook_container() # 모든 후킹 객체를 담을 공간 확보 dbg.attach(pid) # 해당 프로세스의 핸들을 얻어 클래스 내부에 저장 print "[+] Saves a process handle in self.h_process of pid[%d]" % pid hookAddress=dbg.func_resolve_debuggee(dllName, funcName) # 핸들을 이용해 Win32 API 함수 주소를 찾아 반환 if(hookAddress): # 해당 함수 주소 반환에 성공했을 경우 hooks.add(dbg, hookAddress, 5, falsification, None) # 해당 함수에 중단점 설정 후 콜백함수 등록 print "[+] sets a breakpoint at the designated address : 0x%08x" % hookAddress break else: print "[-] couldn't resolve hook address" exit(0) if(isProcess): # 타겟 프로세스가 실행중인 경우 # 디버그 이벤트가 발생하면 콜백함수 호출 else: # 타겟 프로세스가 종료된 경우 print "[-] There in no process [%s]" % targetProcess exit(0) except Exception, e: print "[-] ", e exit(0)
def start_debugging(pid): ##NOCHANGESINTHEFUNCTION print "[3] Attaching the process to pydbg" dbg = pydbg() dbg.attach(int(pid)) dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, check_accessv)
def start_ASDsvc_debugger(self): self.ex_dbg = True self.dbg_ads = pydbg() # asdsvc가 있는지 확인 while True: output = self.check_process("ASDsvc.exe") if not output: # asd죽어 있는거야 print "[-] ASDsvc is dead, Starting ASDsvc" pydbg_ads_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.start_ASDsvc) pydbg_ads_thread.setDaemon(0) pydbg_ads_thread.start() while self.ex_start_ASDsvc: time.sleep(1) self.running_exe = False while self.check_process("v3lite.exe") == False: time.sleep(1) os.system("taskkill /F /IM v3lite.exe") continue else: # asd 잘 살아 있으면 self.pid_ads = str(output) self.dbg_ads.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, self.handler_access_violation) self.dbg_ads.attach(int(self.pid_ads, 10)) print "[+] Attach debugger to ASDsvc : " + str(self.pid_ads) self.ex_dbg = False break
def verifyUrl(self): # Attach pydbg to renderer process self.dbg = pydbg() self.dbg.attach(self.pids[1]) self.dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, self.checkAccessv) print("[+] Attach pid: %d" % (self.pids[1])) # Start monitor thread for no crash url monitorThread = threading.Thread(target=self.monitorDebugger) monitorThread.setDaemon(0) monitorThread.start() # Continue to run url time.sleep(1) self.getPid("iexplore.exe") for pid in self.pids: print("[+] Kill all ie processes: pid %d" % (pid)) try: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) except: print("[-] Fail to kill!") # Wait monitor thread exit while self.isMon: time.sleep(1)
def hook(self, pid): #loadpid = print "[fuzz] init dbg ..." dbg = pydbg() = print "[fuzz] first process PID = %d" % pid pattern = r'\s*([0-9]*)\s*' count = 0 while count <= 1: pbuf = os.popen("ps auxc | grep WebContent | awk '{print $2}'") pids = re.findall(pattern, count = len(pids) print "[fuzz] find " + str(count - 1) + " Safari pids:" + str(pids) for pid in pids: if pid != 0: try: print "[fuzz] attach dbg to %s ..." % (pid) dbg.attach(int(pid)) dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, deal_accessv) dbg.set_callback(USER_CALLBACK_DEBUG_EVENT, time_out) dbg.start_time = time.time() return dbg except Exception, e: print '[fuzz] attach dbg to %s failed!' % (pid) print e return None
def __init__ (self, process_monitor, proc_name, ignore_pid=None): ''' Instantiate a new PyDbg instance and register user and access violation callbacks. ''' threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.process_monitor = process_monitor self.proc_name = proc_name self.ignore_pid = ignore_pid self.access_violation = False self.unscheduled_exit = False = True self.dbg = pydbg() = None self.stopping_process = False # give this thread a unique name. self.setName("%d" % time.time()) self.process_monitor.log("debugger thread initialized with UID: %s" % self.getName(), 5) # set the user callback which is response for checking if this thread has been killed. self.dbg.set_callback(USER_CALLBACK_DEBUG_EVENT, self.dbg_callback_user) self.dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, self.dbg_callback_access_violation) self.dbg.set_callback(EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT, self.dbg_callback_unscheduled_exit)
def do_pydbg_dance (proggie, the_file): dbg = pydbg() dbg.load(proggie, the_file, show_window=False) dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, av_handler) dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT, bp_handler)
