class C_stree:
        The C_stree class provides methods for creating / navigating
        a tree composed of C_snodes. 
        A C_stree is an ordered (and nested) collection of C_snodeBranch 
        instances, with additional logic to match nodes with their parent
        The metaphor designed into the tree structure is that of a UNIX
        directory tree, with equivalent functions for 'cdnode', 'mknode'
        # Member variables
        #       - Core variables
        mstr_obj        = 'C_stree';            # name of object class
        mstr_name       = 'void';               # name of object variable
        m_id            = -1;                   # id of agent
        m_iter          = 0;                    # current iteration in an
                                                #       arbitrary processing 
                                                #       scheme
        m_verbosity     = 0;                    # debug related value for 
                                                #       object
        m_warnings      = 0;                    # show warnings 
        m_str           = None
        ml_cwd          = []
        msbranch_current= None
        msnode_current  = None
        msnode_root     = C_snode('/')
        msbranch_root   = None
        ml_allPaths     = []                    # Each time a new C_snode is
                                                #+ added to the tree, its path
                                                #+ list is appended to this
                                                #+ list variable.
        # Methods
        # Core methods - construct, initialise, id
        def core_construct(     self,
                                astr_obj        = 'C_stree',
                                astr_name       = 'void',
                                a_id            = -1,
                                a_iter          = 0,
                                a_verbosity     = 0,
                                a_warnings      = 0) :
            self.mstr_obj       = astr_obj
            self.mstr_name      = astr_name
            self.m_id           = a_id
            self.m_iter         = a_iter
            self.m_verbosity    = a_verbosity
            self.m_warnings     = a_warnings
        def __str__(self):
            self.m_str.write('%s' % self.msnode_root)
            return self.m_str.strget()
        def root(self):
          Reset all nodes and branches to 'root'
          str_treeRoot                  = '/'
          self.ml_cwd                   = [str_treeRoot]
          self.msnode_current           = self.msnode_root
          self.msbranch_current         = self.msbranch_root
        def __init__(self, al_rootBranch=[]):
            Creates a tree structure and populates the "root" 
            if not len(al_rootBranch):
              al_rootBranch             = ['/']
            if len(al_rootBranch):
              if not isinstance(al_rootBranch, list):
                al_rootBranch           = ['/']
            self.m_str                  = C_stringCore()
            str_treeRoot                = '/'
            self.ml_cwd                 = [str_treeRoot]
            self.msbranch_root          = C_snodeBranch([str_treeRoot])
            self.msnode_root            = self.msbranch_root.mdict_branch[str_treeRoot]
            self.msnode_root.msnode_parent      = self.msnode_root
            self.ml_allPaths            = self.ml_cwd[:]
            if len(al_rootBranch) and al_rootBranch != ['/']:
        def cwd(self):
          l_cwd         = self.ml_cwd[:]
          str_cwd       = '/'.join(l_cwd)
          if len(str_cwd)>1: str_cwd = str_cwd[1:]
          return str_cwd
        def pwd(self):
          return self.cwd()
        def ptree(self):
          return self.ml_allPaths
        def node_mustNotInclude(self, al_mustNotInclude, ab_reset=False):
          Sets the <mustNotInclude> list of msnode_current
          if ab_reset:
            self.msnode_current.ml_mustNotInclude = al_mustNotInclude[:]
            l_current   = self.msnode_current.ml_mustNotInclude[:]
            l_total     = l_current + al_mustNotInclude
            self.msnode_current.ml_mustNotInclude = l_total[:]
        def node_mustInclude(self, al_mustInclude, ab_reset=False):
          Sets the <mustInclude> list of msnode_current
          if ab_reset:
            self.msnode_current.ml_mustInclude = al_mustInclude[:]
            l_current   = self.msnode_current.ml_mustInclude[:]
            l_total     = l_current + al_mustInclude
            self.msnode_current.ml_mustInclude = l_total[:]
        def paths_update(self, al_branchNodes):
          Add each node in <al_branchNodes> to the self.ml_cwd and
          append the combined list to ml_allPaths
          for node in al_branchNodes:
            #print "appending %s" % node
            l_pwd       = self.ml_cwd[:]
            #print "l_pwd: %s" % l_pwd
            #print "ml_cwd: %s" % self.ml_cwd
        def mknode(self, al_branchNodes):
          Create a set of nodes (branches) at current node.
          b_ret = True
          # First check that none of these nodes already exist in the tree
          l_branchNodes = []
          for node in al_branchNodes:
            l_path      = self.ml_cwd[:]
            #print l_path
            #print self.ml_allPaths
            #print self.b_pathOK(l_path)
            if not self.b_pathOK(l_path):
          snodeBranch   = C_snodeBranch(l_branchNodes)
          for node in l_branchNodes:
            snodeBranch.mdict_branch[node].msnode_parent = self.msnode_current
          # Update the ml_allPaths
          return b_ret
        def b_pathOK(self, al_path):
