def __init__(self): FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage( 'MyDockWidget init begin\n') self.taskmode = Base.getParam("UiMode") self.paramcolor = Base.getParam("color")>>8 self.color = QtGui.QColor(self.paramcolor) self.facecolor = QtGui.QColor(204, 204, 204) self.linewidth = Base.getParam("linewidth") self.fontsize = Base.getParam("textheight") self.paramconstr = Base.getParam("constructioncolor")>>8 self.constrMode = False self.continueMode = False self.state = None self.textbuffer = [] self.crossedViews = [] self.tray = None self.sourceCmd = None self.dockWidget = QtGui.QDockWidget() = getMainWindow(), self.dockWidget) self.centralWidget = QtGui.QWidget() #self.label = QtGui.QLabel(self.dockWidget) #self.label.setText("abc") self.dockWidget.setWidget(self.centralWidget) self.dockWidget.setVisible(False) self.dockWidget.toggleViewAction().setVisible(False) self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.centralWidget) self.layout.setObjectName("layout") self.setupToolBar() self.setupTray() self.setupStyle() FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage( 'MyDockWidget init done\n')
def getDefaultColor(self, type, rgb=False): "gets color from the preferences or toolbar" if type == "snap": color = Base.getParam("snapcolor") r = ((color >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255 g = ((color >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255 b = ((color >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255 elif type == "ui": r = float( / 255.0) g = float( / 255.0) b = float( / 255.0) elif type == "face": r = float( / 255.0) g = float( / 255.0) b = float( / 255.0) elif type == "constr": color = QtGui.QColor(Base.getParam("constructioncolor") >> 8) r = / 255.0 g = / 255.0 b = / 255.0 else: print "draft: error: couldn't get a color for ", type, " type." if rgb: return("rgb(" + str(int(r * 255)) + "," + str(int(g * 255)) + "," + str(int(b * 255)) + ")") else: return (r, g, b)
def Activated(self, name="None"): FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage( 'Creator activing\n') if FreeCAD.activeDDACommand: FreeCAD.activeDDACommand.finish() self.doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument self.view = FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView import Base Base.changeStage('DC') # activate DC Panel global __currentDDAPanel__ if __currentDDAPanel__ != None : __currentDDAPanel__.hide() __currentDDAPanel__ = self.ui self.featureName = name if not self.doc: FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage( Base.translate('DDA_DC','FreeCAD.ActiveDocument get failed\n')) self.finish() else: FreeCAD.activeDDACommand = self # FreeCAD.activeDDACommand 在不同的时间会接收不同的命令
def Activated(self, name="None"): FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage( 'Creator activing\n') if FreeCAD.activeDDACommand: FreeCAD.activeDDACommand.finish() self.doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument self.view = FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView if not self.doc: FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage( 'FreeCAD.ActiveDocument get failed\n') self.finish() else: FreeCAD.activeDDACommand = self # FreeCAD.activeDDACommand 在不同的时间会接收不同的命令 if not self.ui.isVisible(): # import DDAToolbars # DDAToolbars.lineToolbar.on() import Base Base.changeStage('PreDL') Base.changeStep4Stage('FirstStep') self.refreshButtons() # activate DL Panel global __currentDDAPanel__ print __currentDDAPanel__ if __currentDDAPanel__ != None : __currentDDAPanel__.hide() __currentDDAPanel__ = self.ui print 'panel shown ' , __currentDDAPanel__
def core(self, repeats=1, w=None, data=None): self.timestamps['core'] = prectime() sleep_msec = 1.0 self.timestamps['before'] = [] self.timestamps['after'] = [] preplay_done = False subs = [slice(None),slice(None)] nsamp = Base.samples(data) start = 0 while repeats != 0: start %= nsamp while start < nsamp: while True: if not self.keepgoing or self.timedout(): self.keepgoing=False; break towrite = nleft = (float(nsamp) - float(start)) / float(self.speed) if towrite >= nleft: break if towrite >= self.buffersize: break sleep(sleep_msec/1000.0) if not self.keepgoing: break speed = float(self.speed) if speed == 1.0: start = int(round(start)) stop = start + towrite if repeats == 1: stop = min(nsamp, stop) subs[across_samples] = slice(start,stop) dd = data[subs] else: start = float(start) stop = start + float(speed) * float(towrite) if repeats == 1: stop = min(float(nsamp), stop) xi = numpy.linspace(start=start, stop=stop, endpoint=False, num=towrite) xi %= float(nsamp) dd = Base.interpsamples(data, xi) vols = float(self.vol) * Base.panhelper(self.pan, nchan=dd, norm=self.norm) dd = dd * vols # *= won't work for broadcasting here raw = w.dat2str(data=dd) if not preplay_done and self.preplay != None and self.preplay['func'] != None: self.preplay['func'](*self.preplay['pargs'], **self.preplay['kwargs']) preplay_done = True if len(self.timestamps['before']) < 100: self.timestamps['before'].append(prectime()) if len(self.timestamps['after']) < 100: self.timestamps['after'].append(prectime()) start = stop if not self.keepgoing: break repeats -= 1 if self.postplay != None and self.postplay['func'] != None: self.postplay['func'](*self.postplay['pargs'], **self.postplay['kwargs']) self.__playing = False towrite = bytes_per_frame = self.interface.get_sample_size(self.format) * if towrite > 0:'\0' * towrite * bytes_per_frame) while < sleep(0.001) sleep(float( / float( +
def play(self, repeats=1, bg=True, w=None, data=None, timeout=None, vol=None, pan=None): """ plays a wav object w, which defaults to the currently loaded instance p.wav Set repeats=-1 to loop forever. Set bg=False to play synchronously. sets p.wav = w2 and then plays it (which may involve closing and re-opening the stream if the bit depth, sampling rate or number of channels differs between w2 and the old p.wav). uses the raw data in numpy.array d instead of the default w.y, playing it at the sampling frequency and bit depth dictated by w. """### if self.playing: return self.timestamps['play'] = prectime() w = self.wav if w == None: return if data == None: data = w.y if Base.channels(data) != Base.channels(w): raise ValueError, 'data array and wav object have mismatched numbers of channels' self.timeout=timeout self.kwargs = {'w':w, 'data':data, 'repeats':repeats} if vol != None: self.vol = vol if pan != None: self.pan = pan self.__playing = True self.go(bg=bg)
def checkFile(file): import os if not os.path.exists(file): import Base Base.showErrorMessageBox('FileError', 'file \"%s\" not found'%file) return False return True
def addToTab(self): ''' add selected joints into the tabwidget. ''' if not self.ui.listWidget.currentRow() >=0 \ and self.ui.listWidget.currentRow()< self.ui.listWidget.size(): import Base Base.showErrorMessageBox('Wrong Index', \ 'Please select a joint first.') return self.ui.pushButton.pressed.disconnect(self.addToTab) text = str(self.ui.listWidget.currentItem().text()).strip() dialog = chooseJointType() dialog.exec_() if dialog.accepted: tabName = dialog.slection for i in range(7): if self.enumList[i] == tabName: self.ui.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(i) flag = self.checkElements(text, i) if flag == 1: break tempItem = PySide.QtGui.QListWidgetItem(text) self.ui.tabWidget.currentWidget().children()[0].addItem(tempItem) item = self.ui.listWidget.takeItem(self.ui.listWidget.currentRow()) item = None self.ui.pushButton.pressed.connect(self.addToTab)
def __parseParaSchema(self): ''' parse parameters from DF parameters file :param infile: ''' for i in range(7): line = self.__file.getNextLine() t =self.parseFloatNum(line) if t==None: return False if i==0: self.paras.ifDynamic = float(t) elif i==1: self.paras.stepsNum = int(t) elif i==2: self.paras.blockMatsNum = int(t) elif i==3: self.paras.jointMatsNum = int(t) elif i==4: self.paras.ratio = t elif i==5: self.paras.OneSteptimeLimit = t else: self.paras.springStiffness = int(t) from DDADatabase import df_inputDatabase as dfDB if self.paras.blockMatsNum != len(dfDB.blockMatCollections) \ or self.paras.jointMatsNum != len(dfDB.jointMatCollections): import Base Base.showErrorMessageBox("ParametersError", "Numbers of block materials or joint materials are not equal to that of data.df") return False print 'DF Para : IfDynamic: %d steps: %d blockMats: %d JointMats: %d Ratio: %f timeInterval: %d stiffness: %d'\ %(self.paras.ifDynamic, self.paras.stepsNum , self.paras.blockMatsNum , self.paras.jointMatsNum \ , self.paras.ratio, self.paras.OneSteptimeLimit, self.paras.springStiffness) print 'Df parameters schema done' return True
def Activated(self): from Base import __currentProjectPath__ Base.changeStage('PreDL') FreeCADGui.runCommand('DDA_LoadDLInputData') graph = DLInputGraph() graph.showGraph4File() FreeCADGui.runCommand('DDA_ViewFitAll')