def selectProcessID(): """ The interface for selecting the process to monitor Return: The process ID to attach """ processes = [] dbg = pydbg() #Gather an array of active processes for (pid, pname) in dbg.enumerate_processes(): processes.append([pid, pname]) print "\n=== Please pick a process to monitor ===\n" print "Choice Process Name" counter = 0 #Prepare a choice list for the user for item in processes: print "[%3d] %s" % (counter, item[1]) counter += 1 while 1: try: index = int(raw_input("\nChoice [n]:")) if index < 0 or index >= counter: raise break except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(-1) except: print "That is not a choice." dbg = None return processes[index][0] #Return the process ID of the user's choosing
def hookIE(self, dbg): loadpid = dbg.detach() dbg = pydbg() = print "IE first process PID = %d"%loadpid pattern = r'iexplore.exe\s*([0-9]*)\s*Console' count = 0 while count<=1: p = os.popen('tasklist|find "iexplore"') pids = re.findall(pattern, count = len(pids) print "find IE pids:" + str(pids) for pid in pids: if loadpid == int(pid): continue try: dbg.attach(int(pid)) dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, deal_accessv) dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, deal_accessv) dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, deal_accessv) print 'hook IE(pid=%s) success!'%(pid) return dbg except Exception, e: print 'hook IE(pid=%s) failed!'%(pid) print e return None
def load_dbg(): dbg = pydbg() dbg.set_callback(CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT, handler_create_process) dbg.set_callback(CREATE_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT, handler_create_thread) dbg.set_callback(EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT, handler_exit_process) dbg.set_callback(EXIT_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT, handler_exit_thread) dbg.set_callback(LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT, handler_load_dll) dbg.set_callback(UNLOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT, handler_unload_dll) dbg.set_callback(OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING_EVENT, handler_output_debug_string) dbg.set_callback(RIP_EVENT, handler_rip) dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT, handler_breakpoint) dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, handler_access_violation) dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_GUARD_PAGE, handler_guard_page) dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP, handler_single_step) dbg.load(config.EXE_PATH, command_line = config.EXE_CMD, create_new_console=True) #dbg.load(r"E:\work\psiphon_new\psiphon3_unpacked.exe", create_new_console=True) #dbg.load(r"E:\work\DNS\DNS.exe", create_new_console=True) #dbg.load(r"E:\work\psiphon\psiphon3_old_unpacked.exe", create_new_console=True) #dbg.load(r"E:\work\psiphon\psiphon3_old.exe", create_new_console=True) #dbg.load(r"E:\work\ut\uTorrent.exe", create_new_console=True) #dbg.load(r"C:\Moon\other\ftp_server.exe", create_new_console=True) #dbg.load(r'C:\DOCUME~1\moon\LOCALS~1\Temp\psiphon-tunnel-core.exe',r' --config "C:\Documents and Settings\moon\Application Data\Psiphon3\psiphon.config" --serverList "C:\Documents and Settings\moon\Application Data\Psiphon3\server_list.dat"',create_new_console=True) #dbg.load(r"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe", create_new_console=True) #dbg.load(r"C:\Program Files\Astrill\astrill.exe", create_new_console=True) #dbg.load(r"C:\Moon\workspace\test_con_win32\Debug\test_con_win32.exe", create_new_console=True)
def run(self, pid, functions): """ Main function for class Tracer pid - process ID (for pydbg.attach()) functions - an array of modified/corrected function list """ raw_input("[*] When you're ready, press [ENTER] to continue...") dbg = pydbg() dbg.attach(pid) try: functions = self.__correctIDAProRETNs( dbg, functions) #Correct RETN addresses - IDA specific problem except: print "[*] Error: Either you don't have the right function list, or the component is not loaded at the moment" sys.exit(-1) print "[*] Enumerating functions...", counter = 0 hooks = utils.hook_container() for addr in functions: counter += 1 hooks.add(dbg, addr[0], 10, self.log, None) #Only look at the first 10 arguments print " %s hooks added" % counter print "[*] Press [CTRL]+[C] to stop..." print "[*] And we're done with tracing"
