def parser_tfrecord(record): parsed = tf.parse_single_example(record, features={ 'image/encoded': tf.FixedLenFeature( (), tf.string, default_value=''), 'image/height': tf.FixedLenFeature( (), tf.int64, default_value=0), 'image/width': tf.FixedLenFeature( (), tf.int64, default_value=0), 'label/value': tf.VarLenFeature(tf.string), }) # img = tf.cast(tf.image.decode_jpeg(parsed['image/encoded'], channels=1), tf.float32) # 保存的时候先按jpeg编码 img = tf.decode_raw(parsed['image/encoded'], tf.float32) #直接采用bytes编码 height = tf.cast(parsed['image/height'], tf.int32) width = tf.cast(parsed['image/width'], tf.int32) img = tf.reshape(img, (height, width, 1)) img = tf.clip_by_value((img + 0.5), 0, 1.) * 255. img = normalize_input_img(img) if augment: img = Augment.augment(img) label = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(parsed['label/value'], default_value='') return img, label
def test_resize(self): """ Tests that the resize augmentation has not changed """ img = cv2.imread("test_data/augmented/org.png", 3) img = aug.resize(img, (50, 50)) np.testing.assert_array_equal(img.shape, (50, 50, 3))
def _get_batch(self): self._batch = if not self._batch: return False # modify label label = self._batch.label[0].asnumpy() for i in range(len(label)): #if i==0: #print(label[i]) for j in range(len(label[i])): if label[i][j] == 78: label[i][j] = 0 else: label[i][j] += 1 self._batch.label = [mx.nd.array(label)] buf =[0].asnumpy() data = np.zeros((self.batch_size, self.data_shape[0], self.data_shape[1], self.data_shape[2])) for i in range(len(buf)): im = buf[i] # augment_type = random.randint(0, 2) ori_im = im.transpose(1, 2, 0).astype(np.uint8) im = cv2.imread("/opt/data/plate/im.jpg") # if augment_type == 0: # im_Distort = Augment.GenerateDistort(im, 12) # cv2.imwrite("/opt/data/plate/im_Distort.jpg", im_Distort) # if augment_type == 1: im_Stretch = Augment.GenerateStretch(im, 12) cv2.imwrite("/opt/data/plate/im_Stretch.jpg", im_Stretch) # if augment_type == 2: im_Perspective = Augment.GeneratePerspective(im) cv2.imwrite("/opt/data/plate/im_Perspective.jpg", im_Perspective) data[i] = im.transpose((0, 2, 1)) # cv2.imwrite("/opt/data/plate/im.jpg", im.transpose((1,2,0))) ''' if i==0: print(data[i].shape) #cv2.imshow("e",data[i]) cv2.imwrite("res3.bmp",data[i].transpose((1,2,0))) cv2.waitKey(0)''' = [mx.nd.array(data)] return True
def test_sharpen(self): """ Tests that the sharpen augmentation has not changed """ img = cv2.imread("test_data/augmented/org.png", 3) img = aug.sharpen(img) load = cv2.imread("test_data/augmented/sharpen.png", 3) np.testing.assert_array_equal(img, load)
def test_bright_blur(self): """ Tests that the bright blur augmentation has not changed """ img = cv2.imread("test_data/augmented/org.png", 3) img = aug.add_light_and_color_blur(img) load = cv2.imread("test_data/augmented/bright_blur.png", 3) np.testing.assert_array_equal(img, load)
def test_mirror(self): """ Tests that the mirror augmentation has not changed """ img = cv2.imread("test_data/augmented/org.png", 3) img = aug.mirror(img) load = cv2.imread("test_data/augmented/mirror.png", 3) np.testing.assert_array_equal(img, load)
def test_crop(self): """ Tests that the crop augmentation has not changed """ img = cv2.imread("test_data/augmented/org.png", 3) img = aug.crop(img, 1, 0, 0, 0) load = cv2.imread("test_data/augmented/crop.png", 3) np.testing.assert_array_equal(img, load)
def test_rotate(self): """ Tests that the rotate augmentation has not changed """ img = cv2.imread("test_data/augmented/org.png", 3) img = aug.rotate(img, -2) load = cv2.imread("test_data/augmented/rotate.png", 3) np.testing.assert_array_equal(img, load)