def write2DLFile(self): print 'storing DL data' import Base filename = None try: filename = Base.__currentProjectPath__ + '/data.dl' file = open( filename , 'wb' , True) # 使用缓存,flush时再写入硬盘 print 'begin writing data to file %s'%filename except: FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(' %s open failed\n'%filename) return Base.setGraphRevised() # graph of active document has self.writePandect( file ) self.writeJointSetsAndSlope(file) file.flush() self.writeBoundaryNodes(file) file.flush() self.writeTunnels(file) self.writeLines( file ) file.flush() self.writePoints( file ) file.close() import Base wholePath = Base.__workbenchPath__ + '\\Ff.c' file = open( wholePath , 'wb' ) #保存文件名 file.write(filename) file.close() print 'file save done'
def action(self, arg): "scene event handler" if arg["Type"] == "SoKeyboardEvent": if arg["CtrlDown"] and arg["Key"] == 'z': if arg['State'] == 'DOWN' and not self.zDown: print 'ctrl z' import Base database = Base.getDatabaser4CurrentStage() self.RedrawObject(database.undo()) if arg["CtrlDown"] and arg["Key"] == 'y': if arg['State'] == 'DOWN' and not self.yDown: print 'ctrl y' import Base database = Base.getDatabaser4CurrentStage() self.RedrawObject(database.redo()) if arg["Key"] == 'DELETE': if arg['State'] == 'UP': print 'Delete pressed' # self.handleDelete() if arg["Key"] == 'z': if arg['State'] == 'DOWN': self.zDown = True elif arg['State'] == 'UP': self.zDown = False if arg["Key"] == 'y': if arg['State'] == 'DOWN': self.yDown = True elif arg['State'] == 'UP': self.yDown = False
def getPoints(self): view=FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView objs = view.getObjectsInfo(view.getCursorPos()) obj = None for o in objs: if o['Object']=='ShapeModifier' or o['Object']=='ShapeMover': obj = o break self.__selectedAssistantNodeName = obj['Object'] assert obj name , idx = Base.getRealTypeAndIndex(obj['Object']) print 'jointline modifier triggered by %s -> %d'%(name,idx) pName , pIdx = Base.getRealTypeAndIndex(obj['Component']) print 'jointline modifier triggered by subelement %s -> %d'%(pName,pIdx) object = FreeCAD.getDocument(self.docName).getObject(self.objName) subName , subIdx = Base.getRealTypeAndIndex(self.subElement) print 'jointline modifier selected sub line %s -> %d'%(subName,subIdx) from DDADatabase import dc_inputDatabase from loadDataTools import DDALine tmpLine = dc_inputDatabase.jointLines[subIdx-1] p1 = None p2 = None if pIdx==2: p1 = FreeCAD.Vector(tmpLine.startPoint) p2 = FreeCAD.Vector(tmpLine.endPoint) else: # pIdx==1 maybe ShapeMover or ShapeModifier, # but ShapeMover doesn't care about order of p1 and p2 p1 = FreeCAD.Vector(tmpLine.endPoint) p2 = FreeCAD.Vector(tmpLine.startPoint) return p1 , p2
def finish(self): if import Base view=FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView obj = view.getObjectInfo(view.getCursorPos()) objName , objIdx = Base.getRealTypeAndIndex(obj['Object']) assert objName == 'Block' subName , subIdx = Base.getRealTypeAndIndex(obj['Component']) from DDADatabase import df_inputDatabase df_inputDatabase.blocks[subIdx-1].materialNo=11 df_inputDatabase.blocks[subIdx-1].holePointsCount+=1 # Base.__blocksMaterials__[subIdx-1] = 11 # white color, same to the background FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject('Block').ViewObject.RedrawTrigger=1 # trigger colors changes print 'Block with hole point hided' ############################### # temporary code , for speech fps = df_inputDatabase.fixedPoints if len(fps)>0: if subIdx-1 < fps[0].blockNo: for p in fps: p.blockNo -=1 # tepmorary code ends ############################### super(HolePoint,self).finish()
def checkDataValid(self,text): if not self.xValue.hasFocus() and not self.yValue.hasFocus(): return tmpError = False try: tmp = float(self.xValue.text()) except ValueError: self.xValue.setStyleSheet(__errorStyleSheet__) tmpError = True else: self.xValue.setStyleSheet(__normalStyleSheet__) try: tmp = float(self.yValue.text()) except ValueError: self.yValue.setStyleSheet(__errorStyleSheet__) tmpError = True else: self.yValue.setStyleSheet(__normalStyleSheet__) if not tmpError: import Base Base.showErrorMessageBox('ValueError', 'please input float number') return else: self.validatePoint()