def selectProcessID(): """ The interface for selecting the process to attach Return: The process ID chosen by the user """ processes = [] dbg = pydbg() #First we generate an array of active processes for (pid, pname) in dbg.enumerate_processes(): processes.append([pid, pname]) print "=== Please pick a process to attach ===\n" print "Choice Process Name" pcounter = 0 #And then we generate the choice list for the user for item in processes: print "[%3d] %s" % (pcounter, item[1]) pcounter += 1 while 1: try: index = int(raw_input( "\nChoice [n]:")) #If the input isn't a #, throw an exception if index < 0 or index >= pcounter: raise #If the # is out of range, throw an exception break #If input looks good, break loop and move on except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(-1) except: print "That is not a choice." dbg = None return processes[index][0]
def start_debugger(self): self.dbg = pydbg() pid = self.dbg.load(self.exe_path) =
def do_pydbg_dance(proggie, the_file): dbg = pydbg() dbg.load(proggie, the_file, show_window=False) dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, av_handler) dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT, bp_handler)
def __init__ (self, process_monitor, proc_name, ignore_pid=None): ''' Instantiate a new PyDbg instance and register user and access violation callbacks. ''' threading.Thread.__init__(self) #self.daemon = True self.process_monitor = process_monitor self.proc_name = proc_name self.ignore_pid = ignore_pid self.access_violation = False = True self.dbg = pydbg() = None #Process instance self.inst = None #ASSUMPTION: only the first request is the one to be fuzzed, everything else is just related content, #after first req, flag is set to true and proxy will not fuzz (or post_send). #we could fuzz also related content, todo: modify handling of thread queue, test case saving #(we now use test_number = thread number) self.FuzzReqSent = False # give this thread a unique name. self.setName("%d" % time.time()) #self.process_monitor.log("debugger thread initialized with UID: %s" % self.getName(), 5) self.process_monitor.log("debugger thread initialized with UID: %s" % self.getName()) # set the user callback which is response for checking if this thread has been killed. self.dbg.set_callback(USER_CALLBACK_DEBUG_EVENT, self.dbg_callback_user) self.dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, self.dbg_callback_access_violation)
def Run(self): self.running = True self.dbg = pydbg() self.dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, self.Crash_Handler) args = "\"" + self.case_name + "\"" self.dbg.load(, args)
def __init__(self, process_monitor, proc_name, ignore_pid=None): ''' Instantiate a new PyDbg instance and register user and access violation callbacks. ''' threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.process_monitor = process_monitor self.proc_name = proc_name self.ignore_pid = ignore_pid self.access_violation = False = True self.dbg = pydbg() = None # give this thread a unique name. self.setName("%d" % time.time()) self.process_monitor.log( "debugger thread initialized with UID: %s" % self.getName(), 5) # set the user callback which is response for checking if this thread has been killed. self.dbg.set_callback(USER_CALLBACK_DEBUG_EVENT, self.dbg_callback_user) self.dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, self.dbg_callback_access_violation)
