    def __init__(self, history, themeName=DEFAULT_THEME_NAME):
        self.history = history

        self.promptText = None
        self.promptStyle = None
        self.responseStyle = None

        self.inputLimit = None

        # Initialize the transcripts
        self.transcripts = [[]]
        self.transcript = self.transcripts[0]

        # Set the themes
        self.onThemeSet = NamedSignal('onThemeSet')

        # Install the filter and document listener
        self.filter = CommandDocumentFilter()

        self.listener = CommandDocumentListener(self.history)
文件: document.py 项目: NicMcPhee/jes
    def __init__(self, history, themeName=DEFAULT_THEME_NAME):
        self.history = history

        self.promptText = None
        self.promptStyle = None
        self.responseStyle = None

        self.inputLimit = None

        # Initialize the transcripts
        self.transcripts = [[]]
        self.transcript = self.transcripts[0]

        # Set the themes
        self.onThemeSet = NamedSignal('onThemeSet')

        # Install the filter and document listener
        self.filter = CommandDocumentFilter()

        self.listener = CommandDocumentListener(self.history)
文件: document.py 项目: NicMcPhee/jes
class CommandDocument(DefaultStyledDocument):
    This is the document subclass used for the JES command window.
    Its only responsibilities compared to a normal document are protecting
    everything written by the program up to the last prompt, and keeping
    the History up to date with what the current prompt text is.
    def __init__(self, history, themeName=DEFAULT_THEME_NAME):
        self.history = history

        self.promptText = None
        self.promptStyle = None
        self.responseStyle = None

        self.inputLimit = None

        # Initialize the transcripts
        self.transcripts = [[]]
        self.transcript = self.transcripts[0]

        # Set the themes
        self.onThemeSet = NamedSignal('onThemeSet')

        # Install the filter and document listener
        self.filter = CommandDocumentFilter()

        self.listener = CommandDocumentListener(self.history)

    def setTheme(self, themeName):
        Updates all the existing styles, and recolors the command window
        to match the new styles if any text is present.
        # Pick our fonts!
        self.defaultFontFamily = \
        self.monoFontFamily = 'Monospaced'

        # Check that the theme exists
        if themeName not in THEMES:
            themeName = DEFAULT_THEME_NAME

        self.themeName = themeName
        self.theme = theme = THEMES[themeName]

        # Set the default style
        baseStyle = self.getStyle('default')
        StyleConstants.setBackground(baseStyle, theme.backgroundColor)
        self._setStyle(baseStyle, theme.defaultStyle)

        # Set the pretty text styles
        existingStyles = set(self.getStyleNames())
        for name in ALL_STYLES:
            if name in existingStyles:
                style = self.getStyle(name)
                style = self.addStyle(name, baseStyle)

            styleSpec = theme.styles.get(name, (None, None))
            styleSpec = (
                (theme.defaultStyle[0] if styleSpec[0] is None else styleSpec[0]),
                (theme.defaultStyle[1] if styleSpec[1] is None else styleSpec[1])
            self._setStyle(style, styleSpec)


    def _recolorDocument(self):
        # Reapply character styles to the text in the transcript
        offset = 0
        for styleName, text in self.transcript:
            length = len(text)
            self.setCharacterAttributes(offset, length,
                                        self.getStyle(styleName), False)
            offset += length

        # Reapply character styles to the user input
        if self.responseStyle:
            self.setCharacterAttributes(offset, self.getLength() - offset,

    def _setStyle(self, attrSet, styleSpec):
        flags, color = styleSpec

        StyleConstants.setForeground(attrSet, color)

        if flags & MONOSPACE:
            StyleConstants.setFontFamily(attrSet, self.monoFontFamily)
            StyleConstants.setFontFamily(attrSet, self.defaultFontFamily)

    def getBackgroundColor(self):
        Returns the background color that this document's editor window
        should have.
        return self.theme.backgroundColor

    def getDefaultTextColor(self):
        Returns the default text color. (The theme really should specify one!)
        return self.theme.defaultStyle[1]

    def setFontSize(self, size):
        Updates the document to have the provided font size.
        # First, we need to resize all the existing text.
        attr = SimpleAttributeSet()
        StyleConstants.setFontSize(attr, size)
        self.setCharacterAttributes(0, self.getLength(), attr, False)