def test_darken(self): """ Tests that the darken augmentation has not changed """ img = cv2.imread("test_data/augmented/org.png", 3) img = aug.brighten_darken(img, 0.6) load = cv2.imread("test_data/augmented/darken.png", 3) np.testing.assert_array_equal(img, load)
def test_affine(self): """ Tests that the affine transformation augmentation has not changed """ img = cv2.imread("test_data/augmented/org.png", 3) img = aug.affine_transform(img) load = cv2.imread("test_data/augmented/affine.png", 3) np.testing.assert_array_equal(img, load)
def generate_line(self): if idx = np.random.randint(self.len) image = self.image[idx] label = self.label[idx] else: idx = self.idx image = self.image[idx] label = self.label[idx] self.idx += 1 if self.idx == self.len: self.idx -= self.len h, w = image.shape imageN = np.ones((self.conH, self.conW)) * 255 beginH = int(abs(self.conH - h) / 2) beginW = int(abs(self.conW - w) / 2) if h <= self.conH and w <= self.conW: imageN[beginH:beginH + h, beginW:beginW + w] = image elif float(h) / w > float(self.conH) / self.conW: newW = int(w * self.conH / float(h)) beginW = int(abs(self.conW - newW) / 2) image = cv2.resize(image, (newW, self.conH)) imageN[:, beginW:beginW + newW] = image elif float(h) / w <= float(self.conH) / self.conW: newH = int(h * self.conW / float(w)) beginH = int(abs(self.conH - newH) / 2) image = cv2.resize(image, (self.conW, newH)) imageN[beginH:beginH + newH] = image label = self.label[idx] if self.augment and imageN = imageN.astype('uint8') if torch.rand(1) < 0.3: imageN = Augment.GenerateDistort(imageN, random.randint(3, 8)) if torch.rand(1) < 0.3: imageN = Augment.GenerateStretch(imageN, random.randint(3, 8)) if torch.rand(1) < 0.3: imageN = Augment.GeneratePerspective(imageN) imageN = imageN.astype('float32') imageN = (imageN - 127.5) / 127.5 return imageN, label
def create_library(img, path_t, lib_dir, w, Ovr, f, aug): fn = get_name(img) ### Build subfolders if os.path.isdir(lib_dir) is False: print('\nCreating training library folders at: ' + lib_dir) os.makedirs(lib_dir) os.makedirs(lib_dir + '/pics') os.makedirs(lib_dir + '/masks') pics_dir = lib_dir + '/pics' masks_dir = lib_dir + '/masks' ### Split mosic into tiles print('Splitting image: %s...' % fn) with suppress_stdout(): ### suppress the long output Split.split_image(input=img, output_dir=pics_dir, patch_w=w, patch_h=w, adj_overlay_x=Ovr, adj_overlay_y=Ovr, out_format=f) os.remove('split_image_info.txt') truths = gpd.read_file(path_t) crs = # print('\nCascading truths for analysis...') truths = gpd.GeoSeries(cascaded_union(truths['geometry'])) truths = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=truths, crs=crs) ### Remove bad tiles from library (usually edge tiles) & Re-number Filter.remove(pics_dir, truths) ### Create ground truth masks for tiles. Remove non-overlapping tiles Masks.create_masks(path_t, lib_dir, pics_dir, masks_dir, img) ### Augment tile-mask pairs to grow library Augment.augment_images(lib_dir, aug) print('\nLibrary build successful\n\n') return
def test_that_wrong_augment_swtich_paramaters_errors(self): """ Tests that the augment switch returns -1 if the inputs are wrong """ img = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3]]) test = aug.augment_switch(img, "test_data/tmp/", "3x3", 1, 3, print_errors=False) assert test == -1
