def get_plot_list(self, dbName='', acc='', tag='', since='', fileType='png', test=None): self.check_dbName_acc(dbName, acc, since); if fileType != "png": cherrypy.HTTPError(405, "Bad file type !!!!!") #try: #ArgumentValidator.validateArgs(dbName = dbName, tag = tag, since = since, onesince = False) #db = self.masker.unmask_dbname(dbName) #db = av.get_validated_dbname(value = db, acc = self.masker.unmask_schema(db, acc)) #vtag = av.get_validated_tag(dbName = db, value = tag) connectionString = getFrontierConnectionString(acc, dbName) shortConnectionString = getFrontierConnectionString(acc, dbName, short = True) #c = readXML() #db = str(c.dbMap_reverse[dbName]+"/CMS_COND_"+acc) vtag = str(tag) #sinces = av.get_validated_since(value = since, db = db, tag = vtag).split(';') sinces = av.get_validated_since(value = since.strip(), db = connectionString, tag = vtag).split(';') dict = {} print self.__plotsdir for i in sinces: if i != '' or i != None: plot = SubdetectorFactory.getPlotInstance(dbName = connectionString, tag = vtag, since = i, fileType = fileType, directory = self.__plotsdir, shortName = shortConnectionString) dict[i] = plot.get_names() cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' #start returning json when frontend is able do decode it #return json.dumps(dict) #outer for-comprehension calls inner for-c for every key in dictionary #inner for-c creates a list of strings that llok like 1:a #{1:[a,b], 2:[b,c]} -> 1:a;1:b;2:b;2:c return ';'.join([';'.join(['%s:%s' % (i, x) for x in dict[i]]) for i in dict.keys()]) '''except ValueError, e:
def get_histo(self, dbName='', acc='', tag='', since=''): self.check_dbName_acc(dbName, acc, since) '''Returns histo. All arguments in get_histo method have default value equal to '' just for avoiding exception if some parameter is missing. For testing: http://HOSTNAME:PORT/get_histo?dbName=oracle://cms_orcoff_prod/CMS_COND_31X_ECAL&tag=EcalIntercalibConstants_EBg50_EEnoB&since=1 ''' try: tmpdb = self.masker.unmask_dbname(dbName) db = av.get_validated_dbname(value=tmpdb, acc=self.masker.unmask_schema( tmpdb, acc)) vtag = av.get_validated_tag(dbName=db, value=tag) vsince = av.get_validated_since(value=since.strip(), db=db, tag=vtag, onlyone=True) directory = self.__histodir histo = SubdetectorFactory.getHistoInstance(dbName=db, tag=vtag, since=vsince, fileType='png', directory=directory) histoData = histo.get() except: return 'Tag doesn\'t exist' else: cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/png' return histoData
def get_summary(self, dbName='Offline Production', acc='31X_ECAL', tag='EcalIntercalibConstants_EBg50_EEnoB', since='1'): self.check_dbName_acc(dbName, acc, since) '''Return payload summary. For testing: http://HOSTNAME:PORT/get_summary?dbName=oracle://cms_orcoff_prod/CMS_COND_31X_ECAL&tag=EcalIntercalibConstants_EBg50_EEnoB&since=1 ''' #c = readXML() #db = str(c.dbMap_reverse[dbName]+"/CMS_COND_"+acc) connectionString = getFrontierConnectionString(acc, dbName) vtag = str(tag) sinces = av.get_validated_since(value=since, db=connectionString, tag=vtag).split(';') rez = [] for i in sinces: inst = SubdetectorFactory.getSummaryInstance( dbName=connectionString, tag=vtag, since=str(i)) rez.append({ self.get_decorated_since(db=dbName, acc=acc, tag=tag, since=i): inst.summary() }) return json.dumps({'summary': rez})
def get_trend_plot(self, dbName='', acc='', tag='', since='', fileType='png'): self.check_dbName_acc(dbName, acc, since) if fileType != "png": cherrypy.HTTPError(405, "Bad file type !!!!!") c = readXML() db = str(c.dbMap_reverse[dbName] + "/CMS_COND_" + acc) vtag = str(tag) return "ciao" vsince = av.get_validated_since(value=since.strip(), db=db, tag=vtag, onlyone=False) plot = SubdetectorFactory.getTrendPlotInstance( dbName=db, tag=vtag, since=vsince, fileType=fileType, directory=self.__trendplotsdir) data = plot.get() cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/' + fileType return data
