def library_author(author_pid): if Authors.query.get(author_pid) == None: return redirect(url_for('library_authors_all')) form = Addbook_from(request.form) if request.method == 'POST': elem_id = None #UNLINK BOOK FROM AUTHOR try: elem_id = request.form['edit_hidden_input'] except: pass if elem_id: book = Books.query.get(elem_id) shelf = Shelfs.query.filter(Shelfs.book_id ==, Shelfs.author_id == author_pid).first() db_session.delete(shelf) db_session.commit() zombie_book() #ADD&LINK NEW BOOK TO AUTHOR try: book_name = except: pass if book_name: if validator() and not Books.query.filter( == book_name).first(): db_session.add(Books(book_name)) db_session.commit() if validator(): db_session.add(Shelfs(author_pid, Books.query.filter( == book_name).first().id)) db_session.commit() author = Authors.query.filter( == author_pid).first() books_ids = Shelfs.query.filter(Shelfs.author_id == author_pid) books_list = [] for ids in books_ids: books_list.append(Books.query.get(ids.book_id)) variables = {'author' : author, 'books_list' : books_list, 'form' : form, 'MESSAGE' : settings('MESSAGE'), 'USER' : settings('USER'), 'STATIC_URL' : settings('STATIC_URL'), } return render_template('author.html', **variables)
def library_main(): #SETTINGS search = None #GET ALL ITEMS persons = Persons.query.all() books_list = Books.query.order_by( authors_list = Authors.query.all()[:10] random.shuffle(authors_list) #GET BOOKS&AUTHORS RELATIONS books_main = [] url_authors = [] for book in books_list[:10]: book_authors_ids = Shelfs.query.filter(Shelfs.book_id == for ids in book_authors_ids: url_authors.append('<a href=\"'+str(ids.author_id)+'\">'+str(Authors.query.get(ids.author_id))+'</a>') books_main.append((book, url_authors)) url_authors = [] #SEARCH MODULE search_result = [] search_is = False if request.method == 'POST': search_is = True search = request.form['text_box'] if search: try: search_result += ['Author: <a href=\"'+str('\">'+str(author)+'</a>' for author in Authors.query.filter('%'+search+'%'))] search_result += ['Book: '+str(book) for book in Books.query.filter('%'+search+'%'))] except: pass else: search_is = False variables = {'authors_list' : authors_list, 'books_list' : books_list[:10], 'search_result' : search_result, 'MESSAGE' : settings('MESSAGE'), 'USER' : settings('USER'), 'persons' : persons, 'STATIC_URL' : settings('STATIC_URL'), 'books_main' : books_main, 'search_is' : search_is, 'search_query' : search, } return render_template('main.html', **variables)
def specific_init(self): self.settings=settings() #replace with xmlsettings self.new_settings=settings() print ("Connecting...") self.get_widgets() self.socket=whale_connect(self.settings.getSetting('host'),int(self.settings.getSetting('port'))) print ("Logging...") whale_log_user(self.socket,"maciek","xxx") print ("Getting dir...") self.get_dir("/home/maciek/mp3/") #print ("Getting playlist..."); #self.get_playlist(); #print ("Getting now playing..."); #self.get_now_playing() gtk.main()
def add_prompt_to_user(home='/root', user='******'): # {{{ """ Add an awesomely cool shell prompt for a user Our setup comes with a cool prompt but that comes from the skeleton directory for new users. If we are already a user, e.g. if we're root or the default system user then we've already got a home directory and some config files, so we'll need to gracefully add our setup with as little invasiveness as possible. The ``home`` and ``user`` parameters are used if you are making this copy as another user, for example as root. In that case, after you are done copying these files, you'll want to hand ownership over to the user in question, also you'll want the files to be uploaded to the proper home directory. """ env.host_string = root_host put(local_config_dir + '/skel/.colors_prompts', home) put(local_config_dir + '/skel/.bash_prompt', home) put(local_config_dir + '/skel/.gemrc', home) with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): if run('[ ! -e ' + home + '/.bashrc.bak ]').succeeded: run('cp ' + home + '/.bashrc ' + home + '/.bashrc.bak') run('echo >> ' + home + '/.bashrc') run("echo 'if [ -f " + home + "/.colors_prompts ]; then . " + home + "/.colors_prompts; fi' >> " + home + "/.bashrc") run("echo 'if [ -f " + home + "/.bash_prompt ]; then . " + home + "/.bash_prompt; fi' >> " + home + "/.bashrc") # in other words if this was done as root if home != '~' and len(user) > 0: run('chown -R ' + user + '.' + user + ' ' + home)
