def Solve_F90(XBINPUT,XBOPTS):
    """@brief Nonlinear static structural solver using f90 solve routine."""
    "Check correct solution code"
    assert XBOPTS.Solution.value == 112, ('NonlinearStatic (F90) requested' +\
                                              ' with wrong solution code')
    "Initialise beam"
    XBINPUT, XBOPTS, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM, PosIni, PsiIni, XBNODE, NumDof \
                = BeamInit.Static(XBINPUT,XBOPTS)
    "Set initial conditions as undef config"
    PosDefor = PosIni.copy(order='F')
    PsiDefor = PsiIni.copy(order='F')
    if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value==True:
        sys.stdout.write('Solve nonlinear static case (using .f90 routines) ... \n')
    BeamLib.Cbeam3_Solv_NonlinearStatic(XBINPUT, XBOPTS, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM,\
                                PosIni, PsiIni, XBNODE, NumDof,\
                                PosDefor, PsiDefor)
    if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value==True:
        sys.stdout.write(' ... done\n')
    "Write deformed configuration to file"
    ofile = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_SOL112_def.dat'
    if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value==True:
        sys.stdout.write('Writing file %s ... ' %(ofile))
    fp = open(ofile,'w')
    fp.write('TITLE="Non-linear static solution: deformed geometry"\n')
    fp.write('VARIABLES="iElem" "iNode" "Px" "Py" "Pz" "Rx" "Ry" "Rz"\n')
    if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value==True:
    WriteMode = 'a'
    BeamIO.OutputElems(XBINPUT.NumElems, NumNodes_tot.value, XBELEM, \
                       PosDefor, PsiDefor, ofile, WriteMode)
    "Print deformed configuration"
    if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value==True:
        sys.stdout.write('NONLINEAR STATIC SOLUTION\n')
        sys.stdout.write('%10s %10s %10s\n' %('X','Y','Z'))
        for inodi in range(NumNodes_tot.value):
            sys.stdout.write(' ')
            for inodj in range(3):
                sys.stdout.write('%12.5e' %(PosDefor[inodi,inodj]))
    "Return solution as optional output argument"
    return PosDefor, PsiDefor
def Solve_F90(XBINPUT, XBOPTS):
    """@brief Nonlinear dynamic structural solver using f90 solve routine."""

    "Check correct solution code"
    assert XBOPTS.Solution.value == 312, ('NonlinearDynamic (F90) requested' +\
                                              ' with wrong solution code')

    "Initialise variables for static analysis"
    XBINPUT, XBOPTS, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM, PosIni, PsiIni, XBNODE, NumDof \
                = BeamInit.Static(XBINPUT, XBOPTS)

    "Change solution code to NonlinearStatic"
    XBOPTS.Solution.value = 112

    "Set initial conditions as undef config"
    PosDefor = PosIni.copy(order='F')
    PsiDefor = PsiIni.copy(order='F')

    "Solve static"

    BeamLib.Cbeam3_Solv_NonlinearStatic(XBINPUT, XBOPTS, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM,\
                            PosIni, PsiIni, XBNODE, NumDof,\
                            PosDefor, PsiDefor)

    "Change solution code back to NonlinearDynamic"
    XBOPTS.Solution.value = 312

    "Write deformed configuration to file"
    ofile = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_SOL312_def.dat'
    if XBOPTS.PrintInfo == True:
        sys.stdout.write('Writing file %s ... ' % (ofile))
    fp = open(ofile, 'w')
    fp.write('TITLE="Non-linear static solution: deformed geometry"\n')
    fp.write('VARIABLES="iElem" "iNode" "Px" "Py" "Pz" "Rx" "Ry" "Rz"\n')
    if XBOPTS.PrintInfo == True:
    WriteMode = 'a'

    BeamIO.OutputElems(XBINPUT.NumElems, NumNodes_tot.value, XBELEM, \
                       PosDefor, PsiDefor, ofile, WriteMode)