def get_plot_cmp(self, dbName1 = '', acc1='',tag1 = '', since1 = '1', fileType1 = 'png', png1 = '', dbName2 = '', acc2='',tag2 = '', since2 = '1', fileType2 = 'png', png2 = '', type='3', istkmap = '1'): self.check_dbName_acc(dbName1, acc1, since1); self.check_dbName_acc(dbName2, acc2, since2); if fileType1 != "png" and fileType2 != "png": cherrypy.HTTPError(405, "Bad file type !!!!!") tmpdb = self.masker.unmask_dbname(dbName1) db = av.get_validated_dbname(value = tmpdb, acc = self.masker.unmask_schema(tmpdb, acc1)) vtag = av.get_validated_tag(dbName = db, value = tag1) vsince = av.get_validated_since(value = since1.strip(), db = db, tag = vtag, onlyone = True) plot = SubdetectorFactory.getPlotInstance(dbName = db, tag = vtag, since = vsince, fileType = fileType1, directory = self.__plotsdir, image = png1) img1 = plot.get(get_fname = True) tmpdb = self.masker.unmask_dbname(dbName2) db = av.get_validated_dbname(value = tmpdb, acc = self.masker.unmask_schema(tmpdb, acc2)) vtag = av.get_validated_tag(dbName = db, value = tag2) vsince = av.get_validated_since(value = since2.strip(), db = db, tag = vtag, onlyone = True) plot = SubdetectorFactory.getPlotInstance(dbName = db, tag = vtag, since = vsince, fileType = fileType2, directory = self.__plotsdir, image = png2) img2 = plot.get(get_fname = True) #raise Exception('asdasd'+img2) '''if type == '1': img3 = ImageChops.subtract(img1, img2, scale=1, offset=128) elif type == '2': img3 = ImageChops.subtract(img2, img1, scale=1, offset=128) elif type == '3': img3 = ImageChops.difference(img1, img2) elif type == '4': img3 = ImageChops.subtract(img1, img2, scale=1, offset=0) else: img3 = ImageChops.subtract(img2, img1, scale=1, offset=0) ''' if not os.path.isdir(self.__tmpdir): os.makedirs(self.__tmpdir) temp = tempfile.TemporaryFile(dir = self.__tmpdir) plotTxt = "" if'strip', vtag.lower()): plotTxt = 'ABSOLUTE DIFFERENCE (The more lighter colors, the higher the difference.)' cmpPNG.CmpTrackerDiff(fileName1 = img1, fileName2 = img2, result = temp, txt = plotTxt, debug = False), 'png') cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/' + fileType1 data = temp.close() return data
def get_xml(self, dbName='', acc='', tag='', since=''): self.check_dbName_acc(dbName, acc, since) '''Returns gzipped XML payload. All arguments in get_xml method have default value equal to '' just for avoiding exception if some parameter is missing. For testing: http://webcondvm2:8083/get_xml?dbName=oracle://cms_orcoff_prod/CMS_COND_31X_ECAL&tag=EcalIntercalibConstants_EBg50_EEnoB&since=1; ''' #try: #c = readXML() #db = str(c.dbMap_reverse[dbName]+"/CMS_COND_"+acc) connectionString = getFrontierConnectionString(acc, dbName) shortConnectionString = getFrontierConnectionString(acc, dbName, short=True) vtag = str(tag) vsince = av.get_validated_since(value=since, db=connectionString, tag=vtag, onlyone=False) if len(vsince.split(';')) == 1: xml = SubdetectorFactory.getXMLInstance( dbName=connectionString, tag=vtag, since=vsince, fileType='tar.gz', directory=self.__xmldir, shortName=shortConnectionString) data = xml.get() else: temp = tempfile.TemporaryFile(dir=self.__tmpdir) tar ="w|gz", fileobj=temp) for i in vsince.split(';'): xml = SubdetectorFactory.getXMLInstance( dbName=connectionString, tag=vtag, since=i, fileType='xml', directory=self.__xmldir, shortName=shortConnectionString) name = xml.dump() tar.add(name, arcname=os.path.basename(name), recursive=False) tar.close() data = cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = \ 'attachment;filename=' + '_'.join([vtag, vsince.replace(';', '_'), '.tar.gz']) #cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-gzip' cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip' return data