def add_prompt_to_user(home='/root', user='******'): """ Add an awesomely cool shell prompt for a user Our setup comes with a cool prompt but that comes from the skeleton directory for new users. If we are already a user, e.g. if we're root or the default system user then we've already got a home directory and some config files, so we'll need to gracefully add our setup with as little invasiveness as possible. The ``home`` and ``user`` parameters are used if you are making this copy as another user, for example as root. In that case, after you are done copying these files, you'll want to hand ownership over to the user in question, also you'll want the files to be uploaded to the proper home directory. """ env.host_string = root_host put(local_config_dir+'/skel/.colors_prompts', home) put(local_config_dir+'/skel/.bash_prompt', home) put(local_config_dir+'/skel/.gemrc', home) with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): if run('[ ! -e '+home+'/.bashrc.bak ]').succeeded: run('cp '+home+'/.bashrc '+home+'/.bashrc.bak') run('echo >> '+home+'/.bashrc') run("echo 'if [ -f "+home+"/.colors_prompts ]; then . "+home+"/.colors_prompts; fi' >> "+home+"/.bashrc") run("echo 'if [ -f "+home+"/.bash_prompt ]; then . "+home+"/.bash_prompt; fi' >> "+home+"/.bashrc") # in other words if this was done as root if home != '~' and len(user) > 0: run('chown -R '+user+'.'+user+' '+home)
def main(paramC): if paramC == [1, 1, 1] : while True: mainMeasure() elif paramC == [1, 1, 0] : while True: writeLog(temp_measure(), hum_measure()) elif paramC == [1, 0, 1] : while True: lcd_view() elif paramC == [0, 1, 1] : while True: lcd_view() writeLog(cleansreen_measureT(), cleansreen_measureH()) elif paramC == [0, 0, 1] : while True: temp_measure() elif paramC == [0, 0, 0] : while True: print("ERROR! CHECK SETTINGS") main() else: print("Хотя бы один параметр должен быть включен: \n") paramC = settings(paramA) return paramC userChoise = str(input("choise: "))
def backup_apache_config(): """ Backs up the apache config to the backup directory """ env.host_string = root_host with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): if run('[ ! -e '+remote_backup_dir+'/apache2.tar.gz ]').succeeded: with cd('/etc'): run('tar -czf '+remote_backup_dir+'/apache2.tar.gz apache2')
def start_glusterd(): # Start gluster daemon on all the servers with settings(warn_only = True): if run("pgrep glusterd").failed: if run("%s/sbin/glusterd"%installbase).failed: print "Unable to start glusterd, exiting..." sys.exit(1) else: print "glusterd is already running"
def __init__(self, args): QtGui.QApplication.__init__(self, args) # application details for settings QtCore.QCoreApplication.setOrganizationName("Ollie Terrance") QtCore.QCoreApplication.setOrganizationDomain("") QtCore.QCoreApplication.setApplicationName("DoX Tray") self.settings = settings() # start tray icon self.tray = tray(dox(), self.settings)
def menu(surface): """Оперирует окном главного меню. Примает поверхность вывода. """ finished = False vert_control_tick = 0 demo_fig = [] while not finished: surface.fill(sett.WHITE) printer(surface, 'Тетрис', 50, (340, 330)) play_butt = Buttons.Button() settings_butt = Buttons.Button() stat_butt = Buttons.Button() play_butt.create_button(surface, sett.WHITE, 350, 420, 200, 80, 3, "Играть", sett.BLACK) settings_butt.create_button(surface, sett.WHITE, 350, 520, 200, 80, 3, "Настройки", sett.BLACK) stat_butt.create_button(surface, sett.WHITE, 350, 620, 200, 80, 3, "Статистика", sett.BLACK) vert_control_tick, demo_fig = animation(surface, vert_control_tick, demo_fig) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if play_butt.pressed(pygame.mouse.get_pos()): new_game = Game(surface) new_game.driver() elif settings_butt.pressed(pygame.mouse.get_pos()): settings(surface) elif stat_butt.pressed(pygame.mouse.get_pos()): stat(surface) pygame.display.flip()
def delete(cls, connection=None, **params): local_resource = cls.resource_name setting = settings() cls.resource_name = str(setting.delete(cls.resource_name)) response = cls._make_request('delete', cls.resource_name, connection, params=params) cls.resource_name = local_resource return response
def create_database(): """Creates user and database from Django settings""" db_user = django_settings.DATABASES['default']['USER'] db_pass = django_settings.DATABASES['default']['PASSWORD'] db_name = django_settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'] with settings(warn_only=True): run('sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER %s WITH NOCREATEDB NOCREATEUSER \ ENCRYPTED PASSWORD E\'%s\'"' % (db_user, db_pass)) run('sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE %s WITH OWNER %s"' % ( db_name, db_user))
def backup_apache_config(): # {{{ """ Backs up the apache config to the backup directory """ env.host_string = root_host with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): if run('[ ! -e ' + remote_backup_dir + '/apache2.tar.gz ]').succeeded: with cd('/etc'): run('tar -czf ' + remote_backup_dir + '/apache2.tar.gz apache2')