    "Change solution code to NonlinearDynamic"
    XBOPTS.Solution.value = 312

    "Initialise variables for dynamic analysis"
    Time, NumSteps, ForceTime, ForcedVel, ForcedVelDot,\
    PosDotDef, PsiDotDef,\
    OutGrids, PosPsiTime, VelocTime, DynOut\
        = BeamInit.Dynamic(XBINPUT,XBOPTS)

    "Write _force file"
    ofile = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_SOL312_force.dat'
    fp = open(ofile, 'w')
    BeamIO.Write_force_File(fp, Time, ForceTime, ForcedVel, ForcedVelDot)

    "Write _vel file"
    #TODO: write _vel file

    "Write .mrb file"
    #TODO: write .mrb file

    "Solve dynamic using f90 solver"
    BeamLib.Cbeam3_Solv_NonlinearDynamic(XBINPUT, XBOPTS, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM,\
            PosIni, PsiIni, XBNODE, NumDof,\
            PosDefor, PsiDefor,\
            NumSteps, Time, ForceTime, ForcedVel, ForcedVelDot,\
            PosDotDef, PsiDotDef,\
            PosPsiTime, VelocTime, DynOut, OutGrids)

    "Write _dyn file"
    ofile = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_SOL312_dyn.dat'
    fp = open(ofile, 'w')
    BeamIO.Write_dyn_File(fp, Time, PosPsiTime)

    "Write _shape file"
    ofile = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_SOL312_shape.dat'
    fp = open(ofile, 'w')
    BeamIO.Write_shape_File(fp, len(Time), NumNodes_tot.value, Time, DynOut)
def Solve_F90_steps(XBINPUT, XBOPTS):
    """@brief Nonlinear dynamic structural solver with time-steps controlled
    in Python but solved using F90 routines at each time-step."""

    "Check correct solution code"
    assert XBOPTS.Solution.value == 312, ('NonlinearDynamic (F90) requested' +\
                                              ' with wrong solution code')

    "Initialise variables for static analysis"
    XBINPUT, XBOPTS, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM, PosIni, PsiIni, XBNODE, NumDof \
                = BeamInit.Static(XBINPUT, XBOPTS)

    "Change solution code to NonlinearStatic"
    XBOPTS.Solution.value = 112

    "Set initial conditions as undef config"
    PosDefor = PosIni.copy(order='F')
    PsiDefor = PsiIni.copy(order='F')

    "Solve static"
    BeamLib.Cbeam3_Solv_NonlinearStatic(XBINPUT, XBOPTS, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM,\
                            PosIni, PsiIni, XBNODE, NumDof,\
                            PosDefor, PsiDefor)

    "Write deformed configuration to file"
    ofile = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_SOL312_def.dat'
    if XBOPTS.PrintInfo == True:
        sys.stdout.write('Writing file %s ... ' % (ofile))
    fp = open(ofile, 'w')
    fp.write('TITLE="Non-linear static solution: deformed geometry"\n')
    fp.write('VARIABLES="iElem" "iNode" "Px" "Py" "Pz" "Rx" "Ry" "Rz"\n')
    if XBOPTS.PrintInfo == True:
    WriteMode = 'a'

    BeamIO.OutputElems(XBINPUT.NumElems, NumNodes_tot.value, XBELEM, \
                       PosDefor, PsiDefor, ofile, WriteMode)

    "Change solution code to NonlinearDynamic"
    XBOPTS.Solution.value = 312

    "Initialise variables for dynamic analysis"
    Time, NumSteps, ForceTime, ForcedVel, ForcedVelDot,\
    PosDotDef, PsiDotDef,\
    OutGrids, PosPsiTime, VelocTime, DynOut\
        = BeamInit.Dynamic(XBINPUT,XBOPTS)

    "Write _force file"
    ofile = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_SOL312_force.dat'
    fp = open(ofile, 'w')
    BeamIO.Write_force_File(fp, Time, ForceTime, ForcedVel, ForcedVelDot)

    "Write _vel file"
    #TODO: write _vel file

    "Write .mrb file"
    #TODO: write .mrb file

    "Save time-dependant variables with only one time step (2 time-steps)"
    TimeElements = Time[0:2].copy('F')
    Ftime = ForceTime[0:2].copy('F')
    Fvel = ForcedVel[0:2, :].copy('F')
    FvelDot = ForcedVelDot[0:2, :].copy('F')

