import sys

#Generate the data from the basis function
if(len(sys.argv) == 1):
	#Generate the order of the random true polynomial function
	trueOrder = random.randint(1,10)	
	D = Data.genData(trueOrder)
elif(sys.argv[1] == "nonpoly"):
	D = Data.genNonPoly()
	raise Exception("Invalid command line argument")

#In the following, D is the data set which has all the x values as its first entry and the y values as its second.

error,order = CV.kFoldErrorChoose(D[0],D[1],10,5)

#Graph the points on the base polynomial

#Add Gaussian noise to the data outputs
D[1] = Data.addGaussianNoise(D[1],1.0/2000)

#Graph them as points in blue

#Estimate the coefficients of the polynomial with best order
fit = Regression.polyTrain(D[0],D[1],order)

#Get the function's estimates for the training x values
z = [fit(i) for i in D[0]]