def get_trend_plot(self, dbName = '', acc = '', tag = '', since = '', fileType = 'png'): self.check_dbName_acc(dbName, acc, since); if fileType != "png" : cherrypy.HTTPError(405, "Bad file type !!!!!") c = readXML() db = str(c.dbMap_reverse[dbName]+"/CMS_COND_"+acc) vtag = str(tag) return "ciao" vsince = av.get_validated_since(value = since.strip(), db = db, tag = vtag, onlyone = False) plot = SubdetectorFactory.getTrendPlotInstance(dbName = db, tag = vtag, since = vsince, fileType = fileType, directory = self.__trendplotsdir) data = plot.get() cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/' + fileType return data
def get_plot_list(self, dbName='', acc='', tag='', since='', fileType='png', test=None): self.check_dbName_acc(dbName, acc, since) if fileType != "png": cherrypy.HTTPError(405, "Bad file type !!!!!") #try: #ArgumentValidator.validateArgs(dbName = dbName, tag = tag, since = since, onesince = False) #db = self.masker.unmask_dbname(dbName) #db = av.get_validated_dbname(value = db, acc = self.masker.unmask_schema(db, acc)) #vtag = av.get_validated_tag(dbName = db, value = tag) connectionString = getFrontierConnectionString(acc, dbName) shortConnectionString = getFrontierConnectionString(acc, dbName, short=True) #c = readXML() #db = str(c.dbMap_reverse[dbName]+"/CMS_COND_"+acc) vtag = str(tag) #sinces = av.get_validated_since(value = since, db = db, tag = vtag).split(';') sinces = av.get_validated_since(value=since.strip(), db=connectionString, tag=vtag).split(';') dict = {} print self.__plotsdir for i in sinces: if i != '' or i != None: plot = SubdetectorFactory.getPlotInstance( dbName=connectionString, tag=vtag, since=i, fileType=fileType, directory=self.__plotsdir, shortName=shortConnectionString) dict[i] = plot.get_names() cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' #start returning json when frontend is able do decode it #return json.dumps(dict) #outer for-comprehension calls inner for-c for every key in dictionary #inner for-c creates a list of strings that llok like 1:a #{1:[a,b], 2:[b,c]} -> 1:a;1:b;2:b;2:c return ';'.join([ ';'.join(['%s:%s' % (i, x) for x in dict[i]]) for i in dict.keys() ]) '''except ValueError, e:
def get_summary(self, dbName='Offline Production', acc='31X_ECAL',tag='EcalIntercalibConstants_EBg50_EEnoB', since='1'): self.check_dbName_acc(dbName, acc, since); '''Return payload summary. For testing: http://HOSTNAME:PORT/get_summary?dbName=oracle://cms_orcoff_prod/CMS_COND_31X_ECAL&tag=EcalIntercalibConstants_EBg50_EEnoB&since=1 ''' #c = readXML() #db = str(c.dbMap_reverse[dbName]+"/CMS_COND_"+acc) connectionString = getFrontierConnectionString(acc, dbName) vtag = str(tag) sinces = av.get_validated_since(value = since, db = connectionString, tag = vtag).split(';') rez = [] for i in sinces: inst = SubdetectorFactory.getSummaryInstance(dbName = connectionString, tag = vtag, since = str(i)) rez.append({self.get_decorated_since(db = dbName, acc = acc, tag = tag, since = i):inst.summary()}) return json.dumps({'summary':rez})
def get_plot(self, dbName='', acc='',tag='', since='1', fileType='png', png='',test=None): self.check_dbName_acc(dbName, acc, since); if fileType != "png" : cherrypy.HTTPError(405, "Bad file type !!!!!") '''Returns plot image (changes response header content-type) All arguments in get_plot method have default value equal to '' just for avoiding exception if some parameter is missing. For testing: http://HOSTNAME:PORT/get_plot?dbName=oracle://cms_orcoff_prod/CMS_COND_31X_ECAL&tag=EcalIntercalibConstants_EBg50_EEnoB&since=1&fileType=root ''' #try: #ArgumentValidator.validateArgs(dbName = dbName, tag = tag, since = since, onesince = True) #c = readXML() #db = str(c.dbMap_reverse[dbName]+"/CMS_COND_"+acc) connectionString = getFrontierConnectionString(acc, dbName) shortConnectionString = getFrontierConnectionString(acc, dbName, short = True) vtag = str(tag) vsince = av.get_validated_since(value = since.strip(), db = connectionString, tag = vtag, onlyone = True) plot = SubdetectorFactory.getPlotInstance(dbName = connectionString, tag = vtag, since = vsince, fileType = fileType, directory = self.