def load(self): self.texto = BMP(0, 0) try: self.texto.load(self.nombre) except: self.texto = None
def CollectBmpPeerUp(sock, verbose=False): """Collect a BMP Peer Up message. Args: sock: socket from which to read. verbose: be chatty, or not. Returns: nothing Raises: ValueError: an unexpected value was found in the message """ indent_str = indent.IndentLevel(indent.BMP_CONTENT_INDENT) print_msg = [] # collect a per peer header # per_peer_header = CollectBytes(sock, BMP.PER_PEER_HEADER_LEN_V3) peer_flags, msg_text = BMP.ParseBmpPerPeerHeaderV3(per_peer_header, verbose=verbose) print_msg += "".join(msg_text) # collect local address, local and remote ports # peer_up_msg = CollectBytes(sock, BMP.PEER_UP_LEN) if verbose: msg_text = BMP.ParseBmpPeerUp(peer_up_msg, peer_flags, verbose=verbose) print_msg += "".join(msg_text) # sent BGP OPEN message # sent_header = CollectBytes(sock, BGP.HEADER_LEN) length, msg_type, hdr_text = BGP.ParseBgpHeader(sent_header, verbose=verbose) assert msg_type == BGP.OPEN print_msg += "".join(hdr_text) sent_open = CollectBytes(sock, length) sent_text = BGP.ParseBgpOpen(sent_open, length) print_msg += "".join(sent_text) # received BGP OPEN message # recv_header = CollectBytes(sock, BGP.HEADER_LEN) length, msg_type, hdr_text = BGP.ParseBgpHeader(recv_header, verbose=verbose) assert msg_type == BGP.OPEN print_msg += "".join(hdr_text) recv_open = CollectBytes(sock, length) recv_text = BGP.ParseBgpOpen(recv_open, length) print_msg += "".join(recv_text) # Return list of strings representing collected message. # return print_msg
def fnttobmp(fnt,pal,file=None): b = BMP.BMP() b.load_data(fnt.letters[0],pal) for l in fnt.letters[1:]: for y,yd in enumerate(l): b.image[y].extend(yd) b.width = len(b.image[0]) if file == None: return b b.save_file(file)
def CollectBmpPeerDown(sock, verbose=False): """Collect a BMP Peer Down message. Args: sock: socket from which to read. verbose: be chatty, or not. Returns: nothing Raises: ValueError: an unexpected value was found in the message """ indent_str = indent.IndentLevel(indent.BMP_CONTENT_INDENT) print_msg = [] reason_code = CollectBytes(sock, 1)[0] if reason_code in BMP.PEER_DOWN_REASON_STR: print_msg.append("%s%s\n" % (indent_str, BMP.PEER_DOWN_REASON_STR[reason_code])) # If the BMP message contains a BGP NOTIFICATION message, collect # and parse it. # if BMP.PeerDownHasBgpNotification(reason_code): # Collect and parse the BGP message header # header = CollectBytes(sock, BGP.HEADER_LEN) length, msg_type, msg_text = BGP.ParseBgpHeader(header, verbose=verbose) assert msg_type == BGP.NOTIFICATION print_msg.append("".join(msg_text)) # collect and parse the BGP message body # notification = CollectBytes(sock, length) msg_text = BGP.ParseBgpNotification(notification, length, verbose=verbose) print_msg.append("".join(msg_text)) elif DEBUG_FLAG: raise ValueError("Unknown BMP Peer Down reason %d" % reason_code) else: print_msg.append("Unknown BMP Peer Down reason %d\n" % reason_code) # Return list of strings representing collected message. # return print_msg
