import math
import pygame
import entity_classes as ce
import Auxiliary_Functionalities as Af

M_C = 0.8  # mutation chance
game_over_sound = Af.load_sound(
    "game/game_over.WAV")  # sound of the match ending

def normalize(max_value, min_value, value):
    return (value - min_value) / (max_value - min_value)

def activation_function(value):
    return 1 / (1 + math.e**(-value))

def mutate_value(value, mutation_chance=M_C):
    if Af.random() > mutation_chance:  # invert value's signal
        value *= Af.random_choice([-1, 1])
    if Af.random() > mutation_chance:  # increase or decrease value
        value += Af.random_choice(
            [-1, 1]) * (Af.random() / Af.random_choice([1000, 100, 10]))
    if Af.random() > M_C:
        return Af.random_choice(
            [-1, 1]) * (Af.random() / Af.random_choice([100, 10]))
    return value

# Creates a world where the AI can be trained
class Lightning:
    internal_beam_color = (0, 255, 255)
    external_beam_color = (0, 0, 255)
    starting_point_coo = (95, 150)
    frame = 0
    space_time_hit_sound = Af.load_sound(
        "game/space_time_hit.WAV")  # sound of the space-time entity hitting
    segments_coo = ()

    def __init__(self):
        self.segment_number = None  # how many segments the lightning has
        self.internal_beam_radius = None  # radius of the central part of the beam
        self.external_beam_radius = None  # radius of the external part of the beam
        self.last_segment_direction = None  # last segment goes up or down alternatively
        self.change_properties()  # gives new valid values to the attributes

    def change_properties(self):
        self.segment_number = Af.randint(5, 7)
        self.internal_beam_radius = 2 * self.segment_number
        self.external_beam_radius = Af.get_fibonacci(self.segment_number)
        self.frame = 0
        self.segments_coo = [self.starting_point_coo]
        self.last_segment_direction = Af.choice([-1, 1])

    def add_segment(self, car_x, car_y):
        if self.frame == self.segment_number:  # last segment is always the car's position
            self.segments_coo.append((car_x, car_y))
            return None
        medium_segment_length = (car_x - self.segments_coo[0][0]
                                 ) // self.segment_number  # (Xf-Xi)/ n
        segment_x = self.segments_coo[-1][0] + Af.randint(
            int(medium_segment_length * 0.75), medium_segment_length)
        segment_y = self.segments_coo[-1][1] + Af.randint(
            10, 70) * self.last_segment_direction
        self.last_segment_direction *= -1  # invert next segment direction
        self.segments_coo.append((segment_x, segment_y))

    def draw_segments(self, screen):
        starting_point = self.starting_point_coo
        for adjust, ending_point in enumerate(self.segments_coo):
            central_segment_width = int(self.internal_beam_radius *
                                        (1 - adjust / self.segment_number)) + 4
            pygame.draw.line(screen, self.internal_beam_color, starting_point,
                             ending_point, central_segment_width)
            pygame.draw.line(screen, (255, 255, 255), starting_point,
                             ending_point, 2)
            external_beam_width = (self.segment_number - adjust) // 2 + 1
            upper_coo_start = (starting_point[0],
                               starting_point[1] - central_segment_width // 2)
            upper_coo_ending = (ending_point[0],
                                ending_point[1] - central_segment_width // 2)
            pygame.draw.line(screen, self.external_beam_color, upper_coo_start,
                             upper_coo_ending, external_beam_width)

            lower_coo_start = (starting_point[0],
                               starting_point[1] + central_segment_width // 2)
            lower_coo_ending = (ending_point[0],
                                ending_point[1] + central_segment_width // 2)
            pygame.draw.line(screen, self.external_beam_color, lower_coo_start,
                             lower_coo_ending, external_beam_width)

            starting_point = ending_point  # make next segment start where last one ended

    def draw(self, screen, car_x, car_y):
        if self.frame == 0:
        if car_x > Af.CAR_STE_MIN_DAMAGE_DISTANCE:  # lightning should not hit car if car is too far
            car_x = Af.CAR_STE_MIN_DAMAGE_DISTANCE

        car_y += 25  # adjust y coordinate to match car center
        car_x += 25  # adjust y coordinate to match car center
        self.frame += 1

        self.add_segment(car_x, car_y)  # create a new segment of the lightning
        self.draw_segments(screen)  # draw all segments

        if self.frame == self.segment_number:  # lightning has been fully drawn
            return False
        return True
# This module contains two classes. This classes are responsible for managing the game's graphics,input and output (HUD)
# They are both similar and most of the things they do are the same. They only differ in duration and returned values.
# They utilize classes of the "entity_classes" module. This way we can think about both of them like an interaction
# management system for the game's entities (dictating rules, changing attributes based on certain events, etc.)
# ----------------------------------------------- IMPORTS --------------------------------------------------------------
import entity_classes as ce
import pygame
import Auxiliary_Functionalities as Af