    "Create Output vectors, one for each time-step"
    PosPsiTimeStep = PosPsiTime[0:2, :].copy('F')
    VelocTimeStep = VelocTime[0:2, :].copy('F')
    DynOutStep = DynOut[0:2 * NumNodes_tot.value, :].copy('F')

    "Initialise and approximate initial accelerations as zero arrays"
    PosDotDotDef = np.zeros((NumNodes_tot.value, 3), ct.c_double, 'F')
    PsiDotDotDef = np.zeros((XBINPUT.NumElems,Settings.MaxElNod,3),\
                           ct.c_double, 'F')

    "Start Time-loop"
    for TimeStep in range(0, NumSteps.value):

        "Update 2-step time arrays"
        TimeElements = Time[TimeStep:TimeStep + 2]
        Ftime = ForceTime[TimeStep:TimeStep + 2]
        Fvel[:, :] = ForcedVel[TimeStep:TimeStep + 2, :]
        FvelDot[:, :] = ForcedVelDot[TimeStep:TimeStep + 2, :]

        "Solve dynamic step using f90 solver"
        BeamLib.Cbeam3_Solv_NonlinearDynamicAccel(XBINPUT, XBOPTS, NumNodes_tot,\
                XBELEM,PosIni, PsiIni, XBNODE, NumDof,\
                PosDefor, PsiDefor,\
                ct.c_int(1), TimeElements, Ftime, Fvel, FvelDot,\
                PosDotDef, PsiDotDef,\
                PosDotDotDef, PsiDotDotDef,\
                PosPsiTimeStep, VelocTimeStep, DynOutStep, OutGrids)

        "Append output information"
        PosPsiTime[TimeStep + 1, :] = PosPsiTimeStep[1, :]
        VelocTime[TimeStep + 1, :] = VelocTimeStep[1, :]
                : ] = DynOutStep[NumNodes_tot.value:2*NumNodes_tot.value-1]

    "END Time-loop"

    "Write _dyn file"
    ofile = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_SOL312_dyn.dat'
    fp = open(ofile, 'w')
    BeamIO.Write_dyn_File(fp, Time, PosPsiTime)

    "Write _shape file"
    ofile = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_SOL312_shape.dat'
    fp = open(ofile, 'w')
    BeamIO.Write_shape_File(fp, len(Time), NumNodes_tot.value, Time, DynOut)
def Solve_F90(XBINPUT, XBOPTS):
    """@brief Nonlinear dynamic structural solver using f90 solve routine."""

    #Check correct solution code
    assert XBOPTS.Solution.value == 912, ('NonlinearDynamic (F90) requested' +\
                                              ' with wrong solution code')

    #Initialise variables for static analysis
    XBINPUT, XBOPTS, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM, PosIni, PsiIni, XBNODE, NumDof \
                = BeamInit.Static(XBINPUT, XBOPTS)

    #Change solution code to NonlinearStatic
    XBOPTS.Solution.value = 112

    #Set initial conditions as undef config
    PosDefor = PosIni.copy(order='F')
    PsiDefor = PsiIni.copy(order='F')

    #Solve static
    BeamLib.Cbeam3_Solv_NonlinearStatic(XBINPUT, XBOPTS, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM,\
                            PosIni, PsiIni, XBNODE, NumDof,\
                            PosDefor, PsiDefor)

    #Change solution code back to NonlinearDynamic
    XBOPTS.Solution.value = 912

    #Write deformed configuration to file
    ofile = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_SOL912_def.dat'
    if XBOPTS.PrintInfo == True:
        sys.stdout.write('Writing file %s ... ' % (ofile))
    fp = open(ofile, 'w')
    fp.write('TITLE="Non-linear static solution: deformed geometry"\n')
    fp.write('VARIABLES="iElem" "iNode" "Px" "Py" "Pz" "Rx" "Ry" "Rz"\n')
    if XBOPTS.PrintInfo == True:
    WriteMode = 'a'