def export_graphics(self, tiletype, path, ids): bmp = BMP.BMP() bmp.palette = list(self.wpe.palette) tiles_wide = 0 tile_width = 0 tiles_high = 0 tile_height = 0 def calc_dims(tiles): for f in xrange(int(math.sqrt(tiles)), 0, -1): if not tiles % f: return (tiles / f, f) return (tiles, 1) if tiletype == TILETYPE_GROUP: tiles_wide, tiles_high = 16, len(ids) tile_width, tile_height = 32, 32 tiletype = TILETYPE_MEGA groups = ids ids = [] for id in groups: ids.extend(self.cv5.groups[id][13]) elif tiletype == TILETYPE_MEGA: tiles_wide, tiles_high = calc_dims(len(ids)) tile_width, tile_height = 32, 32 elif tiletype == TILETYPE_MINI: tiles_wide, tiles_high = calc_dims(len(ids)) bmp.width = tile_width * tiles_wide bmp.height = tile_height * tiles_high bmp.image = [[] for _ in range(bmp.height)] if tiletype == TILETYPE_MEGA: for mega_n, mega_id in enumerate(ids): mega_y = (mega_n / tiles_wide) * tile_height for mini_n in xrange(16): mini_y = (mini_n / 4) * 8 mini_id, flipped =[mega_id][mini_n] image = self.vr4.images[mini_id] for row_y, row in enumerate(image): if flipped: row = reversed(row) bmp.image[mega_y + mini_y + row_y].extend(row) elif tiletype == TILETYPE_MINI: for mini_y, mini_id in enumerate(ids): image = self.vr4.images[mini_id] for row_y, row in enumerate(image): bmp.image[mini_y + row_y].extend(row) bmp.save_file(path)
def decompile_file(self, filepath, palette): width = 0 height = 0 for layer in self.layers: for star in layer.stars: width = max(width, star.x + star.image.width) height = max(height, star.y + star.image.height) full_height = height * len(self.layers) image = list([0] * width for _ in range(full_height)) for l, layer in enumerate(self.layers): ly = height * l for star in layer.stars: for y in range(star.image.height): for x in range(star.image.width): if not image[star.y + y + ly][star.x + x] and star.image.pixels[y][x]: image[star.y + y + ly][star.x + x] = star.image.pixels[y][x] bmp = BMP.BMP() bmp.load_data(image, palette.palette) bmp.save_file(filepath)
def import_graphics(self, tiletype, bmpfiles, ids=None, options={}): if ids: ids = list(ids) else: ids = [] new_ids = [] pixels = [] for path in bmpfiles: bmp = BMP.BMP() bmp.load_file(path) if tiletype == TILETYPE_GROUP and (bmp.width != 512 or bmp.height % 32): raise PyMSError( 'Interpreting', 'The image is not the correct size for tile groups (got %sx%s, expected width to be 512 and height to be a multiple of 32)' % (bmp.width, bmp.height)) elif tiletype == TILETYPE_MEGA and (bmp.width % 32 or bmp.height % 32): raise PyMSError( 'Interpreting', 'The image is not the correct size for megatiles (got %sx%s, expected width and height to be multiples of 32)' % (bmp.width, bmp.height)) elif tiletype == TILETYPE_MINI and (bmp.width % 8 or bmp.height % 8): raise PyMSError( 'Interpreting', 'The image is not the correct size for minitiles (got %sx%s, expected width and height to be multiples of 8)' % (bmp.width, bmp.height)) pixels.extend(bmp.image) new_images = [] mini_lookup = {} update_images = [] # (id,image) new_megatiles = [] mega_lookup = {} update_megatiles = [] # (id,tile) new_groups = [] update_groups = [] # (id,group) minis_w = len(pixels[0]) / 8 minis_h = len(pixels) / 8 for iy in xrange(minis_h): py = iy * 8 for ix in xrange(minis_w): px = ix * 8 image = tuple( tuple(pixels[py + oy][px:px + 8]) for oy in xrange(8)) new_images.append(image) image_details = [] # (id,isFlipped) new_id = len(self.vr4.images) i = 0 minitiles_reuse_null_with_id = options.get( 'minitiles_reuse_null_with_id', 0) minitiles_reuse_duplicates_old = options.get( 'minitiles_reuse_duplicates_old', True) minitiles_reuse_duplicates_new = options.get( 