# ----------------------------------------------- SOUNDS ---------------------------------------------------------------
go_sound = Af.load_sound("game/car_ignition.WAV")                # sound of after the final count down alert (GO)
count_down_sound = Af.load_sound("game/count_down.WAV")          # sound of the usual count down (3, 2, 1)
tic_toc_sound = Af.load_sound("game/tic_toc.WAV")                # sound of the final clock ticking
game_over_sound = Af.load_sound("game/game_over.WAV")            # sound of the match ending
start_sound = Af.load_sound("game/go.WAV")                       # sound of the GO image
wrong_letter_sound = Af.load_sound("game/letter_wrong.WAV")      # sound of the user typing a character wrong

# ----------------------------------------------- CLASSES --------------------------------------------------------------
# Parent Class for managing a Mission-Type World
class Mission:
    def __init__(self, screen):
        self.screen = screen
        self.background = Af.load_image("HUD/HUD_background.png")
        # Game objects
        self.sp_ti_entity = ce.Space_Time_Entity()
        self.car = ce.Car()
        self.road = ce.Road()
        self.obstacles_list = ce.Obstacles()
        self.parts_list = ce.Parts()
        self.parts_collected = 0
# This module contains all the classes that are used in the game classes in order to make the game work.
# Everything that needs to appear in the game is an instance of these classes.
# for those entities that need to appear multiple times, can be of different kinds or comes and goes from the screen,
# there is a class that represents a group of these instances, and can be differentiated from the normal classes by
# looking if his name is plural

# ---------------------------------------------------- IMPORTS ---------------------------------------------------------
import pygame
import Auxiliary_Functionalities as Af

# ---------------------------------------------------- SOUNDS ----------------------------------------------------------
fire_sound = Af.load_sound("game/level failed.WAV")
part_sound = Af.load_sound("game/part_collection.WAV")
hit_sound = Af.load_sound("game/impact.WAV")

# ----------------------------------------------- GLOBAL VARIABLES -----------------------------------------------------
obstacles_distance = 290
parts_distance = 5
space_between_obstacles = [o for o in range(300, 1290, obstacles_distance)]

# ----------------------------------------------------- CAR ------------------------------------------------------------
class Car:
    def __init__(self):
        self.y_values = [20, 121, 240]
        self.middle = (self.y_values[1] - 1, self.y_values[1],
                       self.y_values[1] - 1
                       )  # +-1 error when checking if centered
        self.image = self.get_car_image()
        self.fire_image = None
        self.fire_image_time = 0
# This module contains all the functions called by the main module.
# All the functions take the screen where the images are going to be displayed as a parameter
# For each of the functions there is a correspondent class that manages the functionality of the function
# Each function in this module returns values that correspond to the functionality that the game should open next
# A function's comment in this module has a description and the functions it can lead to when it finishes
# This module is divided in categories like: --- CATEGORY NAME --- ; in order to make it more understandable

# -------------------------------------------- IMPORTS -----------------------------------------------------------------
import menu_classes as mc
import game_classes as gc
import Auxiliary_Functionalities as Af

# -------------------------------------------- SOUNDS ------------------------------------------------------------------
change_menu_sound = Af.load_sound(
    "menu/change_menu.WAV")  # sound for when a user enters a new menu
delete_account_sound = Af.load_sound(
    "menu/delete_account.WAV")  # sound for deleting account
enter_password_sound = Af.load_sound(
)  # sound for when a password verification is required
exit_sound = Af.load_sound(
    "menu/exit.WAV")  # sound for when the user wants to exit or logout
start_sound = Af.load_sound(
    "menu/ignition.WAV")  # sound for when the game is executed

# ------------------------------------------ GAME START ----------------------------------------------------------------
# this is the first interface the user sees when he opens the game
def start_page(screen: Af.Surface):
    start = mc.Start(screen)