def library_add_user(): ER_MESSAGE = '' form = Adduser_from(request.form) if request.method == 'POST': inputs = {'user_name', 'user_email', 'user_password'} if validator(**inputs): db_session.add(Persons(,, password_encode( db_session.commit() return redirect(url_for('library_main')) else: ER_MESSAGE = 'En error while adding user! Syntax error or maybe he is already exists in database!' variables = {'form' : form, 'MESSAGE' : settings('MESSAGE'), 'USER' : settings('USER'), 'STATIC_URL' : settings('STATIC_URL'), 'ER_MESSAGE' : ER_MESSAGE } return render_template('admin_add_user.html', **variables)
def library_add_author(): ER_MESSAGE = '' form = Addauthor_from(request.form) if request.method == 'POST': inputs = {'user_name'} if validator(**inputs) and not Authors.query.filter( == db_session.add(Authors( db_session.commit() return redirect(url_for('library_authors_all')) else: ER_MESSAGE = 'En error while adding author! Syntax error or maybe he is already exists in database!' message = 'Add author interface' variables = {'form' : form, 'MESSAGE' : settings('MESSAGE'), 'USER' : settings('USER'), 'STATIC_URL' : settings('STATIC_URL'), 'ER_MESSAGE' : ER_MESSAGE } return render_template('admin_add_author.html', **variables)
def monitor_zerorpc(peers): for p in peers: print p['host_string'][p['host_string'].index('@')+1:], p['port'], c = Client('tcp://{hostname}:{port}'.format(hostname=p['host_string'][p['host_string'].index('@')+1:], port=p['port']), timeout=60, heartbeat=None) try: c.test('test') except RemoteError: print 'passed' except TimeoutExpired: with settings(host_string=p['host_string'], warn_only=True): run('kill $(sudo lsof -t -i:{0})'.format(p['port']))
def install_rubygems(): # {{{ """ Download and install the latest rubygems system wide """ env.host_string = root_host with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): if run('wget ' + rubygems_url + '/' + rubygems_tarball).succeeded: run('tar -zxf ' + rubygems_tarball) with cd(rubygems_vers): run('ruby setup.rb') run('ln -s /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/gem')
def deploy(): """Download, build and deploy GlusterFS.""" with settings(warn_only = True): if run("test -d %s" % src).failed: run("mkdir -p %s" %src) with cd(src): if run("test -f %s"% tarball).failed: run("wget -c %s"% durl) else: print "Source exists. Not downloading, continuing with \ installation..." __install()
def install_rubygems(): # {{{ """ Download and install the latest rubygems system wide """ env.host_string = root_host with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): if run('wget '+rubygems_url+'/'+rubygems_tarball).succeeded: run('tar -zxf '+rubygems_tarball) with cd(rubygems_vers): run('ruby setup.rb') run('ln -s /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/gem')
def reload(): """Restart services""" with hide('warnings'): with settings(warn_only=True): if USES_CELERY: sudo('service celeryd stop') if USES_DJANGO: sudo('service %s stop' % GUNICORN_SERVICE_NAME) sudo('service %s start' % GUNICORN_SERVICE_NAME) sudo('service nginx start') sudo('service nginx reload') if USES_CELERY: sudo('service celeryd start')
def backup_webroot(): # {{{ """ Backs up the webroot if it exists. Title should be self explanatory, this backs up the main server webroot directory if it exists. """ env.host_string = root_host with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): if len(webroot_dir) and run('[ -e ' + webroot_dir + ' ]').succeeded: with cd(webroot_dir): run('tar -czf ' + remote_backup_dir + '/webroot.tar.gz ./')
def backup_webroot(): """ Backs up the webroot if it exists. Title should be self explanatory, this backs up the main server webroot directory if it exists. """ env.host_string = root_host with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): if len(webroot_dir) and run('[ -e '+webroot_dir+' ]').succeeded: with cd(webroot_dir): run('tar -czf '+remote_backup_dir+'/webroot.tar.gz ./')
def clean_master_users(): """ Remove the deploy and main user accounts """ env.host_string = root_host with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): run('deluser '+deploy_username) run('rm -rf /home/'+deploy_username) if not single_user_mode: run('deluser '+main_username) run('rm -rf /home/'+main_username)
def __init__(self): super(self.__class__, self).__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.settingsDialog = settings() self.baudrate = 115200 self.databits = 8 = "" self.stopbits = 0 self.parity = 0 self.flowcontrol = 0 self.serialport = QSerialPort() self.currentTime = "" self.initUI()
def umount(mountpt=None): with settings(warn_only = True): if mountpt is not None or mountpt == "": if run("umount -l %s; :"%(mountpt)).failed: print "umount failed on %s"%host else: for client in clients: mounts = client['mnts'] host = client['host'] for mount in mounts: if == host: if run("umount -l %s; :"%(mount)).failed: print "umount failed on %s"%host