'minitiles_reuse_duplicates_new', True) minitiles_reuse_duplicates_flipped = options.get( 'minitiles_reuse_duplicates_flipped', True) if tiletype == TILETYPE_MINI and options.get( 'minitiles_ignore_extra', False) and len(new_images) > len(ids): new_images = new_images[:len(ids)] while i < len(new_images): image = new_images[i] image_hash = hash(image) found = False if tiletype != TILETYPE_MINI or not len(ids): flipped_hash = hash(tuple(tuple(reversed(r)) for r in image)) existing_ids = self.vr4.lookup.get( image_hash, []) + self.vr4.lookup.get(flipped_hash, []) if len(existing_ids) and (minitiles_reuse_duplicates_old or minitiles_reuse_null_with_id in existing_ids): normal_found = image_hash in self.vr4.lookup found = True del new_images[i] image_details.append( (existing_ids[0], int(not normal_found))) if not found: existing_ids = mini_lookup.get( image_hash, []) + mini_lookup.get(flipped_hash, []) if len(existing_ids) and (minitiles_reuse_duplicates_new or minitiles_reuse_null_with_id in existing_ids): normal_found = image_hash in mini_lookup found = True del new_images[i] image_details.append( (existing_ids[0], int(not normal_found))) if not found: id = new_id if tiletype == TILETYPE_MINI and len(ids): id = ids[0] del ids[0] update_images.append((id, new_images[i])) del new_images[i] else: if tiletype == TILETYPE_MINI: new_ids.append(new_id) new_id += 1 i += 1 image_details.append((id, 0)) if image_hash in mini_lookup: mini_lookup[image_hash].append(id) else: mini_lookup[image_hash] = [id] minitiles_expand_allowed = options.get('minitiles_expand_allowed', False) if len(new_images) > self.minitiles_remaining(): if self.vx4.expanded or not minitiles_expand_allowed or ( callable(minitiles_expand_allowed) and not minitiles_expand_allowed()): raise PyMSError( 'Importing', 'Import aborted because it exceeded the maximum minitile image count (%d + %d > %d)' % (len(self.vr4.images), len(new_images), VR4.MAX_ID + 1)) self.vx4.expanded = True if tiletype == TILETYPE_GROUP or tiletype == TILETYPE_MEGA: megas_w = minis_w / 4 megas_h = minis_h / 4 for y in xrange(megas_h): for x in xrange(megas_w): minitiles = [] for oy in xrange(4): o = (y * 4 + oy) * minis_w + x * 4 minitiles.extend(image_details[o:o + 4]) new_megatiles.append(tuple(minitiles)) megatile_ids = [] new_id = len( i = 0 megatiles_reuse_null_with_id = options.get( 'megatiles_reuse_null_with_id', 0) megatiles_reuse_duplicates_old = options.get( 'megatiles_reuse_duplicates_old', True) megatiles_reuse_duplicates_new = options.get( 'megatiles_reuse_duplicates_new', True) if tiletype == TILETYPE_MEGA and options.get( 'megatiles_ignore_extra', False) and len(new_megatiles) > len(ids): new_megatiles = new_megatiles[:len(ids)] while i < len(new_megatiles): tile_hash = hash(new_megatiles[i]) found = False if tiletype != TILETYPE_MEGA or not len(ids): existing_ids = self.vx4.lookup.get(tile_hash, None) if existing_ids and (megatiles_reuse_duplicates_old or megatiles_reuse_null_with_id in existing_ids): del new_megatiles[i] megatile_ids.append(existing_ids[0]) found = True if not found: existing_ids = mega_lookup.get(tile_hash, None) if existing_ids and (megatiles_reuse_duplicates_old or megatiles_reuse_null_with_id in existing_ids): del new_megatiles[i] megatile_ids.append(existing_ids[0]) found = True if not found: id = new_id if tiletype == TILETYPE_MEGA and len(ids): id = ids[0] del