    def browse(self, entry, dir=myDownloadsDir):
        self.state = 0  #success
        self.dir = ''

        URL = entry.URL

        if (URL[:4] != 'http') and (URL[:3] != 'ftp'):
            self.state = -1  #URL does not point to internet file.

        ext, size = self.read_file_info(entry)
        if self.state != 0:

        #For the local file name we use the playlist item 'name' field.
        #But this string may contain invalid characters. Therefore
        #we strip these invalid characters. We also limit the file
        #name length to 42 which is the XBMC XBOX limit.

        localfile = re.sub(
            '[^\w\s-]', '', entry.name
        )  # remove characters which are not a letter, digit, white-space, underscore, or dash
        localfile = re.sub(
            '\s+', ' ', localfile
        )  # convert all instances of multiple spaces to single spaces
        localfile = localfile[:(42 - len(ext))]  # limit to 42 characters.
        localfile = localfile + ext

        size_MB = float(size) / (1024 * 1024)
        heading = "Download File: (Size = %.1f MB)" % size_MB

        browsewnd = CDialogBrowse("CBrowseskin.xml", os.getcwd())
        browsewnd.SetFile(dir, localfile, 3, heading)

        if browsewnd.state != 0:
            self.state = -2  #cancel download

        self.localfile = browsewnd.dir + browsewnd.filename
        self.dir = browsewnd.dir

        #Check if the file already exists
        if os.path.exists(self.localfile):
            dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
            if dialog.yesno(
                    "The destination file already exists, continue?") == False:
                self.state = -2  #cancel download
    def browse(self, entry, dir=myDownloadsDir):
        self.state = 0  #success
        self.dir = ''
        self.processed = False

        URL = entry.URL

        if (URL[:4] != 'http') and (URL[:3] != 'ftp'):
            self.state = -1  #URL does not point to internet file.

        if re.search('^http://(\w+\.)?(icefilms|mega(upload|video))\.', URL):
            size_check_skip = True
            size_check_skip = False

        if size_check_skip:
            print("Mega URL; skipping size check")
            size = 0
            urlopener = CURLLoader()
            result = urlopener.geturl_processor(entry)
            URL = entry.URL
            loc_url = URL
            self.processed = entry.processed
            self.loc_url = URL
            url_stripped = re.sub('\?.*$', '',
                                  loc_url)  # strip GET-method args
            url_stripped = re.sub('\|.*$', '',
                                  url_stripped)  # strip header info if any
            # find extension
            match = re.search('(\.\w+)$', url_stripped)
            if match is None:
                #ext = ""
                ext = getFileExtension(loc_url)
                if ext != '':
                    ext = '.' + ext
                ext = match.group(1)
            ext, size = self.read_file_info(entry)
            url_stripped = re.sub('\?.*$', '',
                                  entry.URL)  # strip GET-method args
            url_stripped = re.sub('\&.*$', '',
                                  entry.URL)  # strip odd GET-method args
            url_stripped = re.sub('\|.*$', '',
                                  url_stripped)  # strip header info if any

        if self.state != 0:

        # For the local file name we use the playlist item 'name' field.
        # But this string may contain invalid characters. Therefore
        # we strip these invalid characters. We also limit the file
        # name length to 42 which is the XBMC XBOX limit.

        if re.search('^Source #', entry.name):
            localfile = url_stripped[url_stripped.rindex("/") + 1:]
            localfile = re.sub(
                '[^\w\s-]', '', entry.name
            )  # remove characters which are not a letter, digit, white-space, underscore, or dash
            localfile = re.sub(
                '\s+', ' ', localfile
            )  # convert all instances of multiple spaces to single spaces
            localfile = localfile[:(42 - len(ext))]  # limit to 42 characters.
            localfile = localfile + ext

        if size_check_skip:
            heading = "Download File"
            size_string, raw_size = self.file_size(size, '')
            heading = "Download File: (Size = %s)" % size_string

        if (entry.type == 'playlist') and (localfile.lower().endswith('.plx')
                                           == False):
            localfile += '.plx'

        #browsewnd = CDialogBrowse("CBrowseskin.xml", os.getcwd())
        curdir = addon.getAddonInfo('path')
        browsewnd = CDialogBrowse("CBrowseskin2.xml", curdir)
        browsewnd.SetFile(dir, localfile, 3, heading)

        if browsewnd.state != 0:
            self.state = -2  #cancel download

        self.localfile = browsewnd.dir + browsewnd.filename
        self.dir = browsewnd.dir

        #Check if the file already exists
        if os.path.exists(self.localfile):
            dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
            if dialog.yesno(
                    "The destination file already exists, continue?") == False:
                self.state = -2  #cancel download
    def browse(self, entry, dir=myDownloadsDir):
        self.state = 0 #success
        self.dir = ''

        if URL[:4] != 'http':
            self.state = -1 #URL does not point to internet file.

        urlopener = CURLLoader()
        result = urlopener.urlopen(URL)
        if result != 0:
            self.state = -1 #URL does not point to internet file.
        loc_url = urlopener.loc_url

        #Now we try to open the URL. If it does not exist an error is
#        try:
#            oldtimeout=socket.getdefaulttimeout()
#            socket.setdefaulttimeout(url_open_timeout)

#            values = { 'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)'}
#            req = urllib2.Request(loc_url, None, values)
#            f = urllib2.urlopen(req)
#            loc_url=f.geturl()
#            socket.setdefaulttimeout(oldtimeout)

#        except IOError:
#            socket.setdefaulttimeout(oldtimeout)
#            self.state = -1 #failed to open URL
#            return
        #special handing for some URL's
        pos = URL.find('http://youtube.com/v') #find last 'http' in the URL
        if pos != -1:
            pos = URL.find("flyupload.com")
            if pos != -1:
                #strip the file extension
                pos = loc_url.rfind('.') #find last '.' in the string
                if pos != -1:
                    ext = loc_url[pos:] #the file extension
                    ext = ""
        #For the local file name we use the playlist item 'name' field.
        #But this string may contain invalid characters. Therefore
        #we strip these invalid characters. We also limit the file
        #name length to 42 which is the XBMC limit.
        localfile = entry.name.replace('<',"")
        localfile = localfile.replace('>',"")
        localfile = localfile.replace('=',"")
        localfile = localfile.replace('?',"")
        localfile = localfile.replace(':',"")
        localfile = localfile.replace(';',"")
        localfile = localfile.replace('"',"")
        localfile = localfile.replace('*',"")
        localfile = localfile.replace('+',"")
        localfile = localfile.replace(',',"")
        localfile = localfile.replace('/',"")
        localfile = localfile.replace('|',"")
        localfile = localfile[:(42-len(ext))] #limit to 42 characters.
        localfile = localfile + ext
        browsewnd = CDialogBrowse()
        browsewnd.SetFile(dir, localfile, 3)

        if browsewnd.state != 0:
            self.state = -2 #cancel download
        self.localfile = browsewnd.dir + browsewnd.filename
        self.dir = browsewnd.dir
        #Check if the file already exists
        if os.path.exists(self.localfile):
            dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
            if dialog.yesno("Message", "The destination file already exists, continue?") == False:
                self.state = -2 #cancel download