        # Next, ensure that new text is given the proper size.
        for name in self.getStyleNames():
            StyleConstants.setFontSize(self.getStyle(name), size)

    def append(self, text, style):
        Writes text at the end of the document, in a specific style.
        self.transcript.append(TranscriptLine(style, text))
        self.insertString(self.getLength(), text, self.getStyle(style))

    def openPrompt(self, promptText, promptStyle, responseStyle):
        Indicates a prompt to draw on the screen, and starts displaying
        user input in response. This requires the history to have already
        been activated.
        if self.promptText is not None:
            raise Exception("A prompt is currently being displayed!")

        self.promptText = promptText
        self.promptStyle = promptStyle
        self.responseStyle = responseStyle


    def closePrompt(self):
        Suspends the prompt, then resets it so a different prompt can be
        displayed. After this, you should either commit or close the history.
        if self.promptText is None:
            raise Exception("A prompt is not being displayed!")

        self.promptText = None
        self.promptStyle = None
        self.responseStyle = None

    def resumePrompt(self):
        Draws the prompt and starts allowing user input again,
        also locking the program from writing before the prompt.
        if self.promptText is None:
            raise Exception("A prompt is not being displayed!")

        self.append(self.promptText, self.promptStyle)

        self.inputLimit = self.getLength()
        self.filter.enable(self.inputLimit, self.getStyle(self.responseStyle))


    def suspendPrompt(self):
        Stops allowing user input and moves the caret to the next line,
        so content can be printed to the command window by the program
        without restriction.
        if self.promptText is None:
            raise Exception("A prompt is not being displayed!")

        inputLength = self.getLength() - self.inputLimit
        text = self.getText(self.inputLimit, inputLength)
        self.transcript.append(TranscriptLine(self.responseStyle, text))

        self.inputLimit = None

    def setResponseText(self, text):
        Replaces the current response text with some new text.
        if self.inputLimit is None:
            raise Exception("A prompt is not being displayed!")

        offset = self.inputLimit
        self.replace(offset, self.getLength() - offset, text, self.getStyle(self.responseStyle))

    def ensureNewline(self, style):
        Ensures that there's a newline at the end of the buffer,
        so that anything appended will appear at the start of the line.
        length = self.getLength()
        if length != 0 and self.getText(length - 1, 1) != '\n':
            self.append('\n', style)

    def clear(self):
        Erase everything in the document.
        self.transcript = self.transcripts[-1]
        self.remove(0, self.getLength())
class CommandDocument(DefaultStyledDocument):
    This is the document subclass used for the JES command window.
    Its only responsibilities compared to a normal document are protecting
    everything written by the program up to the last prompt, and keeping
    the History up to date with what the current prompt text is.
    def __init__(self, history, themeName=DEFAULT_THEME_NAME):
        self.history = history

        self.promptText = None
        self.promptStyle = None
        self.responseStyle = None

        self.inputLimit = None

        # Initialize the transcripts
        self.transcripts = [[]]
        self.transcript = self.transcripts[0]

        # Set the themes
        self.onThemeSet = NamedSignal('onThemeSet')

        # Install the filter and document listener
        self.filter = CommandDocumentFilter()

        self.listener = CommandDocumentListener(self.history)

    def setTheme(self, themeName):
        Updates all the existing styles, and recolors the command window
        to match the new styles if any text is present.
        # Pick our fonts!
        self.defaultFontFamily = \
        self.monoFontFamily = 'Monospaced'

        # Check that the theme exists
        if themeName not in THEMES:
            themeName = DEFAULT_THEME_NAME

        self.themeName = themeName
        self.theme = theme = THEMES[themeName]

        # Set the default style
        baseStyle = self.getStyle('default')
        StyleConstants.setBackground(baseStyle, theme.backgroundColor)
        self._setStyle(baseStyle, theme.defaultStyle)

