	def player_lost(self, player, send_game_end):
		Removes player from game, notifies
		player.current_game = None
		player.state = PlayerState.LoggedIn()
		player.planets = []
		del self.game.tech[player]
		for (k, p) in self.game.map.planets.items(): # Free his planets from tyranny
			if p['player'] is player:
				p['player'] = None
		t = datetime.today().strftime('%H:%M')
		if not self.has_game_ended(): # If game has ended, nobody cares about players leaving
			for p in self.game.players: # Let's notify others about player loss!
				p.socket.send(Common.json_message('gamePlayerLeft', {'username': player.username, 'time': t}, p.socket.get_next_message_id()))
		if send_game_end: # Does the player still care, or has he just... disconnected?
			message = self.game_end_message()
			message['endType'] = 'loss'
			player.socket.send(Common.json_message('gameEnd', message, player.socket.get_next_message_id()))
	def game_end(self):
		Ends the game
		self.game.state = Model.Game.FINISHED
		self.game.time = int(time.time() - self.game_start_time)
		for p in self.game.players:
			message = self.game_end_message()
			message['endType'] = 'gameEnd'
			p.current_game = None
			p.planets = []
			p.state = PlayerState.LoggedIn()
			p.socket.send(Common.json_message('gameEnd', message, p.socket.get_next_message_id()))
		if Database.USING_DATABASE:
		if self.game in Model.games:
	def run(self):
		This method runs everything, literally
		It's even called "run"
		But we call it with "GameManager.start()"
		I think it's not quite acceptable in this era that promotes equality so much, is it?
		"run" method has feelings too! It wants to be called too!
		Join now our movement at http://stoprundiscrimination.com/ and show them we're much more equal than they are!
		game = self.game
		game.state = Model.Game.IN_PROGRESS
		self.round = 1
		self.round_commands = {}
		self.round_ready = []
		self.round_fleets_to_deploy = {}

		# Do not create game entry in database if a player is autistic enough to play with themselves
		if len(game.players) > 1 and Database.USING_DATABASE:

		for p in game.players:
			# Set 0 level tech for everyone
			game.tech[p] = {
				'offensive': 0,
				'defensive': 0,
				'economic': 0,
				'points': 0
			# Set 0 for every stat for everyone
			for (k, s) in game.stats.items():
				s[p.username] = 0

		# Put everyone in place

		Common.console_message('Game %d started!' % game.id)

		while game.state == Model.Game.IN_PROGRESS: # As long as game is not finished!
			self.round_ready = []
			# We wait for players to be ready
			# TODO timeout
			while game.state == Model.Game.IN_PROGRESS:
				if self.has_game_ended(): # Has the game ended?
					return None
				if set(game.players).issubset(self.round_ready): # Everyone is ready!
					break # RatajException

			# Has someone lost in the previous round?
			for p in self.game.players:
				if len(p.planets) == 0:
					self.player_lost(p, True)
			# Thus, has the game ended?
			if self.has_game_ended():
				return None

			self.round_commands = {}
			round_time = Constants.ROUND_TIME
			current_map = game.map.get_current_state()
			for p in game.players:
				fleets_to_deploy = self.game.map.fleets_per_turn(p)
				self.round_fleets_to_deploy[p] = fleets_to_deploy
				object_to_send = {
					'players': [pl.username for pl in game.players],
					'map': current_map,					
					'tech': game.tech[p],					
					'fleetsToDeploy': fleets_to_deploy,
					'roundTime': round_time
				p.socket.send(Common.json_message('roundStart', object_to_send, p.socket.get_next_message_id()))
			round_start_time = time.time()
			while time.time() - round_start_time < round_time and game.state == Model.Game.IN_PROGRESS:
				if self.has_game_ended(): # Has the game ended?
					return None
				if set(game.players).issubset(self.round_commands.keys()): # Everyone sent their orders
					break # RatajException
			# Assume that round has ended and we have everyone's orders
			# Zero, randomize the players!
			# First, we put them in order: deploys first, moves next
			commands = self.order_commands()
			# And now let's execute them, shall we?
			results = self.execute_commands(commands)
			# Then send the results to all players
			for p in self.game.players:
				p.socket.send(Common.json_message('roundEnd', results, p.socket.get_next_message_id()))
			# ...has someone won the game, accidentally?
			if self.has_game_ended():
				return None
			# And to the next round!
			self.round += 1