def MetropolisJsampling(J,B,alpha):    # Metropolis sampling algorithm for Jars
    Jmean=np.array([0]*len(J))         # declare a J mean.
    for i in range(1,1000):           # run the iteration for 1000 times.
        Jnew=b.Jrandom(J)               # Randomize the Jar sequence Value
        acceptance_ratio=b.PalphaJB(alpha,Jnew,B)/b.PalphaJB(alpha,J,B) # find Acceptance Ratio, which is division of probabilities with new vs old values 
        if random.uniform(0,1)<= acceptance_ratio:  # choose a random number, if It is less than acceptance ratio
            J[:]=Jnew[:]                        # if it is less than, then assign it to a temp varaibale 
        Jmean[:]=np.add(J[:],Jmean[:])          # add temp variable to Jmean entries
    return [x/1000.0 for x in Jmean[:]]            # return mean of all entries for J values.