def test_augmented_not_same_as_original(self): """ Tests that the augmented images are not the same as the original """ load = cv2.imread("test_data/augmented/org.png", 3) org = cv2.imread("test_data/augmented/org.png", 3) #make sure my method of testing is valid img = org assert np.ndarray.tolist(img) == np.ndarray.tolist(load) img = aug.affine_transform(org) assert np.ndarray.tolist(img) != np.ndarray.tolist(load) img = aug.add_light_and_color_blur(img) assert np.ndarray.tolist(img) != np.ndarray.tolist(load) img = aug.affine_transform(org) assert np.ndarray.tolist(img) != np.ndarray.tolist(load) img = aug.brighten_darken(org, 0.6) assert np.ndarray.tolist(img) != np.ndarray.tolist(load) img = aug.brighten_darken(org, 1.4) assert np.ndarray.tolist(img) != np.ndarray.tolist(load) img = aug.blur(org) assert np.ndarray.tolist(img) != np.ndarray.tolist(load) img = aug.sharpen(org) assert np.ndarray.tolist(img) != np.ndarray.tolist(load) img = aug.rotate(org, -2) assert np.ndarray.tolist(img) != np.ndarray.tolist(load) img = aug.crop(org, 1, 0, 0, 0) assert np.ndarray.tolist(img) != np.ndarray.tolist(load) img = aug.mirror(org) assert np.ndarray.tolist(img) != np.ndarray.tolist(load)
def word_generate(self): endW = np.random.randint(50) label = '' imageN = np.ones((self.conH, self.conW)) * 255 imageList = [] while True: idx = np.random.randint(self.len) image = self.image[idx] h, w = image.shape beginH = int(abs(self.conH - h) / 2) imageList.append(image) if endW + w > self.conW: break if h <= self.conH: imageN[beginH:beginH + h, endW:endW + w] = image else: imageN[:, endW:endW + w] = image[beginH:beginH + self.conH] endW += np.random.randint(60) + 20 + w if label == '': label = self.label[idx] else: label = label + '|' + self.label[idx] label = label imageN = imageN.astype('uint8') if self.augment: if torch.rand(1) < 0.3: imageN = Augment.GenerateDistort(imageN, random.randint(3, 8)) if torch.rand(1) < 0.3: imageN = Augment.GenerateStretch(imageN, random.randint(3, 8)) if torch.rand(1) < 0.3: imageN = Augment.GeneratePerspective(imageN) imageN = imageN.astype('float32') imageN = (imageN - 127.5) / 127.5 return imageN, label
def initiate(): """ Function to set all the variables for the classifier to run :return: all the variables created. """ print("Preparing data") if augment: aug.prepare_data(train_data_directory, image_shape, num_channels, num_augment) aug.re_iterate() aug.prepare_data(test_data_directory, image_shape, num_channels, num_augment) aug.re_iterate() # aug.prepare_data(validation_data_directory, image_shape, num_channels, num_augment) # aug.re_iterate() print("Loading data") data.train.images, data.train.labels = load_data(train_data_directory, image_size_flat, num_channels) data.test.images, data.test.labels = load_data(test_data_directory, image_size_flat, num_channels) # data.validation.images, data.validation.labels = load_data(validation_data_directory, # image_size_flat, num_channels) print("Initiating data") data.train = data.train.init(classes) data.test = data.test.init(classes) # data.validation = data.validation.init(classes) data.train._name = "train" data.test._name = "test" # data.validation._name = "validation" # The labels without one hot encoding data.test.cls = np.argmax(data.test.labels, axis=1) print( "Creating TF placeholder objects- and variables, fully connected layers and convolutional layers" ) # this creates the tf placeholder object for the images. if num_channels == 3: x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, image_size_flat, num_channels], name='x') else: x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, image_size_flat], name='x') # A 4 dimentional tensor is needed for the convolutional layers, and so we have to reshape it to be # [-1, image_size, image_size, num_channels] # where -1 is the amount of images, and is inferred automatically by tensorflow, image_size which is the size of the # images, where this requires height=width, and num channels which is the color channels x_image = tf.reshape(x, [-1, image_size, image_size, num_channels]) # This is the TF placeholder object for the labels and is related to the x placeholder y_true = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, num_classes], name='y_true') # This is the true labels, in a tensorflow variable y_true_cls = tf.argmax(y_true, axis=1) # Here the first convolutional layer is created layer_conv1, weights_conv1 = new_conv_layer( input=x_image, num_input_channels=num_channels, filter_size=filter_size1, num_filters=num_filters1, use_pooling=True) # Here the second convolutional layer is created layer_conv2, weights_conv2 = new_conv_layer( input=layer_conv1, num_input_channels=num_filters1, filter_size=filter_size2, num_filters=num_filters2, use_pooling=True) # This flattens the second convolutional layer layer_flat, num_features = flatten_layer(layer_conv2) # This creates the first fully connected layer, using ReLU layer_fc1 = new_fc_layer(input=layer_flat, num_inputs=num_features, num_outputs=fc_size, use_relu=True) # This creates the first fully connected layer, not using ReLU layer_fc2 = new_fc_layer(input=layer_fc1, num_inputs=fc_size, num_outputs=num_classes, use_relu=False) # The prediction of the all classes, normalized, if you have 70% certainty for class_one and 30% for class_two, # this will be something like [0.7, 0.3] y_pred = tf.nn.softmax(layer_fc2) # Using the y_pred variable, you take the max value, and saves it as one, and everything else as 0, so in previous # example of [0.7, 0.3], this would become [1, 0] y_pred_cls = tf.argmax(y_pred, axis=1) # this is used with back propagation to increase the accuracy of the network cross_entropy = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2( logits=layer_fc2, labels=y_true) # the average of the cross-entropy for all the image classifications. cost = tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy) # creates an optimizer for later use using the adam optimizer optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=1e-4).minimize(cost) # correct_prediction = tf.equal(y_pred_cls, y_true_cls) # a vector of booleans whether the predicted class equals the true class of each image. accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32)) # this creates a saver, so the model can later be saved saver = tf.train.Saver() return data, x, x_image, y_true, y_true_cls, layer_conv1, layer_conv2, weights_conv1, weights_conv2, layer_flat, \ num_features, layer_fc1, layer_fc1, layer_fc2, y_pred, y_pred_cls, cost, optimizer, correct_prediction, \ accuracy, saver
def test_iterate(self): """ Tests that the iteration and re-iteration functions works as expected """ aug.re_iterate() aug.iterate() aug.iterate() aug.iterate() aug.iterate() aug.iterate() aug.iterate() self.assertEqual(aug.iterate(), 6) aug.re_iterate() aug.iterate() self.assertEqual(aug.iterate(), 1) self.assertEqual(aug.iterate(6, True), 7)
import Augment import cv2 import numpy as np ''' The code is for OpenCV format. If your data format is PIL.Image, please convert the format by: import numpy as np import cv2 from PIL import Image img ="The Path to the image") img = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) ''' im = cv2.imread("pic/demo.png") im = cv2.resize(im, (200, 64)) cv2.imshow("im_CV", im) for i in range(5000): im_Distort = Augment.GenerateDistort(im, 4) cv2.imshow("im_Distort", im_Distort) im_Stretch = Augment.GenerateStretch(im, 4) cv2.imshow("im_Stretch", im_Stretch) im_Perspective = Augment.GeneratePerspective(im) cv2.imshow("im_Perspective", im_Perspective) cv2.waitKey(1)