def clean_master_users(): # {{{ """ Remove the deploy and main user accounts """ env.host_string = root_host with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): run('deluser ' + deploy_username) run('rm -rf /home/' + deploy_username) if not single_user_mode: run('deluser ' + main_username) run('rm -rf /home/' + main_username)
def setup_celery(): """Set up log files and RabbitMQ for Celery""" sudo('mkdir -p /var/log/celery') sudo('chown www-data:adm /var/log/celery') sudo('mkdir -p /var/run/celery') sudo('chown www-data:adm /var/run/celery') with hide('stdout'): sudo('aptitude install -y rabbitmq-server') with settings(warn_only=True): sudo('rabbitmqctl add_user %s %s' % (django_settings.BROKER_USER, django_settings.BROKER_PASSWORD)) sudo('rabbitmqctl add_vhost %s' % django_settings.BROKER_VHOST) sudo('rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p %s %s ".*" ".*" ".*"' % (django_settings.BROKER_VHOST, django_settings.BROKER_USER))
def restore_webroot(): """ Restore original webroot from backup if the backup exists """ env.host_string = root_host with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): if run('[ -e '+remote_backup_dir+'/webroot.tar.gz ]').succeeded: run('rm -rf '+webroot_dir) run('mkdir -p '+webroot_dir) run('mv '+remote_backup_dir+'/webroot.tar.gz '+webroot_dir) with cd(webroot_dir): run('tar -zxf webroot.tar.gz') run('rm -rf webroot.tar.gz')
def restore_nginx_config(): # {{{ """ Restore original nginx config from backup if the backup exists """ env.host_string = root_host with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): if run('[ -e ' + remote_backup_dir + '/nginx.tar.gz ]').succeeded: # remove custom apache config run('rm -rf /etc/nginx') run('mv ' + remote_backup_dir + '/nginx.tar.gz /etc') with cd('/etc'): run('tar -zxf nginx.tar.gz') run('rm -rf nginx.tar.gz')
def restore_nginx_config(): """ Restore original nginx config from backup if the backup exists """ env.host_string = root_host with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): if run('[ -e '+remote_backup_dir+'/nginx.tar.gz ]').succeeded: # remove custom apache config run('rm -rf /etc/nginx') run('mv '+remote_backup_dir+'/nginx.tar.gz /etc') with cd('/etc'): run('tar -zxf nginx.tar.gz') run('rm -rf nginx.tar.gz')
def restore_webroot(): # {{{ """ Restore original webroot from backup if the backup exists """ env.host_string = root_host with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): if run('[ -e ' + remote_backup_dir + '/webroot.tar.gz ]').succeeded: run('rm -rf ' + webroot_dir) run('mkdir -p ' + webroot_dir) run('mv ' + remote_backup_dir + '/webroot.tar.gz ' + webroot_dir) with cd(webroot_dir): run('tar -zxf webroot.tar.gz') run('rm -rf webroot.tar.gz')
def git_push_from_local(): """Push local repo to remote machine""" if not exists(REPO_DIR): # Set up bare Git repo to push to run('mkdir -p %s' % REPO_DIR) with cd(REPO_DIR): run('git init --bare') local('ssh-add %(key_filename)s' % env) local('git remote add ec2push ssh://ubuntu@%(host_string)s:22%(repo_dir)s' % env) with settings(warn_only=True): result = local('git push ec2push %(gitbranch)s' % env) local('git remote rm ec2push') if result.failed: abort("Git push failed.")
def clean_team_users(): """ Remove any team user accounts """ env.host_string = root_host with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): run('deluser '+deploy_username) run('deluser '+main_username) run('rm -rf /home/'+deploy_username) run('rm -rf /home/'+main_username) for name in team_users: run('deluser '+name) run('rm -rf /home/'+name)
def backup_user_home(user): """ Backup a users home dir to the backup dir If no backup yet exists for the given user's home directory then create a backup for that user in remote_backup_dir/home_user.tar.gz """ env.host_string = root_host bak_file = remote_backup_dir+'/home_'+user+'.tar.gz' with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): if run('[ ! -e '+bak_file+' ]').succeeded: if run('[ -e /home/'+user+' ]').succeeded: with cd('/home'): run('tar -czf '+bak_file+' '+user)
def monitor_fd(): from sh import lsof, wc, ls, pkill, service try: mongodb_pid = lsof('-t', '-i:27017', '-sTCP:LISTEN').split('\n')[0] num_fd = int(wc(lsof('-p', '{0}'.format(mongodb_pid)), '-l').strip()) print 'num_fd:', num_fd if num_fd >= 4096: #service('mongodb', 'restart') pkill('-f', '') for p in chain(CRAWLER_PEERS, POWER_PEERS, TEXT_PEERS): with settings(host_string=p['host_string'], warn_only=True): run('kill $(sudo lsof -t -i:{0})'.format(p['port'])) except Exception: import traceback traceback.print_exc()
def backup_user_home(user): # {{{ """ Backup a users home dir to the backup dir If no backup yet exists for the given user's home directory then create a backup for that user in remote_backup_dir/home_user.tar.gz """ env.host_string = root_host bak_file = remote_backup_dir + '/home_' + user + '.tar.gz' with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): if run('[ ! -e ' + bak_file + ' ]').succeeded: if run('[ -e /home/' + user + ' ]').succeeded: with cd('/home'): run('tar -czf ' + bak_file + ' ' + user)
