	print "Usage: \
			\n\tpyircbot.py [COMMAND] [FILE] [SERVER] [CHANNEL] [BOT NICK] [PASSWORD] \
			\n\n\tCOMMAND: \
			\n\t\t-h, --help\t\tHelp you are seeing right now \
			\n\t\t-t, --testconfig\tTests [FILE] for being valid config file.\n\t\t\t\t\tIf no [FILE] specified use default (pyircbot.config) \
			\n\n\tExample of usage: \
			\n\n\tpython pyircbot.py irc.freenode.com:6667 \"#python\" ircbot secretpass \
			\n\tConnects to irc.freenode.com at port 6667, join channel \"#python\" as ircbot and identify with password secretpass"

# Runtime argument -t or --testconfig runs config file check
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and (sys.argv[1] == "-t" or sys.argv[1] == "--testconfig"):
	# Second argument after -t or --testconfig should be config file path
	# if there's second argument parse it as config file, if not use default config file
	if len(sys.argv) == 3:
		Bot = BotController.BotController(sys.argv[2])
		Bot = BotController.BotController()

	# Print config generated from config file
	print Bot.TestConfigurationFile()

# There should be at least 4 and no more than 5 arguments to run the bot properly
if len(sys.argv) < 4 and len(sys.argv) > 5:
	print "Invalid usage! Run script with flag -h or --help to see usage information."

# Create Bot controller object
Bot = BotController.BotController()