def SuperSiteAnalyzer(SiteFile1, SiteFile2, SiteFile3, RepeatFile1, 
                      RepeatFile2, RepeatFile3, RepeatFile4):
    #==============Constructing Lists of Site data ==========================================    
    site1 = siteParser(SiteFile1)
    site2 = siteParser(SiteFile2)
    site3 = siteParser(SiteFile3)
    list = [RepeatFile1, RepeatFile2, RepeatFile3, RepeatFile4]
    for repeat in list:
        repeat = ParserS(repeat, repeat, False) # Constructing Lists of Repeat data
        siteAnalyzer(repeat, site1, SiteFile1)
        siteAnalyzer(repeat, site2, SiteFile2)
        siteAnalyzer(repeat, site3, SiteFile3)
        del repeat
def SuperSiteAnalyzer(SiteFile, RepeatFile1, RepeatFile2, RepeatFile3, RepeatFile4, 
                      RepeatFile5, RepeatFile6, RepeatFile7, RepeatFile8, RepeatFile9, 
                      RepeatFile10 , RepeatFile11, RepeatFile12, RepeatFile13, RepeatFile14, 
                      RepeatFile15, RepeatFile16, RepeatFile17, RepeatFile18, RepeatFile19):
    #==============Constructing Lists of Site data ==========================================    
    sites = siteParser(SiteFile)
    list = [RepeatFile1, RepeatFile2, RepeatFile3, RepeatFile4, RepeatFile5, RepeatFile6, RepeatFile7, RepeatFile8, RepeatFile9, RepeatFile10 , RepeatFile11, RepeatFile12, RepeatFile13, RepeatFile14, 
                      RepeatFile15, RepeatFile16, RepeatFile17, RepeatFile18, RepeatFile19]
    for repeat in list:
        repeats = ParserS(repeat, repeat, False) # Constructing Lists of Repeat data
        print ' now processing the ', repeat, 'for CpG sites' 
        siteAnalyzer(repeats, sites, 'CpG')
        del repeats
def SuperSiteAnalyzer(SiteFile, RepeatFile1, RepeatFile2, RepeatFile3,
                      RepeatFile4, RepeatFile5, RepeatFile6, RepeatFile7,
                      RepeatFile8, RepeatFile9, RepeatFile10, RepeatFile11,
                      RepeatFile12, RepeatFile13, RepeatFile14, RepeatFile15,
                      RepeatFile16, RepeatFile17, RepeatFile18, RepeatFile19):
    #==============Constructing Lists of Site data ==========================================
    sites = siteParser(SiteFile)

    list = [
        RepeatFile1, RepeatFile2, RepeatFile3, RepeatFile4, RepeatFile5,
        RepeatFile6, RepeatFile7, RepeatFile8, RepeatFile9, RepeatFile10,
        RepeatFile11, RepeatFile12, RepeatFile13, RepeatFile14, RepeatFile15,
        RepeatFile16, RepeatFile17, RepeatFile18, RepeatFile19

    for repeat in list:
        repeats = ParserS(repeat, repeat,
                          False)  # Constructing Lists of Repeat data
        print ' now processing the ', repeat, 'for CpG sites'
        siteAnalyzer(repeats, sites, 'CpG')

        del repeats
def siteAnalyzer(RepeatMaskerData, siteData, suffix):
# ============ Picking the Repeat Element name from the RepeatMaskerData file ==========    
    data = open(RepeatMaskerData, 'rU')
    string = data.readline()
    list = string.split()
    print 'Analyzing reads for the following repeat element :', list[9]
    repFamily = list[9]

#==============Constructing Lists of RepeatMasker data and Read data =====================    

    repeats = ParserS(RepeatMaskerData, repFamily, False) #False is to specify that we are not saving the parser output to any file. 
    #only the per base scores will be saved. 
    sites = siteParser(siteData)

#================= getting consensus length of the repeat element =====================
# one line of repeats looks like this :
# 318  23.0  3.8  0.0  chr1        15265   15355 (249235266) C  MIR3           SINE/MIR             (119)  143     49      5    
    if repeats[0][0][8] == '+':
        length = repeats[0][0][12] + repeats[0][0][13]
        length = repeats[0][0][11]+ repeats[0][0][12]
    consensus = [0]*(length*2)  # consensus length is kept twice of the original length as some repeat elements extend beyond the range of consensus
    x = 0

#=========== now doing binary search=====================================================

# this  calls binaryS() method, which is a recursive implementation of binary search. The method is present in
    i = 0
    while i < 24:
        for read in sites[i]:
            max = len(repeats[i]) - 1
            min = 0
            mid = binaryS(repeats[i], read, min, max)
            if mid == -2:
                x +=1
                readS = read[1]
                readE = read[2]
                TPS = repeats[i][mid][5]
                TPE = repeats[i][mid][6]
                if repeats[i][mid][8] == '+':
                    start = repeats[i][mid][11] - 1
                    end = repeats[i][mid][12]
                    start = repeats[i][mid][13] - 1
                    end = repeats[i][mid][12] 
                overlap(consensus, start, end, readS, readE, TPS, TPE)
        #========= end of for loop =============            
        i = i+1    
    Newlength = length + (length/20) # clipping back consensus to its original length

    Newconsensus = consensus[:Newlength] 
    print 'number of unmatched sites is :', x
    printScore(Newconsensus, repFamily, suffix) #this method prints the consensus to an output file
    graph(Newconsensus, repFamily, True) #this plots the data and saves the figure