    BeamIO.OutputElems(XBINPUT.NumElems, NumNodes_tot.value, XBELEM, \
                       PosDefor, PsiDefor, ofile, WriteMode)

    #Initialise variables for dynamic analysis
    Time, NumSteps, ForceTime, ForcedVel, ForcedVelDot,\
    PosDotDef, PsiDotDef,\
    OutGrids, PosPsiTime, VelocTime, DynOut\
        = BeamInit.Dynamic(XBINPUT,XBOPTS, NumNodes_tot)
    # Delete unused variables.
    del PosPsiTime, VelocTime

    #Initialise quaternions for rigid-body dynamics
    Quat = np.zeros(4, ct.c_double, 'F')
    Quat[0] = 1.0

    #Write _force file
    ofile = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_SOL912_force.dat'
    fp = open(ofile, 'w')
    BeamIO.Write_force_File(fp, Time, ForceTime, ForcedVel, ForcedVelDot)

    #Solve dynamic using f90 solver
    BeamLib.Xbeam_Solv_FreeNonlinDynamic(XBINPUT, XBOPTS, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM,\
            PosIni, PsiIni, XBNODE, NumDof,\
            PosDefor, PsiDefor, Quat,\
            NumSteps, Time, ForceTime, ForcedVel, ForcedVelDot,\
            PosDotDef, PsiDotDef, DynOut, OutGrids)

    #Write _shape file
    ofile = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_SOL912_shape.dat'
    fp = open(ofile, 'w')
    BeamIO.Write_shape_File(fp, len(Time), NumNodes_tot.value, Time, DynOut)

    #Write rigid-body velocities
    ofile = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_SOL912_rigid.dat'
    fp = open(ofile, 'w')
    BeamIO.Write_rigid_File(fp, Time, ForcedVel, ForcedVelDot)
def Solve_F90_steps(XBINPUT,XBOPTS):
    """@brief Nonlinear static structural solver using f90 solve routine called
    once per load-step."""
    "Check correct solution code"
    assert XBOPTS.Solution.value == 112, ('NonlinearStatic (F90) requested' +\
                                              ' with wrong solution code')
    "Initialise beam"
    XBINPUT, XBOPTS, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM, PosIni, PsiIni, XBNODE, NumDof \
                = BeamInit.Static(XBINPUT,XBOPTS)
    "Set initial conditions as undef config"
    PosDefor = PosIni.copy(order='F')
    PsiDefor = PsiIni.copy(order='F')
    if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value==True:
        sys.stdout.write('Solve nonlinear static case (using .f90 routine at' +\
                         ' each load-step) ... \n')
    "Initialise load increments and set F90 load-step to 1"
    LoadSteps = XBOPTS.NumLoadSteps.value
    LoadIncrement = XBINPUT.ForceStatic/LoadSteps
    XBOPTS.NumLoadSteps.value = 1
    "Start loading loop"
    for step in range(1,LoadSteps+1):
        "Current load to be applied"
        XBINPUT.ForceStatic = step*LoadIncrement
        "Print load step"
        if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value == True:
            print('     Python-based outer load step %d' %(step))
        "Solve with one load step"
        BeamLib.Cbeam3_Solv_NonlinearStatic(XBINPUT, XBOPTS, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM,\
                                PosIni, PsiIni, XBNODE, NumDof,\
                                PosDefor, PsiDefor)
    if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value==True:
        sys.stdout.write(' ... done\n')
    "Write deformed configuration to file"
    ofile = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_SOL112_def.dat'
    if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value==True:
        sys.stdout.write('Writing file %s ... ' %(ofile))
    fp = open(ofile,'w')
    fp.write('TITLE="Non-linear static solution: deformed geometry"\n')
    fp.write('VARIABLES="iElem" "iNode" "Px" "Py" "Pz" "Rx" "Ry" "Rz"\n')
    if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value==True:
    WriteMode = 'a'
    BeamIO.OutputElems(XBINPUT.NumElems, NumNodes_tot.value, XBELEM, \
                       PosDefor, PsiDefor, ofile, WriteMode)
    "Print deformed configuration"
    if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value==True:
        sys.stdout.write('NONLINEAR STATIC SOLUTION\n')
        sys.stdout.write('%10s %10s %10s\n' %('X','Y','Z'))
        for inodi in range(NumNodes_tot.value):
            sys.stdout.write(' ')
            for inodj in range(3):
                sys.stdout.write('%12.5e' %(PosDefor[inodi,inodj]))
    "Return solution as optional output argument"
    return PosDefor, PsiDefor
def Solve_Py(XBINPUT, XBOPTS):
    """Nonlinear dynamic structural solver in Python. Assembly of matrices 
    is carried out with Fortran subroutines."""

