def post(self):
        form_data = [ self.get_argument('email',''),self.get_argument('civil-id',''),\

        user_verified = False  
        user_verified, user_dn = AD_User_Pass_Reset.verifyADuser(form_data[0],form_data[2],form_data[3])

        ###reset cookie to something unknown to the end user (stop back-fwd multiple tries)
        self.set_secure_cookie("smsword", AD_User_Pass_Reset.gen_random_password(4))
        if user_verified==True and  self.get_secure_cookie('smsword')== form_data[4]:            
            #Uncomment on production to reset password
            print 'successfuly generated a new password :'******'failed to generate a new password'

        #for debugging purposes                     
        print 'secure cookie from form:' + form_data[4]
        print 'secure cookie from cookie:' + self.get_secure_cookie('smsword')
    def post(self):
        form_data = [ self.get_argument('email',''),self.get_argument('civil-id',''),\

        user_verified = False  
        user_verified, _ = AD_User_Pass_Reset.verifyADuser(form_data[0],form_data[2],form_data[3])
        print 'user verified' +  str(user_verified) + "  " + form_data[0] + "\n" + form_data[2] + "\n" + form_data[3]
        print 'secret_cookie:' + self.get_secure_cookie('smsword')

        if user_verified == True:            
            MesgA = 'The system has successfully verified your identity . You will have by now received an '\
                    'SMS to your mobile phone. Fill in the secret word bellow and the system will generate a new ' \
                    'password and send it through SMS to your mobile phone. :  ' + form_data[3]
            MesgB = 'Secret word on you mobile :'
            Button_Msg = 'Get me a new password'
            MesgHide=' '
            AD_User_Pass_Reset.CYTA_Web_SMS(form_data[3],'Use the following word to validate your self : ' + self.get_secure_cookie('smsword'))
            MesgA = 'Failed to verify your identity. Go back, correct the information needed and try again!!!'\
                    'Have in mind that all attempts are beeing logged and monitor by the Organization\'s IT Systems!'
            MesgB = ' '
            Button_Msg = 'Get back to STEP 1'
            MesgHide = 'hide'
        self.render("result.html",data_to_Form=form_data, MesgA=MesgA, MesgB=MesgB, MesgHide=MesgHide)
    def get(self):
        self.set_secure_cookie("smsword", AD_User_Pass_Reset.gen_random_password(4))
##        if not self.get_secure_cookie("smsword"):
##            self.set_secure_cookie("smsword", AD_User_Pass_Reset.gen_random_password(4))
##            print "Your cookie was not set yet!"
##        else:
##            print "Your cookie was set!" + self.get_secure_cookie("smsword")
        #self.write("URI: " + self.request.uri)