def clean_team_users(): # {{{ """ Remove any team user accounts """ env.host_string = root_host with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): run('deluser ' + deploy_username) run('deluser ' + main_username) run('rm -rf /home/' + deploy_username) run('rm -rf /home/' + main_username) for name in team_users: run('deluser ' + name) run('rm -rf /home/' + name)
def restore_user_home(user): """ Restore a user's original home directory from the backup dir If a backup exists for the user's home directory, delete the current home directory and restore from the backup. """ env.host_string = root_host bak_file = remote_backup_dir+'/home_'+user+'.tar.gz' with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): if run('[ -e '+bak_file+' ]').succeeded: if run('[ -e /home/'+user+' ]').succeeded: with cd('/home'): run('rm -rf '+user) run('tar -xzf '+bak_file)
def restore_user_home(user): # {{{ """ Restore a user's original home directory from the backup dir If a backup exists for the user's home directory, delete the current home directory and restore from the backup. """ env.host_string = root_host bak_file = remote_backup_dir + '/home_' + user + '.tar.gz' with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): if run('[ -e ' + bak_file + ' ]').succeeded: if run('[ -e /home/' + user + ' ]').succeeded: with cd('/home'): run('rm -rf ' + user) run('tar -xzf ' + bak_file)
def install_python_pip(): # {{{ """ Download and install a recent version of the pip utility """ env.host_string = root_host the_file = pip_vers + '.tar.gz' run('wget ' + pip_url) with settings(warn_only=True): md5_compute = run('md5sum ' + the_file) md5_string = pip_md5 + ' ' + the_file result = run('[ "' + md5_compute + '" = "' + md5_string + '" ]') if result.failed and not confirm("Bad pip tarball. Continue anyway?"): abort("Aborting at user request.") run('tar -zxf ' + the_file) with cd(pip_vers): run('python install')
def install_python_pip(): """ Download and install a recent version of the pip utility """ env.host_string = root_host the_file = pip_vers + '.tar.gz' run('wget ' + pip_url) with settings(warn_only=True): md5_compute = run('md5sum '+the_file) md5_string = pip_md5+' '+the_file result = run('[ "'+md5_compute+'" = "'+md5_string+'" ]') if result.failed and not confirm("Bad pip tarball. `Continue anyway?"): abort("Aborting at user request.") run('tar -zxf ' + the_file) with cd(pip_vers): run('python install')
def init_system(): """ Initialialize the bare necessities, i.e. root user etc Configures your admin user. Uploads the custom home directory skeleton for new users. Creates backup and config directories. """ env.host_string = root_host regen_tarballs() init_root_user() with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): local('mkdir -p ' + local_backup_dir) local('mkdir -p ' + local_tar_dir) run('mkdir -p ' + remote_backup_dir) run('mkdir -p ' + remote_config_dir)
def init_system(): """ Initialialize the bare necessities, i.e. root user etc Configures your admin user. Uploads the custom home directory skeleton for new users. Creates backup and config directories. """ env.host_string = root_host regen_tarballs() init_root_user(); with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): local('mkdir -p '+local_backup_dir) local('mkdir -p '+local_tar_dir) run('mkdir -p '+remote_backup_dir) run('mkdir -p '+remote_config_dir)
def __init__(self, driveService, sheetService, discountID, rosterID, row): self.config = settings() self.emailSender = sender() self.log = warnings(printOutput = True) self.driveService = driveService self.sheetService = sheetService self.discountID = discountID self.rosterID = rosterID print("rosterID is " + self.rosterID) self.roster = self.config.getStrList('temp','pastHandlers') # row[0] is timestamp = str(row[1]) = str(row[2]) # row[3] is faculty # row[4] is phone number = self.parseSupport(str(row[5])) # row[6] is support details self.resolution = self.parseResolution(str(row[7])) # row[8] is purpose self.material = self.parseMaterial(str(row[9])) self.infill = self.parseInfill(str(row[10])) self.color = self.parseColor(str(row[11])) self.stlFiles = self.parseFileNames(str(row[12])) self.couponCode = str(row[13]) # row[14] is how did you hear abt us self.sane = self.sanityCheck() self.platerConf = "" self.receipt = "" if not self.sane: # TODO: add email support print("Print job is not valid, skipping...") return self.process()