ids[0] update_megatiles.append((id, new_megatiles[i])) del new_megatiles[i] else: if tiletype == TILETYPE_MEGA: new_ids.append(new_id) new_id += 1 i += 1 megatile_ids.append(id) if tile_hash in mega_lookup: mega_lookup[tile_hash].append(id) else: mega_lookup[tile_hash] = [id] if len(new_megatiles) > self.megatiles_remaining(): raise PyMSError( 'Importing', 'Import aborted because it exceeded the maximum megatile count (%d + %d > %d)' % (len(self.vf4.flags), len(new_megatiles), VF4.MAX_ID + 1)) if tiletype == TILETYPE_GROUP: groups = megas_h if tiletype == TILETYPE_GROUP and options.get( 'groups_ignore_extra', False) and groups > len(ids): groups = len(ids) for n in xrange(groups): group = megatile_ids[n * 16:(n + 1) * 16] if len(ids): id = ids[0] del ids[0] update_groups.append((id, group)) else: if tiletype == TILETYPE_GROUP: new_ids.append( len(self.cv5.groups) + len(new_groups)) new_groups.append(group) if len(new_groups) > self.groups_remaining(): raise PyMSError( 'Importing', 'Import aborted because it exceeded the maximum megatile group count (%d + %d > %d)' % (len( self.cv5.groups), len(new_groups), CV5.MAX_ID + 1)) # Update minitiles self.vr4.images.extend(new_images) for id, image in update_images: self.vr4.set_image(id, image) for image_hash in mini_lookup: if image_hash in self.vr4.lookup: self.vr4.lookup[image_hash].extend(mini_lookup[image_hash]) else: self.vr4.lookup[image_hash] = mini_lookup[image_hash] # Update megatiles self.vf4.flags.extend([0] * 16 for _ in xrange(len(new_megatiles))) for id, tile in update_megatiles: self.vx4.set_tile(id, tile) for tile_hash in mega_lookup: if tile_hash in self.vx4.lookup: self.vx4.lookup[tile_hash].extend(mega_lookup[tile_hash]) else: self.vx4.lookup[tile_hash] = mega_lookup[tile_hash] # Update megatile groups for group in new_groups: self.cv5.groups.append([0] * 13 + [group]) for id, group in update_groups: self.cv5.groups[id][13] = group return new_ids
class Texture(object): #obtenemos el nombre def __init__(self, filename): self.nombre = filename self.texto = None #cargamos el archivo self.load() # def read(self): # image = open(self.path, "rb") # # # we ignore all the header stuff # # + 4 + 4) # skip BM, skip bmp size, skip zeros # # header_size = struct.unpack("=l",[0] # read header size # + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4) # # # # self.width = struct.unpack("=l",[0] # read width # self.height = struct.unpack("=l",[0] # read width # self.pixels = [] # # # for y in range(self.height): # # self.pixels.append([]) # for x in range(self.width): # # b = ord( # g = ord( # r = ord( # self.pixels[y].append(color(r,g,b)) # image.close() def load(self): self.texto = BMP(0, 0) try: self.texto.load(self.nombre) except: self.texto = None #colorblanco def write(self): self.texto.write(self.nombre[:len(self.nombre) - 4] + "text.bmp") #texturas def isTextured(self): return True if self.texto else False #color # # def get_color(self, tx, ty, intensity=1): # # x = int(tx * self.width) # y = int(ty * self.height) # # try: # return bytes(map(lambda b: round(b*intensity) if b*intensity > 0 else 0, self.pixels[y][x])) # except: # pass def getColor(self, tx, ty, intensity=1): x = self.texto.width - 1 if ty == 1 else int(ty * self.texto.width) y = self.texto.height - 1 if tx == 1 else int(tx * self.texto.height) #retornamos return bytes( map(lambda b: round(b * intensity) if b * intensity > 0 else 0, self.texto.framebuffer[y][x]))
