    def __init__(self, driver, stringDict={}, conf=None):
        if conf == None:
            logging.info("%s Config file is None" %
            conf = ConfigFile.Config()

        self._assertionDebug = conf.ASSERTION_DEBUG
        self.PACKAGE_NAME = conf.PACKAGE_NAME
        self.DEVICE_NAME = driver.capabilities['deviceName']
        self.driver = driver
        self.stringDict = stringDict
        self.midX = driver.get_window_size()['width'] // 2
        self.midY = driver.get_window_size()['height'] // 2
        self._content = 'android:id/content'
        self._alertTitle = 'android:id/alertTitle'
        self._message = 'android:id/message'
        self._button1 = 'android:id/button1'
        self._button2 = 'android:id/button2'
        self.webkit_class = 'android.webkit.WebView'
        self.n_test_cases = 0
        self.n_test_pass = 0
        self.n_test_fail = 0
        self.l_test_fail = list()
        self.tls = TestLink(conf.DEVKEY, conf.TESTLINK_URL,
                            str(conf.TESTPLANID), str(conf.BUILDID),
                            str(conf.PLATFORMID), conf.RESULTASSIGNMENT,
        self.conf = conf
    def __init__(self, driver, stringDict={}, conf=None):
        if conf == None:
            conf = ConfigFile.Config()
        self.conf = conf
        self.PACKAGE_NAME = self.conf.PACKAGE_NAME
        self.DEVICE_NAME = driver.capabilities['deviceName']

        self._ramSSCounter = 0
        if 'RAMDUMP' not in os.listdir():

        self._gfxSSCounter = 0
        if 'GFXDUMP' not in os.listdir():
        self.driver = driver
        self.stringDict = stringDict
    def __init__(self, driver, stringDict={}, conf=None):
        if conf == None:
            conf = ConfigFile.Config()

        self._assertionDebug = conf.ASSERTION_DEBUG
        self.driver = driver
        self.stringDict = stringDict
        self.n_test_cases = 0
        self.n_test_pass = 0
        self.n_test_fail = 0
        self.l_test_fail = list()
        self.DEVICE_NAME = driver.name
        self.tls = TestLink(conf.DEVKEY, conf.TESTLINK_URL,
                            str(conf.TESTPLANID), str(conf.BUILDID),
                            str(conf.PLATFORMID), conf.RESULTASSIGNMENT,
        self.conf = conf
	def getDriver(self, port = 4723, installAppium = True, resetApp = False, config = ConfigFile.Config()):
		'''Initialize driver and return an initialized driver.
		port: int, default 4723
			Port number of appium server. Set up another server on another port to run a parallelized test.
			Default value is 4723. 
		installAppium: bool, default True
			Install appium settings on device under test. Set to False IF appium settings has been installed, speed up initialization process
			Default value is True
		resetApp: bool, default False
			Reset application under test, revert to newly installed condition. Same as clear data before launch or fresh install.
			Default value is False
		config: Configuration file
			May be left blank and it will use ConfigFile.Config() file if parameter was left blank'''
			logging.info("Checking for adb.exe executable ...")
			subprocess.run('adb.exe version')
			logging.info("adb.exe executable is not found on PATH variable")
			logging.info("using supplied adb.exe files inside Utils folder")
			self._adbPrefix = '.\\Utils\\platform-tools\\'
		deviceName = config.DEVICE_NAME
		self._appPackage = config.PACKAGE_NAME
		self._appActivity = config.MAIN_ACTIVITY
		if not deviceName:
			deviceName = subprocess.getoutput(self._adbPrefix + 'adb.exe devices').splitlines()[1].split('\t')[0]
			_cmd = self._adbPrefix + 'adb.exe shell getprop ro.build.version.release'
			_cmd = self._adbPrefix + 'adb.exe -s ' + deviceName + ' shell getprop ro.build.version.release'
		if self._appPackage == None or self._appActivity == None:
			self._appPackage = 'com.android.settings'
			self._appActivity = '.Settings'
			logging.info("%s either appPackage or appActivity is empty, starting in Android Settings Activity" % deviceName)

		_platformVersion = subprocess.getoutput(_cmd)
		self._desired_caps = {
			'platformName': 'Android',
			'platformVersion': _platformVersion,
			'udid': deviceName,
			'deviceName': deviceName,
			'automationName': 'UiAutomator2',
			'skipServerInstallation': 'true',
			'dontStopAppOnReset': 'true',
			'newCommandTimeout': '1200'
		if config.APK_LOCATION is not None:
			logging.info("Config.APK_LOCATION is not empty. Overriding any ACTIVITY_NAME or PACKAGE_NAME")
			logging.info("using and installing apk from %s" % config.APK_LOCATION)
			self._appLocation = config.APK_LOCATION
			self._desired_caps['app'] = self._appLocation
			self._appLocation = None
			self._desired_caps['appPackage'] = self._appPackage
			self._desired_caps['appActivity'] = self._appActivity

		self._desired_caps['autoWebView'] = 'true'
		self._port = port
		self._deviceName = deviceName
		if installAppium:
			self._desired_caps['skipServerInstallation'] = 'false'
			self._desired_caps['skipServerInstallation'] = 'true'
		logging.info('%s %s' % (deviceName, str(self._desired_caps)))
		logging.info('%s connecting to %s' % (deviceName, deviceName)) 
		self._driver = webdriver.Remote('' + str(port) + '/wd/hub', desired_capabilities = self._desired_caps, keep_alive =True)
		self._width = self._driver.get_window_size()['width']
		self._height = self._driver.get_window_size()['height']
		self.config = config
		logging.info('%s connected' % deviceName)
		if resetApp: self._driver.reset()
		return self._driver