def __install(): # Extract, configure and install with settings(warn_only = True): if run("test -d %s"% tmp).failed: run("mkdir -p %s"% tmp) with cd(src): if run("tar zxvf %s -C %s"% (tarball, tmp)).failed: print "Unable to untar, exiting..." sys.exit(1) builddir = "%s/glusterfs-%s"% (tmp, cluster['version']) with cd(builddir): if run("./configure --prefix=%s/%s"% \ (installbase, cluster['version'])).failed: print "Configuring GlusterFS installation failed, exiting..." sys.exit(1) if run("make install clean").failed: print "Compilation and installation of GlusterFS failed, \ exiting..." # Clean up the build directory __cleanup()
def setup_project(): """Initial setup of project on server""" run('mkdir -p %s' % PROJECT_DIR) # Set up log files for Gunicorn if USES_DJANGO: sudo('mkdir -p /var/log/gunicorn') sudo('touch /var/log/gunicorn/%s.log' % GUNICORN_SERVICE_NAME) sudo('chown www-data:adm /var/log/gunicorn') sudo('chown www-data:adm /var/log/gunicorn/%s.log' % GUNICORN_SERVICE_NAME) # Install and set up PIP and Virtualenv with hide('stdout'): sudo('aptitude install -y python-setuptools') sudo('easy_install pip') sudo('pip install virtualenv') if not exists(ENV_DIR): run('virtualenv %(env_dir)s' % env) run('echo "export DJANGO_SETTINGS=production" >> %(env_dir)s/bin/activate' % env) run('echo "export TOKOTOKO_FABFILE_PROJECT=%(webapp_dir)s" >> %(env_dir)s/bin/activate' % env) # Set up Celery if USES_CELERY: setup_celery() # Set up database if USES_DJANGO: create_database() # Push local repo and update deploy() # Set up cron job for daily backups sudo('mkdir -p %s' % BACKUP_DIR) sudo('chmod a+rwx %s' % BACKUP_DIR) with hide('warnings'): with settings(warn_only=True): run('crontab -l > /tmp/crondump') cronjob = '00 19 * * * %(webapp_dir)s/ %(env_dir)s > %(backup_dir)s/cron.log' % env run('echo "%s" >> /tmp/crondump' % cronjob) run('crontab /tmp/crondump')
def mennu(): surface = pygame.display.set_mode((WIN_WIDTH, WIN_HEIGHT)) surface.fill((51, 51, 51)) menu = Menu() #necessary menu.init(['Start', 'Options', 'Quit'], surface) #necessary menu.draw() #necessary pygame.key.set_repeat(199, 69) #(delay,interval) pygame.display.update() menus = True server = False while menus: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_UP: menu.draw(-1) #here is the Menu class function if event.key == K_DOWN: menu.draw(1) #here is the Menu class function if event.key == K_RETURN: if menu.get_position() == 0: return server if menu.get_position( ) == 2: #here is the Menu class function pygame.display.quit() sys.exit() if menu.get_position( ) == 1: #here is the Menu class function server = settings() menu = Menu() #necessary menu.init(['Start', 'Options', 'Quit'], surface) #necessary surface.fill((51, 51, 51)) menu.draw() if event.key == K_ESCAPE: pygame.display.quit() sys.exit() pygame.display.update() elif event.type == QUIT: pygame.display.quit() sys.exit() pygame.time.wait(8)
def regen_tarball(srcdir, source): # {{{ """ Generate a tarball of a config dir This is a helper function for regenerating all the config tarballs for upload Files end up in * ``conf/tarballs`` """ target_dir = os.path.join(local_tar_dir, srcdir) target = os.path.join(target_dir, source + '.tar.gz') srcdir = os.path.join(local_config_dir, srcdir) local('if [ -e ' + target + ' ]; then mv ' + target + ' ' + target + '.tar.gz.bak.' + get_cur_timestamp + '; fi') local('mkdir -p ' + target_dir) with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): if local('[ -e "' + srcdir + '" ]').succeeded: with lcd(srcdir): local('tar -czf ' + target + ' ' + source + '')
def install_vim_config(): # {{{ """ Install custom vim configuration Try to install our custom vim configuration in the main system for all users. """ env.host_string = root_host if len(vim_config_tarball_url): # get nice vim configuration with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): if run('wget ' + vim_config_tarball_url).succeeded: filename = os.path.basename(vim_config_tarball_url) run('tar -zxf ' + filename) run('rm -rf /usr/share/vim/vimfiles') # install the vim configuration system wide run('mv .vimrc /etc/vim/vimrc.local') run('mv .vim /usr/share/vim/vimfiles') # cleanup run('rm -rf ' + filename)
stop = True if stop: label = pg.image.load('textures/settings.png') label_rect = label.get_rect(center=((1920 // 2), 200)) screen.blit(label, label_rect) bt_st('BACK', 50, (screen_height - label_rect[3] - 50), menu) run = True while run: for e in pg.event.get(): if e.type == pg.QUIT: sys.exit(0) elif e.type == pg.KEYDOWN: if e.key == pg.K_ESCAPE: sys.exit(0) screen.fill(BG) if not stop: bt_st('START', 1350, 650, starter) bt_st('SETTINGS', 1350, 750, settings) bt_st('QUIT', 1350, 850, quit) if stop: settings() if begin: run = False name() pg.display.update()
