def analyzeAndPackageAssets(site): sys.stdout.write('Analyzing %d gathered assets across %d pages...' % (len(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(assets))), len(assets)) ) sys.stdout.flush() replace_map = {} # determine what should be packaged with what packages = AssetPackager.analyze(assets) print('done') for i, package in enumerate(packages): sys.stdout.write( '\rPacking analyzed assets into %d packages (%d/%d)' % (len(packages), i + 1, len(packages)) ) sys.stdout.flush() packaged_filename, no_local = _getPackagedFilename(package) if len(package) <= 1 and (no_local or not COMPRESS_PACKAGES): # it would be silly to compress a remote file and "package it with itself" # also silly for a local file to be packaged with itself if we # won't be compressing it continue # Create and save the packaged, minified files AssetPackager.package( package, _relToStaticBuild(site, packaged_filename), compress=COMPRESS_PACKAGES, filename_markers_in_comments=INCLUDE_ORIGINAL_FILENAMES_IN_COMMENTS ) for asset in package: replace_map[asset] = packaged_filename sys.stdout.write('\nUpdating HTML sources...') sys.stdout.flush() for page in site.pages(): path = page.paths['full-build'] with open(pipes.quote(path), 'r') as f: html = _replaceHTMLWithPackaged(, replace_map, path, site) f.close() with open(pipes.quote(path), "wb") as f: f.write(html) f.close() for asset in inline_assets: os.remove(asset) # clean up temp buffers print('done')
def analyzeAndPackageAssets(site): sys.stdout.write('Analyzing %d gathered assets across %d pages...' % (len(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(assets))), len(assets)) ) sys.stdout.flush() replace_map = {} # determine what should be packaged with what packages = AssetPackager.analyze(assets) print('done') for i, package in enumerate(packages): sys.stdout.write( '\rPacking analyzed assets into %d packages (%d/%d)' % (len(packages), i + 1, len(packages)) ) sys.stdout.flush() packaged_filename, no_local = _getPackagedFilename(package) if len(package) <= 1 and (no_local or not COMPRESS_PACKAGES): # it would be silly to compress a remote file and "package it with itself" # also silly for a local file to be packaged with itself if we won't be compressing it continue # Create and save the packaged, minified files AssetPackager.package( package, _relToStaticBuild(site, packaged_filename), compress = COMPRESS_PACKAGES, filename_markers_in_comments = INCLUDE_ORIGINAL_FILENAMES_IN_COMMENTS ) for asset in package: replace_map[asset] = packaged_filename sys.stdout.write('\nUpdating HTML sources...') sys.stdout.flush() for page in site.pages(): path = page.paths['full-build'] with open(pipes.quote(path), 'r') as f: html = _replaceHTMLWithPackaged(, replace_map, path, site) f.close() with open(pipes.quote(path), "wb") as f: f.write(html) f.close() for asset in inline_assets: os.remove(asset) # clean up temp buffers print('done')
def match(a, b): self.assertEqual(AssetPackager.analyze(a), b)