    # This is a hack that works because the Mython expression language
    # is identical to Python's.
    # XXX Consider splitting the myeval() and myexec() (contrary to
    # the original Mython paper).
    if isinstance(code, str):
        ret_val = eval(code, env)
        assert isinstance(code, _ast.AST)
        env = env.copy()
        code_obj, env = mybackend(code, env)
        ret_val = eval(code_obj, env)
    return ret_val, env

# ______________________________________________________________________

myescape = _ASTUtils.mk_escaper(_ast)

# ______________________________________________________________________

def mython (name, code, env0):
    """mython(name, code, env0)
    Quotation function for Mython."""
    stmt_lst = []
    ast, env1 = myparse(code, env0)
    esc_ast = myescape(ast)
    if name is not None:
        env1[name] = ast
        # XXX Add line and position information to the constructed syntax.
        stmt_lst = [_ast.Assign([_ast.Name(name, _ast.Store())], esc_ast)]
        stmt_lst = [_ast.Expr(esc_ast)]