def install_gitolite_config(): # {{{ """ Initializes and sets up the gitolite server Installs and a basic git server adds your repos and gives your developers access to those repos. There's no backup fab task because there are never any repos to begin with, you may however wish to run the ``clean_gitolite`` task which deletes any and all files that the gitolite setup adds to its home directory. """ env.host_string = deploy_host # create key pair for deploy user for doing checkouts with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): run('no | ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa') deploy_ssh_rsa = run('cat ~/.ssh/') local_ssh_rsa = local('cat ~/.ssh/', capture=True) # setup gitolite user and repositories env.host_string = root_host # gitolite is very adamant in its desires to run as its own independent # user which is added when gitolite is installed. thusly we must first # enable shell access so we can log in as the gitolite user clone_root_pubkey('gitolite', '/var/lib/gitolite') # set git user config on the server itself for the user we'll be working as env.host_string = gitolite_host run('git config --global "' + gitolite_admin_name + '"') run('git config --global ' + gitolite_admin_email) # because gitolite makes some assumptions about how we'll be using ssh # it does not like it if there is already a .ssh folder so we must # delete the .ssh dir before running gl-setup to install # the gitolite configuration. # # Deleting the .ssh folder, obviously will lock us out, but the gitolite # setup script by default requires a public key and will load this # key so users can do repository checkouts. Gitolite does not, however # grant shell access to its user account, so we must do that explicitly. # # We must do all these things at once to prevent being locked out between # commands because fabric retrieves a new connection for each command run("echo '" + local_ssh_rsa + "' > ~/" + gitolite_admin_user + ".pub") run('rm -rf .ssh && gl-setup ~/' + gitolite_admin_user + '.pub && yes "" | /usr/share/gitolite/gl-tool shell-add ~/' + gitolite_admin_user + '.pub') # save original config information git_local_name = local('git config --global --get', capture=True) git_local_email = local('git config --global --get', capture=True) local('# SAVED CONFIG: ' + git_local_name + ' ' + git_local_email) local('git config --global "' + gitolite_admin_name + '"') local('git config --global ' + gitolite_admin_email) # make a local dir for checking out the gitolite admin settings local('mkdir -p ' + gitolite_admin_local) local('rm -rf ' + gitolite_admin_local + '/gitolite-admin') with lcd(gitolite_admin_local): local('git clone ' + gitolite_host + ':gitolite-admin') with lcd(gitolite_admin_local + '/gitolite-admin'): # and add keys for users local("echo '" + deploy_ssh_rsa + "' > keydir/" + deploy_username + ".pub") local('rm -rf ' + gitolite_admin_local + '/gitolite-admin/conf/gitolite.conf') local('cp ' + local_config_dir + '/gitolite.conf ' + gitolite_admin_local + '/gitolite-admin/conf') local('cp ' + local_config_dir + '/gitolite_repos.conf ' + gitolite_admin_local + '/gitolite-admin/conf') for name in git_repo_devteam: with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): if local('[ ! -e ' + local_config_dir + '/keys/gitolite/' + name + '.pub ]').succeeded: local('ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f ' + local_config_dir + '/keys/gitolite/' + name) local('cp ' + local_config_dir + '/keys/gitolite/' + name + '.pub ' + gitolite_admin_local + '/gitolite-admin/keydir') with lcd(gitolite_admin_local + '/gitolite-admin'): local('git add .') local('git commit -a -m "Added users"') local('git push origin master') # restore original config information local('git config --global "' + git_local_name + '"') local('git config --global ' + git_local_email)
def getConsoleStr(self): return settings().get('py').get('consoleStr', "{title}, {variable}")
def getConsoleSingleQuotes(self): return settings().get('py').get('single_quotes', False)
def getPreTag(self): return settings().get('php').get('preTag', True)
def settings(**d): return o(name="Differention Evolution", what="DE tuner. Tune the predictor parameters parameters", author="Rahul Krishna", adaptation= "", copyleft="(c) 2014, MIT license,", seed=1, np=10, k=100, tiny=0.01, de=o(np=5, iter=5, epsilon=1.01, N=20, f=0.3, cf=0.4, lives=100)).update(**d) The = settings() class diffEvol(object): """ Differential Evolution """ def __init__(self, model, data): = [] self.model = model(data) def new(self): # Creates a new random instance return [randi(d[0], d[1]) for d in self.model.indep()] def initFront(self, N):
def getConsoleFunc(self): return settings().get('php').get('consoleFunc', ['print_r'])
def getDieAfterLog(self): return settings().get('php').get('dieAfterLog', False)