def __init__(self, seconds=None, nchan=None, fs=None, bits=None, w=None, callback=None, packetRateHz=100): Background.ongoing.__init__(self) if isinstance(w,player): w = p.wav if w == None: if not nchan: nchan = 2 if not fs: fs = 44100 if not bits: bits = 16 w = Base.wav(fs=fs,bits=bits,nchan=nchan) if seconds: w.y = Base.silence(round(seconds*w.fs), nchan) else: if not seconds: seconds = w.duration() if not nchan: nchan = w.channels() if not fs: fs = int(w.fs) if not bits: bits = w.bits w.fs = fs w.bits = bits # nbytes should be updated automatically self.wav = w self.seconds = seconds self.nchan = nchan self.packetRateHz = packetRateHz if callback != None: self.handle_data = callback self.samples_recorded = 0 self.packets_recorded = 0
def Activated(self): self.parse() import Base Base.changeStep4Stage('SpecialStep') import Base database = Base.getDatabaser4CurrentStage() database.clearRedoUndoList()
def Deactivated(self): # if DDAGui.__currentPanel__ != None : # DDAGui.__currentPanel__.hide() # FreeCADGui.DDADockWidget.Deactivated() import Base Base.enableSeletionObserver(False) import DDADatabase DDADatabase.enableOperationObverser(False)
def handleDelete(self): import Base sels=FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx() sel = sels[0] objName = sel.ObjectName assert len(sel.SubElementNames)==1 type , idx = Base.getRealTypeAndIndex(sel.SubElementNames[0]) database = Base.getDatabaser4CurrentStage() database.remove(objName, [idx], args=None, ifRecord=True)
def setDefaultWorkbench(self): import FreeCAD,Base def setDDAasDefault(): p = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/General") bench = '' p.GetString('AutoloadModule' , bench) if bench !='DDA': p.SetString('AutoloadModule' , 'DDA') Base.delaycommand(setDDAasDefault)
def Activated(self): print 'JointLineModifier Activating' if self.lineModifier: del self.lineModifier self.lineModifier = None self.getPointsAndCreateNodes() # self.__addCallback() # return import Base Base.delaycommand(self.__addCallback)
def setBackgroundColor(self): import FreeCAD def setWhiteBackground(): p = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/View") white = 4294967295 p.SetUnsigned('BackgroundColor',white) p.SetBool('Simple',1) p.SetBool('Gradient',0) import Base Base.delaycommand(setWhiteBackground)
def Activated(self): from interfaceTools import dxf2DDA, importDXF dxfDict = dxf2DDA() if dxfDict: # print "dxfDict:", dxfDict Base.changeStage('DL') dialog = importDXF() dialog.realImport(dxfDict) dialog.exec_()
def validUrl(url): x = int(0) while x < int(11): x += 1 try: r = doHeadRequest(url) r.raise_for_status()'%s might be a valid url' % url) return True except Exception: Base.warning('encountered a minor error going to retry') return False
def loadSettings(self): from PySide import QtCore , QtGui import Base , FreeCAD settings = QtCore.QSettings('ECS' , 'easyDDA') # Base.__currentProjectPath__ = str(settings.value('ProjectPath' , None).toString()) path = str(settings.value('ProjectPath' , None)) Base.setCurrentProjectPath(path) FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage ('current project path**** : %s'% Base.__currentProjectPath__) import DDAPanel QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, DDAPanel.hideDLAndDCPanel)
def finish(self): print 'LineModifier finish' if self.linetrack: self.linetrack.finalize() self.linetrack = None super(LineModifier,self).finish() # self.owner.finish() import Base Base.removeShapeModifier() Base.removeShapeMover() self.p1 = None self.p2 = None
def getNextLine(self): line = self.__file.readline() while len(line)!=0: line = line.strip() if len(line)==0: # blank line with '\n' line = self.__file.readline() else: break # this line is not blank if len(line)==0: # file already ends import Base Base.showErrorMessageBox('file error' , 'unvalid data') raise return line
def parse(self , path=None): self.refreshBlocksData() import Base if not path : path = Base.__currentProjectPath__+'/data.df' if not checkFileExists(path): return False file = open(path , "rb") if not self.__parseDataSchema(file) or not self.__parseBlocks(file) or \ not self.__parseBlockVertices(file) or not self.__parsePoints(file): Base.showErrorMessageBox("DataError", 'Data input unvalid') return False return True