          Checks if the absolute path specified in the al_path
          is valid for current tree
          b_OK  = True
          try:          self.ml_allPaths.index(al_path)
          except:       b_OK    = False
          return b_OK
        def b_pathInTree(self, astr_path):
          Converts a string <astr_path> specifier to a list-based
          *absolute* lookup, i.e. "/node1/node2/node3" is converted
          to ['/' 'node1' 'node2' 'node3'].
          The method also understands a paths that start with: '..' or
          combination of '../../..' and is also aware that the root
          node is its own parent.
          If the path list conversion is valid (i.e. exists in the
          space of existing paths, ml_allPaths), return True and the
          destination path list; else return False and the current
          path list.
          if astr_path == '/':  return True, ['/']
          al_path               = astr_path.split('/')
          # Check for absolute path
          if not len(al_path[0]):
            al_path[0]          = '/'
            #print "returning %s : %s" % (self.b_pathOK(al_path), al_path)
            return self.b_pathOK(al_path), al_path
          # Here we are in relative mode...
          # First, resolve any leading '..'
          l_path        = self.ml_cwd[:]
          if(al_path[0] == '..'):
            while(al_path[0] == '..' and len(al_path)):
              l_path    = l_path[0:-1]
              if(len(al_path) >= 2): al_path   = al_path[1:]
              else: al_path[0] = ''
              #print "l_path  = %s" % l_path
              #print "al_path = %s (%d)" % (al_path, len(al_path[0]))
              #print "extending %s with %s" % (l_path, al_path)  
            l_path      = self.ml_cwd
          #print "final path list = %s (%d)" % (l_path, len(l_path))
          if(len(l_path)>=1 and l_path[0] != '/'):      l_path.insert(0, '/')  
          if(len(l_path)>1):            l_path[0]       = ''
          if(not len(l_path)):          l_path          = ['/']
          #TODO: Possibly check for trailing '/', i.e. list ['']
          str_path      = '/'.join(l_path)
          #print "final path str  = %s" % str_path
          b_valid, al_path = self.b_pathInTree(str_path)
          return b_valid, al_path
        def cdnode(self, astr_path):
          Change working node to astr_path. 
          The path is converted to a list, split on '/'
          Returns the cdnode path
          # Start at the root and then navigate to the
          # relevant node
          l_absPath             = []
          b_valid, l_absPath    = self.b_pathInTree(astr_path)
          if b_valid:
            #print "got cdpath = %s" % l_absPath
            self.ml_cwd           = l_absPath[:]
            self.msnode_current   = self.msnode_root
            self.msbranch_current = self.msbranch_root
            #print l_absPath
            for node in l_absPath[1:]:
              self.msnode_current = self.msnode_current.mdict_contents[node]
            self.msbranch_current.mdict_branch = self.msnode_current.msnode_parent.mdict_contents
          return self.ml_cwd
        def ls(self, astr_path=""):
          return self.str_lsnode(astr_path)
        def str_lsnode(self, astr_path=""):
          Print/return the set of nodes branching from current node as string
          str_cwd       = self.cwd()
          if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(astr_path)
          for node in self.msnode_current.mdict_contents.keys():
            self.m_str.write('%s\n' % node)
          str_ls = self.m_str.strget()
          print str_ls
          if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(str_cwd)
          return str_ls
        def lst_lsnode(self, astr_path=""):
          Return the set of nodes branching from current node as list
          str_cwd       = self.cwd()
          if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(astr_path)
          lst = self.msnode_current.mdict_contents.keys()
          if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(str_cwd)
          return lst
        def lsbranch(self, astr_path=""):
          Print/return the set of nodes in current branch
          str_cwd       = self.cwd()
          if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(astr_path)
          self.m_str.write('%s' % self.msbranch_current.mdict_branch.keys())
          str_ls = self.m_str.strget()
          print str_ls
          if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(str_cwd)
          return str_ls
        def lstree(self, astr_path=""):
          Print/return the tree from the current node.
          str_cwd       = self.cwd()
          if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(astr_path)
          str_ls        = '%s' % self.msnode_current
          print str_ls
          if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(str_cwd)
          return str_ls
        def lsmeta(self, astr_path=""):
          Print/return the "meta" information of the node, i.e.
                o mustInclude
                o mustNotInclude
                o hitCount
          str_cwd       = self.cwd()
          if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(astr_path)
          b_contentsFlag        = self.msnode_current.mb_printContents
          self.msnode_current.mb_printContents = False
          str_ls        = '%s' % self.msnode_current
          print str_ls
          if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(str_cwd)
          self.msnode_current.mb_printContents  = b_contentsFlag
          return str_ls
        def treeRecurse(self, astr_startPath = '/', afunc_nodeEval = None):
          Recursively walk through a C_stree, starting from node