__language__ = __addon__.getLocalizedString # settings method BASE_CACHE_PATH = os.path.join( xbmc.translatePath("special://profile").decode('utf-8'), "Thumbnails", "Video") BASE_CURRENT_SOURCE_PATH = os.path.join( xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/addon_data/").decode('utf-8'), os.path.basename(__addon__.getAddonInfo('path'))) BASE_RESOURCE_PATH = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join(__addon__.getAddonInfo('path').decode('utf-8'), 'resources')) home_automation_folder = os.path.join(BASE_CURRENT_SOURCE_PATH, "ha_scripts") home_automation_module = os.path.join(home_automation_folder, "") sys.path.append(os.path.join(BASE_RESOURCE_PATH, "lib")) from settings import * settings = settings() trivia_settings = settings.trivia_settings trailer_settings = settings.trailer_settings ha_settings = settings.ha_settings video_settings = settings.video_settings extra_settings = settings.extra_settings audio_formats = settings.audio_formats _3d_settings = settings._3d_settings triggers = settings.triggers playback = "" header = "Cinema Experience" time_delay = 200 image = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join(__addon__.getAddonInfo("path"), "icon.png")).decode('utf-8')
flags = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[tools.argparser]).parse_args() except ImportError: flags = None # If modifying these scopes, delete your previously saved credentials # at ~/.credentials/drive-python-quickstart.json SCOPES = [ '', '', '' ] CLIENT_SECRET_FILE = 'client_secret.json' APPLICATION_NAME = 'Drive API Python Quickstart' #initialize settings config = settings() # ID of sheet to monitor sheetID = None discountID = None rosterID = None # Store the last submission timestamp lastSubDate = None waitForSheet = None # Create a dictionary for fileNames and fileIds fileDict = {}
def downloadDukasData(cross): """Download Dukas Data and store it in file""" BASEFILE = 'dukas_{0}.csv'.format(cross.lower()) BASEDIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) file_path = os.path.join(BASEDIR + '/../', 'data/', BASEFILE) date_output = settings('dukascopy.cfg', 'date_output') datetime_format = settings('dukascopy.cfg', 'datetime_format') delimiter = settings('dukascopy.cfg', 'delimiter') interval = settings('dukascopy.cfg', 'interval') symbol = settings('dukascopy.cfg', 'symbol', cross) system = settings('dukascopy.cfg', 'system') utc_now = roundTime(datetime.datetime.utcnow()).replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) # cet_now = utc_now.astimezone(pytz.timezone('CET')) # start_date ='dukascopy.cfg', 'date_input_format')) start_date = settings('dukascopy.cfg', 'start_date') # if cet_now.isoweekday() >= 5 and cet_now.hour >= 22 and cet_now.minute > 0: # cet_now.replace(hour=22, minute=0) # utc_now = cet_now.astimezone(pytz.timezone('UTC')) utc_now = utc_now.replace(tzinfo=None) stored_candles = 0 candles_to_store = settings('dukascopy.cfg', 'min_candles') if os.path.exists(file_path): with open(file_path, mode='r') as f: quote = list(csv.reader(f, delimiter=';'))[::-1] stored_candles = len(quote) - 1 last_saved_time = roundTime(datetime.datetime.strptime(quote[1][0], datetime_format)) start_date = last_saved_time.strftime(settings('dukascopy.cfg', 'date_input_format')) day_shift = datetime.timedelta(1) else: with open(file_path, mode='w') as f: csv_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=';') csv_writer.writerow(['datetime', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume']) last_saved_time = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) if last_saved_time < utc_now: print('Last stored candle is older than actual time') else: return while last_saved_time < utc_now or stored_candles < candles_to_store: chunk_size = max([min([settings('dukascopy.cfg', 'chunk_size'), (utc_now - last_saved_time).total_seconds() // 60]), 200]) print('Downloading', chunk_size, 'starting from', start_date, 'last saved time', last_saved_time) url = '{0}&np={1}&interval={2}&DF={3}&Stock={4}&endSym={5}&split={6}'.format(start_date, chunk_size, interval, date_output, symbol, system, delimiter) succesfull_downloaded = False while not succesfull_downloaded: try: url_handle = urllib.request.urlopen(url) except urllib.error.URLError: print('connection error') return else: head_line = next(url_handle).decode('UTF-8').strip() if head_line.split(';')[0] != 'DATE': print(head_line, head_line.split(';')) else: succesfull_downloaded = True for line in url_handle: quote = line.decode('UTF-8').strip().split(';') try: date = roundTime(datetime.datetime.strptime(' '.join([quote[0], quote[1]]), datetime_format)) date_str = datetime.datetime.strftime(date, datetime_format) except: raise finally: if date > last_saved_time: day_shift = datetime.timedelta(1) with open(file_path, mode='a') as f: csv_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=';') csv_writer.writerow([date_str, quote[3], quote[6], quote[5], quote[4], quote[2]]) last_saved_time = date start_date = last_saved_time.strftime(settings('dukascopy.cfg', 'date_input_format')) elif date == last_saved_time: start_date = (last_saved_time + day_shift).strftime(settings('dukascopy.cfg', 'date_input_format')) day_shift += datetime.timedelta(1)