def syllableMatches(syl, form): """ eg. syllableMatches('rte', '[V]VCe') capital 'V' or 'C' match vowels and consonants respectively letters in []'s shows optional letters. checks from the end of the word""" # FIXME this is not necessarily done on a syllable by syllable basis. sometimes it # can overlap boundaries sylMatches = False # better handling of 'ng' and other double letters syl = Base.explode(syl) form = Base.explode(form) syl = syl[::-1] form = form[::-1] #FIXME need to write test about if form longer than syl has correct behavior #FIXME optional '[]' letters should not increment i inBrackets = False j = 0 if len(syl) > 0 and len(syl) >= len(form): for i in range(len(form)): if i <= j: if inBrackets: # FIXME not sure if there is really anything to do but ignore if form[i] == '[': inBrackets = False j += 1 else: if form[i] == 'V' and Alphabet.isVowel(syl[j]): sylMatches = True j += 1 elif form[i] == 'C' and Alphabet.isConsonant(syl[j]): sylMatches = True j += 1 elif form[i] == syl[j]: #FIXME this may have some false positives sylMatches = True j += 1 elif form[i] == ']': # we are reversed, so close brackets = open brackets inBrackets = True else: sylMatches = False break else: break return sylMatches
def onSkip(self, button, params): global starting_new_game, plist_monologue PreIntroRoom.onSkip(self, button, params) #DoStartNewGame(self, params) starting_new_game = True VS.musicPlayList(plist_monologue) Base.SetCurRoom(intro_guiroom.getIndex())
def node_up(self, node): if self.is_empty(): raise Base.Empty("Top is empty") e = self._delete_node(node._prev) self._insert_between(e, node, node._next) return node
def __init__(self, *pats): l, p = [], [] for pat in pats: p.append(Base.asStream(pat)) l.append(len(p[-1])) length = op.LCM(*l) = zip(*[p[i].stretch(length) for i in range(len(p))])
def open(self, w=None, dev=None): if isinstance(w,str): w = Base.wav(w) if w == None: w = self.wav self.wav = w if self.interface == None: self.interface = grab_interface(self.verbose) if not self.ready(w): self.openstream(w, dev=dev)
def Activated(self): super(ShapeModifierTrigger , self).Activated() import Base if Base.__currentStage__ != 'DL' : # not 'DL' stage print Base.__currentStage__ self.finish() return sels=FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx() if len(sels)!=1 : # select more than 2 objects return s = sels[0] count = 0 for subName in sels[0].SubElementNames: if 'Edge' in subName : # FreeCAD may get error object selected, this code confirm the object is valid count+=1 if count>1 : return if s.ObjectName=='ShapeMover' or s.ObjectName=='ShapeModifier': return import Base obj = sels[0].Object name , idx = Base.getRealTypeAndIndex(obj.Label) print 'trigger modifier for %s --> %d'%(name , idx) self.docName = s.DocumentName self.objName = s.ObjectName self.subElement = s.SubElementNames[0] Base.__shapeBeModifying__ = [self.docName , self.objName , self.subElement] print 'prepare done in ShapeModifierTrigger' if name=='JointLine': FreeCADGui.runCommand('DDA_JointLineModifier')
def test_base(self): temp = Base.Base() self.assertEqual(type(temp), Base.Base, 'Base doesn`t work correctly') self.assertTrue(temp.hit_points == 10, 'Base doesn`t work correctly') self.assertTrue( == [0, 0], 'Base doesn`t work correctly') self.assertFalse(temp.destroyed, 'Base doesn`t work correctly') self.assertTrue(temp.type == 'Base', 'Base doesn`t work correctly')
def __init__(self, field_size, width, height): self.base = Base.Base() = '' self.fraction_name = '' self.units = Units() self.unit_list = [] self.name_units = [] self.button_list = [] self.name_units_text = [] self.highlighted_cells_list = [] self.player_list = [] self.units_behave_list = [] self.field_info = [[None for i in range(field_size)] for j in range(field_size)] self.field_size = field_size self.next_turn = False self.sound = False = 0 self.width = width self.height = height self.unit_info_x_coef = 0.6 self.unit_info_y_coef = 0.2 self.unit_info = Text.Text('', self.width * self.unit_info_x_coef, self.height * self.unit_info_y_coef)
def fan(listaIP): listaIP2 = [] listaIP2.append(listaIP) for ip in listaIP2: print(ip) for i in range(2): try: esperar = random.randint(1, 2) #print("ESPERANDO: " + str(esperar)) time.sleep(esperar) conexion = db.Drops(ip) except: continue # retrying else: break else: continue hostname = conexion.findHostname() print(hostname) fans = conexion.ejecutarComando(comando) print(fans.split()) if str("0") in fans.split(): print("ZERO ON A FAN") conexion.correo(hostname, ['*****@*****.**'], fans) else: print("no hay cero") #conexion.correo(hostname, ['*****@*****.**'], fans) conexion.desconectar()
def test_edit_file_content(self): file_name = "ipsum.txt" new_content = "updated the contents" update_content = {"files": {file_name: {"content": new_content}}} gist_obj = base.get_gist(ID) files = gist_obj['files'] content_updated = False for f in files: f_name = files[f]['filename'] if f_name == file_name: base.update_gist(ID, update_content) content_updated = True break assert content_updated, "File not found. Content not updated"