    "Check correct solution code"
    assert XBOPTS.Solution.value == 312, ('NonlinearDynamic requested' +\
                                              ' with wrong solution code')

    "Initialise beam"
    XBINPUT, XBOPTS, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM, PosIni, PsiIni, XBNODE, NumDof \
                = BeamInit.Static(XBINPUT,XBOPTS)

    "Set initial conditions as undef config"
    PosDefor = PosIni.copy(order='F')
    PsiDefor = PsiIni.copy(order='F')

    "Solve static"
    BeamLib.Cbeam3_Solv_NonlinearStatic(XBINPUT, XBOPTS, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM,\
                            PosIni, PsiIni, XBNODE, NumDof,\
                            PosDefor, PsiDefor)

    "Write deformed configuration to file"
    ofile = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_SOL312_def.dat'
    if XBOPTS.PrintInfo == True:
        sys.stdout.write('Writing file %s ... ' % (ofile))
    fp = open(ofile, 'w')
    fp.write('TITLE="Non-linear static solution: deformed geometry"\n')
    fp.write('VARIABLES="iElem" "iNode" "Px" "Py" "Pz" "Rx" "Ry" "Rz"\n')
    if XBOPTS.PrintInfo == True:
    WriteMode = 'a'

    BeamIO.OutputElems(XBINPUT.NumElems, NumNodes_tot.value, XBELEM, \
                       PosDefor, PsiDefor, ofile, WriteMode)

    "Initialise variables for dynamic analysis"
    Time, NumSteps, ForceTime, ForcedVel, ForcedVelDot,\
    PosDotDef, PsiDotDef,\
    OutGrids, PosPsiTime, VelocTime, DynOut\
        = BeamInit.Dynamic(XBINPUT,XBOPTS)

    "Write _force file"
    ofile = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_SOL312_force.dat'
    fp = open(ofile, 'w')
    BeamIO.Write_force_File(fp, Time, ForceTime, ForcedVel, ForcedVelDot)

    "Write _vel file"
    #TODO: write _vel file

    "Write .mrb file"
    #TODO: write .mrb file

    if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value == True:
        sys.stdout.write('Solve nonlinear dynamic case in Python ... \n')

    "Initialise structural system tensors"
    MglobalFull = np.zeros((NumDof.value, NumDof.value), ct.c_double, 'F')
    CglobalFull = np.zeros((NumDof.value, NumDof.value), ct.c_double, 'F')
    KglobalFull = np.zeros((NumDof.value, NumDof.value), ct.c_double, 'F')
    FglobalFull = np.zeros((NumDof.value, NumDof.value), ct.c_double, 'F')
    Asys = np.zeros((NumDof.value, NumDof.value), ct.c_double, 'F')

    ms = ct.c_int()
    cs = ct.c_int()
    ks = ct.c_int()
    fs = ct.c_int()

    Mvel = np.zeros((NumDof.value, 6), ct.c_double, 'F')
    Cvel = np.zeros((NumDof.value, 6), ct.c_double, 'F')

    X0 = np.zeros(NumDof.value, ct.c_double, 'F')
    X = np.zeros(NumDof.value, ct.c_double, 'F')
    DX = np.zeros(NumDof.value, ct.c_double, 'F')
    dXdt = np.zeros(NumDof.value, ct.c_double, 'F')
    dXddt = np.zeros(NumDof.value, ct.c_double, 'F')
    Force_Dof = np.zeros(NumDof.value, ct.c_double, 'F')

    Qglobal = np.zeros(NumDof.value, ct.c_double, 'F')

