def encode_with_key(file_data, keypath):
    formatted_pb = Keys.read_key(keypath)
    public = Keys.deformat_key(formatted_pb)
    k = public[6]
    clear_data = Conversions.bytes2int_list(file_data, k >> 3)
    ciph_data = cipher_data(clear_data, public)
    return ciph_data
def encode_no_key(file_data, keypath, k, password):
    private, public = generate_keys(k)
    private = Keys.cipher_key(password, private)
    formatted_pb = Keys.format_key(public)
    Keys.write_key(keypath, "private_key.txt", private)
    Keys.write_key(keypath, "public_key.txt", formatted_pb)

    clear_data = Conversions.bytes2int_list(file_data, k >> 3)
    ciph_data = cipher_data(clear_data, public)
    return ciph_data
def apply(x):
    if x < 3:
        mode = 0
        while mode != 1 and mode != 2:
            mode = int(
                input("Mode de (dé)chiffrement : \n\t1. ECB\n\t2. CBC\n"))
        key_len = 0
        while (key_len != 256) and (key_len != 512) and (key_len != 1024):
            key_len = int(input("Taille de la clé en bits(256/512/1024): "))
        file_key = input("Chemin du fichier de la clé: ")
        passwd_user = input("Mot de passe pour chiffrer la clé: ")
        file_path = input("Chemin du fichier à (dé)chiffrer : ")
        word_len = 64
        num_words = int(key_len / word_len)
        word_len_bytes = int(word_len / 8)

        if x == 1:
            file_data = IO.readfile(file_path, word_len, 1)
            file_data_list = Util.organize_data_list(file_data, num_words)
            encrypted_file = ThreeFish.threefish_chiffrement(
                file_data_list, mode, key_len, passwd_user, file_key)
            IO.write_2D_list(file_path, encrypted_file, word_len_bytes)
            IO.rename_file(file_path, 0)

            print("Chiffrement terminé.")

        elif x == 2:
            ciph_data = IO.readfile(file_path, word_len, 0)
            ciph_data_list = Util.organize_data_list(ciph_data, num_words)
            clear_file_data, valeur_pad = ThreeFish.threefish_dechiffrement(
                ciph_data_list, mode, key_len, word_len, passwd_user, file_key)
            IO.write_file_list_pad(file_path, clear_file_data, word_len_bytes,
            IO.rename_file(file_path, 1)

            print("Déchiffrement terminé.")

    elif x == 3:
        filepath = input("Chemin du fichier à chiffrer:")
        file_data = IO.read_bytes(filepath)
        ans = ''
        while ans != 'y' and ans != 'n' and ans != 'Y' and ans != 'N':
            ans = input("Avez-vous un fichier de clé publique ? (y/n) ")
        if ans == 'y' or ans == 'Y':
            keypath = input("Chemin de la clé publique: ")
            ciph_data = CramerShoup.encode_with_key(file_data, keypath)
            k = int(input("Taille de clé souhaitée en bits: "))
            password = input("Mot de passe pour chiffrer la clé privée: ")
            keypath = input("Chemin du répertoire des clés: ")
            ciph_data = CramerShoup.encode_no_key(file_data, keypath, k,

        ciph_bytes = Conversions.int_list2bytes(ciph_data, 8)
        IO.write_bytes(filepath, ciph_bytes)
        IO.rename_file(filepath, 0)

        print("Chiffrement terminé.")

    elif x == 4:
        filepath = input("Chemin du fichier à déchiffrer: ")
        file_data = IO.read_bytes(filepath)
        keypath = input("Chemin de la clé privée: ")
        password = input("Mot de passe: ")

        ciph_data = Conversions.bytes2int_list(file_data, 8)
        clear_data = CramerShoup.decode(ciph_data, keypath, password)
        IO.write_bytes(filepath, clear_data)
        IO.rename_file(filepath, 1)

        print("Déchiffrement terminé.")

    elif x == 5:
        hash_len = 0
        while hash_len != 256 and hash_len != 512 and hash_len != 1 and hash_len != 2:
            hash_len = int(input("1. BLAKE-256\n2. BLAKE-512\n"))
        if hash_len < 256:
            hash_len *= 32
            hash_len //= 8

        filepath = input("Chemin du fichier: ")
        with open(filepath, 'r') as rfile:
            file_data = rfile.read()

        ans = ''
        while ans != 'y' and ans != 'n' and ans != 'Y' and ans != 'N':
            ans = input("Protéger l'empreinte ? (y/n) ")

        key = ''
        if ans == 'y' or ans == 'Y':
            key = input("Mot de passe: ")

        h = hex(Hash.blake_hash(file_data, hash_len, key)) + '\n'

        # Rename file : "name.ext" -> "name~hash.ext"
        path = filepath.split('/')
        last = len(path) - 1
        filename = path[last].split('.')
        filename[0] += '~hash'
        path[last] = '.'.join(filename)
        filepath = '/'.join(path)

        with open(filepath, 'w') as wfile:

    elif x == 6:
        hash_len = 0
        while hash_len != 256 and hash_len != 512 and hash_len != 1 and hash_len != 2:
            hash_len = int(input("1. BLAKE-256\n2. BLAKE-512\n"))
        if hash_len < 256:
            hash_len *= 32
            hash_len //= 8

        filepath = input("Chemin du fichier: ")
        with open(filepath, 'r') as rfile:
            file_data = rfile.read()

        hashpath = input("Chemin du hash: ")
        with open(hashpath, 'r') as hfile:
            hash = hfile.read()

        ans = ''
        while ans != 'y' and ans != 'n' and ans != 'Y' and ans != 'N':
            ans = input("Empreinte protégée ?(y/n) ")

        key = ''
        if ans == 'y' or ans == 'Y':
            key = input("Mot de passe: ")

        h = hex(Hash.blake_hash(file_data, hash_len, key)) + '\n'

        if h == hash:
            print("Les empreintes sont égales.")
            print("Les empreintes ne correspondent pas.")