          The <afunc_nodeEval> is a function that is called on a node
          path. It is of form:


          and must return either True or False.
          [b_valid, l_path ] = self.b_pathInTree(astr_startPath)
          if b_valid and afunc_nodeEval:
            b_valid     = afunc_nodeEval(astr_startPath)
          #print 'processing node: %s' % astr_startPath
          if b_valid:
            for node in self.lst_lsnode(astr_startPath):
              if astr_startPath == '/': recursePath = "/%s" % node
              else: recursePath = '%s/%s' % (astr_startPath, node)
              self.treeRecurse(recursePath, afunc_nodeEval)
        # Simple error handling
        def error_exit(self, astr_action, astr_error, astr_code):
            print "%s: FATAL error occurred" % self.mstr_obj
            print "While %s," % astr_action
            print "%s" % astr_error
            print "\nReturning to system with code %s\n" % astr_code
文件: C_snode.py 项目: FNNDSC/snode
class C_stree:
        The C_stree class provides methods for creating / navigating
        a tree composed of C_snodes.

        A C_stree is an ordered (and nested) collection of C_snodeBranch
        instances, with additional logic to match nodes with their parent

        The metaphor designed into the tree structure is that of a UNIX
        directory tree, with equivalent functions for 'cdnode', 'mknode'

        # Methods

        def metaData_print(self, *args):
            if len(args):
                self.b_printMetaData    = args[0]
                return True
                return self.b_printMetaData

        def __init__(self, al_rootBranch=[]):
            Creates a tree structure and populates the "root"
            # Member variables
            #       - Core variables
            self.str_obj                = 'C_stree';    # name of object class
            self.str_name               = 'void';       # name of object variable
            self._id                    = -1;           # id of agent
            self._iter                  = 0;            # current iteration in an
                                                        #       arbitrary processing
                                                        #       scheme
            self._verbosity             = 0;            # debug related value for
                                                        #       object
            self._warnings              = 0;            # show warnings
            self.b_printMetaData        = False

            self.l_allPaths             = []            # Each time a new C_snode is
                                                        #+ added to the tree, its path
                                                        #+ list is appended to this
                                                        #+ list variable.
            if not len(al_rootBranch):
                al_rootBranch           = ['/']
            if len(al_rootBranch):
                if not isinstance(al_rootBranch, list):
                    al_rootBranch       = ['/']
            self.sCore                  = C_stringCore()
            str_treeRoot                = '/'
            self.l_cwd                  = [str_treeRoot]
            self.sbranch_root           = C_snodeBranch([str_treeRoot])
            self.snode_current          = None
            self.snode_root             = self.sbranch_root.dict_branch[str_treeRoot]
            self.snode_root.snode_parent = self.snode_root
            self.l_allPaths             = self.l_cwd[:]
            if len(al_rootBranch) and al_rootBranch != ['/']:

        def __str__(self):
            self.sCore.write('%s' % self.snode_root)
            return self.sCore.strget()

        def root(self):
            Reset all nodes and branches to 'root'.
            str_treeRoot                = '/'
            self.l_cwd                  = [str_treeRoot]
            self.snode_current          = self.snode_root
            self.sbranch_current        = self.sbranch_root

        def cwd(self):
            Return a UNIX FS type string of the current working 'directory'.
            l_cwd                       = self.l_cwd[:]
            str_cwd                     = '/'.join(l_cwd)
            if len(str_cwd)>1: str_cwd  = str_cwd[1:]
            return str_cwd

        def pwd(self):
            Prints the cwd
            return self.cwd()

        def ptree(self):
            Return all the paths in the tree.
            return self.l_allPaths

        def node_mustNotInclude(self, al_mustNotInclude, ab_reset=False):
            Either appends or resets the <mustNotInclude> list of snode_current
            depending on <ab_reset>.
            if ab_reset:
                self.snode_current.l_mustNotInclude = al_mustNotInclude[:]
                l_current   = self.snode_current.l_mustNotInclude[:]
                l_total     = l_current + al_mustNotInclude
                self.snode_current.l_mustNotInclude = l_total[:]

        def node_mustInclude(self, al_mustInclude, ab_reset=False):
            Either appends or resets the <mustInclude> list of snode_current
            depending on <ab_reset>.
            if ab_reset:
                self.snode_current.l_mustInclude = al_mustInclude[:]
                l_current   = self.snode_current.l_mustInclude[:]
                l_total     = l_current + al_mustInclude
                self.snode_current.l_mustInclude = l_total[:]

        def paths_update(self, al_branchNodes):
            Add each node in <al_branchNodes> to the self.ml_cwd and
            append the combined list to ml_allPaths. This method is
            typically not called by a user, but by other methods in
            this module.
            for node in al_branchNodes:
                #print "appending %s" % node
                l_pwd       = self.l_cwd[:]
                #print "l_pwd: %s" % l_pwd
                #print "ml_cwd: %s" % self.ml_cwd

        def mknode(self, al_branchNodes):
            Create a set of nodes (branches) at current node. Analogous to
            a UNIX mkdir call, however nodes can be any type (i.e. not
            just "directories" but also "files")
            b_ret = True
            # First check that none of these nodes already exist in the tree
            l_branchNodes = []
            for node in al_branchNodes:
                l_path      = self.l_cwd[:]
                #print l_path
                #print self.ml_allPaths
                #print self.b_pathOK(l_path)
                if not self.b_pathOK(l_path):
            snodeBranch   = C_snodeBranch(l_branchNodes)
            for node in l_branchNodes:
                depth = self.snode_current.depth()
                # if (self.msnode_current != self.msnode_root):
                snodeBranch.dict_branch[node].snode_parent = self.snode_current
            # Update the ml_allPaths
            return b_ret

        def cat(self, name):
            Returns the contents of the 'name'd element at this level.
            return self.snode_current.d_data[name]

        def touch(self, name, data):
            Append 'data' to the current node d_data dictionary under key 'name'
            b_OK = True
            # print("here!")
            # print(self.snode_current)
            # print(self.snode_current.d_nodes)
            self.snode_current.d_data[name] = data
            # print(self.snode_current)
            return b_OK

        def b_pathOK(self, al_path):
            Checks if the absolute path specified in the al_path
            is valid for current tree
            b_OK  = True
            try:          self.l_allPaths.index(al_path)
            except:       b_OK    = False
            return b_OK

        def b_pathInTree(self, astr_path):
            Converts a string <astr_path> specifier to a list-based
            *absolute* lookup, i.e. "/node1/node2/node3" is converted
            to ['/' 'node1' 'node2' 'node3'].

            The method also understands a paths that start with: '..' or
            combination of '../../..' and is also aware that the root
            node is its own parent.