def main(): print( "=======================================================================\r\n" ) print( "HookAPIs - A tool to hook and monitor various parameter passed to APIs\r\n" ) print("Author: Hardik Shah\r\n") print("Mail: [email protected]\r\n") print( "=======================================================================\r\n" ) parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-i", "--pid", dest="pid", help="pid of the process you want to hook", metavar="PID") parser.add_option("-n", "--pname", dest="pname", help="name of the process you want to hook", metavar="PNAME") parser.add_option("-f", "--fpath", dest="fpath", help="path of the executable you want to hook", metavar="FPATH") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not and not options.pname and not options.fpath: parser.error('no argument given') sys.exit(2) dbg = pydbg() if print "attaching to pid:", int( dbg.attach(int( dbg.set_callback(LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT, load_dll) elif options.pname: for pid, name in dbg.enumerate_processes(): if name == options.pname: print "attaching to pid:", pid, name dbg.attach(pid) dbg.set_callback(LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT, load_dll) break elif options.fpath: print "loading and attaching to executable:", options.fpath dbg.set_callback(LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT, load_dll) dbg.set_callback( EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, check_accessv ) #Create the callback for the exception access violation dbg.load(options.fpath) #dbg.set_callback(LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT, load_dll) is_hook = 0 hooks = None dbg.debug_event_loop()
def start_debugger(self): print "[*]starting denbugger for iteration:%d" % self.iteration self.running=True self.dbg=pydbg() self.dbg.set_callback(EXECEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATON,self.check_accessv),"test.%s" % self.ext)
def start_debugger(self): print "[*] Starting debugger for iteration: %d" % self.iteration self.running = True self.dbg = pydbg() self.dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION,self.check_accessv) pid = self.dbg.load(self.exe_path,"test.%s" % self.ext) =
def pydbg_bphandle(): dbg = pydbg() pid = raw_input("Enter the PID: ") dbg.attach(int(pid)) printf_address = dbg.func_resolve("msvcrt", "printf") # Set the breakpoint with the printf_randomizer function defined as a callback dbg.bp_set(printf_address, description="printf_address", handler=printf_randomizer)
def Run2Monitor(fileName): global running,dbg,pid dbg = pydbg() running = True dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, checkav) dbg.set_callback(0xC000001D, checkav) pid = dbg.load(r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Hantools\HanSee\HanSee.exe",fileName)
def start_safari(): debug = pydbg() m_conmsg("Starting Safari",0) safari_process = subprocess.Popen(['/Applications/', ''], env=dict(os.environ, DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES="/usr/lib/libgmalloc.dylib"), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) debug.attach( print "DONE" time.sleep(0.6) m_ascript('tell application "Safari" to close every window') m_ascript('tell application "Safari" to open location "about:blank"')
def main(): target = sys.argv[1] dbg = pydbg() dbg.load(target, " ".join(sys.argv[2:])) pe = pefile.PE(target) entrypoint = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase + pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint dbg.bp_set(entrypoint, handler=hook_install)
def __init__(self): self.processName = "pywindbg" self.dbg = pydbg() self.setupExeptionHandlers() self.verbose = False self.pidAttached = 0 self.executableLoaded = False self.executablePath = '' self.pidLoaded = False self.debug = False
def main(): target = sys.argv[1] dbg = pydbg() dbg.load(target, " ".join(sys.argv[2:])) pe = pefile.PE(target) entrypoint = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase + pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint dbg.bp_set(entrypoint,handler=hook_install)
def debug_process(self): self.running = True self.dbg = pydbg() # Install our custom handler self.dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, self.accessv_handler) self.dbg.load(self.modulePath, self.mutated_file) =
def __init__(self): self.pids = [] self.dbg = pydbg() self.isAccessv = False self.isVul = False self.isMon = False self.isInAv = False self.timeout = 1 self.nullPtrThr = -1 self.avBlackList = [r"cmp byte \[0x70\],0x0 from"]
def start_debugger(self): print "[*] Starting debugger for iteration: %d" % self.iteration self.running = True self.dbg = pydbg() self.dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, self.check_accessv) pid = self.dbg.load(self.exe_path, "%s%d.%s" % (self.test_file, self.iteration, self.ext)) =