def showStress(self): assert len(self.__times) == len(self.__stresses) texts = ['StressX', 'StressY', 'StressXY'] colors = [(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)] tmp1 = [p[0] for p in self.__stresses] tmp2 = [p[1] for p in self.__stresses] tmp3 = [p[2] for p in self.__stresses] # add Coordiante axis xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax = getMinAndMax([self.__times], [tmp1, tmp2, tmp3]) self.__stressRange = [yMin, yMax] self.__timeRange = [xMin, xMax] times = scaleVertices2Axis(self.__times, xMin, xMax, __graphWidth__) self.addAxisForDoc('Stress', xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, 'Stress graph for block %d' % self.__blockNumber, texts, colors) tmp1 = scaleVertices2Axis(tmp1, yMin, yMax, __graphHeight__) pts1 = [(k, v, 0) for k, v in zip(times, tmp1)] tmp2 = scaleVertices2Axis(tmp2, yMin, yMax, __graphHeight__) pts2 = [(k, v, 0) for k, v in zip(times, tmp2)] tmp3 = scaleVertices2Axis(tmp3, yMin, yMax, __graphHeight__) pts3 = [(k, v, 0) for k, v in zip(times, tmp3)] self.showPolyLine('Stress', texts[0], pts1, colors[0]) self.showPolyLine('Stress', texts[1], pts2, colors[1]) self.showPolyLine('Stress', texts[2], pts3, colors[2]) import Base Base.ViewFitScene('Stress')
def loadDataCampaign(self, campaign): self.dataCampaign = campaign configuration = Configuration.ConfigurationReader(campaign) for run in self.dataCampaign.runs: print "Looking at run " + str(run.runNumber) settings = configuration.loadSettings(run.runNumber) vth = settings.getVTh() for discModRun in self.discModuleRuns: discModule = DiscriminatorModule() discModule.setVThreshold(vth) discModRun.modules.append(discModule) print "Added a disc module with vth = " + str(vth) i = 0 for run in self.dataCampaign.runs: run.setup() settings = configuration.loadSettings(run.runNumber) vth = settings.getVTh() readeri = Base.DATEReader(self.dataCampaign.fileNames[i]) print "Starting to analyse file:" print self.dataCampaign.fileNames[i] readeri.readBinary(run) for channel in run.channelRuns: discModRun = self.findDiscriminatorModuleRun( channel.board, channel.module, channel.trip) discMod = discModRun.getDiscriminatorModule(vth) discMod.addChannelFiredRatio(channel.getDiscriminatorRatio()) if (channel.getDiscriminatorRatio() != 0.0): print "ratio = " + str(channel.getDiscriminatorRatio()) i = i + 1 run.clear()
def showAnalysis(self): import Base, Graph # graph must be new, to clear former polylines if self.__graph: self.__graph.clearLines() self.clearAxises() else: self.__graph = Graph.AnalysisGraph() print '111 ', Base.getCurrentTime() if self.__ifAnalysesDisplacement: self.showDisplacement() print '222 ', Base.getCurrentTime() if self.__ifAnalysesMPs: self.showMPDists() print '333 ', Base.getCurrentTime() if self.__ifAnalysesStress: self.showStress() print '444 ', Base.getCurrentTime()
def apostrophePurpose(word): """is the apostrophe being used for gemination, separate 'n' and 'g', etc.""" exp = Base.explode(word) purpose = -1 for i in range(len(exp)): if i > 0 and exp[i] == '\'': if i < len(exp) - 1: if Alphabet.isVowel(exp[i - 1]): if Alphabet.isVowel(exp[i + 1]): purpose = APOS_PREVENT_GEMMINATION break elif exp[i + 1] == 'r': purpose = APOS_DISRUPT_STRESS break else: if Alphabet.isVowel(exp[i + 1]): purpose = APOS_GEMINATION_MARKER break elif exp[i - 1] == 'n' and exp[i + 1] == 'g': purpose = APOS_NG_SEPARATOR break else: # FIXME need to test if a catch-all is appropriate. technically the only # other valid use of a \' is whenever auto-devoicing occurs. (stop + nasal || fric) #FIXME need to do research on autodevoicing to make sure this ^^ is acurate # FIXME will need to write a test to make sure cases without auto devoicing are not matched purpose = APOS_PREVENT_DEVOICING break else: purpose = APOS_SHORT_WORD return purpose
def GNormPlus_parser(outputfile): gnor = normalization.gene_normor('../data/hgnc_complete_set.txt') with open(outputfile, 'r') as f: gene_results = [i.split('\n') for i in'\n\n') if i] for article_result in gene_results: text = '' pmid = False mutation_entry_ls = [] for record in article_result: is_text = re.match(r'(\d+)\|a\|(.+)$', record) if is_text: # id, string text = pmid = int( else: pmid, start, end, string, _type, ids = record.split('\t') if not re.match('gene|protein', _type, re.IGNORECASE): continue pmid = int(pmid) start = int(start) end = int(end) for did in ids.split(';'): '''one tring map to mutil-gene''' try: norm = gnor.norm(did) except KeyError as e: print('gene {0} skip: no gene in hgnc'.format(string)) continue yield (pmid, Base.BioEntry(start, end, _type, string, id, norm))