            If the path list conversion is valid (i.e. exists in the
            space of existing paths, l_allPaths), return True and the
            destination path list; else return False and the current
            path list.
            if astr_path == '/':  return True, ['/']
            al_path               = astr_path.split('/')
            # Check for absolute path
            if not len(al_path[0]):
                al_path[0]          = '/'
                #print "returning %s : %s" % (self.b_pathOK(al_path), al_path)
                return self.b_pathOK(al_path), al_path
            # Here we are in relative mode...
            # First, resolve any leading '..'
            l_path        = self.l_cwd[:]
            if(al_path[0] == '..'):
                while(al_path[0] == '..' and len(al_path)):
                    l_path    = l_path[0:-1]
                    if(len(al_path) >= 2): al_path   = al_path[1:]
                    else: al_path[0] = ''
                    #print "l_path  = %s" % l_path
                    #print "al_path = %s (%d)" % (al_path, len(al_path[0]))
                    #print "extending %s with %s" % (l_path, al_path)
                l_path      = self.l_cwd
            #print "final path list = %s (%d)" % (l_path, len(l_path))
            if(len(l_path)>=1 and l_path[0] != '/'):      l_path.insert(0, '/')
            if(len(l_path)>1):            l_path[0]       = ''
            if(not len(l_path)):          l_path          = ['/']
            #TODO: Possibly check for trailing '/', i.e. list ['']
            str_path      = '/'.join(l_path)
            #print "final path str  = %s" % str_path
            b_valid, al_path = self.b_pathInTree(str_path)
            return b_valid, al_path

        def cdnode(self, astr_path):
            Change working node to astr_path.
            The path is converted to a list, split on '/'

            Returns the cdnode path


            # Start at the root and then navigate to the
            # relevant node
            l_absPath             = []
            b_valid, l_absPath    = self.b_pathInTree(astr_path)
            if b_valid:
                #print "got cdpath = %s" % l_absPath
                self.l_cwd              = l_absPath[:]
                self.snode_current      = self.snode_root
                self.sbranch_current    = self.sbranch_root
                #print l_absPath
                for node in l_absPath[1:]:
                    self.snode_current = self.snode_current.d_nodes[node]
                self.sbranch_current.dict_branch = self.snode_current.snode_parent.d_nodes
            return self.l_cwd

        def ls(self, astr_path="", **kwargs):
            b_lsData    = True
            b_lsNodes   = True
            if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(astr_path)
            str_nodes   = self.str_lsnode(astr_path)
            d_data      = self.snode_current.d_data
            for key, val in kwargs.iteritems():
                if key == 'data':   b_lsData    = val
                if key == 'nodes':  b_lsNodes   = val
            if b_lsData and b_lsNodes:
                return str_nodes, d_data
            if b_lsData:
                return d_data
            if b_lsNodes:
                return str_nodes
            return str_nodes, d_data

        def str_lsnode(self, astr_path=""):
            Print/return the set of nodes branching from current node as string
            str_cwd       = self.cwd()
            if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(astr_path)
            for node in self.snode_current.d_nodes.keys():
                self.sCore.write('%s\n' % node)
            str_ls = self.sCore.strget()
            if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(str_cwd)
            return str_ls

        def lstr_lsnode(self, astr_path=""):
            Return the string names of the set of nodes branching from
            current node as list of strings
            str_cwd       = self.cwd()
            if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(astr_path)
            lst = self.snode_current.d_nodes.keys()
            if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(str_cwd)
            return lst

        def lsbranch(self, astr_path=""):
            Print/return the set of nodes in current branch
            str_cwd       = self.cwd()
            if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(astr_path)
            self.sCore.write('%s' % self.sbranch_current.dict_branch.keys())
            str_ls = self.sCore.strget()
            if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(str_cwd)
            return str_ls

        def lstree(self, astr_path=""):
            Print/return the tree from the current node.
            str_cwd       = self.cwd()
            if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(astr_path)
            str_ls        = '%s' % self.snode_current
            if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(str_cwd)
            return str_ls

        def lsmeta(self, astr_path=""):
            Print/return the "meta" information of the node, i.e.
                o mustInclude
                o mustNotInclude
                o hitCount
            str_cwd       = self.cwd()
            if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(astr_path)
            b_contentsFlag        = self.snode_current.b_printContents
            self.snode_current.b_printContents = False
            str_ls        = '%s' % self.snode_current
            if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(str_cwd)
            self.snode_current.b_printContents  = b_contentsFlag
            return str_ls

        def tree_metaData_print(self, aval):

        def treeNode_metaSet(self, astr_path, **kwargs):
            Sets the metaData_print bit on node at <astr_path>.
            return True

        def treeRecurse(self, afunc_nodeEval = None, astr_startPath = '/'):
            Recursively walk through a C_stree, starting from node

            The <afunc_nodeEval> is a function that is called on a node
            path. It is of form:

                afunc_nodeEval(astr_startPath, **kwargs)

            and must return either True or False.
            [b_valid, l_path ] = self.b_pathInTree(astr_startPath)
            if b_valid and afunc_nodeEval:
                b_valid     = afunc_nodeEval(astr_startPath)
            #print 'processing node: %s' % astr_startPath
            if b_valid:
                for node in self.lstr_lsnode(astr_startPath):
                    if astr_startPath == '/': recursePath = "/%s" % node
                    else: recursePath = '%s/%s' % (astr_startPath, node)
                    self.treeRecurse(afunc_nodeEval, recursePath)

        # Simple error handling
        def error_exit(self, astr_action, astr_error, astr_code):
            print("%s: FATAL error occurred" % self.str_obj)
            print("While %s," % astr_action)
            print("%s" % astr_error)
            print("\nReturning to system with code %s\n" % astr_code)
class C_stree:
        The C_stree class provides methods for creating / navigating
        a tree composed of C_snodes.