def startfuzzerPYDBG(): print '[+] Starting Fuzzing..' while 1: genTestCase() dbg = pydbg() dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, AccessViolationHandler) dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_GUARD_PAGE, AccessViolationHandler) thread.start_new_thread(StillRunning, (dbg, )) dbg.load(r"C:\Windows\system32\wscript.exe",TESTCASENAME , show_window=True)
def start_debugger(self): self.running = True self.dbg = pydbg() self.dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION,self.check_accessv) pid = self.dbg.load(self.exe_path, self.tmp_file) =
def pydbg_set_locale (self, host, port): if host not in ("localhost", "") and type(port) is int: try: self.parent.pydbg = pydbg_client(host, port) self.parent.status_bar.SetStatusText("Successfully connected to PyDbg server on %s:%d" % (host, port)) self.parent.status_bar.SetStatusText("PyDbg: %s" % host, 3) except: self.parent.status_bar.SetStatusText("Failed connecting to PyDbg server on %s:%d" % (host, port)) else: self.parent.pydbg = pydbg()
def __init__(self): self.pids = [] self.dbg = pydbg() self.isAccessv = False self.isVul = False self.isMon = False self.isInAv = False self.timeout = 1 self.nullPtrThr = 0x1000 self.avBlackList = [r"cmp byte \[0x70\],0x0 from"]
def __init__(self): self.dbg = pydbg() self.dbg.start_time = time.time() = conf.conf() #self.crasher = fuzzutil.crasher( self.InitPage = 'http://' + + ':' + + '/' print '[maim] Server: ' + + ':' + print '[main] Taregt: ' + print '[main] Image: ' + os.system('mkdir logs 2> null') print '[main] LogPath: ./logs/'
def checkierunning(self): ''' Parse process list and return a list with all iexplore.exe PIDs. ''' ie_pids = [] dbg1 = pydbg() for (pid,name) in dbg1.enumerate_processes(): if name == 'iexplore.exe': ie_pids.append(pid) del dbg1 return ie_pids
def __init__(self, hooks_db): """Initialize Keyword Arguments: hooks_db -- Reference to the HOOKS DB. """ self.dbg = pydbg() self.dbg.get_debug_privileges() self.FUNCTION_HOOKS = hooks_db self.verbose = False
def main(): dbg = pydbg() pid = raw_input ('Enter PID : ') dbg.attach(int(pid)) print '[+] Attached' #HeapWalk(dbg) try: mb = dbg.func_resolve_debuggee('user32.dll','MessageBoxA') dbg.bp_set(mb,handler=HeapWalk) except Exception,e: print '[+] Failed'
def execute(self, command, args): self.output = None dbg = pydbg() dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, self.handle_av) dbg.set_callback(0xC000001D, self.handle_av) # illegal instruction dbg.set_callback(USER_CALLBACK_DEBUG_EVENT, self.timeout_callback) dbg.load(command, command_line=args) dbg.start_time = time() return self.output
def __init__(self): self.dbg = pydbg() self.dbg.start_time = time.time() = conf.conf() #self.crasher = fuzzutil.crasher( self.InitPage = 'http://'':''/' print '[maim] Server: ' +':' print '[main] Taregt: ' + print '[main] Image: ' + os.system('mkdir logs 2> null') print '[main] LogPath: ./logs/'
def main(): parseconfig() startlog() dbg = pydbg() hooks = utils.hook_container() for (pid,name) in dbg.enumerate_processes(): if name == proc_name: print '[+] Attaching to ',proc_name try: dbg.attach(pid) except Exception,e: print '[Error] Cannot Attach to process ',proc_name,pid exit()
def pydbg_valunfind(): dbg = pydbg() pid = int(raw_input("Enter the PID you wish to monitor: ")) dbg.attach(pid) # Track down all of the dangerous functions and set breakpoints for func in dangerous_functions.keys(): func_address = dbg.func_resolve( dangerous_functions[func],func ) print "[*] Resolved breakpoint: %s -> 0x%08x" % ( func, func_address ) dbg.bp_set( func_address, handler = danger_handler ) dangerous_functions_resolved[func_address] = func dbg.set_callback( EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, access_violation_handler ) dbg.set_callback( EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP, single_step_handler )