        # Set the pretty text styles
        existingStyles = set(self.getStyleNames())
        for name in ALL_STYLES:
            if name in existingStyles:
                style = self.getStyle(name)
                style = self.addStyle(name, baseStyle)

            styleSpec = theme.styles.get(name, (None, None))
            styleSpec = ((theme.defaultStyle[0]
                          if styleSpec[0] is None else styleSpec[0]),
                          if styleSpec[1] is None else styleSpec[1]))
            self._setStyle(style, styleSpec)


    def _recolorDocument(self):
        # Reapply character styles to the text in the transcript
        offset = 0
        for styleName, text in self.transcript:
            length = len(text)
            self.setCharacterAttributes(offset, length,
                                        self.getStyle(styleName), False)
            offset += length

        # Reapply character styles to the user input
        if self.responseStyle:
                                        self.getLength() - offset,

    def _setStyle(self, attrSet, styleSpec):
        flags, color = styleSpec

        StyleConstants.setForeground(attrSet, color)

        if flags & MONOSPACE:
            StyleConstants.setFontFamily(attrSet, self.monoFontFamily)
            StyleConstants.setFontFamily(attrSet, self.defaultFontFamily)

    def getBackgroundColor(self):
        Returns the background color that this document's editor window
        should have.
        return self.theme.backgroundColor

    def getDefaultTextColor(self):
        Returns the default text color. (The theme really should specify one!)
        return self.theme.defaultStyle[1]

    def setFontSize(self, size):
        Updates the document to have the provided font size.
        # First, we need to resize all the existing text.
        attr = SimpleAttributeSet()
        StyleConstants.setFontSize(attr, size)
        self.setCharacterAttributes(0, self.getLength(), attr, False)

        # Next, ensure that new text is given the proper size.
        for name in self.getStyleNames():
            StyleConstants.setFontSize(self.getStyle(name), size)

    def append(self, text, style):
        Writes text at the end of the document, in a specific style.
        self.transcript.append(TranscriptLine(style, text))
        self.insertString(self.getLength(), text, self.getStyle(style))

    def openPrompt(self, promptText, promptStyle, responseStyle):
        Indicates a prompt to draw on the screen, and starts displaying
        user input in response. This requires the history to have already
        been activated.
        if self.promptText is not None:
            raise Exception("A prompt is currently being displayed!")

        self.promptText = promptText
        self.promptStyle = promptStyle
        self.responseStyle = responseStyle


    def closePrompt(self):
        Suspends the prompt, then resets it so a different prompt can be
        displayed. After this, you should either commit or close the history.
        if self.promptText is None:
            raise Exception("A prompt is not being displayed!")

        self.promptText = None
        self.promptStyle = None
        self.responseStyle = None

    def resumePrompt(self):
        Draws the prompt and starts allowing user input again,
        also locking the program from writing before the prompt.
        if self.promptText is None:
            raise Exception("A prompt is not being displayed!")

        self.append(self.promptText, self.promptStyle)

        self.inputLimit = self.getLength()
        self.filter.enable(self.inputLimit, self.getStyle(self.responseStyle))


    def suspendPrompt(self):
        Stops allowing user input and moves the caret to the next line,
        so content can be printed to the command window by the program
        without restriction.
        if self.promptText is None:
            raise Exception("A prompt is not being displayed!")

        inputLength = self.getLength() - self.inputLimit
        text = self.getText(self.inputLimit, inputLength)
        self.transcript.append(TranscriptLine(self.responseStyle, text))

        self.inputLimit = None

    def setResponseText(self, text):
        Replaces the current response text with some new text.
        if self.inputLimit is None:
            raise Exception("A prompt is not being displayed!")

        offset = self.inputLimit
                     self.getLength() - offset, text,

    def ensureNewline(self, style):
        Ensures that there's a newline at the end of the buffer,
        so that anything appended will appear at the start of the line.
        length = self.getLength()
        if length != 0 and self.getText(length - 1, 1) != '\n':
            self.append('\n', style)

    def clear(self):
        Erase everything in the document.
        self.transcript = self.transcripts[-1]
        self.remove(0, self.getLength())