def update_base_list(): if -337 < base_list[0].x < -334: new_base = Base.Base() base_list.append(new_base) if base_list[0].x < -336: base_list.pop(0)
def Najlepsza_zdawalnosc(filtr, rok): if filtr==2: print('Wynik podawany dla kobiet') elif filtr==3: print('Wynik podawany dla mężczyzn') wojewodztwa=[] zdawalnosc_we_wszystkich_wojew=[] only_rate=[] wynik=[] for i in range(len(dane)): wojewodztwa.append(dane[i][0]) wojewodztwa=list(set(wojewodztwa)) wojewodztwa.remove('Polska') wojewodztwa.remove('Terytorium') for wojew in wojewodztwa: zdawalnosc_we_wszystkich_wojew.append(Base.Zdawalnosc(filtr,wojew,rok)) for x in range (len(zdawalnosc_we_wszystkich_wojew)): only_rate.append(zdawalnosc_we_wszystkich_wojew[x][0][2]) max_rate=max(only_rate) for i in range(len(zdawalnosc_we_wszystkich_wojew)): if zdawalnosc_we_wszystkich_wojew[i][0][2]==max_rate: wynik.append(zdawalnosc_we_wszystkich_wojew[i]) print('rok: ', zdawalnosc_we_wszystkich_wojew[i][0][1], 'wojewodztwo: ', zdawalnosc_we_wszystkich_wojew[i][0][0]) return wynik
def __GNormPlus_parser_old(outputdir): '''output: pmid, gene_entry, article_part''' gnor = normalization.gene_normor('../data/hgnc_complete_set.txt') for root, dirs, files in os.walk(outputdir): for fn in files: with open(os.path.join(root, fn), 'r') as f: records = [i for i in'\n') if i] for r in records: is_text = re.match(r'\d+\|a\|(.+)$', r) if is_text: continue else: pmid, start, end, string, type, ids = r.split('\t') if not re.match('gene|protein', type, re.IGNORECASE): continue pmid = int(pmid) start = int(start) end = int(end) for did in ids.split(';'): '''one tring map to mutil-gene''' try: norm = gnor.norm(did) except KeyError as e: print('gene {0} skip: no gene in hgnc'.format( string)) continue yield (pmid, Base.BioEntry(start, end, type, string, id, norm), fn)
class TextField(BaseField): """ A field with a textbox as the input """ inputElement = Inputs.TextBox properties = Base.addChildProperties(properties, Inputs.TextBox, 'userInput')
def record(seconds=None, nchan=None, fs=None, bits=None, w=None): """ If a wav object w is supplied, its data array w.y is replaced by newly recorded sound. Parameters such as duration, number of channels are taken from w by default, but may be explicitly overridden by the other arguments. If w is not supplied, then a new wav object is constructed. """### if isinstance(w,player): w = p.wav if w == None: if not seconds: raise ValueError, "please specify number of seconds for which to record" if not nchan: nchan = 2 if not fs: fs = 44100 if not bits: bits = 16 w = Base.wav(fs=fs,bits=bits,nchan=nchan) else: if not seconds: seconds = w.duration() if not nchan: nchan = w.channels() if not fs: fs = int(w.fs) if not bits: bits = w.bits w.fs = fs w.bits = bits # nbytes should be updated automatically interface = grab_interface() format = interface.get_format_from_width(w.nbytes) nsamp = int(0.5 + seconds * float(fs)) recorder =, channels=nchan, rate=fs, input=True) print "recording" strdat = print "done" recorder.close() release_interface(interface) w.y = w.str2dat(strdat, nsamp, nchan) #if w.bits==8: w.__dict__.update({'signed':True, 'dtype':'<i1',}) return w
def revlookup(name): "convenience routine for doing a reverse lookup of an address" a = string.split(name, '.') a.reverse() b = string.join(a, '.') + '' # this will only return one of any records returned. return Base.DnsRequest(b, qtype='ptr').req().answers[0]['data']
def Activated(self): import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui if hasattr(FreeCADGui, "draftToolBar"): FreeCADGui.draftToolBar.Deactivated() if not FreeCAD.ActiveDocument: FreeCAD.newDocument('DDA') import Base Base.enableSeletionObserver(True) import DDADatabase DDADatabase.enableOperationObverser(True) FreeCADGui.runCommand('DDA_ResetCamera') self.resetWorkbench()