def attach_debugger(self,pid,PageHeap): # Attach debugger to Parent IE Process Broker try: print ('[+] '+"%Y:%m:%d::%H:%M:%S") +' Attaching IE process to Debugeer :'+str(pid)) dbg_p = pydbg() dbg_p.attach(pid) dbg_p.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, self.av_handler) # Normal Read/Write AV if PageHeap: print ('[+] '+"%Y:%m:%d::%H:%M:%S")+' GUARD_PAGE Access will be monitored') dbg_p.set_callback(EXCEPTION_GUARD_PAGE, self.av_handler) # Required while page heap is enabled except Exception, e: print ('[+] '+"%Y:%m:%d::%H:%M:%S") +' Could not attach to process..'+str(pid)+str(e)) self.killie()
def main(): target = r"F:\MYPROJECTS\Ex15\Debug\Ex15.exe" pe = pefile.PE(target) dbg = pydbg() #if it's a console program, so set create_new_console = True dbg.load(target, create_new_console=True) #set a break point at the entry point entry_point = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint + pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase dbg.bp_set(entry_point, handler=entry_point_handler)
def __init__(self, test_id): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.keep_file = False self.test_id = test_id self.current_testcase = 'sample_%d.flv' % test_id self.sample_deleted = False self.lock = threading.Lock() self.event = threading.Event() self.dbg = pydbg() self.dbg.pydbg_log = self.log self.dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, self.handle_av) self.dbg.set_callback(USER_CALLBACK_DEBUG_EVENT, self.handle_timeout)
def main(): print '[+] Reading configuration file' parseconfig() global hit_seq hit_seq = [] global entry pe = pefile.PE(exe_file) entry = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase + pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint startjs() print '[+] Starting Application for the first time' dbg = pydbg() dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, crash_handler) #thread.start_new_thread(stillrunning, (dbg, ))#still running huhh?? dbg.load(exe_file,input_file) dbg.bp_set(entry,handler=set_all_jmp_bp) print '[+] Running the target application second time to recored dereference information' dbg = pydbg() dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, crash_handler1) #thread.start_new_thread(stillrunning, (dbg, ))#still running huhh?? dbg.load(exe_file,input_file) dbg.bp_set(entry,handler=set_all_addr_bp)
def startDBG(pid): global forcedExit print "[+] Starting a new pydbg instance for pid %d" % (pid) dbg = pydbg() dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, avHandler) while True: try: if dbg.attach(pid): return dbg else: return False except: print "[D] Error in attaching pydbg" forcedExit=True sys.exit()
def __init__(self): atexit.register(self.atExit) self.logFile = open('log.txt', 'a', 0) print >>self.logFile, 40 * '=' print >>self.logFile, str.format('Started ItemAlertPoE version {0} at {1!s}.', ALERT_VERSION, print >>self.logFile, str.format('Python version: {0!s}', sys.version_info) self.dbg = pydbg() self.dbg.attach(self.getProcessId()) self.baseAddress = self.getBaseAddress() adjustment = self.baseAddress - 0x00400000 ItemAlert.BP0 += adjustment ItemAlert.BP1 += adjustment ItemAlert.BP2 += adjustment self.lastPacketBufferAddress = 0 self.lastPacketSize = 0
def debug_process(pid): """Create a debugger instance and attach to ovas PID""" dbg = pydbg() dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, _access_violation_handler) while True: try: print("[*] Attaching debugger to pid: {}.".format(pid)) if dbg.attach(pid): return dbg else: return False except Exception as e: print("[*] Error while attaching: {}.".format(e.message)) return False
def pydbghook_firefoxpasswd(): dbg = pydbg() found_firefox = False for (pid, name) in dbg.enumerate_processes(): if name.lower() == "firefox.exe": found_firefox = True hooks = utils.hook_container() dbg.attach(pid) print "[*] Attaching to firefox.exe with PID: %d" % pid # Resolve the function address hook_address = dbg.func_resolve_debuggee("nspr4.dll","PR_Write") if hook_address: # Add the hook to the container, we aren't interested in using an exit callback so we set it to None hooks.add( dbg, hook_address, 2, ssl_sniff, None) print "[*] nspr4.PR_Write hooked at: 0x%08x" % hook_address break else: print "[*] Error: Couldn't resolve hook address." sys.exit(-1) if found_firefox: print "[*] Hooks set, continuing process." else: print "[*] Error: Couldn't find the firefox.exe process. Please fire up firefox first." sys.exit(-1)