        A C_stree is an ordered (and nested) collection of C_snodeBranch
        instances, with additional logic to match nodes with their parent

        The metaphor designed into the tree structure is that of a UNIX
        directory tree, with equivalent functions for 'cdnode', 'mknode'

    # Methods

    def metaData_print(self, *args):
        if len(args):
            self.b_printMetaData = args[0]
            return True
            return self.b_printMetaData

    def __init__(self, al_rootBranch=[]):
            Creates a tree structure and populates the "root"
        # Member variables
        #       - Core variables
        self.str_obj = 'C_stree'
        # name of object class
        self.str_name = 'void'
        # name of object variable
        self._id = -1
        # id of agent
        self._iter = 0
        # current iteration in an
        #       arbitrary processing
        #       scheme
        self._verbosity = 0
        # debug related value for
        #       object
        self._warnings = 0
        # show warnings
        self.b_printMetaData = False

        self.l_allPaths = []  # Each time a new C_snode is
        #+ added to the tree, its path
        #+ list is appended to this
        #+ list variable.
        if not len(al_rootBranch):
            al_rootBranch = ['/']
        if len(al_rootBranch):
            if not isinstance(al_rootBranch, list):
                al_rootBranch = ['/']
        self.sCore = C_stringCore()
        str_treeRoot = '/'
        self.l_cwd = [str_treeRoot]
        self.sbranch_root = C_snodeBranch([str_treeRoot])
        self.snode_current = None
        self.snode_root = self.sbranch_root.dict_branch[str_treeRoot]
        self.snode_root.snode_parent = self.snode_root
        self.l_allPaths = self.l_cwd[:]
        if len(al_rootBranch) and al_rootBranch != ['/']:

    def __str__(self):
        self.sCore.write('%s' % self.snode_root)
        return self.sCore.strget()

    def root(self):
            Reset all nodes and branches to 'root'.
        str_treeRoot = '/'
        self.l_cwd = [str_treeRoot]
        self.snode_current = self.snode_root
        self.sbranch_current = self.sbranch_root

    def cwd(self):
            Return a UNIX FS type string of the current working 'directory'.
        l_cwd = self.l_cwd[:]
        str_cwd = '/'.join(l_cwd)
        if len(str_cwd) > 1: str_cwd = str_cwd[1:]
        return str_cwd

    def pwd(self):
            Prints the cwd
        return self.cwd()

    def ptree(self):
            Return all the paths in the tree.
        return self.l_allPaths

    def node_mustNotInclude(self, al_mustNotInclude, ab_reset=False):
            Either appends or resets the <mustNotInclude> list of snode_current
            depending on <ab_reset>.
        if ab_reset:
            self.snode_current.l_mustNotInclude = al_mustNotInclude[:]
            l_current = self.snode_current.l_mustNotInclude[:]
            l_total = l_current + al_mustNotInclude
            self.snode_current.l_mustNotInclude = l_total[:]

    def node_mustInclude(self, al_mustInclude, ab_reset=False):
            Either appends or resets the <mustInclude> list of snode_current
            depending on <ab_reset>.
        if ab_reset:
            self.snode_current.l_mustInclude = al_mustInclude[:]
            l_current = self.snode_current.l_mustInclude[:]
            l_total = l_current + al_mustInclude
            self.snode_current.l_mustInclude = l_total[:]

    def paths_update(self, al_branchNodes):
            Add each node in <al_branchNodes> to the self.ml_cwd and
            append the combined list to ml_allPaths. This method is
            typically not called by a user, but by other methods in
            this module.
        for node in al_branchNodes:
            #print "appending %s" % node
            l_pwd = self.l_cwd[:]
            #print "l_pwd: %s" % l_pwd
            #print "ml_cwd: %s" % self.ml_cwd

    def mknode(self, al_branchNodes):
            Create a set of nodes (branches) at current node. Analogous to
            a UNIX mkdir call, however nodes can be any type (i.e. not
            just "directories" but also "files")
        b_ret = True
        # First check that none of these nodes already exist in the tree
        l_branchNodes = []
        for node in al_branchNodes:
            l_path = self.l_cwd[:]
            #print l_path
            #print self.ml_allPaths
            #print self.b_pathOK(l_path)
            if not self.b_pathOK(l_path):
        snodeBranch = C_snodeBranch(l_branchNodes)
        for node in l_branchNodes:
            depth = self.snode_current.depth()
            # if (self.msnode_current != self.msnode_root):
            snodeBranch.dict_branch[node].depth(depth + 1)
            snodeBranch.dict_branch[node].snode_parent = self.snode_current
        # Update the ml_allPaths
        return b_ret

    def cat(self, name):
            Returns the contents of the 'name'd element at this level.
        return self.snode_current.d_data[name]

    def touch(self, name, data):
            Append 'data' to the current node d_data dictionary under key 'name'
        b_OK = True
        # print("here!")
        # print(self.snode_current)
        # print(self.snode_current.d_nodes)
        self.snode_current.d_data[name] = data
        # print(self.snode_current)
        return b_OK

    def b_pathOK(self, al_path):
            Checks if the absolute path specified in the al_path
            is valid for current tree
        b_OK = True
            b_OK = False
        return b_OK

    def b_pathInTree(self, astr_path):
            Converts a string <astr_path> specifier to a list-based
            *absolute* lookup, i.e. "/node1/node2/node3" is converted
            to ['/' 'node1' 'node2' 'node3'].

            The method also understands a paths that start with: '..' or
            combination of '../../..' and is also aware that the root
            node is its own parent.