__plotsdir, image = png, shortName = shortConnectionString) plotData = plot.get() #return plotData '''except ValueError, e: return 'Wrong parameter value. ERROR returned: %s' % str(e) except TypeError, e: return 'Wrong parameter type. ERROR returned: %s' % str(e) except IOError, e: return 'Could not access file %s. ERROR returned: %s' % (self.__plotsdir, e) except AttributeError, e: return 'Couldn\t generate plot instance. ERROR returned: %s' % str(e) except RuntimeError,e: return 'Error connecting to DB. ERROR returned: %s' % str(e) except Exception, e: return 'Plot is not implemented for this tag. ERROR returned: %s ' % str(e) else: if (fileType == 'root'): cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = \ 'attachment;filename=' + plot.get_name() cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' else:''' cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/' + fileType return plotData
def get_xml(self, dbName='', acc='',tag='', since=''): self.check_dbName_acc(dbName, acc, since); '''Returns gzipped XML payload. All arguments in get_xml method have default value equal to '' just for avoiding exception if some parameter is missing. For testing: http://webcondvm2:8083/get_xml?dbName=oracle://cms_orcoff_prod/CMS_COND_31X_ECAL&tag=EcalIntercalibConstants_EBg50_EEnoB&since=1; ''' #try: #c = readXML() #db = str(c.dbMap_reverse[dbName]+"/CMS_COND_"+acc) connectionString = getFrontierConnectionString(acc, dbName) shortConnectionString = getFrontierConnectionString(acc, dbName, short = True) vtag = str(tag) vsince = av.get_validated_since(value = since, db = connectionString, tag = vtag, onlyone = False) if len(vsince.split(';')) == 1: xml = SubdetectorFactory.getXMLInstance(dbName = connectionString, tag = vtag, since = vsince, fileType = 'tar.gz', directory = self.__xmldir, shortName = shortConnectionString) data = xml.get() else: temp = tempfile.TemporaryFile(dir = self.__tmpdir) tar = = "w|gz", fileobj = temp) for i in vsince.split(';'): xml = SubdetectorFactory.getXMLInstance(dbName = connectionString, tag = vtag, since = i, fileType = 'xml', directory = self.__xmldir, shortName = shortConnectionString) name = xml.dump() tar.add(name, arcname = os.path.basename(name), recursive = False) tar.close() data = cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = \ 'attachment;filename=' + '_'.join([vtag, vsince.replace(';', '_'), '.tar.gz']) #cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-gzip' cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip' return data
def get_histo(self, dbName='', acc='',tag='', since=''): self.check_dbName_acc(dbName, acc, since); '''Returns histo. All arguments in get_histo method have default value equal to '' just for avoiding exception if some parameter is missing. For testing: http://HOSTNAME:PORT/get_histo?dbName=oracle://cms_orcoff_prod/CMS_COND_31X_ECAL&tag=EcalIntercalibConstants_EBg50_EEnoB&since=1 ''' try: tmpdb = self.masker.unmask_dbname(dbName) db = av.get_validated_dbname(value = tmpdb, acc = self.masker.unmask_schema(tmpdb, acc)) vtag = av.get_validated_tag(dbName = db, value = tag) vsince = av.get_validated_since(value = since.strip(), db = db, tag = vtag, onlyone = True) directory = self.__histodir histo = SubdetectorFactory.getHistoInstance(dbName = db, tag = vtag, since = vsince, fileType = 'png', directory = directory) histoData = histo.get() except: return 'Tag doesn\'t exist' else: cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/png' return histoData