    "Initialise rotation operators"
    Unit = np.zeros((3, 3), ct.c_double, 'F')
    for i in range(3):
        Unit[i, i] = 1.0

    Unit4 = np.zeros((4, 4), ct.c_double, 'F')
    for i in range(4):
        Unit4[i, i] = 1.0

    Cao = Unit.copy('F')
    Temp = Unit4.copy('F')

    Quat = np.zeros(4, ct.c_double, 'F')
    Quat[0] = 1.0

    "Extract initial displacements and velocities"
    BeamLib.Cbeam_Solv_Disp2State(NumNodes_tot, NumDof, XBINPUT, XBNODE,\
                          PosDefor, PsiDefor, PosDotDef, PsiDotDef,
                          X, dXdt)

    "Approximate initial accelerations"

    "Initialise accelerations as zero arrays"
    PosDotDotDef = np.zeros((NumNodes_tot.value, 3), ct.c_double, 'F')
    PsiDotDotDef = np.zeros((XBINPUT.NumElems,Settings.MaxElNod,3),\
                           ct.c_double, 'F')

    "Force at the first time-step"
    Force = (XBINPUT.ForceStatic + XBINPUT.ForceDyn * ForceTime[0]).copy('F')

    "Assemble matrices for dynamic analysis"
    BeamLib.Cbeam3_Asbly_Dynamic(XBINPUT, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM, XBNODE,\
                         PosIni, PsiIni, PosDefor, PsiDefor,\
                         PosDotDef, PsiDotDef, PosDotDotDef, PsiDotDotDef,\
                         Force, ForcedVel[0,:], ForcedVelDot[0,:],\
                         NumDof, Settings.DimMat,\
                         ms, MglobalFull, Mvel,\
                         cs, CglobalFull, Cvel,\
                         ks, KglobalFull, fs, FglobalFull,\
                         Qglobal, XBOPTS, Cao)

    "Get force vector for unconstrained nodes (Force_Dof)"
                              XBNODE.Vdof.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_int)) )

    "Get RHS at initial condition"
    Qglobal += -np.dot(FglobalFull, Force_Dof)

    "Initial Accel"
    dXddt[:] = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(MglobalFull), -Qglobal)

    "Record position of all grid points in global FoR at initial time step"
    DynOut[0:NumNodes_tot.value, :] = PosDefor

    "Position/rotation of the selected node in initial deformed configuration"
    PosPsiTime[0, :3] = PosDefor[-1, :]
    PosPsiTime[0, 3:] = PsiDefor[-1, XBELEM.NumNodes[-1] - 1, :]

    "Get gamma and beta for Newmark scheme"
    gamma = 0.5 + XBOPTS.NewmarkDamp.value
    beta = 0.25 * (gamma + 0.5)**2

    "Time loop"
    for iStep in range(NumSteps.value):

        if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value == True:
            sys.stdout.write('  Time: %-10.4e\n' % (Time[iStep + 1]))
            sys.stdout.write('   SubIter DeltaF     DeltaX     ResLog10\n')

        "calculate dt"
        dt = Time[iStep + 1] - Time[iStep]

        "Update transformation matrix for given angular velocity"
        Temp = np.linalg.inv(Unit4 + 0.25 *
                             XbeamLib.QuadSkew(ForcedVel[iStep + 1, 3:]) * dt)
        Quat = np.dot(
            np.dot(Unit4 - 0.25 * XbeamLib.QuadSkew(ForcedVel[iStep, 3:]) * dt,
        Quat = Quat / np.linalg.norm(Quat)
        Cao = XbeamLib.Rot(Quat)

        "Predictor step"
        X += dt * dXdt + (0.5 - beta) * dXddt * dt**2
        dXdt += (1.0 - gamma) * dXddt * dt
        dXddt[:] = 0.0

        "Force at current time-step"
        Force = (XBINPUT.ForceStatic + \

        "Reset convergence parameters"
        Iter = 0
        ResLog10 = 0.0

        "Newton-Raphson loop"
        while ( (ResLog10 > np.log10(XBOPTS.MinDelta.value)) \
                & (Iter < XBOPTS.MaxIterations.value) ):