            If the path list conversion is valid (i.e. exists in the
            space of existing paths, l_allPaths), return True and the
            destination path list; else return False and the current
            path list.
        if astr_path == '/': return True, ['/']
        al_path = astr_path.split('/')
        # Check for absolute path
        if not len(al_path[0]):
            al_path[0] = '/'
            #print "returning %s : %s" % (self.b_pathOK(al_path), al_path)
            return self.b_pathOK(al_path), al_path
        # Here we are in relative mode...
        # First, resolve any leading '..'
        l_path = self.l_cwd[:]
        if (al_path[0] == '..'):
            while (al_path[0] == '..' and len(al_path)):
                l_path = l_path[0:-1]
                if (len(al_path) >= 2): al_path = al_path[1:]
                else: al_path[0] = ''
                #print "l_path  = %s" % l_path
                #print "al_path = %s (%d)" % (al_path, len(al_path[0]))
            if (len(al_path[0])):
                #print "extending %s with %s" % (l_path, al_path)
            l_path = self.l_cwd
        #print "final path list = %s (%d)" % (l_path, len(l_path))
        if (len(l_path) >= 1 and l_path[0] != '/'): l_path.insert(0, '/')
        if (len(l_path) > 1): l_path[0] = ''
        if (not len(l_path)): l_path = ['/']
        #TODO: Possibly check for trailing '/', i.e. list ['']
        str_path = '/'.join(l_path)
        #print "final path str  = %s" % str_path
        b_valid, al_path = self.b_pathInTree(str_path)
        return b_valid, al_path

    def cdnode(self, astr_path):
            Change working node to astr_path.
            The path is converted to a list, split on '/'

            Returns the cdnode path


        # Start at the root and then navigate to the
        # relevant node
        l_absPath = []
        b_valid, l_absPath = self.b_pathInTree(astr_path)
        if b_valid:
            #print "got cdpath = %s" % l_absPath
            self.l_cwd = l_absPath[:]
            self.snode_current = self.snode_root
            self.sbranch_current = self.sbranch_root
            #print l_absPath
            for node in l_absPath[1:]:
                self.snode_current = self.snode_current.d_nodes[node]
            self.sbranch_current.dict_branch = self.snode_current.snode_parent.d_nodes
        return self.l_cwd

    def ls(self, astr_path="", **kwargs):
        b_lsData = True
        b_lsNodes = True
        if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(astr_path)
        str_nodes = self.str_lsnode(astr_path)
        d_data = self.snode_current.d_data
        for key, val in kwargs.iteritems():
            if key == 'data': b_lsData = val
            if key == 'nodes': b_lsNodes = val
        if b_lsData and b_lsNodes:
            return str_nodes, d_data
        if b_lsData:
            return d_data
        if b_lsNodes:
            return str_nodes
        return str_nodes, d_data

    def str_lsnode(self, astr_path=""):
            Print/return the set of nodes branching from current node as string
        str_cwd = self.cwd()
        if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(astr_path)
        for node in self.snode_current.d_nodes.keys():
            self.sCore.write('%s\n' % node)
        str_ls = self.sCore.strget()
        if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(str_cwd)
        return str_ls

    def lstr_lsnode(self, astr_path=""):
            Return the string names of the set of nodes branching from
            current node as list of strings
        str_cwd = self.cwd()
        if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(astr_path)
        lst = self.snode_current.d_nodes.keys()
        if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(str_cwd)
        return lst

    def lsbranch(self, astr_path=""):
            Print/return the set of nodes in current branch
        str_cwd = self.cwd()
        if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(astr_path)
        self.sCore.write('%s' % self.sbranch_current.dict_branch.keys())
        str_ls = self.sCore.strget()
        if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(str_cwd)
        return str_ls

    def lstree(self, astr_path=""):
            Print/return the tree from the current node.
        str_cwd = self.cwd()
        if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(astr_path)
        str_ls = '%s' % self.snode_current
        if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(str_cwd)
        return str_ls

    def lsmeta(self, astr_path=""):
            Print/return the "meta" information of the node, i.e.
                o mustInclude
                o mustNotInclude
                o hitCount
        str_cwd = self.cwd()
        if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(astr_path)
        b_contentsFlag = self.snode_current.b_printContents
        self.snode_current.b_printContents = False
        str_ls = '%s' % self.snode_current
        if len(astr_path): self.cdnode(str_cwd)
        self.snode_current.b_printContents = b_contentsFlag
        return str_ls

    def tree_metaData_print(self, aval):

    def treeNode_metaSet(self, astr_path, **kwargs):
            Sets the metaData_print bit on node at <astr_path>.
        return True

    def treeRecurse(self, afunc_nodeEval=None, astr_startPath='/'):
            Recursively walk through a C_stree, starting from node

            The <afunc_nodeEval> is a function that is called on a node
            path. It is of form:

                afunc_nodeEval(astr_startPath, **kwargs)

            and must return either True or False.
        [b_valid, l_path] = self.b_pathInTree(astr_startPath)
        if b_valid and afunc_nodeEval:
            b_valid = afunc_nodeEval(astr_startPath)
        #print 'processing node: %s' % astr_startPath
        if b_valid:
            for node in self.lstr_lsnode(astr_startPath):
                if astr_startPath == '/': recursePath = "/%s" % node
                else: recursePath = '%s/%s' % (astr_startPath, node)
                self.treeRecurse(afunc_nodeEval, recursePath)

    # Simple error handling
    def error_exit(self, astr_action, astr_error, astr_code):
        print("%s: FATAL error occurred" % self.str_obj)
        print("While %s," % astr_action)
        print("%s" % astr_error)
        print("\nReturning to system with code %s\n" % astr_code)
文件: C_snode.py 项目: FNNDSC/snode
class C_snode:
        A "container" node class. This container is the
        basic building block for larger tree-like database

        The C_snode defines a single 'node' in this tree. It contains
        two lists, 'l_mustInclude' and 'l_mustNotInclude' that define
        the features described in the 'd_nodes' dictionary. This
        dictionary can in turn contain other C_snodes.