def get_plot_cmp(self, dbName1='', acc1='', tag1='', since1='1', fileType1='png', png1='', dbName2='', acc2='', tag2='', since2='1', fileType2='png', png2='', type='3', istkmap='1'): self.check_dbName_acc(dbName1, acc1, since1) self.check_dbName_acc(dbName2, acc2, since2) if fileType1 != "png" and fileType2 != "png": cherrypy.HTTPError(405, "Bad file type !!!!!") tmpdb = self.masker.unmask_dbname(dbName1) db = av.get_validated_dbname(value=tmpdb, acc=self.masker.unmask_schema( tmpdb, acc1)) vtag = av.get_validated_tag(dbName=db, value=tag1) vsince = av.get_validated_since(value=since1.strip(), db=db, tag=vtag, onlyone=True) plot = SubdetectorFactory.getPlotInstance(dbName=db, tag=vtag, since=vsince, fileType=fileType1, directory=self.__plotsdir, image=png1) img1 = plot.get(get_fname=True) tmpdb = self.masker.unmask_dbname(dbName2) db = av.get_validated_dbname(value=tmpdb, acc=self.masker.unmask_schema( tmpdb, acc2)) vtag = av.get_validated_tag(dbName=db, value=tag2) vsince = av.get_validated_since(value=since2.strip(), db=db, tag=vtag, onlyone=True) plot = SubdetectorFactory.getPlotInstance(dbName=db, tag=vtag, since=vsince, fileType=fileType2, directory=self.__plotsdir, image=png2) img2 = plot.get(get_fname=True) #raise Exception('asdasd'+img2) '''if type == '1': img3 = ImageChops.subtract(img1, img2, scale=1, offset=128) elif type == '2': img3 = ImageChops.subtract(img2, img1, scale=1, offset=128) elif type == '3': img3 = ImageChops.difference(img1, img2) elif type == '4': img3 = ImageChops.subtract(img1, img2, scale=1, offset=0) else: img3 = ImageChops.subtract(img2, img1, scale=1, offset=0) ''' if not os.path.isdir(self.__tmpdir): os.makedirs(self.__tmpdir) temp = tempfile.TemporaryFile(dir=self.__tmpdir) plotTxt = "" if'strip', vtag.lower()): plotTxt = 'ABSOLUTE DIFFERENCE (The more lighter colors, the higher the difference.)' cmpPNG.CmpTrackerDiff(fileName1=img1, fileName2=img2, result=temp, txt=plotTxt, debug=False), 'png') cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/' + fileType1 data = temp.close() return data
def get_plot(self, dbName='', acc='', tag='', since='1', fileType='png', png='', test=None): self.check_dbName_acc(dbName, acc, since) if fileType != "png": cherrypy.HTTPError(405, "Bad file type !!!!!") '''Returns plot image (changes response header content-type) All arguments in get_plot method have default value equal to '' just for avoiding exception if some parameter is missing. For testing: http://HOSTNAME:PORT/get_plot?dbName=oracle://cms_orcoff_prod/CMS_COND_31X_ECAL&tag=EcalIntercalibConstants_EBg50_EEnoB&since=1&fileType=root ''' #try: #ArgumentValidator.validateArgs(dbName = dbName, tag = tag, since = since, onesince = True) #c = readXML() #db = str(c.dbMap_reverse[dbName]+"/CMS_COND_"+acc) connectionString = getFrontierConnectionString(acc, dbName) shortConnectionString = getFrontierConnectionString(acc, dbName, short=True) vtag = str(tag) vsince = av.get_validated_since(value=since.strip(), db=connectionString, tag=vtag, onlyone=True) plot = SubdetectorFactory.getPlotInstance( dbName=connectionString, tag=vtag, since=vsince, fileType=fileType, directory=self.__plotsdir, image=png, shortName=shortConnectionString) plotData = plot.get() #return plotData '''except ValueError, e: return 'Wrong parameter value. ERROR returned: %s' % str(e) except TypeError, e: return 'Wrong parameter type. ERROR returned: %s' % str(e) except IOError, e: return 'Could not access file %s. ERROR returned: %s' % (self.__plotsdir, e) except AttributeError, e: return 'Couldn\t generate plot instance. ERROR returned: %s' % str(e) except RuntimeError,e: return 'Error connecting to DB. ERROR returned: %s' % str(e) except Exception, e: return 'Plot is not implemented for this tag. ERROR returned: %s ' % str(e) else: if (fileType == 'root'): cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = \ 'attachment;filename=' + plot.get_name() cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' else:''' cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/' + fileType return plotData