def generate_line(self): # random select in training dataset, and order in testing dataset if self.is_train: idx = int(torch.randint(high = self.len,size = (1,)).item()) else: idx = self.testidx self.testidx += 1 if self.testidx == self.len: self.testidx = 0 path = self.path[idx] image = self.image[idx] if BINARY: if KEEP_RATIO: h,w = image.shape imageN = np.zeros((self.conH,self.conW)) if self.is_train: beginH = random.randint(0, int(abs(self.conH-h))) beginW = random.randint(0, int(abs(self.conW-w))) else: beginH = int(abs(self.conH-h)/2) beginW = int(abs(self.conW-w)/2) if h <= self.conH and w <= self.conW: imageN[beginH:beginH+h, beginW:beginW+w] = image elif float(h) / w > float(self.conH) / self.conW: newW = int(w * self.conH / float(h)) if self.is_train: beginW = random.randint(0, int(abs(self.conW-w))) beginW = int(abs(self.conW-newW)/2) image = cv2.resize(image, (newW, self.conH)) imageN[:,beginW:beginW+newW] = image elif float(h) / w <= float(self.conH) / self.conW: newH = int(h * self.conW / float(w)) if self.is_train: beginW = random.randint(0, int(abs(self.conW-w))) beginH = int(abs(self.conH-newH)/2) image = cv2.resize(image, (self.conW, newH)) imageN[beginH:beginH+newH,:] = image else: print("????????????????????????") else: image = cv2.resize(image, (self.conW, self.conH)) else: if KEEP_RATIO: h,w,_ = image.shape imageN = np.zeros((self.conH,self.conW,3)) if self.is_train: beginH = random.randint(0, int(abs(self.conH-h))) beginW = random.randint(0, int(abs(self.conW-w))) else: beginH = int(abs(self.conH-h)/2) beginW = int(abs(self.conW-w)/2) if h <= self.conH and w <= self.conW: imageN[beginH:beginH+h, beginW:beginW+w, :] = image elif float(h) / w > float(self.conH) / self.conW: newW = int(w * self.conH / float(h)) if self.is_train: beginW = random.randint(0, int(abs(self.conW-w))) beginW = int(abs(self.conW-newW)/2) image = cv2.resize(image, (newW, self.conH)) imageN[:,beginW:beginW+newW,:] = image elif float(h) / w <= float(self.conH) / self.conW: newH = int(h * self.conW / float(w)) if self.is_train: beginW = random.randint(0, int(abs(self.conW-w))) beginH = int(abs(self.conH-newH)/2) image = cv2.resize(image, (self.conW, newH)) imageN[beginH:beginH+newH,:,:] = image else: print("????????????????????????") else: image = cv2.resize(image, (self.conW, self.conH)) label = self.label[idx] if AUG: if self.is_train: # parts = 4 parts = random.randint(2, 6) imageN = imageN.astype('uint8') if torch.rand(1) < AUG_RATIO: imageN = Augment.GenerateDistort(imageN, parts) if torch.rand(1) < AUG_RATIO: imageN = Augment.GenerateStretch(imageN, parts) if torch.rand(1) < AUG_RATIO: imageN = Augment.GeneratePerspective(imageN) if MORE_AUG and self.is_train: imageN = imageN.astype('uint8') if np.random.rand() < MORE_AUG_RATIO: imageN = rot(imageN, r(60) - 30, imageN.shape, 30); if np.random.rand() < MORE_AUG_RATIO: imageN = rotRandrom(imageN, 10, (imageN.shape[1], imageN.shape[0])); if np.random.rand() < MORE_AUG_RATIO: imageN = AddSmudginess(imageN, self.smu) if np.random.rand() < MORE_AUG_RATIO and not BINARY: imageN = tfactor(imageN) if np.random.rand() < MORE_AUG_RATIO: imageN = AddGauss(imageN, 1 + r(2)); imageN = cv2.resize(imageN, (self.conW, self.conH)) if torch.rand(1) < 0.001 and self.is_train: img = cv2.cvtColor(imageN, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) cv2.imwrite("img_show_train/%s.jpg" % label, img) return imageN, label, path