        # Methods
        def __init__(self,      astr_nodeName           = "",
                                al_mustInclude          = [],
                                al_mustNotInclude       = []
            #       - Core variables
            self.str_obj        = 'C_snode'      # name of object class
            self.str_name       = 'void'         # name of object variable
            self._id            = -1;            # id of agent
            self._iter          = 0;             # current iteration in an
                                                 #       arbitrary processing
                                                 #       scheme
            self._verbosity     = 0;             # debug related value for
                                                 #       object
            self._warnings      = 0;             # show warnings

            self.sCore          = C_stringCore()

            # The d_nodes is the basic building block of the C_snode container
            #+ class. It is simply a dictionary that contains 'nodes' that
            #+ satisfy a given feature set described by 'mustInclude' and
            #+ 'mustNotInclude'.
            #+ In general:
            #+  'snode_parent'      :       the parent node of this node -- useful
            #+                              for tree structuring.
            #+  '_hitCount'         :       count of hits for all items branching
            #+                              at this level. At the leaf level, this
            #+                              contains the length of 'contents'.
            #+  'l_mustInclude'     :       descriptive trait for specific feature
            #+                              level
            #+  'l_mustNotInclude'  :       exclusion trait for specific feature
            #+                              level
            #+  'd_nodes'           :       dictionary of child nodes branching
            #+                              from this node
            #+  'd_data'            :       a dictionary of data for *this* node
            #+ The pattern of 'mustInclude' and 'mustNotInclude' uniquely
            #+ characterizes a particular level. "Deeper" features (i.e. features
            #+ further along the dictionary tree) must satisfy the combined set
            #+ described by all the 'mustInclude' and 'mustNotInclude' traits of
            #+ each higher level.

            self.meta                   = C_meta()
            self.snode_parent           = None
            self.d_nodes                = {}
            self.d_data                 = {}
            self.b_printMetaData        = True
            self.b_printContents        = True
            self.b_printPre             = False
            self.str_nodeName           = astr_nodeName
            self.b_printPre             = False

        # Getters and setters

        def metaData_print(self, *args):
            if len(args):
                self.b_printMetaData    = args[0]
                return True
                return self.b_printMetaData

        def depth(self, *args):
            Get/set the depth of this node.
            if len(args):
                return self.meta.depth()

        def printPre(self, *args):
            get/set the str_pre string.
            if len(args):
                self.b_printPre = args[0]
                return self.b_printPre

        def str_blockIndent(astr_buf, a_tabs=1, a_tabLength=4, **kwargs):
            For the input string <astr_buf>, replace each '\n'
            with '\n<tab>' where the number of tabs is indicated
            by <a_tabs> and the length of the tab by <a_tabLength>

            Trailing '\n' are *not* replaced.
            str_tabBoundary = " "
            for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
              if key == 'tabBoundary':  str_tabBoundary = value
            b_trailN = False
            length = len(astr_buf)
            ch_trailN = astr_buf[length - 1]
            if ch_trailN == '\n':
              b_trailN = True
              astr_buf = astr_buf[0:length - 1]
            str_ret = astr_buf
            str_tab = ''
            str_Indent = ''
            for i in range(a_tabLength):
                str_tab = '%s ' % str_tab
            str_tab = "%s%s" % (str_tab, str_tabBoundary)
            for i in range(a_tabs):
                str_Indent = '%s%s' % (str_Indent, str_tab)
            str_ret = re.sub('\n', '\n%s' % str_Indent, astr_buf)
            str_ret = '%s%s' % (str_Indent, str_ret)
            if b_trailN: str_ret = str_ret + '\n'
            return str_ret

        def __str__(self):
            str_pre     = ""
            if not self.depth():
                str_pre = "o"
                str_pre = "+"
            self.sCore.write('%s---%s\n' % (str_pre, self.str_nodeName))
            if self.b_printPre:
                str_pre = "|"
                str_pre = " "
            if self.b_printMetaData: self.sCore.write('%s' % self.meta)

            for key, value in self.d_data.iteritems():
                self.sCore.write('%s   +--%-17s %s\n' % (str_pre, key, value))

            nodeCount     = len(self.d_nodes)
            if nodeCount and self.b_printContents:
                self.sCore.write('%s   +---+\n' % str_pre )
                elCount   = 0
                lastKey   = self.d_nodes.keys()[-1]
                for node in self.d_nodes.keys():
                    if node == lastKey:
                    str_contents = C_snode.str_blockIndent('%s' %
                        self.d_nodes[node], 1, 8, tabBoundary = "")
                    # str_contents = re.sub(r'                ', 'xxxxxxxx|xxxxxxx', str_contents)
                    if self.d_nodes[node].printPre():
                        str_contents = re.sub(r'                ', '        |       ', str_contents)
                    elCount   = elCount + 1
            return self.sCore.strget()

        # Simple error handling
        def error_exit(self, astr_action, astr_error, astr_code):
            print("%s: FATAL error occurred"                % self.str_obj)
            print("While %s,"                               % astr_action)
            print("%s"                                      % astr_error)
            print("\nReturning to system with code %s\n"    % astr_code)

        def node_branch(self, al_keys, al_values):
            For each node in <al_values>, add to internal contents
            dictionary using key from <al_keys>.
            if len(al_keys) != len(al_values):
                self.error_exit("adding branch nodes", "#keys != #values", 1)
            ldict = dict(zip(al_keys, al_values))

        def node_dictBranch(self, adict):
            Expands the internal md_nodes with <adict>
class C_snode:
        A "container" node class. This container is the
        basic building block for larger tree-like database

        The C_snode defines a single 'node' in this tree. It contains
        two lists, 'l_mustInclude' and 'l_mustNotInclude' that define
        the features described in the 'd_nodes' dictionary. This
        dictionary can in turn contain other C_snodes.