            "set tensors to zero"
            Qglobal[:] = 0.0
            Mvel[:, :] = 0.0
            Cvel[:, :] = 0.0
            MglobalFull[:, :] = 0.0
            CglobalFull[:, :] = 0.0
            KglobalFull[:, :] = 0.0
            FglobalFull[:, :] = 0.0

            "Update counter"
            Iter += 1

            if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value == True:
                sys.stdout.write('   %-7d ' % (Iter))

            "nodal diplacements and velocities from state vector"
            BeamLib.Cbeam3_Solv_State2Disp(XBINPUT, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM, XBNODE,
                           PosIni, PsiIni, NumDof, X, dXdt,\
                           PosDefor, PsiDefor, PosDotDef, PsiDotDef)

            "update matrices"
            BeamLib.Cbeam3_Asbly_Dynamic(XBINPUT, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM, XBNODE,\
                         PosIni, PsiIni, PosDefor, PsiDefor,\
                         PosDotDef, PsiDotDef, PosDotDotDef, PsiDotDotDef,\
                         Force, ForcedVel[iStep+1,:], ForcedVelDot[iStep+1,:],\
                         NumDof, Settings.DimMat,\
                         ms, MglobalFull, Mvel,\
                         cs, CglobalFull, Cvel,\
                         ks, KglobalFull, fs, FglobalFull,\
                         Qglobal, XBOPTS, Cao)

            "Get force vector for unconstrained nodes (Force_Dof)"
                              XBNODE.Vdof.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_int)) )

            "Solve for update vector"
            Qglobal += np.dot(MglobalFull, dXddt) \
                        + np.dot(Mvel,ForcedVelDot[iStep+1,:]) \
                     - np.dot(FglobalFull, Force_Dof)

            if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value == True:
                sys.stdout.write('%-10.4e ' % (max(abs(Qglobal))))

            "Calculate system matrix for update calculation"
            Asys = KglobalFull + \
                      CglobalFull*gamma/(beta*dt) + \

            "Solve for update"
            DX[:] = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Asys), -Qglobal)

            "Corrector step"
            X += DX
            dXdt += DX * gamma / (beta * dt)
            dXddt += DX / (beta * dt**2)

            "Residual at first iteration"
            if (Iter == 1):
                Res0_Qglobal = max(abs(Qglobal)) + 1.e-16
                Res0_DeltaX = max(abs(DX)) + 1.e-16

            "Update residual and compute log10"
            Res_Qglobal = max(abs(Qglobal)) + 1.e-16
            Res_DeltaX = max(abs(DX)) + 1.e-16

            ResLog10 = max([np.log10(Res_Qglobal/Res0_Qglobal),\

            if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value == True:
                sys.stdout.write('%-10.4e %8.4f\n' % (max(abs(DX)), ResLog10))

        "END Netwon-Raphson"

        "update to converged nodal displacements and velocities"
        BeamLib.Cbeam3_Solv_State2Disp(XBINPUT, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM, XBNODE,
                           PosIni, PsiIni, NumDof, X, dXdt,\
                           PosDefor, PsiDefor, PosDotDef, PsiDotDef)

        PosPsiTime[iStep + 1, :3] = PosDefor[-1, :]
        PosPsiTime[iStep + 1, 3:] = PsiDefor[-1, XBELEM.NumNodes[-1] - 1, :]

        "Position of all grid points in global FoR"
        i1 = (iStep + 1) * NumNodes_tot.value
        i2 = (iStep + 2) * NumNodes_tot.value
        DynOut[i1:i2, :] = PosDefor

    "END Time loop"

    "Write _dyn file"
    ofile = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_SOL312_dyn.dat'
    fp = open(ofile, 'w')
    BeamIO.Write_dyn_File(fp, Time, PosPsiTime)

    "Write _shape file"
    ofile = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_SOL312_shape.dat'
    fp = open(ofile, 'w')
    BeamIO.Write_shape_File(fp, len(Time), NumNodes_tot.value, Time, DynOut)

    if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value == True:
        sys.stdout.write(' ... done\n')