def makeTeddy(): print("Painting Teddy...") image.clear_zbuffer() image.loadTextureImage("Teddy/Col", 0, 0) x = int(0.220 * WIDTH) y = int(0.440 * HEIGHT) image.objMaker("Teddy/Teddy", 10, x, y, True, False) def makeIvysaur(): print("Painting Ivysaur...") image.clear_zbuffer() image.loadTextureImage("Ivysaur/Col", 0, 0) x = int(0.200 * WIDTH) y = int(0.460 * HEIGHT) image.objMaker("Ivysaur/Ivy", 13, x, y, True, False) # image image = BMP.bmpImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT) image.setBackground() makeSword() makeIvysaur() makeTV() makeCat() makeTeddy() makeTable() makeSofa() image.setLight(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT) image.writeImage("out")
def main(argv): global RECORD_SESSION # pylint: disable-msg=W0603 global DEBUG_FLAG # pylint: disable-msg=W0603 # Process command-line arguments. # try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "dv24p:f:c:s:", [ "debug", "verbose", "norfc4893", "rfc4893", "port=", "file=", "count=", "skip=" ]) except getopt.GetoptError: Usage() sys.exit(2) if args: Usage() sys.exit(2) port = PORT count_updates = 0 skip_updates = 0 rfc4893_updates = True verbose_flag = False record_file = "" for o, a in opts: if o in ("-p", "--port"): port = int(a) elif o in ("-f", "--file"): record_file = a elif o in ("-2", "--norfc4893"): rfc4893_updates = False elif o in ("-4", "--rfc4893"): rfc4893_updates = True elif o in ("-d", "--debug"): DEBUG_FLAG += 1 elif o in ("-v", "--verbose"): verbose_flag = True elif o in ("-c", "--count"): count_updates = int(a) elif o in ("-s", "--skip"): skip_updates = int(a) else: raise ValueError("unhandled option") # If recording, open the file for write. # if port and record_file: try: RECORD_SESSION = open(record_file, "wb") except Exception: raise Exception("error opening %s for write" % record_file) else: RECORD_SESSION = None # If port is non-zero open a listening socket, wait for a connection. # if port != 0: listener = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) listener.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) listener.bind((HOST, port)) listener.listen(1) # We have either a connection from a BMP sender, or a file from which # to read; we want to loop over connections, if we're reading from a # file an exit will take place on EOF. # while True: # If port is non-zero, we got a connection; accept it. # if port != 0: conn, addr = listener.accept() print "Connection from %s port %d" % (addr[0], addr[1]) else: conn = open(record_file, "rb", 0) print "Reading from file %s" % record_file # Loop over either the data stream from the socket, or the contents # of a file. # while True: msg_text = [] # Read a BMP header. First get the version number, and use it to # figure out the rest of what to do # temp = CollectBytes(conn, 1) bmp_version = temp[0] msg_length = 0 # Process the rest of the header information based on the BMP version # if bmp_version == 1: header = CollectBytes(conn, BMP.HEADER_LEN_V1 - 1) msg_type, tmp_text = BMP.ParseBmpHeaderV1(header, verbose=verbose_flag) elif bmp_version == 3: header = CollectBytes(conn, BMP.HEADER_LEN_V3 - 1) msg_type, msg_length, tmp_text = BMP.ParseBmpHeaderV3( header, verbose=verbose_flag) else: print "Version %d out of range" % bmp_version sys.exit(3) msg_text += "".join(tmp_text) # Process the specific type of BMP message # # Route Monitoring message # draft-ietf-grow-bmp-01.txt section 2.1 # The body of the message is a BGP UPDATE. # if msg_type == BMP.MSG_TYPE_ROUTE_MONITORING: # if version 3, collect a per peer header # if bmp_version == 3: per_peer_header = CollectBytes(conn, BMP.PER_PEER_HEADER_LEN_V3) peer_flags, peer_text = BMP.ParseBmpPerPeerHeaderV3( per_peer_header, verbose_flag) msg_text += "".join(peer_text) # Collect and parse the BGP message header. # header = CollectBytes(conn, BGP.HEADER_LEN) length, msg_type, hdr_text = BGP.ParseBgpHeader( header, verbose=verbose_flag) assert msg_type == BGP.UPDATE msg_text += "".join(hdr_text) # Collect and parse the BGP message body. # update = CollectBytes(conn, length) try: msg_text += "".join( BGP.ParseBgpUpdate(update, length, rfc4893_updates=rfc4893_updates, verbose=verbose_flag)) except Exception, esc: # pylint: disable-msg=W0703 print "Exception during ParseBgpUpdate: %s\n" % str(esc) # Statistics Report # draft-ietf-grow-bmp-01.txt section 2.2 # elif msg_type == BMP.MSG_TYPE_STATISTICS_REPORT: # if version 3, collect a per peer header # if bmp_version == 3: per_peer_header = CollectBytes(conn, BMP.PER_PEER_HEADER_LEN_V3) peer_flags, peer_text = BMP.ParseBmpPerPeerHeaderV3( per_peer_header, verbose_flag) msg_text += "".join(peer_text) # collect the SR message # msg_text += "".join(CollectBmpStatsMsg(conn)) # Peer Down message # draft-ietf-grow-bmp-01.txt section 2.3 # elif msg_type == BMP.MSG_TYPE_PEER_DOWN_NOTIFICATION: msg_text += "".join( CollectBmpPeerDown(conn, verbose=verbose_flag))
def interpret_file(self, filepath, layer_count): bmp = BMP.BMP() try: bmp.load_file(filepath) except: raise PyMSError('Interpreting', "Could not load file '%s'" % filepath) width = bmp.width height = int(bmp.height / float(layer_count)) if bmp.height % height: raise PyMSError( 'Interpreting', "Image is not the correct height to fit %d layers" % layer_count) layers = list(SPKLayer() for _ in range(layer_count)) runs_by_row = [] for row in bmp.image: runs = [] runs_by_row.append(runs) run = None for x, i in enumerate(row): if i and not run: run = [x, x] runs.append(run) elif not i and run: run[1] = x - 1 run = None if run: run[1] = len(row) images = {} for y, row in enumerate(runs_by_row): for x1, x2 in row: sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2 = x1, y, x2, y runs = [[x1, x2]] found = True ny = y + 1 lx1, lx2 = x1, x2 while ny < len(runs_by_row) and found: found = False i = 0 while i < len(runs_by_row[ny]): nx1, nx2 = runs_by_row[ny][i] if lx1 <= nx1 <= lx2 or lx1 <= nx2 <= lx2 or ( nx1 <= lx1 and lx2 <= nx2): runs.append([nx1, nx2]) found = True sx1 = min(sx1, nx1) sx2 = max(sx2, nx2) lx1 = nx1 lx2 = nx2 sy2 = ny del runs_by_row[ny][i] break elif nx1 > sx2: break i += 1 ny += 1 w = (sx2 - sx1) + 1 h = (sy2 - sy1) + 1 pixels = list([0] * w for _ in range(h)) for iy, (ix1, ix2) in enumerate(runs): pixels[iy][ix1 - sx1:ix2 - sx1 + 1] = bmp.image[sy1 + iy][ix1:ix2 + 1] check = tuple(tuple(r) for r in pixels) if check in images: image = images[check] else: image = SPKImage() image.width = w image.height = h image.pixels = pixels images[check] = image l = sy1 / height star = SPKStar() star.x = sx1 star.y = sy1 - height * l star.image = image layers[l].stars.append(star) self.layers = layers self.images = images.values()