    # Methods
    def __init__(self,
        #       - Core variables
        self.str_obj = 'C_snode'  # name of object class
        self.str_name = 'void'  # name of object variable
        self._id = -1
        # id of agent
        self._iter = 0
        # current iteration in an
        #       arbitrary processing
        #       scheme
        self._verbosity = 0
        # debug related value for
        #       object
        self._warnings = 0
        # show warnings

        self.sCore = C_stringCore()

        # The d_nodes is the basic building block of the C_snode container
        #+ class. It is simply a dictionary that contains 'nodes' that
        #+ satisfy a given feature set described by 'mustInclude' and
        #+ 'mustNotInclude'.
        #+ In general:
        #+  'snode_parent'      :       the parent node of this node -- useful
        #+                              for tree structuring.
        #+  '_hitCount'         :       count of hits for all items branching
        #+                              at this level. At the leaf level, this
        #+                              contains the length of 'contents'.
        #+  'l_mustInclude'     :       descriptive trait for specific feature
        #+                              level
        #+  'l_mustNotInclude'  :       exclusion trait for specific feature
        #+                              level
        #+  'd_nodes'           :       dictionary of child nodes branching
        #+                              from this node
        #+  'd_data'            :       a dictionary of data for *this* node
        #+ The pattern of 'mustInclude' and 'mustNotInclude' uniquely
        #+ characterizes a particular level. "Deeper" features (i.e. features
        #+ further along the dictionary tree) must satisfy the combined set
        #+ described by all the 'mustInclude' and 'mustNotInclude' traits of
        #+ each higher level.

        self.meta = C_meta()
        self.snode_parent = None
        self.d_nodes = {}
        self.d_data = {}
        self.b_printMetaData = True
        self.b_printContents = True
        self.b_printPre = False
        self.str_nodeName = astr_nodeName
        self.b_printPre = False

    # Getters and setters

    def metaData_print(self, *args):
        if len(args):
            self.b_printMetaData = args[0]
            return True
            return self.b_printMetaData

    def depth(self, *args):
            Get/set the depth of this node.
        if len(args):
            return self.meta.depth()

    def printPre(self, *args):
            get/set the str_pre string.
        if len(args):
            self.b_printPre = args[0]
            return self.b_printPre

    def str_blockIndent(astr_buf, a_tabs=1, a_tabLength=4, **kwargs):
            For the input string <astr_buf>, replace each '\n'
            with '\n<tab>' where the number of tabs is indicated
            by <a_tabs> and the length of the tab by <a_tabLength>

            Trailing '\n' are *not* replaced.
        str_tabBoundary = " "
        for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            if key == 'tabBoundary': str_tabBoundary = value
        b_trailN = False
        length = len(astr_buf)
        ch_trailN = astr_buf[length - 1]
        if ch_trailN == '\n':
            b_trailN = True
            astr_buf = astr_buf[0:length - 1]
        str_ret = astr_buf
        str_tab = ''
        str_Indent = ''
        for i in range(a_tabLength):
            str_tab = '%s ' % str_tab
        str_tab = "%s%s" % (str_tab, str_tabBoundary)
        for i in range(a_tabs):
            str_Indent = '%s%s' % (str_Indent, str_tab)
        str_ret = re.sub('\n', '\n%s' % str_Indent, astr_buf)
        str_ret = '%s%s' % (str_Indent, str_ret)
        if b_trailN: str_ret = str_ret + '\n'
        return str_ret

    def __str__(self):
        str_pre = ""
        if not self.depth():
            str_pre = "o"
            str_pre = "+"
        self.sCore.write('%s---%s\n' % (str_pre, self.str_nodeName))
        if self.b_printPre:
            str_pre = "|"
            str_pre = " "
        if self.b_printMetaData: self.sCore.write('%s' % self.meta)

        for key, value in self.d_data.iteritems():
            self.sCore.write('%s   +--%-17s %s\n' % (str_pre, key, value))

        nodeCount = len(self.d_nodes)
        if nodeCount and self.b_printContents:
            self.sCore.write('%s   +---+\n' % str_pre)
            elCount = 0
            lastKey = self.d_nodes.keys()[-1]
            for node in self.d_nodes.keys():
                if node == lastKey:
                str_contents = C_snode.str_blockIndent('%s' %
                # str_contents = re.sub(r'                ', 'xxxxxxxx|xxxxxxx', str_contents)
                if self.d_nodes[node].printPre():
                    str_contents = re.sub(r'                ',
                                          '        |       ', str_contents)
                elCount = elCount + 1
        return self.sCore.strget()

    # Simple error handling
    def error_exit(self, astr_action, astr_error, astr_code):
        print("%s: FATAL error occurred" % self.str_obj)
        print("While %s," % astr_action)
        print("%s" % astr_error)
        print("\nReturning to system with code %s\n" % astr_code)

    def node_branch(self, al_keys, al_values):
            For each node in <al_values>, add to internal contents
            dictionary using key from <al_keys>.
        if len(al_keys) != len(al_values):
            self.error_exit("adding branch nodes", "#keys != #values", 1)
        ldict = dict(zip(al_keys, al_values))

    def node_dictBranch(self, adict):
            Expands the internal md_nodes with <adict>