    def fromFoci(cls, f1, f2, f3):
        """Create an ellipse from foci.
            f1 and f2 are foci
            f3 is the axis_b

            /            \
            |  f1    f2  |
            \            /
        if not isinstance(f1, (QgsPoint, CADPoint)) \
            or not isinstance(f2,
                              (QgsPoint, CADPoint)) \
            or not isinstance(f3,
                              (QgsPoint, CADPoint)):
            raise AttributeError

        f1 = CADPoint(f1)
        f2 = CADPoint(f2)
        f3 = CADPoint(f3)

        dist_f1f2 = f1.distance(f2)
        dist_f1f3 = f1.distance(f3)
        dist_f2f3 = f2.distance(f3)

        dist_tot = dist_f1f3 + dist_f2f3
        angle_exist = f1.getAngleOfLineBetweenTwoPoints(f2)
        center_f1f2 = f1.midpoint(f2)

        axis_a = dist_tot / 2.0
        axis_b = math.sqrt((dist_tot / 2.0)**2.0 - (dist_f1f2 / 2.0)**2.0)

        return cls(center_f1f2, axis_a, axis_b, angle_exist)
    def by2Corners(cls, p1, p2, nbEdges=5):
        """CADRegularPolygon by 2 corners (AB):
          /      \
         /        \
         \        /
        if not isinstance(p1, (QgsPoint, CADPoint)) or \
           not isinstance(p2, (QgsPoint, CADPoint)) or \
           not isinstance(nbEdges, (long, int)):
            raise AttributeError
            p1 = CADPoint(p1)
            p2 = CADPoint(p2)
            angle_exist = p1.getAngleOfLineBetweenTwoPoints(p2)
            pm = p1.midpoint(p2)
            length = p1.distance(pm)

            angle = (180.0 - (360.0 / nbEdges)) / 2.0
            hypo = length / math.cos(math.radians(angle))
            pc = p1.pointProjected(hypo, angle_exist + angle)

            return cls(pc, p1, nbEdges)

        return None
    def by2Points(cls, p1, p2):
        """Create a CADCircle with 2 points (from diameter : AB)
         |        |
         A        B
         |        |
        if not all(isinstance(p, (QgsPoint, CADPoint)) for p in [p1, p2]):
            raise AttributeError

        p1 = CADPoint(p1)
        p2 = CADPoint(p2)

        center = p1.midpoint(p2)
        radius = p1.distance(center)

        return cls(center, radius)
    def byExtent(cls, p1, p2):
        """Create an ellipse by extent

             /----------\ p2
            /            \
            |            |
            \            /
         p1  \----------/
        if not isinstance(p1, (QgsPoint, CADPoint)) \
            or not isinstance(p2,
                              (QgsPoint, CADPoint)):
            raise AttributeError

        p1 = CADPoint(p1)
        p2 = CADPoint(p2)

        pc = p1.midpoint(p2)
        xOffset = (abs(p2.x - p1.x)) / 2.0
        yOffset = (abs(p2.y - p1.y)) / 2.0

        return cls(pc, xOffset, yOffset)
    def byCenterPointAngle(cls, ptCenter, ptStart, inAngle, direction=1):
        """Create a CADCirclurArc with by Center C a point A and angle
         A   C
        if not all([isinstance(p, (CADPoint, QgsPoint))
                    for p in [ptCenter, ptStart]]) or \
           not isinstance(inAngle, (int, long, float)) or \
           not isinstance(direction, (int, long)):
            raise AttributeError

        ptCenter = CADPoint(ptCenter)
        ptStart = CADPoint(ptStart)
        angle = ptCenter.getAngleOfLineBetweenTwoPoints(ptStart)
        dist = ptCenter.distance(ptStart)

        if inAngle < 0:
            inAngle += 360
        ptAngle = 0
        if direction == 1:
            ptAngle = angle - (360 - inAngle)
        elif direction == -1:
            ptAngle = angle + inAngle

        ptEnd = ptCenter.pointProjected(dist, ptAngle)
        ptAngle_arc = ptCenter.getAngleOfLineBetweenTwoPoints(
        if direction == 1:
            if inAngle < 180:
                ptAngle_arc = ptAngle_arc + 180
        if direction == -1:
            if inAngle > 180:
                ptAngle_arc = ptAngle_arc - 180
        ptArc = ptCenter.pointProjected(dist, ptAngle_arc)

        return cls(ptStart, ptEnd, ptArc)