# Input initialization
for i in range(0,numtests):
    for j in range(0,numpoints):
        V[i][j] = -70e-3

Vstim = 80e-3
for i in range(0,numtests):
    for j in range(onset-1,offset):
        V[i][j] = Vstim
    Vstim = Vstim - 10e-3

# Variable initialization
for j in range(0,numtests):
    Ca[j][0] = 0
    n[j] = x_inf(V[j][0], Vhalf_n, k_n)
    p[j] = x_inf(V[j][0], Vhalf_p, k_p)
    q[j] = x_inf(V[j][0], Vhalf_q, k_q)
    e[j] = x_inf(V[j][0], Vhalf_e, k_e)
    f[j] = x_inf(V[j][0], Vhalf_f, k_f)

# Start of simulation
for j in range(0,numtests):
    for i in range(1,numpoints):
        dn = (x_inf(V[j][i-1], Vhalf_n, k_n) - n[j])/T_n
        n[j] = n[j] + dn*deltat
        dp = (x_inf(V[j][i-1], Vhalf_p, k_p) - p[j])/T_p
        p[j] = p[j] + dp*deltat
        dq = (x_inf(V[j][i-1], Vhalf_q, k_q) - q[j])/T_q
        q[j] = q[j] + dq*deltat
        de = (x_inf(V[j][i-1], Vhalf_e, k_e) - e[j])/T_e
# Input initialization
for i in range(0, numtests):
    for j in range(0, numpoints):
        V[i][j] = -70e-3

Vstim = 40e-3
for i in range(0, numtests):
    for j in range(onset - 1, offset):
        V[i][j] = Vstim
    Vstim = Vstim - 10e-3

# Variable initialization
for j in range(0, numtests):
    Ca[j][0] = 0
    n[j] = x_inf(V[j][0], Vhalf_n, k_n)
    p[j] = x_inf(V[j][0], Vhalf_p, k_p)
    q[j] = x_inf(V[j][0], Vhalf_q, k_q)
    e[j] = x_inf(V[j][0], Vhalf_e, k_e)
    f[j] = x_inf(V[j][0], Vhalf_f, k_f)

# Start of simulation
for j in range(0, numtests):
    for i in range(1, numpoints):
        dn = (x_inf(V[j][i - 1], Vhalf_n, k_n) - n[j]) / T_n
        n[j] = n[j] + dn * deltat
        dp = (x_inf(V[j][i - 1], Vhalf_p, k_p) - p[j]) / T_p
        p[j] = p[j] + dp * deltat
        dq = (x_inf(V[j][i - 1], Vhalf_q, k_q) - q[j]) / T_q
        q[j] = q[j] + dq * deltat
        de = (x_inf(V[j][i - 1], Vhalf_e, k_e) - e[j]) / T_e
# Plotting I-V curves

import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

sys.path += '.'
from x_inf import *
from input_vars import *

x = np.arange(-0.060, 0.080, 0.001)
numpoints = len(x)
y = np.zeros((2,numpoints))

for i in range(0,numpoints):
    IKS = gKS * x_inf(x[i], Vhalf_n, k_n) * (x[i] - VKS)
    IKF = gKF * x_inf(x[i], Vhalf_p, k_p)**4 * x_inf(x[i], Vhalf_q, k_q) * (x[i]- VKF)
    ICa = gCa * x_inf(x[i], Vhalf_e, k_e)**2 * (x[i] - VCa)

    y[0][i] = (IKF + IKS) / Cmem
    y[1][i] = ICa  / Cmem

plt.plot([round(i * 1e3, 2) for i in x], y[1], 'k', label='$I_{Ca}$')
plt.ylabel('I_Ca (A/F)')
plt.xlabel('V (mV)')