def accepted(self): import Base from extractDGData import DGExtracter import os from PySide import QtCore, QtGui bar = QtGui.QProgressDialog('extracting data...', 'stop Analysis', 0, 100, None, QtCore.Qt.WindowModal) bar.canceled.connect(self.__stopAnalysis) bar.setValue(0) bar.setVisible(True) self.__setStopAnalysisFlag(False) if not self.__ui.ui.checkBox_useExistingData.isChecked(): extracter = DGExtracter() extracter.setFile( os.path.join(Base.__currentProjectPath__, 'data.dg')) if self.__ui.ui.checkBox_stress.isChecked(): extracter.saveStress4Block(self.__ui.ui.spinBox_No.value()) extracter.setSaveMPMovements(self.__ui.ui.checkBox_MP.isChecked()) extracter.setSaveDists( self.__ui.ui.checkBox_displacement.isChecked()) print 'extracting data ', Base.getCurrentTime() extracter.extractData() print 'extracting data done ', Base.getCurrentTime() if self.__getStopAnalysisFlag(): return bar.setValue(20) bar.setLabelText('outputing data...') print 'outputing extracting data ', Base.getCurrentTime() extracter.outputExtractedData() print 'outputing extracting data done ', Base.getCurrentTime() if self.__getStopAnalysisFlag(): return bar.setValue(40) if not self.__analysiser: self.__analysiser = DGAnalysiser() else: self.__analysiser.uninstallToolbar() self.__analysiser.setAnalysesDisplacement( self.__ui.ui.checkBox_displacement.isChecked()) self.__analysiser.setAnalysesMPs(self.__ui.ui.checkBox_MP.isChecked()) self.__analysiser.setAnalysesStress( self.__ui.ui.checkBox_stress.isChecked()) self.__analysiser.setBlockNumber(self.__ui.ui.spinBox_No.value()) self.__analysiser.setUseExistingData( self.__ui.ui.checkBox_useExistingData.isChecked()) bar.setLabelText('loading outputed data...') print 'loading data ', Base.getCurrentTime() self.__analysiser.loadData() print 'loading data done ', Base.getCurrentTime() if self.__getStopAnalysisFlag(): return bar.setValue(50) bar.setLabelText('analysesing and showing data...') self.__analysiser.setupToolbar() print 'show analysising ', Base.getCurrentTime() self.__analysiser.showAnalysis() print 'show analysising done ', Base.getCurrentTime() bar.setValue(100)
def HandleDraw(): glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) angle = Base.timer_step * 100.0 glRotate(angle, 3, 1, 1) RenderCube() Base.HandleDraw()
def agregarBase(self, nuevo: Base): if self.primero is None: self.primero = nuevo self.ultimo = nuevo else: self.ultimo.siguiente = nuevo nuevo.anterior = self.ultimo self.ultimo = nuevo
def __init__(self, start, target, strategy): = target self.start = Base(None, start, Direction(5), 0) self.strategy = strategy self.maxDepth = 0 if (self.start.state != self.explored[str(self.start.state)] = self.start
def show_genres(call): """ If user push the button "Genres" in menu, bot uses this commands and send all genres, which he found in Base. :param call: :return: Inline buttons, each shows unique genre from Base """ chat_id = message_id = call.message.message_id text = call.message.text if Base.double_click_protection(chat_id, text): clear_screen(chat_id, Base.show_message_current(chat_id), message_id, games = Base.show_all_genres() generate_inline_buttons_row_double(chat_id, "<b>Список жанров:</b> " "\U0000200C", *games) show_menu(chat_id, 0)
def createDataBase(self, basedatos: str, modo: int = 1): #0: exitoso, 1: error en la operación, 2: base de datos existente if self.lista_bases.existeBaseDatos(basedatos): return 2 else: self.lista_bases.agregarBase(Base.Base(basedatos)) return 0 return 1
def AssignMission(): fixers.DestroyActiveButtons() fixers.CreateChoiceButtons(Base.GetCurRoom(), [ fixers.Choice("bases/fixers/yes.spr", "bases/fixers/", "Accept This Agreement"), fixers.Choice("bases/fixers/no.spr", "bases/fixers/", "Decline This Agreement") ])
def preview(self): print '#############################\n############ preview##########\n#####################\n' import Base re = Base.showWaringMessageBox('Warning', 'Joint lines will calculated again. All changes made manually will be lost, are your sure?') if re== QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok: FreeCADGui.runCommand('DDA_DLCalculate')
def iterate(self, nam=str()): """Will execute the next stage of the conversation, ie create the relevant textual message and response buttons, given the conversation string, and the reference to the next possible nodes.""" name = str(nam) if name == str(): name = self.ROOT_KEY DestroyActiveButtons() text, choices = self.getNewInfo(name) if choices: choices = list(choices) for i in range(len(choices)): choices[i] = choices[i].split('|') choices[i] = Choice(choices[i][0], choices[i][1], choices[i][2]) CreateChoiceButtons(Base.GetCurRoom(),choices) if text: Base.Message(text)
def __init__(self, *patterns): = [] item = [Base.asStream(p) for p in patterns] size = op.LCM(*[len(i) for i in item]) for n in range(size): for i in item:, n)) self.make()